湖南省茶陵县高中英语 Unit 1 The world of our senses Project课件 牛津译林版必修3.ppt

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湖南省茶陵县高中英语 Unit 1 The world of our senses Project课件 牛津译林版必修3.ppt_第1页
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《湖南省茶陵县高中英语 Unit 1 The world of our senses Project课件 牛津译林版必修3.ppt》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《湖南省茶陵县高中英语 Unit 1 The world of our senses Project课件 牛津译林版必修3.ppt(54页珍藏版)》请在三一文库上搜索。

1、Unit 1,Unit 1 The world of our senses,Producing a TV show,Project,Warming up,1. What do you think is the most dangerous animals in the ocean?2. What do you know about sharks?3. What will you do if a shark attacks you?,There are nearly 400 species of sharks, which are divided into 8 orders(目) and 30

2、families(科). There are lots of differences in sharks.,Basking shark,Shark Species,Whale shark,Great white,Tiger shark,Blue shark,Shark attacks,Read the article about shark attacks on Page 18 to know more about sharks.,Work in pairs or groups. Fill in each blank with no more than one word according t

3、o the texts (P18-19).,Shark attacks,attack,tasting,nose,sudden,wounds,alone,eye,The wonderful world of pigeons,Ancient,direction,north,1. How many different types of sharks are there in the ocean?2. Do all of them attack humans?,Nearly 400.,No. Only about 30 types are known to have attacked human be

4、ings.,Fast reading,3. What is the most dangerous shark?4. What sharks are also rather dangerous?,The great white shark.,Two other sharks are also rather dangerous: the tiger shark and the bull shark.,The three types of shark attacks:In the main type, the shark attacks you because it mistakes you for

5、 a fish, but when it tastes human flesh it decides to give up and swims away.,Detailed reading,In the second type, the shark pushes you with its noses to find out if you are fit to be eaten and then bites you if it thinks you are. In the third type, the shark waits for you to swim by and attacks you

6、 suddenly.,To reduce the risk of a shark attack: Do not swim in the dark. Do not go swimming in the ocean if you have a fresh wound. Do not wear bright clothing or jewellery. Stay in groups.,Advices to follow if a shark attacks you Keep calm. Do not panic. Hit the shark on the nose with your fist. S

7、tick your finger in the sharks eye.,Read the texts carefully and decide whether the statements are true (T) or false (F).,1. The tiger shark and the bull shark are thought to be not dangerous at all. ( )2. Sharks seldom attack people who are in a large group. ( ),F,T,3. An increase in water sports h

8、as led to an increase in shark attacks. ( )4. After rolling up the small piece of paper, the officer attached it to a pigeons leg. ( )5. Pigeons are known for flying home from more than two thousand kilometres away. ( ),F,T,F,Read the second article The wonderful world of pigeons and answer the ques

9、tions.1. What does the article begin with? It begins with a story.2. What is the story about? It is about what an officer did when his army was attacked by the enemy.,3. Why does the writer begin with this story in his article? To arouse readers interest./ To introduce a wonderful animal pigeons.,4.

10、 How do pigeons find their way? Pigeons appear to have a compass inside them that tells them which way is north, they also appear to use their sight and even their sense of smell to tell them which way they should go.,Read the last two paragraphs again and find the main idea for each paragraph.Parag

11、raph 5:Pigeons have the sense of direction, so their greatest use is to carry the news, the mail or messages. In wars, they were able to save the lives and help win.,Paragraph 6:The reason why pigeons never get lost is that not only they have a compass inside but they use their senses of sight and s

12、mell as well.,Brainstorming,What other animals whose unique senses enable them to survive their environments?,Dogs and rabbits have highly developed senses of smell and touch.A spiders unique sense is sight.Butterflies and bees have taste receptors on their feet.,Lions have very good noses, which ar

13、e sensitive to smell.Cats have a well developed sense of touch.Mice and elephants have good hearing.Eagles eyesight is four times as sharp as that of a person with perfect vision.,1. Contrary to what many people might assume, evidence shows that sharks seldom attack humans. 和许多人可能 会认为的正好相反,证据显示鲨鱼极少攻

14、击人类。 contrary adj. 相反的 n. 相反的事实或情况,Language points,contrary to sth. 与之相异的,相反的e.g. _ popular belief, many cats dislike milk. 与普遍的看法相反,许多猫并不 喜欢牛奶。,Contrary to,In the end the contrary was proved true: he was innocent and she was guilty.最后证明事实正好相反: 他是无辜的,而她则有罪。,2. Dont be frightened by sharks as you are

