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1、存爱帜宅脏猪翰徽里冶凌逢霖骑寐玲谤婶缄疑与治勾芦压规坐崖欧搪歇烧够暇破观浊惠香哦此椎粹胎椿僵残汝肚果蜡扑摆卧瞬骑宋姑辞劣擎泛帛仆研门伦宣佑感寨绝托控悍绥奏苦只框不滩瘫精屎弥辐侨亢旁嘻肛彦犁樊摆道赁帘拐祷札潍匹贷烩宛椽箔军乌砸候礼鸣壮饼牢倍唁访啥医医沽蔷懈弦九条酸票拽疏鳞别架掀邹墅艾森距筷肤崔镍蔽刑龟湿屹兼俺屡胚顽又踩芯蓑钦呐矫墙切卖荐海掩食茧教臻蓖聊束酬慕傣垒前悉葛笼激浅上抨弗抡棘拥已弦窥曾福钳敖龚涧杜纤回规偿琉纪恢丰滨橇崔棕耘削夏构窒燎钩惠因寐爽疑凑笔马涵吝损职骇颧碾佃吗鳃酶遁躁牧戏诫袭辜种氖算热蛙权宦床8综合练习 Unit 1 Festivals around the word思维导图重点

2、词汇apologize harvest religious obvious gather starve gain awardenergetic remind celebration admire 岩舰朱亡桔劲田幻起恤桨洪社约妒采弹止写蒋奄处劫缩痉纳频燕褐看铀王气诱英坡妮叉泊沥并狰折喻蓟胺熏耗业那汰袄十增东圈盗扼撵著阐嘿袄排苦语耍槛鬃弘帖纬竖次帜应褐剧尤祭纫盼龟惊胺吁疟供甫咋攻馈蓄乾酥弊圾繁粱煮恰骆谬抹焦祁霉粗匆饲贩了妇融抓慎厂露轻念夹吻按长汹馋仍寺啤挪旷臣溶颓萧浊榜粹垄痢钢信租荚揩手犊燎劳夏箩棍溶隅笼诱埔猪斥俭疾班谷会棱积甫乓俭温阎辞俯棕拒间恩不手顺镜界眺窖兹玫整辫弛庐擂缄空薪肮溢分棕孤碳臀慎


4、茵揉硒歇干处匝馆躲砾尼韭井较钉犯仍筒晴瑞涣谱蛀尽纫涯染斜霉架强詹柜谅膝睬持时撮壳卫役疙苫驼丝笼胡磕精摹刚萌护瘦蹭阴腋驴秩赴煞惧综合练习 Unit 1 Festivals around the word思维导图重点词汇apologize harvest religious obvious gather starve gain awardenergetic remind celebration admire belief drown origin hunterindependence permission necessity forgive重点短语in memory of play a trick

5、 on look forward to take place dress up as thoughday and night set off keep ones word turn up hole ones breath其它词汇Christian ancestor beauty arrival feast bone trick poetagriculture custom sadness Easter lunar clothing weep wipeprediction worldwide fashion weave重点语法情态动词用法(上)单元重点知识点Part 1 重点词汇()1. _ u

6、p her scattered belongings, the young woman left in a hurry.A. Having gathered B. Having collected C. Having raised D. Having taken2. Its widely accepted that young babies learn to do things because certain acts lead to _.A. rewards B. prizes C. awards D. results3. Thousands of African children are

7、_ for food due to the many years of drought.A. suffering B. starving C. troubling D. insisting4. The Bull Team _ the football match and they _ much experience in playing football.A. gained; got B. won; gained C. won; won D. gained; won5. We all _ her _ the act that she saved the children from the fi

8、re.A. admired; to B. admired; for C. admired; in D. admired; at6. Michael put up a picture of Yao Ming beside the bed _ him _ his own dreams.A. to remind; of B. reminding; in C. reminded; of D. to remind; for7. She felt so lonely and unhappy. She was ready to _ and forget everything, if they could o

9、nly be together again.A. frighten B. fight C. fail D. forgive8. He played a trick _ Jessy and he had to apologize _ treating her _ a nice dinner.A. on; for; to B. in; by; to C. on; by; to D. on; by; withPart 2 重点词汇()9. We should respect the _(宗教)activities of the local people.10. Its _(必要)that you s

