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1、.剑桥英语二级口语考试重点 一,口语考试介绍 剑桥二级口语考试一共分为四个部分,分别为:1.(Find the Difference):给出两幅图片,这两幅图片会有几处不同,需要考生用英语描述出来,常用句型为There be句型;2.(Picture Story):有四幅图,要求考生在考官的指导下能够用英语描述出四幅图的故事,描述的时候应该用一般现在进行时和一般现在时的时态;3.(Odd-one-out):考官会给出四组图,每组图有四幅图片,要求考生用英语指出每一组中不同的一项,并说出原因。考生回答的时候应该注意要分两点来回答,第一点指出哪一项是不同的,第二点说出原因;4.考生会随机给学生提问

2、,考察学生的英语听力、口语、应变能力及常用交际句型的掌握程度。二,考试秘籍 -(要开口; 有礼貌; 有反应;)1. 引导员把你引进给考官;2. 考官先自我介绍,然后跟你主动打招呼;3. 请你也有礼貌的回应考官并做出相应的回答。 考生进入考场后,一般考官会和考生简单的做英语交流,考官会提出一下问题:(1)Hello,My name is Bill.(2)How old are you?这时考生应当回答(1)Hello,I'm Tom.(2)I'm 9 years old.*注:此时考官还有可能会追问“Are you 9?(你是9岁吗)”,考生应当听懂,并回答“Yes, I am.

3、 .”1、 第一部分 Find the Difference-区分两张图片Examiner(考官):Look at these pictures.They look the same,but some things are different. What other different things can you see?Students(考生):There is a .in picture1,but there is a .in picture2.2、 第二部分 Picture Story- 按照图片说故事Examiner(考官):These pictures show a story .

4、Look at the picture first. Now you tell the stroy. (考官会提出一些问题引导考生来回答)Students(考生):考生回答的时候应该用一般现在进行时和一般现在时态。四、第三部分 Odd-one-out-四副图片的分类改部分考试一般的区别在于大小、形状、颜色、动物、人物、外貌、衣着、天气等等。切记考官用什么句型做,你也用什么句型做,这样可以避免犯一些低级错误。Examiner(考官):Now look at these four pictures .One is different Now you tell me about these pict

5、ure.Which one is different ?Why?Students(考生):(1).is different. (2)Because .、.and.are fruits.But .is not fruits.5、 第四部分 随机问答本部分考官的问题比较随机,考的都是剑桥二级的常用交际句型,以下仅供参考:(1)How do you go to school every day? (2)Who do you often play with at school? (3)What do you often do after school? (4)Tell me something abo

6、ut your school.(5)What sport do you like doing at the weekend?(6)What do you like watching on TV?(7)Where do you often go at the weekend?(8)Tell me about your weekends.(9)What's your hobbies?(10)What do you like doing?(11) What do you like wearing?(12) What's your favourite pet?(13) Tell me

7、about your mother's hobby.(14) Who is the tallest in your family?(15) Which floor do you live on ?(16) Have you got a pet at home?What's it?(17) Now tell me about your best friend?(18) What's the weather like today?(19) What was the weather like yesterday?(20) What do you often do on snowy day?(21) Tell me about your favourite weather and why?(22) What do you do at home after school?(23) Who do you play with at home?(24) Tell me about your favourite toy?;


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