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1、根据上下文意思,选择最佳答案填空。1 .In this stra nge village ,there are many small flags on their.A. roof B. roofs C. rooves D. roofes2. He gained hisby printingof famous writers.A. walth,workB. wealths;worksC. wealths;workD. wealth;works3. I ' lllook into the matter as soon as possible.Just have a little.A. wa

2、it B. timeC. patieneeD. rest4. Ma nypeople agree thatkno wledgeof En glish is mustinin-tern atio nal trade today.A.a;不填 B.the;a n C.the;the D.不填;the5. He dropped theand broke it.A.eup of coffeeB.eoffee ' s eupC.eup for coffeeD.eoffee eup6.If by any eha nee some one eomes to see me,ask him to lea

3、ve a.A.message B.letter C.se ntenceD.no tiee7.I needeloth,for I' m going to makeelothes.A.a lot of;ma nyB.mueh;mueh C.ma ny;manyD.ma ny;a lot of8. How happy they are!Obviously,they are.A.in niee spiritsB.in niee spiritC.i n high spiritsD.i n high spirit9.Is therefor one more in the ear?A.seat B.

4、situati onC.positi onD.room10. A worker ant has two,one for itself,a nd one for earry ing food to “ the folksbaek home. ”A.stomaeh B.stomaehes C.stomaehs D.stomaes11. Both Marx and En gles were.A.Germa nB.Germa nsC.Germa nyD.from Germa n12. How was your reee nt visit to Qin gdao?It was great.We visi

5、ted some frie nds,a nd spe nt thedays at the seaside.A.few last sunnyB.l ast few sunnyC.l ast sunny few D.few sunny last13. is sta nding at the corner of the street.A.A police B.The police C.PolieeD.A polieema n14. To the sea eaptain ' surprise,he found that travel could also be quite pleasa nt.

6、A.earthB.la nd C.gro und D.plain15. Professor Li gave him one of the bestI' ve never heard.A.adviees B.pieees of advice C.idea D.suggestio n16. Thomas has worked for the ear factoryfor thirty years.A.man and boy B.boy and manC.boy or man D.man or boy17. What do you want? I want that is on the ta

7、ble.A.the piece of bread B.a piece of bread C.a bread D.some of bread 18.Our newhas four bedrooms and a sitting room.A.home B.house C.family D.place19.I wonder why_are interested in action films( 武打片 ).A.the people B.people C.peoples D.the peoples20. Which do you like better,or.A.tomato potatoB.toma

8、toes potatosC.tomatos potatoesD.tomatoes potatoes21. Hawks eat more fieldthan.A.mousechickenB.mice chickenC.mousechichensD.mice chickens22. Have you ever visited the leaning tower in Pisa?Oh,yes,.A.dozens of timesB.a dozen of timesC. dozens of timeD.a dozen time23. _has been used to save his life.A.

9、All possible meansB.Every possible meansD. Every possible meanD.Allthe possible means24. Jenny went to the to buy a pair or shoes.A.shoes store B.shoe store C.shoe's store D.shoes 'store25. Would you please show me the way to the?A.dresses 's shopB.drees shop C.dress 'shopD.dresses s

10、hop26. ”Isn 't it getting dark early tonight?”“I think so,I seeis on already.”A.the street 's lightB.the street lightC.the light of the streetD.the light of streets27. This is a useful book for.A.physics 'teachersB.physics teachersC.physics teacherD.physics 's teachers28. Ton was lat

11、e for two classes this morning.He said that he forgot both ofthe.A.rooms number B.room numberC.room's number D.room numbers29. The mother helped the child.A.build sand castlesB.build castles in sandsC.build castles with sandsD.build castles bysands30. There are threein our factory.A.woman doctor

12、sB.women doctorC.women doctorsD.women doctor31. Janny asked me to get her,for the old one broke a few days ago.A.a pot of tea B.a pot of tea C.a tea pot D.a tea ' s pot32. We called atyesterday.A.my uncle B.my uncle '33.I will give youto finish it .A.two week ' s times C.my nucles '

13、D.a friend of my nucleB.two weeks ' timeC.two week time34.Every morni ng the TurnerD.two weeks timeA.water B.milkC.grass D.foods daughter got up early tothe cows.35. The history ofis full of achieveme nts and adve nturesA.ma n B.me nC.men' s D.the menth36. The Culture Revolutio n took place