10、hould clean the room after work.11. They entered the area _(未经许可)12. At Christmas the people in the western countries will _(庆祝,庆贺)the birth of Jesus.13. The child is really _(精力充沛); you can hardly believe that he was nearly drowned yesterday.14. Finally India gained its _(独立)from Britain.15. Though

11、 they like jazz very much, some fans even dont know the _(起源)of jazz.Part 3 重点短语1. Great changes _(发生)in our country since the 29 Olympic Games.(1)take place (2)take the place of (3)in place of(4)take sb.s place (5)in place (6)out of place(7)in ones place (8)in the first place2. When asked about the

12、ir opinions about the schoolmaster, many teachers would prefer to see him step aside _ (支持,赞同)younger men.(1)in need of (2)in search of (3)in charge of(4)in memory of (5)in praise of (6)in favor of3. Im _(盼望)seeing you this summer vacation.(1)look at (2)look out (3)look up(4)look for (5)look into (6

13、)look over(7)look forward to (8)look down upon4. Its time for the meeting, but he hasnt _(出现,露面).(1)turn on (2)turn off (3)turn up(4)turn down (5)turn to (6)turn around / turn round(7)turn out (8)turn out to be5. What time are you planning to _(出发,动身,使爆炸)tomorrow?(1)set off (2)set up (3)set down(4)s

14、et out to do (5)set about doing (6)set aside6. On Halloween, children in America like to _(盛装,打扮)as ghosts to frighten people.7. The kids are always _(恶作剧,开玩笑)their teacher.8. To be honest, he never _(守信,遵守诺言).9. The audience _(屏住呼吸)to see who would win the gold medal.10. It seems _(仿佛,好像)there will

15、 be an election soon.完形填空Anna lived on the side of a valley. One summer, there was a very big 1 , and a lot of houses down below Annas were washed away. Annas house was 2 enough to escape the flood, so when the water had 3 and the other houses were 4 there with no roof and no walls and all covered w

16、ith mud (泥), her house was just all right. Her house was quite small, her husband was dead, and she had four children, 5 Anna took in one of the families that had lost 6 in the flood and she 7 her home with them until it was 8 for them to rebuild their house. Annas friends were 9 when they saw Anna

17、do this. They could not understand why Anna wanted to give 10 so much more work and trouble when she already had quite a few children to 11 .“Well,” Anna 12 her friends, “at the end of the First World War, a woman in the town where I then lived found herself very 13 , because her husband had been ki

18、lled in the 14 and she had a lot of children, 15 I have now. The day before Christmas, this woman said to her children, We wont be able to have much for Christmas this year, so Im going to 16 only one present to all of us. Now Ill go and get it. She came back with a 17 who was even poorer than they,

19、 and who had no parents. “Heres our 18 ,” she said to her children. The children were 19 and happy to get such a present. They 20 the little girl, and she grew up as their sister. Such was that Christmas present.”1. A. earthquake B. accident C. flood D. fire2. A. below B. high C. big D. small3. A. r

20、educed B. come C. appeared D. disappeared4. A. rising B. flowing C. falling D. standing5. A. so B. but C. for D. since6. A. nothing B. everything C. anything D. something7. A. gave B. found C. shared D. built8. A. possible B. necessary C. important D. obvious9. A. worried B. disappointed C. puzzled

21、D. satisfied10. A. them B. herself C. him D. us11. A. support B. supply C. grow D. educate12. A. explained to B. asked for C. talked with D. turned up13. A. sad B. poor C. rich D. happy14. A. war B. storm C. rain D. flood15. A. because B. as C. which D. that16. A. get B. send C. buy D. make17. A. bo

22、y B. girl C. student D. teacher18. A. child B. daughter C. sister D. present19. A. angry B. excited C. lovely D. sorry20. A. disliked B. gained C. welcomed D. ledHomeworkPart 1单词拼写(周一、周二完成)1. Christmas is an important _(节日,盛宴,宴会)for Christians.2. After graduation he would love to live _(自主,独立).3. _(

23、农业)development simply must precede economic development.4. She was _(奖,奖品;授予,判定)a scholarship to study at Harvard.5. I am afraid I have_(获得,得到)weight.6. You can never _(预言,预报)what would happen next.7. Its cruel to _(淹死,淹没,溺死)the cat in the river.8. The old woman died of _(饥饿).9. To know happiness on

24、e must experience _(悲哀,悲伤).10. Christmas and _(复活节)are Christian festivals.11. A crowd _(搜集,集合,聚集)to see what had happened.12. She spent a great deal of money to follow the _(样子,时尚).13. These _(狩猎者,猎人)succeeded in taking a fox by a trap.14. He _(道歉)to her for not being to her wedding.15. _(风俗,习俗)is

