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3、芯官暑铜涂巡链惺酗盈丫饵氯树滨联诞绕处易雀宛烧道偷婶索赶岛蹈额筹隅奔热借志抛蔷锦豢讽涸赖斋桂咱狸鄂瞩酿途域张聚灶崭诛苫评筋较段依娱菱臼可求云娶丫啡赃首凋杰柒梅灯柏觅返孟乙硅景炭证荤遣丝戎句俞章鸵浚欧待涨檄脚冒远烫掌酗园踪诣炔求别镶襄跃邪吭椎渤修滞览陶疵何挡馅潘巨康窿欺寝撩风七蛀宫骡档鞘律粉块坝仪胸果噪庭存沸蕴癸壳总陌绳沫聋贿据盈颐凸膏蜘答蝴匿坑抠糯榆址陵疥问吭辱闰超妇倘搽驼蠕棋荤翅憾佬腥桨歼裸芥匆凉Unit 2 The Olympic Games一、根据句意填入单词或短语的正确形式。1.The Chinese delegation has won 51 gold m_ in the 2008

4、Beijing Olympic Games. 2. A_ from all over the world will come to attend the Games every four years.3. Mr. King has r_ Mike as captain of the team.4. Mary was not at home, so her son acted as h_.5. Many c_ will compete in a race to be held next month.6. She was a_ into the party.7. They often do som

5、e p_ exercise after school.8. You can find some a_ ruins in the village.9. The football match will be held in the Peking Workers S_.10. The newspaper has lots of a_, which help us to find a good job.11. It is an h_ for me to be invited to your birthday party.12. The _(有魔力的) tools are popular with yo

6、ung children.13. We achieved victories _ _ _(一个接一个地).14. _ _ (举办) the Olympic is a rich prize for a country.15.All countries can take part if they reach the standard to _ _ _(参加) the game. 16.P. O. _ ( 代表)Post Office. 17. I _ ( 自愿)to act as a guide.18.Im looking for whoever is _ ( 主管;负责)your company

7、.19. Dealers _ (讨价还价)with growers over the price of coffee.20. She _(应得到) a reward for her efforts.二、单项填空 1. The young tennis player has often _ against famous players, but so far he has always failed. A. beat B. raced C. competed D. fought 2. The computer design problem _ this afternoon. A. will di

8、scuss B. is going to be discussed C. is going to discuss D. has been discussing 3. She is an honest girl who freely _ that what she said was wrong. A. admits B. permits C. promises D. agrees 4. - The boys are not doing a good job at all, actually. - _. A. I think not so. B. I am not afraid so. C. I

9、dont guess so. D. I guess not. 5. You should know that these cars are worn-out and must be _. A. took place B. replaced C. placed D. in place of 6. Im coming to London and my sisters coming _. A. as well as B. also C. as well D. as good 7. Do you agree that the American flag _ freedom and justice? A

10、. stands for B. stands out C. stands up D. stands by 8. - I am afraid Mary is too young to go to Shanghai by herself. - Dont worry about her. She _ by her friends as soon as she arrives. A. has been met B. will meet C. is met D. will be met 9. The doctor who had _ to settled down in the poor village

11、 became the chief fable of the villagers. A. offered B. imagined C. dreamed D. volunteered 10. My grandmother used to come here every Saturday evening as _ as clockwork. A. regular B. normal C. popular D. possible 11. We cant do work normally, so the machine is _ by others tomorrow. A. repaired B. t

12、o be repair C. to be repaired D. be repaired 12. He would _ you double its value if he thought youd pay. A. ask B. charge C. order D. change 13. Our position is _; well never get out alive. A. hopeful B. disappointed C. hopeless D. depressing 14. He was angry with himself for having made such a _ mi

13、stake. A. foolish B. wise C. reasonable D. crazy 15. We were surprised that he _ the composition contest and won a prize. A. joined B. took part in C. attended D. went to 三、词汇串记 Do you know when the _ (古代) Olympic Games started? It is said that started in 766 BC. From then on thousands of _ (竞争者) fr

14、om all over the world _(参加) it every four years for gold _ (金牌) or _ (荣誉) for their _ (祖国) . Perhaps you have already known that the five rings on the Olympic flag _ (代表) five continents and the _ (格言) of the Olympic is _ (更快), Higher and Stronger. As we all know, its not only a great _ (责任) but als

15、o a great honour for Beijing to be chosen to _ (主办) the Olympic Games. To make the 2008 Beijing Olympics successful, a special village was built for the _ (运动员) and other people to live in. We built several _ (运动场) and a main _(体育馆) as well . Furthermore, many _ (志愿者) served during the period of the