14、inof the 20 cen tury.A.the sixty B.the sixties C.sixty D.sixties【试题解析】1、答案选B。以f或fe结尾的名词,其复数形式一般是把 f或fe改成v再加e&但roof,chief,gulf,serf等名词,其复数形式是在词尾直接加s。2、 答案选D。Wealth是不可数名词。Works表“著作”、“作品”是可数名词。 全句意思是:“他获得巨大的财富是通过印刷著名作家的著作。”3、 答案选C。第一句的意思是“我将尽可能快地调查此事。” just用在祈使句 之首,表示“试请,且请。” A项wait当“等待”用时是可数名词,不能用

15、 a little连用。B项(have a little)time与原题的句意不符。D项是休息一会, 也不符题意。第二句含义为“请要有耐心。”4、 答案选A。knowledge是不可数名词,因有修饰语 of English修饰,故可用 冠词修饰。international trade 是抽象名词,因有修饰语 of English修饰,帮 可用冠词修饰。international trade是抽象名词,前面不加 the.5、 答案选D。原题中的it是信息词,它指代的是装加啡的杯,即打碎的是咖 啡杯,而不是一杯咖啡。参见本章三-1。& 答案选A。从条件句中的意思:“如果偶尔有人来看我”可知

16、,下文必须填 mes-sage即“让他留下口信”。才符合全句的逻辑。7、 答案选A。Cloth不可数可词不达意,只能A或E中选择;又因clothes(衣 服的总称)是复数名词,只能用many等来修饰。所以答案只能选 A。全句意 思是:“我需要很多布,因为我准备做许多衣服。8、答案选C。Be in high spirits为固定词组,意思是“情绪高”。Spirits这里的意思是“兴致”,失去了“精神;精灵”的含义。有些名词在一定的词组中要 用复数形式。再加:make preparations(做准备),give respects to(致敬意),give regards to(问候)等。9、 答

17、案选Do Seat是可数名词;room表示“空间”、“地方”时,是不可数名 词,posi-tion 表示“位置” ;situation 表示“形势”。“ make room for ”是“为腾出地方”。10、 答案选C。以字母“ sh,ch,s,x结'尾的名词变复数时,词尾加“ es”。女口: bus buses,brush brushes,watch watches,boxboxes。但 stomach 的结尾 字母“ ch”发k的音,故直接加“ s”。注意:month的复数也是直接加s 是 mon ths。11、答案选B。Germa ns。表示国籍的名词,有的单数和复数同形;有的复

18、数在词形上要做相应变化,请同学们注意:aChin eseChin ese中国人aJapaneseJapanese日本人aGerma nGerma ns德国人anAmerica nAmerica ns美国人anEgyptia nEgyptia ns埃及人anArabArabs阿拉伯人aRussia nRussia ns俄国人anItalia nItalia ns意大利人aFren chma nFren chma n法国人anEn glishma nEn glishma n英国人12.答案选B。Sunny days是名词短词,意为“艳阳天”,选择A或B。Last few的意思是“最后几个 ”。La

19、st应用在few之前,所以答案为B。全句意 思是:一一你们这次的青岛之行怎么样?一一棒极了,我们看望了一些朋友,最后几天是在阳光明媚的海滩上度过的。13、答案选D。Police是个集合名词,作主语时,谓语动词用复数形式。本句中谓部分是is standing,所以答案只能考虑D。表示一个、两个或更多的警察时 用 a policeman,two policemen,Police前虽不能与具体的数字连用,但可以和不确定的数字连用。例如: Several hun dred police are n eeded.需要好几百名警察。14、答案选B。earth(地球;地上);la nd(陆地);grou nd(地面;土地);plai n(平 原)。与“海”相对的陆地叫land,与“天空”相对的陆地叫earth.所以答案为 B。意思是:使船长吃惊的是,他觉得陆路旅行也是令人愉快的。15、答案选B。16、答案选A。17、答案选A。18、答案选B。19、答案选|B。20、答案选D。21、答案选D。22、答案选A。23、答案选B。2426题的答案都选B。27、答案选B。28、答案选D。29、答案选A。30、答案选C。31、答案选C。32、答案选B。33、答案选B。34、答案选B。35、答案选A。36、答案选B


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