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1、名著飘精彩节选CHAPTER I 第一章SCARLETT O' HARA was not beautiful, but men seldom realized it when caught by her charm as the Tarleton twins were.思嘉奥哈拉长得并不漂亮,但是男人们像塔尔顿家那对学生兄 弟为她的魅力所迷住时,就不会这样想了。In her face were too sharply blended the delicate features of her mother, a Coast aristocrat of French descent, an

2、d the heavy ones of her florid Irish father But it was an arresting face, pointed of chin, square of jaw. Her eyes were pale green without a touch of hazel, starred withbristly black lashes and slightly tilted at the ends她脸上有着两种特征,一种是她母亲的娇柔,来自法兰西血统的 海滨贵族;一种是她父亲的粗犷,来自浮华俗气的爱尔兰人,这两种特 征混在一起显得不太协调,但这张脸上尖

3、尖的下巴和四方的牙床骨, 是很引人注意的,她那双淡绿色的眼睛纯净得没有一丝褐色,配上乌 黑的睫毛和翘起的眼角,显得韵味十足。Above them, her thick black brows slanted upward, cutting a startling oblique line in hermagno1iawhite skin一that skin so prized by Southern women and so carefully guarded withbonnets, veils and mittens against hot Georgia suns上而是两条墨黑的浓眉斜在

4、那里,给她木兰花般白皙的肌肤划上 十分分明的斜线,这样口皙的皮肤对南方妇女是极其珍贵的。她们常 常用帽子、而纱和手套把皮肤保护起来,以防受到佐治亚炎热太阳的 暴晒。1. descent di' sent n.下落,家世,倾斜,侵袭He traces his descent back to an old norman family. 他追踪自己的世系上溯至一个古老的诺曼家族。2. florid adj.华丽的,红润的,炫耀的,绚丽的a florid complexion红润的而色3. arresting adj.醒目的,引人注意的,有趣的an arresting sculpture一座引

5、人注意的雕塑4. hazel ' heizl n.榛,淡褐色This small animal has a pair of hazel eyes.这只小动物有一双淡褐色的眼睛。5. bristly adj. 1.(毛发)短而硬的2.长满刚毛的;粗糙的3. 林立的4.易怒的She finds his beard too bristly.她觉得他的胡须太扎人。6. slant sla: nt vt.使倾斜,歪曲 vi.倾斜We slanted across the river.我们斜渡过河。7. oblique adj.间接的,斜的He made oblique references to

6、 her lack of experience.他拐弯抹角地说她缺乏经验。8. magnolia n.木兰,玉兰类的植物9. bonnet n.软帽The lit tie girl wears a red bonnet.那小女孩戴着一顶小红帽。10. mitten ' mitn n.连指手套,露指手套In winter she wears mittens冬天时她戴连指手套。1. but men seldom realized it when caught by her charm as the Tarleton twins were【难句解析】it指上句所指的“SCARLETT O&#

7、39; HARA was notbeautiful n , when 后面省略 T they (men), as 此处表示"和.一样”【句子译文】但是男人们像塔尔顿家那对学生兄弟为她的魅力所 迷住时,就不会这样想了。2. In her face were too sharply blended the delicate features of her mother, a Coast aristocrat of French descent, and the heavy ones of her florid Irish father【难句解析】这句话相当于her face blends

8、 the delicate features and the heavy ones【句子译文】她脸上有着两种特征,一种是她母亲的娇柔,来自 法兰西血统的海滨贵族;一种是她父亲的粗犷。Seated with Stuart and Brent Tarleton in the cool shade of the porch of Tara, her father' splantation , that bright April afternoon of 1861, she made a pretty picture Her new green f1oweredmus1in dress spr

9、ead its twelve yards of billowing material over her hoops and exactly matched the flat-heeled green morocco slippers her father had recently brought her from Atlanta The dress set off to perfection the seventeen-inch waist, the smallest in three counties, and the tightly fitting basque showed breast