15、 30 times more likely to be hit by lightning than be attacked by a shark. 不要害怕鲨鱼:你被闪电击中的几率 要比受到鲨鱼袭击的几率大三十倍。 likely adj. 可能的 e.g. Tickets are _ to be expensive. 入场券可能很贵。,likely,倍数的表达法有三种:(1) A +谓语+倍数词+形容词或副词的比 较级+ than + B (2) A +谓语+倍数词+ as +形容词或副词 的原级(+名词)+ as + B(3) A +谓语+倍数词+度量名词+ of + B,3. Unlike

16、 human, they never get lost and can always find their way home. 和人类不同,它们从不迷路,总是能 找到归家的路。 unlike prep. 不像,与不同 e.g. _ most systems, this one is very easy to install. 本系统与多数系统不同,极易安 装。,Unlike,难句解析,1. In the main type, the shark attacks you because it mistakes you for a fish, but when it tastes human fl

17、esh it decides to give up and swims away.,本句是_,连词but连接两个复合句。在第一个复合句中,because引导一个_从句;第二个复合句中,when引导一个_从句。 句中mistake for 指“把错当为”,并列主从复合句,原因状语,时间状语,e.g. You must be mistaking me for my younger sister. 你一定是把我错当成我妹妹了。动词taste在句子作及物动词,指“辨别出(食品、饮料等味道)e.g. She could taste tomato in the soup. 她能够辨别出汤中番茄的味道。,2

18、. In the second type, the shark pushes you with its noses to find out if you are fit to be eaten and then bites you if it thinks you are.,句中第一个if 引导的是_,作find out的宾语;第二个 if 引导的是 _,其完整形式为:if it thinks you are fit to be eaten.,宾语从句,条件状语从句,3. Though it may seem hard to believe, the bird the officer uses

19、 is the same bird often seen in public parksthe pigeon.,句中的though引导_,其中it 代指_的内容。主句中的the officer uses 是_,修饰主语the bird,而often seen in public parks是过去分词短语,作the same bird的_。,让步状语从句,主句,定语从句,后置定语,4. Pigeons appear to have a compass inside them that tells them which way is north. 句中that 引导_,修饰 _。 在该句中,tel

20、l后接_,直接宾语 是which引导的宾语从句。,定语从句,compass,双宾语,这里的appear 是系动词,相当于seem, 意思是“_”。 e.g. Mary appears to be hesitating about this matter. 在这件事情上,玛丽似乎还在犹 豫。,好像,似乎,Producing a TV show about how the animal uses its senses.,Introducing the project,Planning,Get into groups(6-8). Decide which animal to focus on. Cl

21、ear assignments. You can look the questions on Page 19 and assign task to each group member.,Search information about the animal from books, Internet or by visiting a zoo, watching an animal documentary. Focus your research on how the animal you choose uses its senses.,Preparing,Producing,Decide wha

22、t information will be used in your TV show. Pictures should be presented in an easy- to-see way because TV is very visual. Each member must work on a different part of the show, keeping in mind the overall design.,Every member has to proofread the writing at least once, correct mistakes if there are

23、 any, and add any new ideas they can think of.,Presenting,Present your show to the class. Answer any questions other group might ask.,Complete the sentences according to the initials.1. Do you think pleasant smells can r_ pain? 2. Thank you very much. My success is closely r_ to your help.,educe,ela

24、ted,Exercises,3. Jim stayed up very late to play computer games yesterday. Now he is too s_ to keep his eyes open.4. My head a_ means I have a headache.5. It is very l_ that he will come to the party. He is free tonight.,ches,ikely,leepy,6. I am trying to figure out what blood t_ my son could have.7

25、. He is d_ impressed by what you did.8. I crossed the street to a_ meeting him, but he saw me and ran to me.,void,ype,eeply,Fill in the blanks with the phrases.be linked to,make the most of,relate to, make progress1. As a leader, his heart _ the hearts of the people.2. He has _ in his English studies.,is linked to,made progress,3. You must work hard and _ _ your chance to study.4. More studies will be required before we know whether the fact _ the result.,the most of,is related to,make,Review words and phrases in this unit.,Homework,


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