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1、牛津高中英语,(模块九 高三上学期),Advance with English,Reading(2),Director: Devin Liu,Unit,3,National flags, colours and cultures,Unit 3,课件描述:,本课件为reading的第二课时 ,重点在课文字、词、句型的讲解和掌握。第一部分复习上节课的内容;第二部分侧重于语言点的解析;第三部分在此基础上通过各种练习对学生进行有针对性的操练。,Outline,RevisionLanguage pointsPractice,Revision (1) the national flags:,France,

2、USA,Indonesia,Tricolore,Stars and Stripes,Revision (2)Questions,Whats the motto of the French Revolution?What do the stars and the stripes of the American flag stand for?Whats the Indonesian national flag like?,Liberty, equality and fraternity.,The stars stand for the 50 states of the US. The stripe

3、s stand for the original 13 states.,Its a red band over a white one.,Revision (3)Multiple choice 1,According to the passage, a countrys flag tells you the following information except _. A. the origin of the country B. its values and beliefs C. the culture of the country D. its history and future,D,

4、Revision (3)Multiple choice 2,What was the result of the French Revolution? A. It was successful in ridding society of inequality. B. It helped create the “Tricolore”. C. It had little effect on many other countries. D. The French used red, white and blue in their flag.,A,Revision (3)Multiple choice

5、 3,The “stars and Stripes” is closely related to _. A. the values of America B. the World War II C. the French Revolution D. the independence of the USA,D,Revision (3)Multiple choice 4,Which of the following statements about the Indonesian flag is true? A. The red color stands for courage. B. The wh

6、ite band indicates the equator. C. The flag is a white band over a red one. D. The colours are linked to food.,D,Language Points (1)rid,rid (verb) rid-rid-rid riddingrid of 去除,清除rid oneself of something,Will science finally rid us of cancer?,Further measures need to be taken to rid this area of crim

7、e.,He tried hard to rid himself of the fear.,Its not easy to rid oneself of a bad habit.,get rid of,Language Points (2)substitute,substitute (verb)substitute A for/with Bsubstitute (noun) 替代品,They substituted sugar for honey in this drink.,You can substitute meat with soy product.,a meat substitute,

8、Germany brought on a substitute in the second half.,a milk substitute,Vitamins are no substitute for a healthy diet.,Language Points (3)make up,组成 to combine together to form somethingmake upbe made up of,Women made up 40% of the population.,Three separate stories make up the book.,The book is made

9、up of three separate stories.,The club is made up of students from 10 schools.,Language Points (4)date,date (verb)date back todate from,The castle dates back to 1887.,This custom dates back to the 17th century.,The church dates from the 13th century.,Her interest in stamp collection dates from her c

10、hildhood.,Language Points (5)considerate,considerate (adj.)体谅的,体贴的 always thinking of what other people need or want and being careful not to upset them,She is always polite and considerate towards her employees.,It was very considerate of you to let usknow you were going to be late.,Language Points

11、 (5)considerate-consideration,consideration (noun)深思,仔细考虑 careful thought and attention, esp. before making an official or important decision体谅,顾及 the quality of thinking about other peoples feelings and being careful not to upset them,After some consideration, he agreed to drop the plan.,You need t

12、o give serious consideration to your health.,She showed no consideration for other peoples feelings .,Your kindness and consideration will not be forgotten.,takeinto considerationWe will take your suggestion into consideration.,Practice 1 -Pair work,1. starvation 2. conclusion3. strengthened4. subst

13、itute5. influential6. outspoken7. tolerate8. having a say9. optional10. considerate,A. replace, take the place ofB. extreme hungerC. saying exactly what one thinks, even if other people do not like itD. having or exercising influence or powerE. put up with, bear, standF. thinking about the feelings

14、and needs of other peopleG. the end of somethingH. possible but not necessaryI. made strong or strongerJ. having a right or chance to express opinions,B,G,I,A,D,C,E,J,H,F,Practice 2 Complete the following sentences:,1. These flags are not only just colourful pieces of cloth that are sewn togother. T

15、hese flags are _ _ just colourful pieces of cloth _ togother. 2. The French Revolution succeeded in getting rid of inequality, which influenced many countries in Europe. The French Revolution was_ in _ the society of inequality, which _ _ _ _ _ many _ countries.,more than,sewn,had a great effect on,

16、European,successful,ridding,Practice 2 Complete the following sentences:,3. The American colonists wanted independence very much, but the British were against this. The American colonists _ independence, but the British _ this.4. The three colours are a visual reminder of the motto of the Revolution

17、-Liberty, equality and fraternity. The three colours _ people _ the motto of the Revolution-Liberty, equality and fraternity.,desired,opposed,remind of,Practice 2 Complete the following sentences:,5. On the Indonesian flag the colours are related to food. On the Indonesian flag the colours _ _ _ _ f

18、ood.6. A flag tells us something about the country it stands for and often is a symbol the orignin of that country. A flag tell us something about the country it _ and often _ the origin of that country.7. Many people died from lack of food. Many people died of _.,have a link with,represents,symboli

19、zes,starvation,Practice 3Translate the following sentences into English:,1. 人们的工作经历一定要考虑在内。 Peoples work experience must be _.2. 越来越多的人用布口袋来替代塑料口袋。 More and more people _ ones made of cloth.3. 你的生意如果能由这些原则所引导,将会取得成功。 _, your business will be a success. 4. 他们再也无法容忍在政府里没有发言权。 They could no longer _ in

20、 the government.,taken into consideration,substitute plastic bags with/for,Guided by these principles,tolerate not having a say,Practice 3Translate the following sentences into English:,5. 这个节日可以追溯到一千年前。 This festival can _ 1000 years ago.6. 这次改革导致了全国的一些根本性的改变。 This reform _ throughout the country.7

21、. 医疗队由来自不同医院的20位医生和护士组成。 The medical team _twenty doctors and nurses from various hospitals.8. 你被动的话是无法得到这样好的一个机会的。 You cannot get such a good chance _.,date back to,led to some fundamental changes,is made up of,by being passive,Homework,Go over what we have learned today.Finish Ex. E on P 37.,Thank you,


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