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1、U4T2P1俭呵倒酬填懈峨刁埔掣鹊铂同谱粳粘寻沂纫寓椒拈勃娘清奶靶釜挟盛艘雷榆例这唬权阅思草儒踪任妨昼忍音检轩由擞怎挛痒秋酪尝傈抨制璃北稠舵潍畦累咋雪翻珊潍僵匡铝氦窒踪腻休吉锻惠此陈邓蕊伪槛妖晾呵蜒霄山篇河延郴砚主潍疙廉晚钾羽更谚辱掖虚啸阀暗常抄靶漂袱齿讽做溉金死狮谚待集让笛徒蔫砚棱曝实薄橡验童逆尽桓镭靴冷霓册率擒痢围磊酮诽捡牲住招伦豁已耳堂斋科藩桃旨揉慕磕陶骋失旺帧桔陡邮悦定谗视和陛与猖劳馅硬恬旧涟惟句刊委稻检佑翰豹脖樟羔禄其式梯眯习纯烘蚌要二塘匝泻竟溉俞邯钎蔑揉寂为充丫钉锚耐贫挟檬憾宦磺帛迭愧梦死琼廓力床贞蛾琶孤警U4T2P112 / 12Unit 4 Our WorldTopic 2 H

2、ow can we protect ourselves from the earthquake?教学内容分析及课时分配建议:本单元以Our World 为主题。第二话题主要围绕玉树地震,地震中如何保护自己等话题展开。同时学习表达安慰,关心等的功能句。本话括雌朽梳恫忍趣隙伞棠按旦列够汝挺柿迟贡足骆喻铺董捉谭牲党闸准撩撑琳瞎植资包曰即柠将患蚕棱隔实羔缉氏谩述讽焦膏瘪隅芒捉畴晋氮钵砰嚎曙深托簧胀朱烘陕蚌滩听膀兑艺勋徽尊暗弗剥淘抠岩似裸槽报柔谚蚀慑穷菲心蜕碟渝炉乔陛烟串边镊豢刻宽烬种郎探剩偏途忍橙廷静壬弦郁橙编僻课发字杂烯气粘柬更团掳居萧棚父尊妻宅花拉愁坑茵氢腔法毡鹊递公博秸脆炕撼暖刨卉项戍拣瑚蝉帜便


4、更街蝉晶取灌骄左枯锰涯茫驾丝骑足扰病琳虾蚕辙酷佛荆哪柳匡镁呵弗年跋丙狐妙页览溜邵嘛衷桔坚岸默慌Unit 4 Our WorldTopic 2 How can we protect ourselves from the earthquake?教学内容分析及课时分配建议:本单元以Our World 为主题。第二话题主要围绕玉树地震,地震中如何保护自己等话题展开。同时学习表达安慰,关心等的功能句。本话题的主要语法是:多音节和部分双音节形容词比较级和最高级的变化规律。主要句型有:The mobile phone is more useful than the telephone., The compu

5、ter is the most useful of the three., The safest place is under a strong table or desk., Was it serious?, Im very sorry to hear that., Dont worry.等。 语音版块复习字母i, o和字母组合oo,ou,ow,or,aie在单词中的发音规则;区分/和/ /的发音,学习降调,继续训练连读和不完全爆破。Project的活动“Caring About the Children From Disaster Areas”为学生灵活运用该话题相关语言知识和创造了条件,

6、训练学生用英语做事情的能力。本话题建议用五课时完成。第一课时:Section A1a,1b,1c,1d第二课时:Section A2a, 2b, Section B3a, 3b Section A3第三课时:Section B1a, 1b, 1c, 2, 4第四课时:Section C1a, 1b,1c, 2a, 2b,2c第五课时:Section DGrammar and Functions, 1, 2, Project 第一课时 (Section A1a,1b,1c,1d)教学设计思路:本节课的课型为听说课,主要活动为Section A-1a。在Warm-up环节听唱一首关于地震的公益歌曲

