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1、学习资料任务型短文填空专练用所给词的正确形式填空,每空一词(一)should 、use 、dangerous 、 habit、 spend、 much 、safely 、at、 it althoughOverhead bridges are found in many parts of Lan zhou, especially in places wheretraffic is heavy and cross ing the road is very 1. The purpose of these overheadbridges is to en able passe ngers to cro

2、ss road 2. Overhead bridges are used invery much the same way as zebra cross in gs. They are more efficie nt 3.lessconvenient because people have to climb up a long flight of steps. This is inconvenient especially to old people. When passe ngers are 4.a zebra cross ing, traffic is heldup.This is why

3、 the gover nment has built many overhead bridges to help passe ngers and to keep traffic mov ing 5.the same time The gover nment of Lan zhou has 6.lots of money in buildi ng these bridges. For their own safety, passe ngers 7.it been couraged to use them in stead of risk ing their lives by running ac

4、ross the road. Old people, however, may find 8.it is still 9.difficult climb ing up and dow n thesteps, safer tha n walk ing across the road with all the much dan gerous of moving traffic.Overhead bridges serve a very useful purpose. Passe ngers, both old and young, should make a 10. to use them. Th

5、is will preve nt unn ecessary accide nts and loss of life.( 二 )know, lucky, proud, problem, good, decide, he, work, child, interestMartin Murray is a school boy and he is fifteen years old. He used to b e a “ problem child He . used to give his mother many1.However,after his father's death , Mar

6、ti n's lifebecame much more difficult. His mother could n't afford to pay for her 2education .She had to work, and so was often not at home. His mother tried her best to look after him. Unfortun ately, Martin still caused trouble. He was not 3in study ing and heofte n got into trouble with t

7、he police. 4his mother was very patie nt and did n't give uptrying to help him in the end, she made a difficult 5: to send him to a boy's board ingschool. Martin hated it and caused a lot of trouble. One day, he told his teacher he wan ted to leave the school .Even the teacher agreed that Ma

8、rtin was wasting his time. The head teacher said it was necessary for Martin to talk with his mother. Martin called his mother , but to his surprise , this conversationchanged his life. It was exactly what I needed,” hesaid. “6how much my mother had give n me. She also told me that even though myfat

9、her was not with us, he was watch ing me and would always take 7in everyth inggood I do. That's w hen I decided to cha nge. ” Now Martin has really cha nged.He 8hard and gets“ A's ” in all subjected is now one of the 9 students in his class. Hismother helps him to feel good about 10,and as h

10、e says,It's very importa nt for pare ntsto be there for their childre n(三)回忆 he , truth , work , meaning , big , block , believe , sudden , remember find , More , recently.most America ns remember what they were doing whe n the World Trade Cen ter in NewYork was take n dow n by terrorists. It is

11、 one of the 1.t eve nts in America n history. Eventhe date September 11,2001 -has 2.to most America ns This was a day Peter Huntwill never forget. I n May 2001,he 3.a job in the World Trade Cen ter. On September11,2001,he arrived at his buildi ng at around 8:30 a.m. He was about to go up whe n he de

12、cided to get a coffee first. He went to his favorite coffee place even though it was two 4.east from his office .As he was wait ing in line with other office 5.,he heard a loudsound. Before he could join the other people outside to see what was going on, the first pla ne had already hit his office b

13、uildi ng .They stared in 6.burning buildi ng. He feltlucky to be alive. at the black smoke rising above the remembers Kate Smith will never forget the date, too. Now she still 7.worki ng in her office n ear the two towers.“ Myfriend Mike shouted 8.that a pla ne just hit the World Trade Cen ter! I di

14、d n't him believe9. at first. But then I looked out of the window and realized that it was 1 0.that. ”September 11,2001 the date alone means somethi ng to most people in the US.sudde nlywas scared and I could hardly think clearly after(四)爱与感恩,更珍贵 back , bad , express , feel , it , loud , luck ,

15、simple , sweet , thank , two , warmOnce upon a time, a young man came across a spring(泉水)of clear water while crossingthe desert. The water was very sweet, and he filled his leather contained皮革 容器)so thathe could bring some 1.to his teacher. After a four-day journ ey, he prese nted thewater to his t

16、eacher. The old man took a deep drink, smile. and 2tha nked his stude ntvery much for the sweet water. The young man returned to his village with a happy heart.After a while, the teacher let a 3.stude nt taste the water. He spat ( 吐)it out, say ing itwas terrible. It was clear that the water had bec

17、ome no Ion ger fresh sweet because of the old leather container. The stude nt questio ned his teacher,“ Master, the water tasted stra nge.Why did you still like it? " The teacher replied, 4."You tasted the water while I tasted the gift. The water was the container for an act of love and ki

18、ndn ess and no thi ng could be5. . ” After reading the story, we can understand that when we receive a chocolateas agift from a child, we get more tha n the chocolate 6. What we should do properly is toexpress 7. n aturally to him or her because we love the idea with in the gift. Gratitude(感谢)does n

19、't always come n aturally. 8.,_most childre n and many grow nups like onlythe thing given rather than the 9. shown in it. We should remind ourselves and teachour children about the beauty of feelings and 10. of gratitude. After all, gifts from theheart are really gifts of the heart.(五)心形手语say, w

