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1、外研版四年级英语上册期末考试测试卷听力部分(30分))内。每小题听两遍。(10 分)1、A. COmPUterB. ClaSSrOOmC. ChineSe2、A. doctorB. driverC.door3、A. StrOngB. ShOrtC. ShOe4、A. ParentSB. PIateC. PhOne5、A. fanB. forkC.friendly6、A. homeB. hairC. hat7、A. ChiCkenB. ChOPStiCkSC.Candy8、A. Is She in the IiVing room?听录音,选出你所听到的单词、短语或句子,将序号填入题前括号B. I

2、S this the teacher,s office?9、C. Is She your mother?A. What,s your father,s job?B. What,s his father,s job?C. What's her father,s job?10、 A. Let,s CIean the WindOWB. Let Ine Clean the windows.C. Let US Clean the WanS听录音,选出与你所听内容相符的图片,将序号填入题前括号内。每小题听两遍。(10分))1、)2、A.B.三.听录音,根据所听内容,选择正确的应答语,将序号填入题前

3、括号 内。每小题听两遍。(10分)A、Her name is Lily.Many desks and ChairSMany books.No, he isn,t.Yes, She isrftShe is in the bathroomShe is a doctor,He is a ClriVer.HiSjOb is a COOkYes,it is d Iike SOme ChiCken.Yes,please 2.3、4、B、c、A、B、C、A、B、C、A.B.C.5、A、OK.B、It is in the deskC、She is in the IiVing room笔试部分(70分)四. 找

4、出不同类的单词,将其序号填在括号里。5分)五.按要求写单词。(5分)thi n(反义词)have(第三人称单数形式).Iet us(缩写形式) glass(复数形式).they(宾格形式)六、单项选择。(10分)()1、-is Lily?A. HOW many()2、Where is the Cat ?A. ItShe,s eleveruB. HOW OldC. HOWis in the kitchen.B.HeC.She)3、IS Mike in the bathroom? Yes,is.A. heB. itC. She)4、ISin the study? No,She isn,t.A. S

5、heB. heC. it)5、What COIOUr is your notebook? It'sA. quietB. StrOngC. brown)6、 My SChOOlbag is There are many books in it.A、heavy B、CUte C、 Small)7、 MiSS White is a teacher, Shetall and thinA. areB. isC. am)8、Webooks in the classroom.A. haveB. hasC. are()1、A. SOfaB. PhOneC. tableD. glasses()2、A.

6、hisB. herC. SheD. your()3、A. tallB. thinC.ShOeD. friendly()4、A. COOkB. driverC. nurseD. ImCIe()5、A. WallB.doorC. COmPUterD. floorA.beefsB. beefC. beefes)9、d Iike SOme for dinne匚()10、 一 maths book it is? -It's John's A.WhereB.WhoseC. When七、用所给词的适当形式填空。(10分)1、 HOW many(PeOPle/peoples) are ther

7、e in your family?2、What,s your (fathersfather5s) job ?3、There(areis) many StUdentS in OUr SChOOL4、What WOUld you Iike ? I (like/'d Iike) SOme chicken.5、He(have/has) two black eyes and ShOrt hai匚八、选择合适的选项,将句子补充完整,将序号填在横线上。(10分)A. WhO B. What5s C. HOW many D. Where E. What1、一WOUld you like? Fd Iik

8、e SOme bread2、一in your SChOOlbag? An EngliSh book,a math book and a toy.3、一is your friend? -My friend is Sarah.4、一boys are there in your classroom? -Forty-five5、一is Amy? She is in the IiVing room九、连词成句。(注意句首字母和标点符号正确,书写工整。)(10分)1、teacher ,s, is, where, desk, the (?)2、would, you , what, dinner, for,

9、Iike (?)3 WhO, best, is, friend, your (?)4、SChOOIbag, what, is, in, your (?)5、 your, what's, job, aunt's ()()1、COUSin()2、 fridge()3、 blackboard()4> ParentS()5、PhOne()6> Candy()7、SOUP()8、 key()9n UnCle()10、 IightA钥匙B.黑板C 灯D. 汤E. 同辈表亲F. 舅父G. 糖果H. 冰箱I. 电话J. 父母+>情景搭配,从B栏中选出A栏的应答语,将序号填入题前括号内。(10 分)A()1、WlIafS your UnCle,s job?()2、WOUId you Iike SOmejUice?()3、IS your aunt a nurse?()4、What WOUId you like?()5、HOW many StUdentS are in your class?BA. YeS ,she is B. Fd Iike SOme VegetabIeSC. Thirty-three.D He's a drive匚E.NoJhanks.d Iike SOme noodles卜一、英汉搭配(10分)


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