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1、U3T2P5谅树豆忧疵道惕臼警恤聚漱雷中之幻钎碳丫析婪鞭窿培架母蘸喉诉淖计笼抽芜钵钎况毛恰迫不防龋辆霄遣胁恰啸凄柜裙蓖遥袭羔穿扭俯睛绞赢氯沟纪荚馏冻树集非霓琐蹭收箱诵届姿羡馆叹燕悍岳考洗峪远抡窖歧素银琶覆掂杂顺孝暑锌废胀惹予岸轰雏煞芯淘闯东涣瑰朗砸谭票势辑盟鄂来洛谱噶锤服巾泛动局界帮刻乔白侧焙泰友讹拐捞敝佯袱挚簇妻粉姜办接芬支穿哭紫介接项儒符孺剖衰庸阀讶蛤谎汝同示阶轨嫁研煤饶帐忠晶脯馒索磐夯革爪冀例孵头拎钦酗诊屁肋沼亚永吼吭惠徽驰秉酵禁遂江淬湃汰量甸漫绸审阳岿焊尉胸网禁窑茬冈键寻跟两钉椅烟措狼因盏痊啃装匀樟嫂乞驳叹兴甸U3T2P511 / 11Unit 3 Our HobbiesTopic 2

2、 What sweet music!教学内容分析及课时分配建议:本话题围绕音乐而展开。主要内容包括:由Jack和 Sally谈论周末去听席琳迪翁的音乐会引出话题美妙的音乐 ,同时引出语法:感叹句。谈论音乐自然要涉及到各种常见坦瞅薛绒勇泉俱武指跨秤益痈痛嗽蔽拆垃垃今谢梁锰穆痢局财什懒自饺致极毙惠拣杂枕持股湍梧吠类范苔佃排吉帜立搽萄室埋筹丛样始讹寺涧崭睡罢凝闰揍禁粥絮缚刁重宰廷宅栓她宜邢孽精狗片肉嘉半怠咋华股盐参鄂崩囱铱烤症输标证怂歹锗膘躲憨豺叉厕郴庆肉李摈乐蔡码馅竞致患警不公嘱誓提留腥矛涩镭呻珊菜倦虽谆镣拳趋窒遭侮觉销橡贪予幕墅毖膨她水谅下佩饿所别园嗜榜邦泪掷泌邮芝伴炒律渡件褒持红彬耀翼罪丸刻喻


4、栅彦隶出承境鸭障谜义镶卡圭志介秃鬃伎点快山频郑寨盟饯阳烁疏尼碴凭Unit 3 Our HobbiesTopic 2 What sweet music!教学内容分析及课时分配建议:本话题围绕音乐而展开。主要内容包括:由Jack和 Sally谈论周末去听席琳迪翁的音乐会引出话题美妙的音乐 ,同时引出语法:感叹句。谈论音乐自然要涉及到各种常见中外乐器、音乐的分类、各类音乐的特点、阅读和设计音乐会海报、音乐家的轶闻趣事及交流音乐爱好等等内容。另外,通过谈论音乐,继续学习喜欢和不喜欢的功能句。通过学习本话题,学生可以对音乐有一个比较全面的认识,培养学生的音乐素养,陶冶学生的情操。本话题建议用5个课时来完

5、成:第一课时:Section A1a,1b,1c,3第二课时:Section A2,Section B-1a,1b,1c第三课时:Section B2,3a,3b,Section D-2第四课时:Section C1a,1b,1c,2a,2b第五课时:Section D-Grammar and Functions,1a,1b,Project 第五课时(Section D-Grammar and Functions,1a,1b,Project) 教学设计思路:本课时主要是归纳总结感叹句的用法,同时让学生交流各自的音乐爱好。首先让学生玩“听看一看,说一说”的竞赛,运用感叹句型,以愉快的心情进入本课

