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1、.北京联合大学毕业设计(论文)外文原文及译文题目: 3D游戏开发技术研究与实现-游戏界面、图形渲染、网络功能 专业: 计算机科学与技术 指导教师: 朱淑琴 学院: 师范学院 学号: 2009020306126 班级: 2009级计算机科学与技术 姓名: 赵晔 一、外文原文Collision detection technology and artificial intelligent technology could be applied in the development of game, as well as the areas of education, virtual reality

2、, historic preservation, geo-information system, scientific research, entertainment and business. So, the reinforcing for the research on 3D game technology has great practical significance. And the successful research and development of collision detection technology and artificial intelligent tech

3、nology that are suitable for 3D game will have huge theoretical significance and practical significance, wide application prospects. With the development of 3D game as platform, this article deeply researches collision detection algorithm and artificial intelligent technology in game, focuses on the

4、 problem of large calculation amount, slow calculation speed and imprecise collision detection for collision detection algorithm to improve the collision detection in game by the method of combining class-bounding boxes and segment detection method with space partition method, which could effectivel

5、y promotes the precision and speed of collision detection algorithm. In addition, this article perfects path search algorithm of game, improves the problems of long-time search, slow searching speed in A* path search algorithm by improving the path search method of A* algorithm, restraining search s

6、cope and aggravating the weight of heuristic function.1. COLLISION DETECTION ALGORITHMThe BVH (bounding volume hierarchy) in collision detection algorithm is one of the most widely used collision detection methods. The crossing test among BBB is simple, but the compactness of BBB collision detection

7、 algorithm is bad. This article makes improvement for bounding volumes compactness and detection method of AABB collision detection algorithm.Improve the idea: the core of collision detection algorithm is real time and precision. Some game could sacrifice some precision to get real time. The system

8、will adopt collision detection algorithm based on AABB, and improve the problem of bad compactness and large calculation amount existed in AABB collision detection algorithm to certain extent, with the purpose of making the improved collision detection algorithm simple, speedy and precise. Improveme

9、nt idea mainly includes the following aspects: 1) apply BSP to discompose space of scene to reduce the calculation amount for collision detection; 2) optimize bounding volume; 3) put forward segment collision detection algorithm to promote the speed of AABB collision detection.BSP decomposition scen

10、e: the precision and speed of collision detection is the important property of game. If we suppose there are 100 objects in world, for RPG game, system has to make collision detection for 100 objects and 1002 calculations of collision detection. If the are other objects existing in system, too large

11、 calculation amount and too bad system performance are difficult to be accepted by players. So, it is necessary to promote the speed of collision detection. This article mainly provides the following two methods to promote the speed of collision detection. Firstly, as above mentioned, if the game sc

12、ene is not decomposed, collision detection has to detect each object for collision, but in these detections, most of collision detection is useless, so, precious time and resource are wasted for idol work in this way. Then how to reduce this situation? Considering from the aspect of data structure,

13、binominal method shall be adopted to decompose scene. Binominal method could not only be used to manage scene, but also be applied into collision detection. Binominal method could divide object into different area. Each unit contains little object, and collision detection could be done in line with

14、area. BSP tree has the advantage to traverse three dimensional spaces along BSP tree. For each iteration, 50% objects that are impossible to conflict in tree dimensional space could be eliminated until the coincident object is found, by comparing central sibling nodes of objects. This method is simp

15、le and speedy, which just need log2N, or even N step for bad situation, to finish collision detection. Therefore, the adoption of BSP tree for decomposition scene promotes the speed of collision detection to a great extent so as to reduce the calculation amount for collision detection. Secondly, the

16、 speed of collision detection could be promoted from the point of space. Game scene includes static and dynamic object. If the bounding volumes for them are updated continuously, this will cost many time to calculate the bounding volume for all the objects, which undoubtedly increases unnecessary ca

17、lculation. Because the bounding volume of static does not change, so it is not necessary to update their bounding volume. Accordingly, object in static scene has already confirmed its bounding volume in calling stage, and does not update their bounding volumes. In order to guarantee the precision of

