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1、精品文档反身代词的用法一、概念:反身代词又称为自身代词, 表示动作行为反射到行为执行者本身。它还可以在句中起到强调的作用,用以加强语气。、构成:第一人称第二人称第三人称单数myselfyourselfhimself herself itself复数ourselvesyourselvesthemselves三、用法:1作宾语,指的是宾语和主语表示同一个或同一些的人或事物。如:Maria bought herself a scarf.玛丽亚给自己买了一条围巾。We must look after ourselves very well.我们必须好好照顾自己。2作表语,指的是表语和主语表示同一个或同

2、一些人或事物。如: She isn' t quite herself today.她今天有点不舒服。3作同位语(1 )作主语的同位语。女口: She herself will fly to Lon don tomorrow.明天她自己将要坐飞机去伦敦。She will fly to London herself tomorrow.(2)作宾语的同位语。I met the writer himself last week.我上周见到了那位作家本人。四、用在某些固定短语当中。look after on eself=take care of on eself照顾自己teach on esel

3、f sth= lear n sth. by on eself 自学enjoy on eself玩得高兴,过得愉快help on eself to sth请自用(随便吃 /喝些)hurt oneself 摔伤自己 say to oneself 自言自语lose on eself in 沉浸于,陶醉于之中leave sb. by oneself 把某人单独留下buy on eself sth.给自己买东西in troduce on eself 介绍自己温馨提醒 :1 反身代词不能单独做主语,但可以做主语的同位语,起强调作用。如:我自己能完成作业。(误 )Myself can finish my h

4、omework.(正) I myself can finish my homework.2 反身代词表示“某人自己” ,不能表示“某人的东西” ,因为它没有所有格的形式。表达“某人自己的(东西)”时,须要用 one' s own.如:我用我自己的蜡笔画画。(误 )I'm drawing with myself crayons.(正 ) I' m drawing with my own crayons五、 精题分析 :1. -Who teaches English? -No one. I teach .A. you; myselfB. your; myselfC. you

5、; me答案:A【解析】代词的用法。考查宾格代词和反身代词的使用。teach + sb. + sth. “教某人某事 / 物”,双宾语; teach oneself “自学”的意思。故选择 A。2 -Help to some cakes, Jim. -Thank you.D. yourselvesA. youB. yourC. yourself答案C【解析】反身代词。Help on eself to意为随便吃点”Jii是 一个人,应该用yourself. 故答案选 C。3. How was your visit to the World Park in Beijing? Wonderful!

6、We enjoyed very iuch. A. itself B. iyself C. yourselves D. ourselves答案D【解析】enjoy on eself玩的高兴,we的反身代词是ourselves,故答案选D。4. How did your uncle lear n to play the guitar?By A. myselfB. yourselfC. herselfD. Himself答案:D【解析】反身代词的用法。by后加反身代词,表示某人自己的 ”主语为your uncle 故用 himself。5. I could look afterwhe n I was

7、 five.Really? I can ' t believe it.A. myselfB. herself C. himselfD. yourself答案:A【解析】考查反身代词的用法。句意:一当我五岁时,我能照顾好我自己。一真的吗?我不相信。look after on eself照顾某人自己。6. Teen agers should lear n to protectfrom all kinds of dan ger.A. themB. theyC. theirD. themselves答案:D【解析】考查代词辨析。them意为 他们”作宾格;they意为 他们”作主格; thei

8、r意为 他们的”作形容词性物主代词,后面跟名词;themselves意为 他们自己”作反身代词。句意为青少年应该学会保护自己免受各种危险。"protect on eself意为 保护自己"。故选D。7. Can you cook by? Yes, I can cook wellA. youB. yoursC .yourself答案:C【解析】本题考查代词的用法。by yourself表示单独地,独自地。根据题意:-你能独自烹饪吗?-是的,我能做得很好。故本题选C o8. Helpto some fruits. Tha nk you .A. yourselfB. YourC.

9、 You答案:A【解析】反身代词的用法。Help on eself to sth意为 请随意吃;自便 ”这是招待客人的常用语。句意:请随便吃水果。”谢谢。”。故选A。9. I Believe I Can Fly is a nice song by R. Kelly. This song tells us that believi ng in is very importa nt.A. themselves B. ourselves C. itself 答案:B【解析】考查反身代词这里告诉我们,第一人称,是我们相信我们自己10. Nobody teaches me En glish. I lea

10、r n it all by.A. IB. myC. myselfD. me答案:C【解析】考查反身代词的用法。根据句意:没有教我英语,我自学的。By+反身代词表示某人自己/亲自,主语为I所以用myself。七、精题练习一选择。精品文档1. Those girls enjoyed in the party last ni ght.A. themB. theyC. themselvesD. herself2. Helpto some fish, childre n.A. yourselfB.yourC. yoursD. yourselves3. The film is very fun.A. it

11、 ' s4. -Who teachesA. your, myselfB. itselfmath?C. it-teachB. you, myselfC. you, meD. itsD. you, herself5. The father will makea bikeA. her, himselfB. she, himselfC. her, herselfD. she, herself6. The scarf is,she made itA. herself, herB. herself, hersC. hers, herselfD. her, herse7. Liu Hulan 

12、9; s death was great. She thought more of others thanA. herB. sheC. hersD. herself()8. Luckily, he didn't hurtterribly yesterday.A. himB. ThemselvesC. himselfD. they()10. I like watchi ngin the mirror.A. meB. IC. myD. Myself用所给词的适当形式填空。1. We can 'to nly think of (we) , we should think of oth

13、ers.2. Students should be strict with (they).3. Did the enjoy (them) in the party last ?4. Help (you) to some vegetables. Jim and Jack.5. The artist (he) will come to our school next week.7. The cat in the mirror is (it).8. I bought (I) a new dietionary the day before yesterday.9. I (my) agree with you.10. The little boy is only four , he could wash (he) and get dressed.


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