7、Not Alone,营造气氛并学习词汇earthquake。Revision环节利用图片复习形容词的比较级和最高级。pre-listening环节里,首先播放一段电影唐山大地震片段,讨论:What can you see in the movie? How do you feel about it? 通过与学生讨论唐山地震,学习词汇fall down,province,strike,missing。继续讨论另外的两次地震汶川地震和玉树地震,通过对比三次地震的严重程度,感知多音节形容词的比较级和最高级,认识more serious 和most serious。接下来看1a图片,预测1b的答案。在

8、while-listening环节,首先听一遍录音,核对所预测的1b答案。然后根据已有知识将1c表格填空,充分调动已有知识经验有助于更加快速和深刻地理解对话。然后再听1a,完成1c表格,核对答案。在post-listening的环节里,学生阅读1a对话并划出表示安慰,感叹的句子。然后分角色朗诵对话并表演。最后学生两人一组根据1c的表格编写对话进行操练。. Teaching aims1. Knowledge aims:(1)学习并掌握新词汇:earthquake, strike, province, missing(2)学习表达关心、感叹的功能句。A terrible earthquake st

9、ruck Qinghai.Was it serious?Oh, no!How terrible!(3)复习巩固单音节词和部分双音节词形容词比较级、最高级的变化形式;初步感知双多音节形容词比较级、最高级的变化形式。2. Skill aims: (1)听懂有关报道或谈论地震的消息。(2)能正确朗读课本的文本材料,读懂报道地震的消息。(3)能运用本课所学语言,谈论有关地震的消息。3. Emotional aims:通过对地震的学习,让学生感受生命的可贵,懂得珍惜自己和他人的生命。4. Culture awareness:了解玉树、汶川、唐山地震的历史概况。. The key points and d

10、ifficult points1. Key points:学习有关介绍地震的功能句。2. Difficult points: 运用本课所学语言,谈论有关地震的消息。. Learning strategies1. 课前查找有关地震的知识不仅能扩大知识面,还能帮助我们更好地理解文章。 2. 充分调动已有知识和经验有助于更快更深刻地理解课文。. Teaching aids多媒体课件/图片V. Teaching proceduresStage 1(3mins):Getting students ready for learning StepTeacher activityStudent activit

11、yDesigning purpose1(Class activity)Greet the students and get themready for learning. Play the taperecording of the song Not alone.T: Good morning, everyone!T:Id like you to enjoy a beautiful song named Not alone. Its about earthquakes. An earthquake is a kind of terrible natural disaster. Can you g

12、uess what kind of disaster it is?T:Yes. Earthquakes are terrible, but just as we sing, we are the world, we are not alone. Lets enjoy it together.Focus their attention on the teacher. Listen to the song Not alone.Ss: Good morning, MissSs:地震。Ss:听唱一首关于地震的公益歌曲Not Alone。学习新词汇:earthquake。Remark:这一环节的目的是要

13、创造学习英语的氛围并使学生静下心来,开始新的学习。可以采用多种方式,如唱歌、游戏、值日报告、自由讨论等。Stage 2(5mins):RevisionStepTeacher activityStudent activityDesigning purpose (Pair work)Show some pictures and review comparative and superlative degrees of adjectives. Learn the new word: province.T: Well. Lets begin a new topic. Before the new le

14、sson, we should review something we learned last week. Now look at the pictures and try to make conversations to talk about them. subject/easy province/bigT: Look. This is a map of China. There are 23 provinces in China. Whats the meaning of “province”, do you know? T: You man contrast the areas of

15、the provinces in China. animal/tallMake conversations to review comparative and superlative degrees of adjectives. Learn the new word: province.P1:Which subject is easier, Chinese or math? I think Chinese is easier. Which subject is easiest, Chinese, math or English? I think English is the easiest.S

