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1、,学习目标,I can talk about feelings. 我会谈论感受。,I can care for others. 我学会关心他人。,I can understand and read the story.我能理解并表演课文故事。,Whats the matter,Lily?,Im hungry. Can you help me?,Lily,Whats the matter,Miss Yao?,Im ill(生病的). Can you help me?,hill,some water,Story time,Baqiao Center Primary School Stone,B&a

2、mp;C,Tip:仔细观看卡通,选出问题的答案,He is hungry.He is thirsty.He is tired.(累的)He is ill.,What does Liu Tao want to do?刘涛想要做什么?,thirsty,tired,some water,go to bed,If you were Liu Tao,what do you want to do?如果你是刘涛,你想怎么做?,Take care of yourself ! 学会照顾自己 !,Just for you.,How do Liu Taos Mum and Dad care for him?刘涛的父

3、母是如何关心刘涛的?,How do Liu Taos Mum and Dad care for him?刘涛的父母是如何关心刘涛的?,Come and have a pie, Taotao.,Whats the matter,Taotao? Are you ill?,Give more care to our parents! 多关心父母!,Just for you.,Tips:跟读模仿,理解故事内容,Tips:跟读模仿,理解故事内容,晚安,Tips: 选择你喜欢的方式读课文。,和同伴分角色读,组长领读,小组内齐读,Lets summary,1.当你想知道对方怎么了,可以说:,2.当你知道对方

4、不舒服,可以如何表示关心:,3.当你自己不舒服,可以如何寻求帮助:,Homework,1.听录音,有感情地朗读课文不 少于三遍。 2.小组内尝试表演课文。3.回去对父母说一句关心的话。,Tom,Ben,Jim,可用句型一:A: Are you ?B: Yes,I am.No, Im not. I want to.Can I have .?,可用句型二:A: Whats the matter?B: Im(hungry/thirsty/ill/tired).A: Come and have a/an/someB: Thank you.,One for all, all for one.我为人人,人

5、人为我。,Whats the matter,David?,Im thirsty. Can you help me?,some water,David,吃,喝,Are you ? 你(是)了吗?,肯定回答:,否定回答:,Yes, I am. 是的,我是.,No, Im not. 不,我不是.,Listen and sayRules(规则): If I say “Im cold”, you should say “Im not cold”;if I say “Im not cold”, you should say “Im cold”.,别忘了加上你的动作哦!,A: Whats the matte

6、r,?B: Im. Are you?A: Yes, I am./ No, Im not.,-Whats the matter?,-Im ill.,你怎么了?,生病的,Whats the matter?,Where?,Who?,When?,Q1: Who are they?Q2: Where are they?Q3: When does the story happen? (故事发生在何时?) A. After dinner B. Before(之前)dinner,Q1: Who are they? Q2: Where are they?Q3: When does the story happe

7、n? (故事发生在何时?)After dinner B. Before(之前)dinner,They are Liu Tao , his father and his mother.,They are at home.,Whats the matter, Liu Tao?,刘涛,你怎么啦?,( ),E,Tips:仔细读课文,选出问题的答案,Im hungry.Im ill.Im thirsty. Im tired.E. C and DF. A,B,C and D,Im thirsty.,Can I have some water?我能喝一些水吗?,I want to go to bed.我想上

8、床。,Im tired.,Tips:先大声朗读课文,再根据上下文理解词义,并划下重要的句子.,口渴的,疲劳的,Can I have some water?,I want to go to bed.,当我们想表达自己的感受或想法时,可以用下面句型!请大声地读一读!提示:特别注意红色的单词的用法,Can I have ?,I want to .,如果你是刘涛,你想要什么呢?,Brainstorm头脑风暴,Scene 1,Im thirsty.,Im tired.,Scene 2,口渴的,疲劳的,Tips:跟读模仿,理解故事内容,Tips:跟读模仿,理解故事内容,亲爱的,晚安,Tips:三人分角色朗

9、读,Tips:三人分角色表演,注意动作和表情。,刘涛那么累,原来是因为下午的时候,他跟苏海一起打了乒乓球,刘涛发生了什么事呢?两人一组, 选择一副图片,根据图片情景编对话.,A: Whats the matter,?B: Im . Can I have ? I want to .A: Here you are.B: Thank you.,有用的词组: (hungry)a hamburger, a pie,a sandwich, a hot dog,a bar of chocolate,some bread,some rice, (tired)go to beda cup of coffee/t

10、ea ,Tips:1.你可以加上礼貌用语。2. 你可以借助于短语提示也可以自由发挥想象。3.表演时,加上你的肢体语言,会使你的对话更精彩哦!,I can,Whats the matter?,Im,I want to .,当你看到别人不太舒服,想关心他时,你会说什么?,当你回答别人的询问时,可以说:,当你想要表达自己的感受或想法时,你可以说:,当你想知道别人是否饿了,你可以问:,Are you hungry?,Can I have?,Homework,2.Act the story in groups.(小组内表演故事,下节课继续表演哦。),Listen and read the story, try to recite it. (听读课文,尝试背诵),3.Make a new dialogue with your partners using the sentences that we have learned. (用本课所学句型和你的同学编一个新的对话。),


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