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1、Outdoor fun,Integrated skills,Lin Wen,Free talk,This is my first time to be with you. I feel very excited.,Do you know any outdoor activities?,running,swimming,skating,camping,horse riding,cycling,What outdoor activity I would like to do?,fly kites,on sunny and windy days,Whose kites are these?,Task

2、 One,What do their kites look like?,Millie,a bird,a plane,Simon,a fish,Amy,a square,正方形,Daniel,Amy Millie Daniel Simon,is famous for kites/making kites,Do you want to see more kites?,Shandong Province,Weifang,be/become famous for sth./doing sth.,因而闻名,/prvins/,We can use to make kites.,用做风筝,What can

3、we use to make kites?,What can we make kites out of?,paper,bamboo,wood,We can make kites out of .,/wud/,/bambu /,译:我们用玻璃制瓶子。,= We make bottles out of glass.,We use glass to make bottles.,Who made the first kite in history?,Mozi,over 2000 years ago,20 centuries,eriod (一段时间,时期),wars (战争),the Warring S

4、tates period,(战国时期),/pirid/,/sentri /,a century,a student of Mozi,Lu Ban,good at making things,inventor,Cai Lun,good at making paper,in the Eastern Han dynasty,(朝代,王朝),/dinsti/,In the 13th century,an Italian man,people in the West,from Italy /itli /,马可 波罗,visited China,tell about,/tljn/,/m:ku, pulu/

5、,Lu Ban,Mozi,d,c,Cai Lun,b,Marco Polo,a,Task Two,a told people in the West all about kites,b found a new way to make paper,c used bamboo to make kites,d made a bird out of wood,Millie wants to learn more about the history of kites. Listen again and help her write down.,Task Three,Kites have a long h

6、istory in China. The Chinese began to make kites over _years ago. In the Warring States period, a famous man, _, made a bird out of _. That was the first kite in history. His student _ used bamboo to make kites. In the Eastern Han dynasty, _found a new way to make paper, and then people began to use

7、 paper to make kites.,2,000,Mozi,wood,Lu Ban,Cai Lun,(1),(2),(3),(4),(5),In the _century, an Italian man called _visited China. He told people in the _all about kites. In the Ming and Qing dynasties, kite flying became a very popular _activity. Weifang, a city in Shandong Province, has become famous

8、 for making _from then on.,13th,Marco Polo,West,outdoor,kites,(6),(10),(7),(8),(9),excited, great,fly kites,go swimming,mobile phone,happy, excited, glad,fly kites, take photos, cook food, go boating,go swimming, pick flowers, play with fire dangerous,food, mobile phone, cameras,outdoor activities:

9、go camping/climbing/fishing/jogging / fly kites,A: going camping excited.B: be a fun day.A: B: enjoy clean air and take photos.A: climb trees?B: dangerous.A: take your camera.B: Shall we go?,A: We are today. Im so B: Me too. Itll A: What can we do there,?B: We canA: Good. Can we B: No, Im afraid not

10、. Its A: I see. Remember to B: Ok. Now everything is ready.,A: We are today. Im so B: Me too. Itll A: What can we do there,?B: We canA: Good. Can we B: No, Im afraid not. Its A: I see. Remember to B: Ok. Now everything is ready.,A: going camping excited.B: be a fun day.A: B: enjoy clean air and take

11、 photos.A: climb trees?B: dangerous.A: take your camera.B: Shall we go?,happy,enjoy the beauty of the place,play with firedangerous,water,Task Four,Work in pairs and make up dialogues,Exercises,Homework,Remember the words, phrases and sentencesPractice the conversationPreview Study skills,Thank you!,


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