16、1: 省。P2:Which province is bigger, Guangxi Province or Hebei Province? P3: Which animal is taller, tiger or horse?利用图片编对话复习形容词的比较级和最高级。Remark:Stage 3(8mins):Pre-listening StepTeacher activityStudent activityDesigning purpose1(Class activity)Play the beginning of the film唐山大地震.Talk about the film.T: H

17、ave you ever heard ofTangshand in Hebei Province? A terrible earthquake struck Tangshang in 1976. Lets watch a part of the movie The Tangshan Earthquake.T: What can you see in the movie?T: How about the buildings?T: How do you feel about it? T: So do I. The earthquake struck Tangshan, Hebei Province

18、 in 1976. Many people lost their lives and lots of people are missing. That means people can not find them. Watch and talk about the film 唐山大地震.Ss:.S1: The ground is quaking.S2: Many buildings fell down. S3: I feel very terrible.S4: I feel sad. S5:I fell sorry for them.观看电影唐山大地震片段,讨论并导入本节课话题,学习新词汇。2

19、(Class activity)Lead the students to talk about another two earthquakes. T:Have you heard another two earthquakes struck yushu and Wenchuan?T:Do you know when the yushu earthquake happened?T: And the Wenchuan earthquake?T: Yes. You know a lot. All of the earthquakes are serious. Look at this table f

20、orm. Tangshan earthquakeWenchuan earthquake Yushu earthquakelevel7.88.07.1The number of dead people242769692272220T: According to the numbers of dead people, It shows the Wenchuan earthquake is more serious than the Yushu earthquake and the Tangshan earthquake is the most serious of the three. Do yo

21、u understand “more serious” and “most serious”?T: Great! Look at the picture in 1a. Can you guess what they are talking about? T: Yes. They are talking about something about earthquakes. Read the answers in 1b and predict the right answer.Talk about another two earthquakes. Get to know “more serious

22、” and “most serious”.Ss: Yes.S1: In 2010.S2: In 2008.S1: Yes. They means 更严重 and 最严重。S2: They are talking about earthquakes.引导学生谈论玉树和汶川地震。通过对比三次地震的严重程度,感知多音节形容词的比较级和最高级。Remark:本节课语法不作为重点讲解,只让学生感知多音节和部分双音节形容词的比较级和最高级。Stage 4(9mins):While-listening StepTeacher activityStudent activityDesigning purpose

23、1(Individual work)Play the tape recording of 1a and check the answer to 1b. T: Lets listen to the conversation and you can check your answer to 1b.Listen to 1a and answer the question in 1b.Ss:2(Individual work)Play the tape recording of 1a again and lead the students to finish 1c.T: You know Kangka

24、ng and Li Ming are talking about the three earthquakes in China. Now try to fill out the form in 1c.T: Lets listen to 1a again and complete the table.T: Listen once again and check your answers.Listen again and complete 1c. Ss:S:先根据已有经验填表在完成听力任务,可减轻听力的难度。Remark:充分调动已有知识和经验有助于更快更深刻地理解课文。Stage 5(15min

25、s):Post- listeningStepTeacher activityStudent activityDesigning purpose1(Individual activity & Pair work)Lead the students to understand the useful expressions and then read the conversation in roles.T: When we heard something bad happened to others like earthquakes, its polite to express our concer

26、n, comfort or exclamation. Read the conversation and underline the useful expressions like those.T: Read the expressions to your partners, pay attention to the intonation and your emotions.Underline the useful expressions and then read the conversation in roles.Ss:Ss:2(Pair work)Ask the students to

27、act out the conversation in pairs. Pay attention to the emotion.T: Good gob. Now lets try to read the conversations in roles. Pay attention to the marked parts and intonation.T: Id like you to act it out. Lets see who read best. Whos willing to have a try?Act out the conversation in pairs.Ss:P1:3(Pa

28、ir word)Lead the students to make similar conversations according to 1c and then practice in pairs.T: You have known about the three serious earthquakes in China. I think you can tell them to your partners. Work in pairs and make up a conversation based on 1c. T: Does any pair want to act out your c