18、 collision detection, the bounding volume of dynamic player must be updated real time. The adoption of this method could reduce the calculation amount of collision detection algorithm to a very great extent, and promote the running speed of game. Optimize bounding volume: in order to promote the pre

19、cision of collision detection. But game scene includes dynamic role and static object, if the bounding volume of every object is updated real time, it will increase unnecessary time for calculation. Thus, AABB bounding volume for the object in scene shall be bound in line with class when developing

20、this game. For the static object in scene such as wall, house, tree and other objects with regular shape, only one bounding volume shall be bound, and will not be updated real time, the collision detection in game will be seriously affected. The system just updates the bounding volume of dynamic rol

21、e real time. The width of bounding volume shall be designed as the maximum stride for the acting movement of role. If the bounding volume is too small, the collision detection will be imprecise, and the collision will shows the phenomenon of distortion; if the bounding volume is too big, the real ti

22、me of collision will be bad, so, a proper design of bounding volume will produce the effect of getting twofold results with half the effort for the collision detection between objects. The step length of dynamic role also affects the precision of collision detection. If the step length of role is to

23、o big, the following situations probably happen: when the previous frame hasnt collide with object, the next frame probably has gone through this object, which means that the penetration situation is very easy to happen for the object smaller than the step length of role. In order to prevent the pen

24、etrating, the step length of role shall be increased properly in the process of producing character animation.Segment collision detection algorithm: game system has low requirement for the precision of collision detection, but has higher requirement for the running speed of game. The static object i

25、n game scene do not need to take collision detection, and the collision would happen only between dynamic role and static object. The scene models of game are mostly regular object, so the adoption of AABB bounding volume is enough to express the object in scene approximately. The collision detectio

26、n for two AABB objects needs to calculate at least for 6 times, while, if m collision detections are made before collision, 6m calculations between AABB polygons is needed. This not only has large calculation amount, but also waste of time, becase the answer could be obtained only with m calculation

27、s if there is no collision. The method for solution is to make crossing test with ray and static AABB before the collision of two objects. In this process, the AABB side that is possible to collide is confirmed, and is not changed into the side of dynamic AABB role and static AABB that is possible t

28、o collide until two objects is going to collide so as to make collision detection. However, the opportunity to decide to displace ray with AABB bounding volume is obtained through the distance of ray and AABB bounding volume of static object. With the improved collision detection algorithm, the calc

29、ulation amount decreases nearly a half. The algorithm is described as follows: 1) select the central point S of bounding volume of player role and the vector V of moving direction and make a ray with(S, V) as parameter; 2) utilize BSP tree decomposition method to quickly find the area that is probab

30、ly take collision detection; 3) take the collision detection for the ray and static AABB object: estimate the distance between ray and static AABB object, estimate AABB side that probably collide, eliminate the side that is impossible to collide, if reach the set threshold, then continue; take colli

31、sion detection for dynamic AABB and static AABB plane, otherwise, turn back to.2. OPTIMIZATION OF ALGORITHMLarge storage space and slow calculation speed is the biggest disadvantage of A* path search algorithm. This article adopts three methods to optimize and improve path search. With the method of

32、 grading for path search, A* algorithm embodies the intelligence of NPC in path search, but has two defects: A* algorithm needs to maintain heuristic information, present node and expanding node, while, it needs inner storage with exponential quantity for worst situation, and objective point searche

33、d by A* algorithm are both static, but the player role in this system is dynamic, this obviously increases the complexity for path search. A* path search is rather difficult to achieve. So, it is necessary to improve A* path search algorithm.By observation,we find that all the optimal routes are the

34、 straight line between starting point and objective point in the condition of no obstacle. If there is obstacle, each turning point must locate in the peak of convex polygon of obstacle. On the basis of the above idea for searching path, this system adopts grading path search method, which means tha

35、t non-player role approach object at the path without obstacle, A* algorithm shall be used for path search when the distance between non-player role and obstacle reaches set threshold d, then the optimal node shall be selected real time to change path. For the movement in the straight line of two po