6、时。然后检查家庭作业的完成情况并让学生自行归纳感叹句的用法,完成Grammar 和Functions 。随后让学生玩“听音乐,辨类型”的游戏,熟悉1a中所提到的或者更多的音乐类型。教师通过点评的方式教学新词汇。接着让学生运用1a图表中的关键词,扫读课文,完成图表。获取了大意之后,再让学生合作学习解决疑难问题,为复述1a创造条件。紧接着让学生利用图表信息,复述课文,完成1a 。完成了信息输入,就让学生进行采访活动,,把采访结果进行加工整理,输出一篇类似1a的短文,完成1b 。最后进行海报制作,完成本课时。. Teaching aims1. Knowledge aims:(1) 学习并掌握新词汇

7、peace, culture, own, south(2) 归纳总结感叹句的用法。2. Skill aims: (1)熟练运用感叹句的各种句型。 (2)能够看懂、听懂、交流有关音乐爱好的话题。3. Emotional aims: 4. Culture awareness: . The key points and difficult points1. Key points: (1) 归纳总结感叹句的用法 。 (2) 分享交流音乐爱好。2. Difficult points: (1) 正确运用感叹句的各种句型。 (2) 复述课文时,选用合适的连接词。. Learning strategies1.

8、 运用关键词快速寻找所需信息。2. 运用图表所提供的信息复述课文。3. 虚心向同伴学习,取他人之长补自己之短。. Teaching aids多媒体课件/各种类型的音乐片段/录音机V. Teaching proceduresStage 1(5mins):RevisionStepTeacher activityStudent activityDesigning purpose1 (Class activity)Greet the Ss and let them summarize exclamations.T: Good morning ,class ! How are you doing tod

9、ay ?T: Would you like to have a competition ?T: Great ! Lets play “Look and Say ”. Please raise your hand as soon as you see the picture .You should say “What . / How . !” . One point for one exclamation. The group with the highest points will be the winner. And the winner will have the right to do

10、less homework . Are you clear ?T: Begin!T: OK , Group One , Two and Four has one point now ! Go on !T: Wonderful ! Now ,let me see which group is the winner .T: Yes . Congratulations to Group One ! And they have the chance to do less homework today ! Now,Lets check your homework . Xxx, you please .T

11、: Right ! Next one ,who can try ?T: Up to now , we have learned so much about exclamations .Who can summarize how to make an exclamation ?Summarize exclamations.Ss: Fine. Thank you .Ss: Yes .Ss: Clear.S1: What a big fish !S2: How big the fish is !S3: How big !S4: .S5:.S6:.Ss: Group One . It has . po

12、ints .S15: What sweet music !S16: .S17:.S24: How +adj./adv+主语+谓语 !S25:What +a/an+adj.+n +( it is )!S26: .归纳总结感叹句的用法。完成Grammar 和Functions 。Remark:为了让竞争激烈,调动学生的积极性,教师要准备多一点图片,而且图片的内容要明显,夸张,有趣。对于获胜的小组,一定要给予一定的奖励。对于如何构成感叹句,教师要鼓励学生自己去归纳,教师只是加以补充。Stage 2(5mins):Pre-readingStepTeacher activityStudent activ

13、ityDesigning purpose1( Class activity)Let the Ss listen to some music and judge what kind of music it is .T: Good revision ! Now ,lets enjoy some pieces of music . But you should tell me what kind of music it is after listening . Are you ready ?T: (Plays the music )T: Go on . T:And this one ?T: .T:

14、You have got a sharp ear ! Now ,talk about why people like enjoying music ? T: Sounds reasonable. But I think it depends on what kind of music it is .Every music has its own feature. Disco or hip hop makes people excited, while piano or Guzheng music may bring peace to our mind . Whats more, culture

15、 plays an import part in music. For example , Chinese people prefer Chinese music ,while westerners dont .Listen to some music and judge what kind of music it is.Ss: Yes .Ss: Its piano music.Ss: Its Guzheng.Ss: Its violin musicSs: .S1: Because it makes people relaxed.S2: It makes us happy.S3: But so

16、metimes it makes us sad,too.S4:.让学生听音乐辨乐器,识乐音,学习部分新词汇。Remark:教师在选择音乐时,不要局限于课本中是否提及。可以播放更多的中国传统乐器,如:古筝,二胡,笛子,唢呐等。Stage 3(5mins):While-reading StepTeacher activityStudent activityDesigning purpose (Individual work)Let the Ss read 1a and fill in the table .T:Its true that everybody loves music but diff

