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1、三年级下册英语期中测试卷班级:姓名:听力部分(40分)一、听录音,圈出与你所听到的内容相符的图片,听两遍。(12 分)听两遍。四、(4.)1. A. bookB.boxC. books)2. A. talkB.walkC. drink)3. A. runB.robotC. red)4. A. shoutB.Sta ndC. sleep)5. A. WhatB.whoC. Where)6. A. openB.closeC. Sit)7. A. MiSSB.isC. Mr)8. A. Un der the deskB. beh ind the doorC. in the box音,判断下列图片是否

2、与所听内容一致,用“T” 或“ F”表示,听两遍n吕2.3.()()()(8分)O1.听录(10 分)()5.() 听录音,根据你所听到的内容,选择相应的应答,听两遍)1. A. Good morning.)2. A. He' S Sam.)3. A. Hi, I ' m Bobby.)4. A. Thank you.)5. A. No, tha nk you.看图,写出单词,每题一词。B. Goodbye.B. I ' m Bobby.B. Hi! Sam.B. I'm sorry.B. How beautiful!笔试部分(60 分)(16 分)(10 分)

3、C. GOOd after noon.C. She' S my mother.C. ThiS is Bobby.C. Yes, Mr Gree n.C. Yes, MiSS Li.221.5.4六、单项选择。(10分)1. that your Crayon? Yes,.A. Is, It Is.B, IS isn't.C. Are, they are.)2.This rubber Is for you. .A. Yes. B OK.C. Tha nk you.)3.Is thatparrot? No,A. you, ItB your, he)4. Is this?A. What

4、B What's)5.Where 'smy schoolbag?A. That Smy schoolbag.,丄 ISn tC. your, ItC. WhatB ItSmy schoolbag.C. It's OVer there.)6.当你想告诉别人这不是你的书时,你应该说:A. I'm sorry. B ThiS Is your book.C. ThiS isn 'tmy book.)7.当你想询问别人那是否是他的钢笔时,你会说:A. That Is your pen. B. IS that your Pen cIl? C. IS that you

5、r pen?)8.当你想询问你的橡皮在哪里时,你应该说:A. What S that?B where'smy rubber?C. Where'smy ruler?.)9.当你要给别人某件东西时,你会说:A. ThiS Is for you. B. Thank you. C. IS this for you?)10.当你想告诉别人东西在远处时,你应该说:A. Where'smy car?B It s over there. C. That Is your book.七、 从U栏中选出I的答句。(10分)I()1. Where Is LiU Tao()2. IS that

6、your school bag?()3. Don' t sleep.()4. Look! A bird!()5. Good morning, Mr Gree n.八、给下列句子排序。(8分A. IS It in your desk ?B. Yes, It Is .Tha nk you .C. NO , It isn ' t .A. Good morning, class.B. No, It isn ' t.C. How beautiful!D. He' S here.E. I' m sorry.2E九、(D. Mum , where' S my

7、Pencil CaSe ?E. IS it in your school bag ? 找出下列单词中不同类的一项。)1. A. Pen cil CaSe)2. A. Cake)3. A. Un der)4. A. me)5. A .shout十、根据图片填入正确的单词。(5分)B. schoolbagB. dogB. UPB. myB. SWeet(8分)C. blackboardC. hot dogC. dow nC.yourC. sleep1. The boy isthe2. PleaSe OPe n the3. Theis Un der the4. IS this your5. Don&

8、#39; t and_十一、单项选择。(6分)|)1. Look at the doll. beautiful!A. ItB. How)2. talk in the CIaSSroom.A. NoB. Not)3. IS this toy car?A. youB. your)4. ThiS hot dog is you.A. toB. for)5. is the milk?A. WhatB. Who)6. Sam is the tree.A. onB. inin the CIaSSroom.C. WhatC. Do n'tC. SheC. WithC. WhereC. at十二、在U栏

9、中找出与I栏的答语,并将其序号填入括号内。5 分)()1. Where 'your pen?()2. Would you like a sweet?()3. What' S this?()4. IS your book on your chair?A. It's a ruler.B. No. It 'sin my schoolbag.C. Yes, it is.D. It in Sny book.()5. IS this your ball?E. Yes, please.十三、用数字将下列句子重新排列,组成完整的对话。(5分)()No, it isn't

10、 in my school bag.()IS it in your school bag?()Yes, you are right.()WhereS my IUnCh box? Guess!()IS it Un der your chair?十四、根据答句从方框中选择合适的问句,填序号。(5分)710 分)A. IS that your Pen cil box?B. Where' S thbag?C. PIeaSe come in.D. What is it?E. DOn 'shout.1. -It ' S in therary.2. -It ' S a ICe

11、rCase.3. Sorry.4. Thank you.5. -No, it isn 't.十五、连词成句并写出中文含义,注意开头字母大小写1. is n'truler this my (.) 译文:2. the book close PIeaSe (.) 译文:3. is Where Pen my ( ?) 译文:4. in the don't Iibrary run ( !) 译文:5. the behind the is boy tree (.)译文:十六、根据图意判断图下句子的正误。正确的写“T”,错误的写“F” (6分)Where4s my puppy?()1、Anna is in class.()2、Anna is looking for(找)the puppy.()3、The books are On the desk.()4、The PUPPy is behind the door.()5、The ball is Under the chair.十七,默写单词窗户关上,合上牛奶这里鹦鹉铅笔说话,谈话课桌喊叫图书馆在.后面椅子猜三树在.下面睡觉喝在哪里书包蜡笔尺子橡皮你的


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