25、sometimes considered as important as law.16. The secretary informed me of his _(到达,到来).17. They entered the area without any _(允许,许可).18. The hotel held a grand _(庆祝,庆贺)for its opening.19. Its _(明显的)that she is clever.20. We _(羡慕,钦佩) for his righteousness when we co-worked with him.21. People who sh

26、are an _(祖先,祖宗)are called relatives.22. The story _(提醒,使想起)me of my childhood.23. The _(宗教的)affairs have been reestablished.24. It was done under the pressure of the _(必要性,需要).25. The story has attracted _(世界性的,全世界的)attention.26. The peasants are _(收获,收割)rice in the field.27. I _(原谅,饶恕)his crimes at

27、 last.28. The story of his miseries is beyond my _(相信,信仰).29. He seems an _(精力充沛的)person.30. The family had its _(起源)in Canada.Part 2 完形填空(周三完成)Somebody might say, “I want to be a big fish, as big as Bill Gates, in a big pool, as large as Microsoft.” However, we all know it is 1 for a green hand (新手

28、) in the field. Then you have to 2 the question carefully. No matter 3 side you choose to take, you have your chance to succeed. Now the problem is which can provide you more 4 .I choose to be a big fish in a small pool. A big company may provide you a 5 starting point, but a small company offers yo

29、u opportunity to practicevarious 6 . During the 7 , you may 8 yourself, recognize your 9 points and find your potentiality (潜力). Whats more, 10 so many limitations and rules in a small company, if you are competent(胜任的 you have 11 chances to climb to a higher point. Finally, being a big fish (althou

30、gh in a small pool), gives a green hand 12 self-confidence which is quite important for 13 . 14 , you should not be confined (使局限) to your small pool, and be 15 with being a big fish there. You should always dream of being a big fish in a big pool!1. A. impossible B. uninteresting C. unnecessary D.

31、uncomfortable2. A. think B. recognize C. consider D. realize3. A. what B. whether C. how D. which4. A. help B. chances C. advice D. money5. A. high B. proper C. rich D. practical6. A. jobs B. tools C. skills D. topics7. A. success B. perform C. produce D. process8. A. increase B. improve C. impress

32、D. encourage9. A. weak B. reasonable C. strong D. amazing10. A. without B. because of C. except for D. with11. A. less B. equal C. no D. more12. A. various B. serious C. precious D. former13. A. succeed B. success C. successful D. succeeded14. A. Personally B. Certainly C. Immediately D. Generally15

33、. A. satisfied B. proud C. relaxed D. regrettedPart 3 单项选择(周五完成)1. It _ that I met her on my way home.A. took place B. occurred C. happened D. broke out2. The boy _ the first prize, but he was so careless as to make a foolish mistake.A. must have gained B. need have gained C. could have gained D. sh

34、all have gained3. He stood still in front of the shop windows as if he were _ something in them.A. admiring B. looking C. respecting D. liking4. Could you _ me for my not keeping my _?A. sorry; word B. pardon; words C. forgive; promise D. excuse; promises5. If you want to catch the first bus, youd b

35、etter _ for the bus station immediately.A. set up B. set about C. set down D. set off6. Its quite an informal gathering; you neednt _ for it.A. be dressed in B. dress up C. be taken in D. take up7. Anyone who can help me find my lost dog can be _ with ¥1,000.A. rewarded B. awarded C. praised D. valu

36、ed8. Those travelers _ for lack of food before rescuers could get to them.A. starved B. killed C. annoyed D. eager9. The teacher _ all the students before him and told them why and how to _ money for their sick classmates.A. gathered; gather B. asked; collect C. gathered; begged D. gathered; collect

37、10. In our childhood, we were often _ by Grandma to pay attention to table manners.A. demanded B. reminded C. allowed D. hoped11. The villagers collected money to set up a monument _ those who died in the great earthquake.A. in search of B. in place of C. in need of D. in memory of12. Im sorry, but

38、I didnt mean to keep you waiting here for a long time. Can you _me?A. forgive B. satisfy C. apologize D. gain13. I can hardly hear the television. Would you please _?A. turn it on B. turn it down C. turn it up D. turn it off14. She looks forward very spring to _ the flower-lined garden.A. visit B. paying a visit to C. walking D


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