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1、Project,Unit,3,Making a reference book,Warming up,(1) How many ethnic groups do we have in China?,55,白族,苗族,纳西族,傣族,壮族,满族,藏族,回族,Inuit women,Aboriginal girl,Maoris dancing,Native American,Scan and skim,Ethnic groups,Inuit,Aborigines,Maoris,Native American Indians,Travelling, family, food, customs, fest

2、ivals, belief,Tour-1 Tour-2,Ceremony, belief, food, art, hunting, tools,Try to find the topic of each tour,Tour-3Tour-4,belief, living, clothing, hunting, culture,belief, customs, food,Reading & Filling,Reading,Read the travel brochure and finish the table below:,Canada,seal, deer, whalemeat, fi

3、sh,tents,have large summerassemblies,Inuit children,Igloo iglu:,Australia,food from the bush like snakes,have Aboriginal ceremonies,play the musicalsand use boomerangs,not mentioned,Aborigine .bridni ,Boomerang bu:mr ,New Zealand,fish and sweet potatoes,Meeting house,do a dance,eat food cooked in un

4、derground ovens and go night fishing,Fish and kumarakumr,Cooked over hot stones and in underground ovensvn,the USA,Meat roasted over anopen fire,A special tent,wear animalskin clothes, do a dance called Sun Dance and hold a bow and arrow competition,teepee ti:pi:,buffalo skin clothesbflu ,feather he

5、address,A bow and arrow bu rucompetition,the Sun Dance,smoke a peace pipe,Buffalo roasted over an open fire,Langrage points,account n 描述,叙述;账目;原因 v. 说明;解释,open an account 开设账户 take -into account=take account of 考虑到 on account of 因为 on no account 绝不 on this account 考虑到这种情况 account for 解释,,他对最近的事件给了简短

6、的叙述。 由于天气不好,我们将启程的时间推迟了。,He gave a brief account of recent happenings.,We delayed our departure on account of the bad weather.,对工作我们决不能马虎。 他一定要向主席说明他是如何花公司的钱的。,On no account can we be carless with our work.,He has to account to the chairman for how he spends the companys money.,useful phrases:,be co

7、nnected withgreet one another by shaking hands a slight bow with the hands pressed together cultural experience tours the travel company with a difference,与联系,用握手互相问候,双手合十并微微鞠躬,文化体验之旅,与众不同的旅游公司,experience for yourself their traditions, customs and way of life have the chance to do sth ride on a dog

8、sled travel in a seal-skin boat,亲身体验他们的传统,风俗和生活方式,有机会做某事,乘坐狗拉雪橇,划用海豹皮制成的皮筏子,in the Arctic Circlelive in small family groups have large summer assemblies listen to traditional accounts of bravery,在北极圈内,以小家庭为单位生活在一起,举行大型夏日聚会,聆听传统的英雄故事,wear a special animal dance maskbe carved from wood hunt down holes

9、 for large snakes be home tohave a traditional meeting house,戴上一个特别的专门用于动物舞蹈的面具,用木头雕刻而成的,深入洞穴里捕捉大蛇,是家园,有一个传统的聚会房舍,meet withjoin with them in dance in leaves steamed over hot stones food cooked in underground stovesgo night fishing,遇到,和他们一起跳舞,用叶子包裹起来后在炽热的石头上蒸,用地灶烹饪的食物,在夜晚出去捕鱼,visit a tribe in the cen

10、tre of North Americahave power overa bow and arrow competition meat roasted over an open fire,参观北美中部的一个部落,控制,支配,一场射箭比赛,在户外篝火上烧烤的肉,important sentences:,We offer you the chance to visit different minority cultures and experience for yourself their traditions, customs and way of life. (L1),我们给你提供机会,让你接

11、触各种少数民族文化,亲身体验他们的传统、风俗和生活方式。,They usually live in small family groups but have summer assemblies for feasts and celebrations.(L13),他们通常以小家庭为单位生活在一起,但会举行大型夏日聚会,享受丰盛的食物,举行庆祝活动。,You will have the chance to join one of these large assemblies and take part in the dancing, listen to traditional accounts o

12、f bravery, and play games.(L15),你将有机会参加其中一个这样的大型聚会活动。和他们一起跳舞,聆听他们的传统英雄故事,还可以参与游戏。,You will learn to make some of their native jewellery, which is made from animal claws and wolf bones.(L19),你将学会用动物的爪子、狼的骨头制作他们当地的部分首饰。,They brought with them a culture rich in song, dance and art.(L36),他们带来了一种以丰富的歌舞和艺

13、术为表现形式的文化。,This will be the place where you will meet with the Maoris and join with them in dance.(L41),你将在这里见到毛利人并和他们一起跳舞。,There you will eat food such as fish and sweet potato, which is cooked in leaves steamed over hot stones. (L43),在那里,你将吃到像用叶子包裹起来后在炽热的石头上蒸熟的鱼和红薯这样的食物。,The Plains Indians believe

14、 in the Great Spirit who has power over all things including animals, trees, stones and clouds.(L51),平原印第安人信奉“大神灵”,“大神灵”掌管着包括动物、树木、石头和云彩在内的万事万物。,You will take part in the Sun Dance, which is a very important ceremony, and you will also see natives smoking a peace pipe.(L55),你会参加拜日舞。拜日舞是一个非常重要的仪式。你还会见到土著人用和平烟斗抽烟。,There will be a bow and arrow competition designed to retell how the Plains Indians used to hunt for food. (L57),你会看到一场射箭比赛,这场比赛的目的是为了展示过去平原印第安人是如何为了食物而狩猎的。,


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