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1、圣诞节英语演讲稿圣诞节英语演讲稿1The name Christmasis shortfor“ Christ s Mass” .A Mass is a kind of Church service. Christmas is areligious festival. It is the day we celebrate as thebirthday of Jesus.There are specialChristmasservicesinChristianchurches allover the world.But many of the festivitiesof Christmas do

2、not have anything to do with religion.Exchanging gifts and sending Christmas cards are themodern ways of celebratingthe Christmasin the world.The birthof Jesus had a story:In Nazareth,a cityof Galilee. The virgin s name was Mary was betrothedto Joseph. Before they came together,she was found withchi

3、ldof the Holy Spirit.Joseph her husband was mindedto put her away secretly. While he thought about these things, Gabriel, an angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream and told him did not be afraid to take Mary as wife. And Mary will bring forth a Son, and he shall call his name, Jesus, for he wi

4、ll save his people from their sins.BeforeJesusbirths,JosephandMarycametoQuintuswasgoverningSyria.Soallwenttoberegistered,everyonetohisown city.Joseph also wentup out of Galilee, out of the city of Nazareth, intoJudea,tothecityofDavid,whichiscalledBethlehem,because he was ofthehouse and ofthelineageo

5、fDavid,tobe registeredwithMary,his betrothedwife,who waswith child. So it was that while they were there, thedays were completed for her to be delivered. And shebrought forth her firstborn Son, and wrapped him inswaddling cloths, and laid him in a manger, becausetherewas no room forthem intheinn.And

6、that,Christmas is the feast of the nativity of Jesus, is on25th, December every year. But nobody know the actualbirthdayof Jesus.And theChristmashas become popularwhen Christmas cards appeared in 1846 and the conceptofajollySantaClauswas firstmadepopularinnineteenth Century.圣诞节英语演讲稿2Arrived the Chri

7、stmas festival again, similar tousually,localscholarscome out to oppose the Chineseinsuccessionagainrecentlyover ”Christmasfestival” , the many people emphasizes the Christmasfestival again and again again western is a religioussexfestival,is a familyday, the personwantstomeettogether together at we

8、stern this whole family of.I have to say; the medium, public opinion discussthese to have annually what use? Who like the quilt toobservea festivalcompulsory?We have anotherthatkindof the festival that take the whole family member asthe topic return little? Say a conveniently, I not amto oppose the

9、reunited traditional festival of wholefamily, but all the year round, must have so how manydays, stay is happy for ourselves a joy? The Christmasfestival gave us a reason at the right moment- Can andfavoritefriend s party,can manage tokeep thespiritstrongly shopping, can revel to idle away in seekin

10、gpleasure all night.Allthingsaresell ata discount,allhotelshangfulldecorate,thestreetlightis bright,barin againandagainsow” ChristmasEve” IfeelthattheChristmas festival gave everyone is a festival thatwithoutsenseofresponsibility,wecanthinktheoneselfvery young, imitatethebutthaand returnedto18 years

11、 oldIfyouthinkthatyoureallycan tlead aChristmasfestivalwithobsequioustoforeignerspraise ocean, that relaxs the point rather, take it asa relaxed” the shopping stanza” !圣诞节英语演讲稿3On December 25, people around the world celebratethe birth of Jesus Christ. Some people celebrate bygivinggifts.Childrenmay

12、 be thanking SantaClausfornew toys. They may also be going to church with theirfamilies.Christmas has so many traditionsand symbolsassociatedwithit,that it s hardtodetermineexactly how it came to be the celebration it is today.Ah! Christmas morning! Children like to wake upearly while it s still dar

13、k and sneak into the livingroom tocheckthepresents-findany withtheirnameon it, shake them to guess what s inside, and thenmaybe they llgo back to bed and pretendtheyare stillasleep when their parents come to wake them with a“Merry Christmas! ”But almost no one I know gets completely dressedor eats a

14、 regular breakfast first thing Christmas morning. They just put on a robe or wear their pajamas and go to see what s under the Christmas tree. Some Christian families have a tradition of reading the Bible story of Jesus birth. Maybe it s to remind the children that Christmas is Jesus birthday.Someon

15、e will begin to take the presents out fromunder the tree, see whose name is on the package, andthen pass them around.Somefamilieswait untilallthepresentshave been givenout before opening any ofthem,while others open each one as it comes to them. Thereare many “ thank you ” to the ones who gave the g

16、ifts,new clothes are tried on to see if they fit, and ofcourse the most interesting toys will immediately beplayed with.Usually among the Christmas gifts will be someespecially delicious candy or cake or cookies whicheveryone tastes. These sweet things may be the onlybreakfastmany peopleeat Christma

17、smorning.Afterthegifts have been opened, the room will be tidied upexcept where thechildrenare playingwith theirtoys.Everyone will wash and get dressed for the day.Some people may go to a Christmas morning churchservice around ten o clock if their church didn thave one on Christmas Eve. But most people will justwatch TV. Well, most men will. The children may playoutside or inside with their new toys, but the motherswill be in the kitchen preparing Christmas Dinner.s( “content_relate” );【圣诞节英语演讲稿】


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