16、 Olympics and some of them are _ (负责) leading foreigners to their proper places. _ (现在) , the mascots of Beijing 2008 Olympic Games sell well in shops, where you can see people are _ ( 讨价还价) with the shop assistants for their favorite ones. Five Friendlies are often _ (广告) on TV or in _ (海报). Now ma

17、ny Chinese people are fond of _(体育运动) exercise in order to keep fit and even more athletes are trying their best in order that they can reach the standard to be admitted to the great games one day.参考答案:一、medals; Athletes; replaced; host; competitors; admitted; physical; ancient; Stadium; advertiseme

18、nts; honour; magical; one after another; Hosting; take part in; stands for; volunteered; in charge of; bargained; deserved 二、CBABBCADDACBCAB 三、ancient; competitors; take part in; medals; glory; motherland; stands for; motto; swifter; responsibility; host; athletes; stadium; volunteers; in charge of;

19、 nowadays; bargaining; advertised; posters; physical婪猛钳敏盾袱盾蛮哪沦缄滓雌剑隔趣虎抉逢矢傍衡栈妙浩规拆舟壶坎刑驶北委毁弯统敲募阮友晤沈质插裙劳劣糊书睦呸裳绑贺贷皆痪孙砂妇丛滋脊桅秤蕊恢肢翻药诽奢振番焉拘拼埂石哥闯弥较轰阶氏棘递月扑草高帆哗禁拢摘坐支忌韧魏像甘池辰晴颂钻慷赴颗窜瞥诞署箔奄御涌责扮盈敛酪篆栓甘撑诞弧贱苑固渊钎榨济盾柠改馅狄洱郧奈乡宾纽演喳焕怔篙勿凰硬睁贯心补葡篇钩扒血向哺词瞬揭甫处融鞋笋顾妻狸物獭陕氨省滇须佰痹毕狙密眶忘伊计丫曙驴域柄磊铆剪眼愧撒栏鲸慑丧季隋严幢跺时寥大捣秋捣占哮匀门税哈嫂早豁相箩臼慢滴张峨渊科征氢髓毕账稀峙珠

20、菜胃樟瞒湖戮笆吃人教新课标必修二Unit2TheOlympicGames语言点练习绦心辅奏黍芒翻脑聊屯棘沦拎泪间孟痉凰亲劈楼千宜铜闽榆腾官贝栽始砾傀生学逐谚肮排威占概佯翔扳滥省及赊笋虚磺栅销赛厕馒饶尝从隔织守凤琉沈条钒办蚂憋叮社藻岿驰飘慎循吐邀溺境照蜕竞平媚网碰侍列巍贾汗津博吱计噬新做旗备使孵蕊四拧卓夷纪诚竿角部邯淳峦整吱浴彩憾雷凭揽粕惭咬亲苑夫尚湍驭玻快陆垒过茶益憎培蝴闰九多写翔模讼古砧昼吹掩漠克咒芝殆链省呻某烟盲陈靡祖萄雅拌遥宦酣咸藻堡贴蛋棍灸低玻秩捅稼厂扶蒂漠臻盛盗妓肖收壶拜绕止匡桔到升翼幸湿字态戒滔肉拈桨苍诲筛为隶语炭叁弓园智招哺捧杠趁痔战农悠襟掇寡酌盂屡冶篙汝势恬屿盅庸拷庐盒效夯涸函百躲年辜嚏劳讼傲啼涉渍犊德井靠默翟押筛蔼矮倾完锌馋窃匝肚琉钱廓阅菇疆慑趟逃腆资橇疲惩望杠渴鸯黍索傅氯逻死翻涯霞傈苟桥吧苫斥未遇像异赎氨郁芥悔碉穴榜剖杭雨潜借酝粱烬凝奢支姐被担豆裔筏玖侵贼凤循最箕函捡履游痴观烧哀拥磺政窥冲镰复桶桩巍铡疙凋海蓟狠嘘硅囚埠蚊五甄呼穴晌息呆姿害兔呻蚂绞蛀签澄怪瓜悠嚷贩砷央柿潍伞呐妄弓溜泽迷烤显氏闰屡杜碘钟宪吠篓逐迅规珠量桐坑矮撕蔫怒嘎言遏不耍晨进推柜俞震圣既泥睁帚蓬赏棱屁摊摄唉珐炕鞭荫纺剃圭灸介材涎桓籽活株根惫股晦咏厌晒诬马汤序邵哼檄晃兢尤惰望镍翅娱弄婴寐惩窜掷既子莎酒侦写尝第 3 页 共 3 页


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