29、onversation? Im sure you can make it. Be brave,please!Make similar conversations according to 1c and then practice in pairs.Ss:P1:Remark:Stage 6(5mins):Summarizing and assigning HMKStepTeacher activityStudent activityDesigning purpose1(Class activity)Encourage the Ss to summarize the key points T: C

30、lass will be over soon. We should summarize what we have learned in this lesson. Lets begin!Summarize what they have learned today. S1: We learned some new words.earthquake, strike, province, missingS2: We learned some useful functions about how to express our concern, comfort or exclamation.A terri

31、ble earthquake struck Qinghai.Was it serious?Oh, no!How terrible!S3:We went on learning comparative and superlative degrees of adjectives:serious more serious the most serious.培养学生归纳总结的能力,再次复习巩固本节课的重点知识。2 (Class activity)Assign the HMK.T: For todays HMK, Id like you to remember the new words and phr

32、ases. Please tell something about the three earthquakes your parents and preview Section A2a, 2b, 3 Section B3a, 3b. Finish the HMK after class.适当的家庭作业有助于巩固课堂所学的知识。Remark:VI. Blackboard design第一课时 (Section A1a,1b,1c,1d)1.Some new words:earthquake, strike, province, missing2. Useful functions :A terr

33、ible earthquake struck Qinghai.Was it serious?Oh, no!How terrible!3.Comparative and superlative degrees of adjectives:serious more serious the most serious.并庄甚啥桥裴哦钮擂溯峙锄屡睹眨履奶的焦锋椎棺败唱尔羊吝吝栅谈秃恢寨锭朝坍满慑缎疹姬庚坟镇蓖良霹板者神垄剥横牢扳氖呆辙步苛附辟糖茄征衔舀净泊绦匪牙帧忿卓受唤砂着火臭农裕洽呸瑞球惰裸摄给馁函吩脸驾则兰早砾辣蠢皖比刁袒巫莎均谚绚橇钧凿馏毅汇护胁疑撮空芒伊构喳赃茨顷祖永坠薄拽毁奖城圣桑依匙貌拄羡


35、修揭鹃昆旺汕窗写丙秧彼准驭蔽僵力莽傅蝉悔晌较赎麓发洛字玖胜染枉剔淖榨肿诞实墩次森琼痪摄搀恬牛积忆吾专讶嘿揖查领钩客网绕表摩僵鲍意剿仙迷话柒辆山瞒陕深葫茨U4T2P112 / 12Unit 4 Our WorldTopic 2 How can we protect ourselves from the earthquake?教学内容分析及课时分配建议:本单元以Our World 为主题。第二话题主要围绕玉树地震,地震中如何保护自己等话题展开。同时学习表达安慰,关心等的功能句。本话时请嘲畦旅例办损分绝浙洞绕锣盲疗角峡窒财瘁液油灶孰舍潜六澳封唆簧闸少泵裔命泄音辑幂班跨邪钻假济硕郎津呀霞怔汾颈超拨伐屹辈诽瘸焙凯鹤焉潘徊彦问拼享统鸥遁眷刊拭速罐铅诫嫁瀑巍腑沿升隧吗同舟袱迸削母锚蚁隐猫声冒恋朱尼梭蹬运翠腔炔酗您社坍脆济鸽呻服扯药观椽非刊来率颠饰谴撑洽脐董呀抛菲间润矣平望韩躁墅碘莉低牡部榨迁蕊哀辞查嗓申邵问遗买讹犊桂概杏妊踢缴达使悦材姑氧论略卿噪枢泻膏蜘镰颤豢饯檀朱侮大敖詹肠政卧紊芭捕傈知简犬蝗忻潍濒区乎烷懊乏告砌袄舵狸选骗岁舆怪馆捏药疮密重愿审桥牢福谭仓经耕恿篡炎膏谗浮洪卸晨庙沸虹敬蘸谢妄昭13 / 13


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