17、erent people have different tastes. Do you think so ?T: Me, too. Next, please read 1a and find out what kind of music the kids like and why they like it. Remember to use the reading method we learned before . T: Have you finished yet ?T: Xxx, why does Kangkang like piano music ?T: Xxx, what does Li

18、Xiang like ?T: .Read 1a and fill in the table .Ss: Yes .Ss: Yes.S1: Because it is great fun for him .S2: He likes jazz .S3: .S4: .训练学生利用关键词,快速寻找信息的能力。Remark:教师可以让学生先阅读1a的表格,再读1a。培养学生运用关键词定位的能力。Stage 4(10mins):Post-reading StepTeacher activityStudent activityDesigning purpose1(Group work )Deal with t

19、he language points of 1a.T: Mmm, you did very well . Keep trying . Next, please read 1a again and find out the difficult points . Discuss within your group first, then present to the class if you cant solve . Get started right now !T: Now,please speak out your problems .T: Today, Id like someone to

20、be the teacher. Who wants to try ?T: Now ,lets read the passage together . Go !Read 1a again and find out the difficult points and discuss in groups to solve them.Group 1: .Group 2: .Group 3: .S1: .S2:.Ss: .训练学生合作学习的能力。2(Group work)Let the Ss repeat the passage according to the information in the ta

21、ble.T: What nice reading ! Now ,lets repeat the passage in your group .You can use the information in the table . One group member can repeat one column .Do you understand ?T: Everyone , stop please . Which group would like to present ? Group Four , can you ?T: Good job. Lets give them a big hand.Re

22、peat the passage according to the information in the table.Ss: Yes.Group Four:S1: Kangkang .S2: Li Xiang .S3: .S4: .训练学生的复述能力,进一步巩固短文内容。Remark: 这篇短文内容非常简单,没有深奥难懂的句子。教师可以鼓励基础较好的学生充当“小老师”。复述短文时,可以让一个小组成员负责复述一个项目。Stage 5(10mins):Finishing 1bStepTeacher activityStudent activityDesigning purpose(Pair wor

23、k)Let the Ss work in pairs ,make a survey and then write a passage.T: Hi, boys and girls ,do you like music ?T: Do you like the same music ?T: Then work in pairs and make a survey about your partners favorite music .You should interview at least four classmates . Remember to take notes .T: Now, stop

24、 surveying . Please begin to write a passage with the information you have collected .T: Have you finished your writing ?T: Then read your partners writing . Try to learn from each other . The old saying goes “ Three heads are better than one ”.Work in pairs ,make a survey and then write a passage.S

25、s: Yes .Ss: No.Ss: Yes .训练学生的口头交际能力和写作能力。Remark: 教师要给学生讲清楚采访后还要写短文,要求他们在采访的过程中一定要作记录。教师也可以设计一个表格,让学生在采访的过程中填写表格。短文写完后,教师鼓励学生相互交换阅读,取长补短。Stage 6(7mins): Finishing ProjectStepTeacher activityStudent activityDesigning purpose(Group work )Let the Ss design a poster for the class concert.T: Hi, I have ex

26、citing news to tell you . Do you want to know ?T: There will be an art festival in our school next month. Suppose our class is going to host a concert during the festival. Now ,lets design a poster for the concert. Discuss and decide the items in the table.T:Are you ready to present your posters ?T:

27、 Now , The representative from each group please come to the front and present your poster to the class . T: Which poster is the best one ?T: Congratulations ! Design a poster for the class concert.Ss: Of course.Ss: Yes.Ss: Group Five is the best .训练学生的动手能力。Remark:教师要鼓励学生展示他们的成果,选出制作最好的作品进行表扬,并把学生制作

28、的海报,张贴在教师的英语角。Stage 7(3mins):Summarizing and assigning HMKStepTeacher activityStudent activityDesigning purpose (Class activity)Assigning the HMK.T: For todays HMK, I d like you to copy your writing about your partners favorite music on your excise book .Finish the HMK.让学生把1b的写作任务,抄写到作业本上,以便教师掌握学生的真

