人教版七年级上册英语-Unit4 Where's my schoolbag Period3 课件 .ppt

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1、Wheres my backpack?,Unit 4 Period3,Topic: Things around the house.Function: Talk about where things are.,2d Role-play the conversation.,Mom: Come on, Jack!Jack: Oh, no! Wheres my bag?Mom: Hmmis it on your desk?Jack: No. And its not under the chair.Mom: Oh! Its on the sofa.Jack: Thank you, Mom. Errwh

2、eres the map?Mom: I think its in your grandparents room.Jack: Yes, its on their bed! And my hat?Mom: Its on your head!Jack: Oh, yeah! Haha!,Lets chant,Wall, wall, on the wall;Sofa, sofa, under the sofa;Dresser, dresser, on the dresser;Table, table, near the table;Chair, chair, behind the chair.Drawe

3、r, drawer, in the drawer;Bookcase, bookcase, in the bookcase;Bag, bag, in the bag;,a hat,a tape player,a model plane,a tape,Are they your?,Tom,No, they arent. They are his, Toms.,Task 4:Guess Game,Where is/are.,Is it on /under/ behind the ? Are they on /under/ behind the ?,radio _ 2. clock _3. Tape

4、player _ 4. model plane _5. tape _ 6. hat _,a,c,d,f,b,e,Find the following things in Toms room.,hat, CD, alarm clock, video tape, computer game, math book, schoolbag, pencils, bookcase, books, telephone, door, ruler, pencil case, notebook, bed ,Look at the picture and write down all the things you c

5、an remember.,Listen and circle the things Tom wants from his room. 圈出房间里汤姆想要的东西。,1c,English books tape player clock ruler notebook tape model plane radio,今天当Tom来到学校,发现把下列物品丢在家里了, 所以打电话给妈妈,要求送来。,Listen again. Where are Tommys things? Write them down. 汤米的东西在哪里? 记录下来。,The English books are under the ra

6、dio.,Franks tape is in the tape player.,The CDs are on the bookcase.,The notebook is under the model plane in the bookcase.,The ruler is on the bed.,1d,M: Hello.T: Hi, Mom. Could you bring some things to school for me?M: OK.T: I need my English booksM: English books? Where are your English books?T:

7、Hmm, theyre on the chairoh, no, theyre under the radio.M: OK.T: And I need my ruler. Its on the bed. And my notebook.M: Wheres your notebook?T: Uh, I dont know. Ohits under the model plane in the bookcase .And Franks tape. He needs it.M: Wheres his tape?T: Oh, its in the tape player.M: OK. Meet you

8、at one at your school.T: Thanks, Mom.,今天当Tom来到学校,发现把下列物品丢在家里了: his soccer ball, his dictionary and pencils, 所以打电话给妈妈,要求送来。,Model: A: Hello. B: Hi, mum, I need some things at school. Could you bring them to school for me? A: Sure. B: I need my A: Your?Where is/are your ?B: Oh, its/theyre./ I dont kno

9、w. Er, is it/ are they?.A: OK, Ill take them to you at one oclock. Meet you at one at school.B: Thanks, Mom!,Pairwork:,Model: A: Hello. B:Hi,mum, I need some things at school. Could you bring them to school for me? A: Sure. B: I need my .A: OK, Ill take them to you at one oclock. Meet you at one at

10、your school.B: Thanks, Mom!,Tidy your room. Tidy you life.,Grammar Focus(语法重点),Wheres = Where is,Picture (图片) 1,Picture 2,Report(报告): In Picture1, the schoolbag isBut in Picture 2, the schoolbag isIn Picture 1, the keys are. But in Picture2, the keys are.,Talk about your room.,Hello, everyone. This

11、is my room. Its a nice room. In my room, my desk is beside the bed. My books are in the bookcase. I have a clock. Its on the wall. In a word, I have a nice room. Its tidy and clean.,Hello, everyone. This is my room. Its a nice room. In my room, I have a clock. Its on the wall. In a word, I have a nice room. Its tidy and clean.,


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