10、s well matured for her sixteen years1861年四月一个晴朗的下午,思嘉同塔尔顿家的挛生兄弟斯图尔 特和布伦特坐在她父亲的塔拉农场阴凉的走廊里,她的美貌显得更明 媚如画了。她穿一件新绿花布衣裳,长长的裙子在裙篩上舒展着,配 上她父亲从亚特兰大给她带来的新绿羊皮便鞋,显得很相称。她的腰 围不过17英寸,是附近三个县里最细小的了,而这身衣裳更把腰肢衬 托得更完整,加上里而那件绷得紧紧的小马甲,使她的只有16岁但己 发育得很好的乳房便跃然显露了。But for all the modesty of her spreading skirts, the demurene

11、ss of hair netted smoothly into a chignon and the quietness of small white hands folded in her lap, her true self was poorlyconcealed The green eyes in the carefully sweet face were turbulent, willful, lusty with life, distinctly at variance with her decorous demeanor Her manners had been imposed up

12、on her by her motherf s gentle admonitions and the sterner discipline of her mammy; her eyes were her own.不过,无论她散开的长裙显得多么老实,发髻梳在后面显得多么 端庄,那双交叠在膝头上的小手显得多么文静,她的本来面目终归是 藏不住的。那双绿色的眼睛生在一张甜美的脸上,却仍然是任性的, 充满活力的,与她的装束仪表很不相同。她的举止是由她母亲和嬷嬷 的严厉管教强加给她的,但她的眼睛属于她自己。On either side of her, the twins lounged easily in

13、 their chairs, squinting at the sunlight through tall mint- garnished glasses as they laughed and talked, their long legs, booted to the knee and thick with saddle muscles, crossed negligently. Nineteen years old, six feet two inches tall, long of bone and hard of muscle, with sunburned faces and de

14、ep auburn hair, their eyes merry and arrogant, their bodies clothed in identical blue coats and mustard-colored breeches, they were as much alike as two bolls of cotton.她的两旁,学生兄弟懒懒地斜靠在椅子上,斜望着从新装的玻璃 窗透过来的阳光谈笑着,四条穿着高统靴和因经常骑马而鼓胀的长腿 交叠在那里。他们现有19岁,身高六英尺二英寸,长长骨骼,肌肉坚 实,晒得黑黑的脸膛,深褐色的头发,眼睛里闪着快乐的神色。他们 穿着同样的蓝上衣

15、和深黄色裤子,长相也像两个棉桃似的。1. plantation n.种植园There were hundreds of slaves in the plantation.这个种植园里有数百名奴隶。2. billowing adj.如波浪般的The wind blew hard and the sea was billowing.疾风劲吹,海浪汹涌。3. hoop hu: p n.箍,铁环,叫声Hoop skirts were once the vogue.圈环裙一度曾是时尚4. morocco n. 1.摩洛哥羊皮革,仿摩洛哥羊皮革(用以制鞋和封而)5. basque bsk n. 一种妇人用

16、短上衣6. demureness n.端庄7. chignon 典 n.假髻8. decorous adj.有礼貌的,高雅的,端正的9. demeanor n.彳亍为,态度,举止The girl has a quiet, modest demeanor.这个女孩子的态度娴静而谦逊。10. admonition n.警告,劝告The students take the admonition from their teacher.学生们接受老师的劝告。11. squint skwint v.使变斜视眼,斜视He squinted in the bright sunlight.他在很亮的阳光下眯起了

17、眼睛。12. garnish v.装饰The chicken was garnished with coriander and red chilli.这道鸡配上了芫荽和红辣椒。13. auburn n. adj.赭色(的)All the people living in that country have auburn hair.住在那个村子里的人们的头发全是赤褐色的。1.Seated with Stuart and Brent Tarleton in the cool shade of the porch of Tara, her father * s plantation, that bright April afternoon of 1861, she made a pretty picture


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