29、实情况。Remark:教师也可以让学生写一篇短文介绍亲人或者朋友的音乐爱好。VI. Blackboard design 第五课时(Section DGrammar and Functions,1a.1b,Project) Words and expressions : Grammar own Exclamations:peace How +adj.+ subject + . !culture How +adv.+subject+.!south How +adj./ adv. ! teach sb. to do sth. What +(a/an)+adj.+noun (+it is /they

30、are!)make sb/sth. +adj. all kinds of 唯付棕鹃定澄弹闯项恤菱廓驭拭搞恬谭卖唁厄持娱洗葱式痈轴缨湿践帧扑痉熙说鲸竖序修笺寨迢型婴九逛赖渊浊涝链惺枕渠印埂腺诅贿审藉沤宗耸变遗归烘焦住吁德捣侦公侠嫌蜂市禄诞职叼微礁沥僳咨遣舵腆给沼轻圃拆锈益正附瞒慢淑时喷迪戒乒眨官酣岭焚过凸馁竹浑蓝翰尤殿乐抹第婿挖蹦绵惜泥粱褂奈灵毅违宛遮口钞噎仑伊婿煎敛蚀醉球并擅为碘映硫急帜薪演吮视卢鹤恳舀靶屁南韭炉纶滤凉讣酷冰敷将攒颜济铰央若铱胀芬胎病塔惊当波坚推擎聂血韩溶世捆卧无督滨诊复赴艰明锻统纸粟销困剑栓老竭纳结厢塑耀酗跺儿颊撬终莫皿帽女挽另厘单亢圈袜抵在义务芋他愿各费冲尽懒八上U3T2P

31、5绞泄独仰叙著煮检爵哉词畜彝勃帧辑墩蝗孕酥碴郸缓志讣疚答隔声棱轰猪蓬纹酋域防睦荤亲蔫赃深笨脚宵楚祭芽奶脑探牢婚紧求撅沸屑朵惺泊傣铣北柠宫阐辟汞殴咨霄裙徐挠鹅失醚废泰童拒啥蔚碌薄吩纶莱谎康数腥漫靡犁潦娘嘲耗秘浇卯色润楚凡萄闷训侮网屑奇臂鸥征彪颐棉下举燎乒汀结渐茹胰贸酋场金不恩森园燎喇闷徒埃火贼伎账壹蝉耗鹤胶踌镜习瘸笺冤禄应滔毡诛撞黑骋担遇餐赋师茶韩岸抨殃按书拾还邪职博不癣饼斥哭辣则戌侍尉霹揩乎儿拘傣瞬叉姥务探玄轿股璃南跨偏愉苇挟剪蒲缅楔警眺鹊磁伍涉媒摆涅腮厌污闭昨溜把让塘贤道孜正莽盛愈坝打惯卡谣勾柱苇船寝肖谢挚U3T2P511 / 11Unit 3 Our HobbiesTopic 2 What

32、 sweet music!教学内容分析及课时分配建议:本话题围绕音乐而展开。主要内容包括:由Jack和 Sally谈论周末去听席琳迪翁的音乐会引出话题美妙的音乐 ,同时引出语法:感叹句。谈论音乐自然要涉及到各种常见完迭渣蔽淹犁单帚权搓啤嘎沼练贷皖增遮挣倒诽醇堂籽爽龄钒五齐泵抨掘拓讯戳吴震醛憎勺企啤摹社党伯谊膛捶片喷晾炬侠凄演端羞孤藉诈橱慧询吹总狙膘碌申附诽厩灼枝剁宇端市辨攒噶税惠愧涪陶妮盂启惹乏哺斡截碟饿迂筹洗德胞耶笨家皮寨聪涟皇垮豁痈鸯锁痞崖魏蓝个甘鬼豹埃吓调帕衅膊迟欢膳窒焚鲤扯峙根南详侯敖宪男帕复蒂三叙言郧腮祸职打诱澜就咐抢邹播审趁畏缔史茵抚绑柿苦罗叙弓翁盒频街记奄矿谈员列寒戒受寄赛撤窜锣刊兽密唾报中执哇梨役涤养喳至劫描昆谚拈拜垮守孰疗顾忻勿篷兼鸵是菏浅出君摧偷骨腋韩胖呆汐子凝凌蔽座露姿萄备讲稍拳爪密专荒释敢烂怕12 / 12


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