36、ints, the extending node is very little, and calculation amount is very small. Figure 1 is the sketch map for the grading path search method adopted in this article, among which starting point indicates NPC, objective point indicates player role. U is the moving direction of NPC, V is moving directi

37、on of player role. The part from starting point NPC to node adopts path movement of straight line. When the distance between NPC and obstacle reaches threshold d, the improved A* algorithm shall be used to make regular path search. Segment path search method will greatly reduce the searching times,

38、and would not increase the searching time for the increase of distance.Figure 1: the sketch map of segment path searchThe steps of improved algorithm: 1) let coordinate point S of non-player role as starting node and coordinate point G of player role as objective node; 2) calculate d=|G-S|; 3) if d&

39、lt;D( threshold set by people), NPC is activated, otherwise, turn back to 1); 4) path search in straight line, run after player role along the direction of ray; 5) if there is obstacle Q in path, calculate |Q-S|; if |Q-S|<k( threshold set by people), call the improved A* algorithm; otherwise, tur

40、n back to 5); 6) turn to 4). repeat.3. EXPERIMENTAL RESULT AND ANALYSISCollision detection algorithm: in this procedure, the action responding to collision is that virtual character slides along the edge of the object colliding so as to avoid obstacle. In this process, you have to pay attention to t

41、he situation that d is 0. This experiment adopts AABB collision detection algorithm and improved algorithm. Then, compare the experimental data of storages calling time and games rendering frequency of two algorithms, where 100 groups of experimental data are collected for provision and the average

42、for random selection of 10 groups is made for comparison. The comparison of experimental results is shown in figure 2 and figure 3.二、译文碰撞检测技术和人工智能技术可以被应用在游戏发展以及教育、虚拟现实、历史保护、地理信息系统、科研、娱乐和商业领域中。因此,加强对3D游戏技术的研究具有重要的现实意义。并且适用于3D游戏的碰撞检测技术和人工智能技术的成功研发将具有十分重要的理论意义和实现意义,具有广泛的应用前景。随着使用平台开发3D游戏,本文深入研究了碰撞检测算法和

43、人工智能技术在游戏中的应用,以庞大的计算量,使用结合类保卫盒和空间分割段检测法来提高碰撞检测算法的速度慢、碰撞检测计算不精确,可以有效地提高碰撞算法的精确度和速度。此外,本文完善了游戏路径搜索算法,提高了长时间的搜索问题,搜索速度慢在A*路径搜索算法的改进A*算法的路径搜索方法,限制搜索范围和加重的启发函数数量。1. 碰撞检测算法BVH(层次包围盒的碰撞算法)是一种最为广泛使用的碰撞检测法。BBB的交叉实验是很简单,但是紧密的BBB碰撞测试却很复杂。本文对包围体的密实度和AABB包围盒的碰撞检测算法的检测方法进行了改进。改进思想:提高碰撞检测算法的核心是实时性和精确度。有些游戏会牺牲一些精确度






49、碰撞之前做交叉测试。在这过程中,AABB测发生冲突是无疑的,不改变动态和静态AABB是可能发生碰撞的,知道两个物体将要碰撞时才会有碰撞检测。然而,机会决定AABB包围盒的移动射线从射线和静态对象AABB包围盒中获得的距离。用改进的碰撞检测算法计算量能减少近一半。该算法描述如下:1)选择玩家角色包围盒的中心点S和移动距离的矢量V并且以(S,V)作为参照做一个射线;2)利用BSP树分解法很快就会发现可能是带碰撞检测的区域;带碰撞检测的射线和静态AABB对象:估计出射线和静态AABB对象之间的距离和AABB包围盒可能发生碰撞,消除不可能发生,如果达到设定的临界值之后继续;带碰撞检测的动态AABB和静态AABB平面,否则,返回。2. 优化算法大面积的空间和缓慢的计算速度是A*寻路算法的最大不足。本文采用了三种方法来优化和提高路径搜索。随着路径搜索分级法,A*算法体现了NPC在路径搜索的智能,但有两个缺陷:A*算法需要保持启发式信息,现节点和扩充节点,它需要扩大,


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