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1、学生在活动中学习英语,在生活中学习英语。教学重难点重点:掌握一般现在时和一般将来时的句型结构。难点:1 .正确掌握一般现在时中,当主语是第三人称单数时,动词的变化规则。2 .引导学生尝试复述课文。教学准备多媒体课件,点读笔,表盘,单词卡片,旅行计划教学方法:情景教学法、直观教学法、任务教学法教学过程:Stepl . 1 .Wanning upEnjoy the chant ( Part 5 of the book.)(设计意图,既能活跃课堂气氛,又能在欢快的歌曲里复习巩固上一单元所学知识,为本节 课做知识准备。)2.GreetingT: Hello.boys and girls. It'

2、;s hot today. And Pm happy.Are you happy?S: YesT: Please look at the boy.(课件出示Part5歌曲中男孩上学图片。)He goes to school at eight o'clock. What about you?S1:1 go to school atS2:1 go to school atStep2 PresentationT: You go to school so early? What about Daniuig ? Let's watch.(播放动画 1 )T: What's the

3、 matter with Daniuig?S: He's late.T : What's the time now?S(学生可以用点读笔点出答案)9Will you be home a seven o'clock?Are you going to be late?What time will you be home?课件出示:It's q quarter to eight now.教授'quarter'(个读、组读、齐读) 2,出示两个一 :45分的表盘,师生问答练习句型。(设计意图:通过逼真的实物表盘,让学生更加直观的理解一 :45的表达法,增

4、强记忆。) T: Damnig gets up late , so he's late for school.(课件出示;Early to bed and early to rise.养成早睡早起的好习惯!适时对学生进行情感教育。) Step3 Text learning:1. T: Darning is late for school. Mr Smart is going home now.What time will he be home? ( PPT 播放 Part 2 动画)(设计意图:提出问题,让学生初步感知课文文本。)S: He'll be home at seve

5、n o'clock.(板书句型)2. Listen and finish the form.Finish the formDon't worry. Ill be hom.at seven o'clock. /HI be home at seven o'clock.询问Mr Smart何时到家,Mr Smart的不同方式的回答。让学生边听边搭配,进一步理解文 本。)3. Listen and repeat (提醒学生注意语言语调)4. Read in roles and role play the text.(小组展示分角色朗读成果,采用小组竞争机制。Step4

6、Pratice:Finish the three pictures of Part3.(设计意图:让学生能根据要求为图片、实物等写出简短的描述,练习主要句型。)Step5 Consolidation:T: The summer holiday is coming. I will go(课件出示自己的暑假旅行计划)1 .学生默读老师的旅行计划。2 .小组内交流指定各自的暑假旅行计划,并与师生分享交流。Our travel planThe summer holiday is coming.On summer holiday. We 7/ go toWell go there by at in th

7、eWe'llg。there at in theWe canandthere.And well,吃午餐)atthere.6We'll 1到家)at in the(设计意图:通过设计真实的情景,让学生在真实的语境任务中运用所学知识进行交流。) 情感提升:让学生养成合理安排时间的生活和学习习惯。Step6 SummaryWhat have you learn this class?(学生分享本节课的收获)Step7 Homework1. Read the text flutely (流利地).2. Enjoy your travel plan with your friends.板书设计:Module 7Unit2LJ1111


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