20、ay, star, I ong, though, popular, he ,ha nd ,call ,make, becausebetwee nAre you still doing the V for victory sign? It's out. The latest popular hand gesture(手势)isputting both of your hands and put them together to make a heart shape. It is 1.“ hand heart Many young pop 2.in the US have done the

21、 move in recent photos.“ The hand heart' gesture means someth ing 3.'I love you' and tha nk you',” said TaylorSwift,the country sin ger.“ You can send a sweet,simple message without 4. a word. ”Swift ofte n does it at her con certs. And she is believed to be the first to 5.it popular

22、.Last month,Justin Bieber and 6.superstar friends did the“ hand heart ” and put thephotos on li ne.They did it to help out three kids whose pare nts were killed in a car accide nt."It used to take much 7.for nonverbal( 非语言的)culture to move. But now ,it movesfaster 8. . because we have smart pho

23、nes and the In the Republic of Korea, the“ handheart ” has been 9. for a long time, but in a different 10. People there put theirhands above their heads and make a bigger heart shape with their arms. It means" I loveyou.(六)so ,we ,who, teach, bright ,different, he, eye, show, heart ,completeun

24、dersta ndFew people today educate the children about the value of empathy (同情;同感).Mostpeople feel so hard 1.their love and care towards others and to actually un dersta ndwhat they are going through.When I was a child , I 2.to go out of my way to make some one else happy.Mymom would tell me to say a

25、t least one kind word to some one else every day.I admit that itwas n't very easy to do.But as soon as you see the look of tha nks in that pers on's 3.,you just want to do as much as you can.I had an experienee with a young man 4.people were always making funof.Every time I saw that happenin

26、g , I knew in my heart that it was wrongdecided I wouldtry to be his friendstarted walk ing with him and in troduc ing him to people around 5.I was making him happy by just doing that. And I loved the fact that I was really making a6.in his life.After a while , I realized that he was n't the kin

27、d of pers on everybody thought hewas.We are still really good friends today.People have almost 7.stopped mak ingfun of him.But he is still what he was.What had changed was the attitudes of others towards him.From this experie nee I 8.that I should be more lov ing towards other peoplealready.What I d

28、id for my friend was so easy , and at the same time I had a lot of fun ,9.hope that every one could say a kind word to some one else at least once a day.Ican promise it will. be the best feeli ng you can ever get.One kind word could make some on e's day 10.Why not do it from now on?(七)experienee

29、 , useful ,even , student , learn , job , foreign , agreestart , skillThese days , more and more students in the UK are taking a“gap year ” between theirgraduation from school and their university studies.This means that they take a year off to do something else , before they 1.their studies.For mos

30、t students , spending time in 2.countries is the favourite activityandAustralia is the favourite place to go.Many pare nts , teachers and bus in ess people 3.that traveli ng can teachimporta nt values. “ After a year of traveli ng ,1 felt rd grow n up.l had 4.the importa neeof relati on ships with p

31、eople , on all sorts of levels. ”There are many compa nies around the world that welcome these 5.on theirprojects helping people in poorer countries, or 6.in your home country.Althoughyou don't get paid for your work , this kind of work can teach important 7.decision- making and finding answers

32、to problems , for example that will help a student in a 8.one day.Fin ally , gett ing some kno wledge and experie nce in an area you hope to study or work in one day will always be very 9.If several uni versity graduates are ask ing for thesame job , gap year work experience allows you to say , &quo

33、t;I've already had some 10.of this kind of work.” And that can get you the job!(八)do , advantage , two , work , from , them , when , even , reach , different In Chi na, very few childre n make pocket mon ey. However, i n western coun tries, mostkids make pocket money by 1. They make money in man

34、y 2.ways.When kids are very young, their pare nts help them sell the fruit 3.their owntrees to neighbors. Kids may also help parents 4.housework to make money athome. When they 5.sixtee n, they can make money by sending n ewspapers or by6 . .in fast food restaurants , especially during the summer ho

35、lidays.There are many 7 .of making pocket money by kids themselves. First of all,they lear n the value of money by work ing hard.8 .,_they lear n to man age money bybuying things they need or want, such as books, pencils, movies and 9 .clothesthey like. Third, they learn to deal with daily life prob

36、lems by helping their parents or others.Making pocket money is helpful for childre n 10.they grow up. That is why pare ntsen courage their kids to earn pocket money(九)life know with make watch therefore do bad choose goodIn China , many people spe nd most of their spare time1. TV.lt has a huge in fl

37、ue nce on people's 2. Is all this television good for us or bad for us?As is 3to all, television is one of the most important ways of getting information , suchas the n ews all over the world , history , culture and in teresti ng stories .It provides us 4. a more lively way to discover the outsi

38、de world.Also , we can see great movies , operas and concerts.5. , television is not only a way we learn about the world , but also a good entertainment. However, many people think television is 6. for us.They say that all the violence on TV 7 people become violent.Violence can give children bad ide

39、as.TV can alsomake people lazy.lnstead of 8.outdoor activities , they usually sit in front of the screen forhours enjoying the funny shows and cartoons without a break.In general, the problem is not television , but the programs we choose to watch.We have learned how to choose the 9in newspapers, books and magazines.Now we have to learn todo with television programs , too.After all , it's our 10. 各种学习资料,仅供学习与交流


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