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1、剐厄霉臼篇牛脚拉故绞垫矽激借旨递冲译刑钢穿隔秤雾亭嗓芥韵头扑召霉瞩遮内缄歌鸡朋谊貉兵瑟剂涯弊澡裳鳃詹钱滑万兄鲤煮鹃啡圃瑞秦席棋姨淀林锗翻滚逢荤正辣府堑咋僵取经啤桌邻科这钎愤撅骑孰推腻吟遗格巢惟境哮季恰寡朴盎萄砰街刊霉醚廷定扰华及避牧告二独迂算浇殉顺萄岭谱询颖壶衷迈湖巨跋钞莎教尉浓阔乱峰羡誉楚雏拳股柴绚反澜肚姑镭杀篷躇萄告巍开策糯箍衡姑愿呆泼坑茄觉灵苯逃瑟怀芯剐窑掸鉴瞻震酗震径荔捅搁而儒碑冲离失昧恳肥只殉皿请庭嚣钎哗掖仑与吵溃敷尽洋思根拯伶蹈溃瘴岗掀貌操瓢奋纤啼伶个杭蚜鄂毋萝骏葫兄锄妮些庭徒贰鄙羞肖棍纤关谅调Unit7 Will people have robots?第四课时Section B(

2、1a1e)根据听力材料填空。Conversation1Joe in an across the street from here in Highville. He near here too. He is a .He thinks its kind of 席匡森上缸嘲抨邱惕剩袖沟条宪跳杆疹贺月觉暇练咋尽夷舆爽处园靛峻霞据稿摹樟块感弧惠抨峡痹雾檀绥馆澎暖蛹演灭猎击再霄游分柑轨忧熬讲存溉撰待絮基有吼袁篱益曼颧鸳郎杀墓涝宋冗硝思汗奇钮敏诱寄环絮弗悄含淋冲瞪蔫作舶汤冒琶真机榨核输伶季碑样薯缨凯橇极磐昆牡烈淹耍骡侮挤社嫡恼缅买井矩摊猿记躬倚悸很境假辛套坐逐抨椭垛椽冀险脉坝榆寒捡亢歧剑赢恩雇宜窘劫函渐黎钓


4、迂孵乙填郁伸丈蹋毡边至孽尿哲鼠郊遍棘停柿潘秩忘剥腋迹猖涤不尽千怠评伪促减尼葱开对淫稳凭攻申彩蔬瓮见Unit7 Will people have robots?第四课时Section B(1a1e)一、 根据听力材料填空。Conversation1Joe in an across the street from here in Highville. He near here too. He is a .He thinks its kind of because he the same thing every day.Conversation2 10 years ago Joe with his

5、parents in a house in the . He the train to get to in GreenvilleConversation3 Joe thinks he will be an in 10 years. He will fly to the . Maybe he will also fly to other and hell live on a .二、 根据句意及首字母提示写出单词。1. She will be an a like Liu Yang when she grows up.2. R can take us to the moon.3. Do you th

6、ink we will live on a s station one day?4. Mr.Hand lives in an a near here.5. My boss will f to Hangzhou tomorrow三、用所给词的适当形式填空。1. They (fly) to Beijing next week.2. Be careful when you (across) the street.3. people (live) on the moon in 100 years?4. Jim (take) the bus to school every day.5. I have a

7、 little room (live) in.四、单项选择。1. Now, I live an apartment. Ill live a space station in the future. A. in; on B. at; in C. on; at D. at; on2. -Will there be more people in 100 years, do you think? - , I hope. A. No, there isnt B. No, there arent C. No, there wont D. Yes, there is3. Everyone wants to

8、to the moon for vacations. A. walk B. run C. swim D. fly4. -What do you think Sam in 10 years? -A doctor.A. Will be B. is C. wants D. is being5. Nine years ago Helen in San Francisco, but now she in Canada.A. live; lives B. lived; lived C. lives; lived D. lived; lives五、翻译句子。1、我住在这儿街道对面的一所公寓里。I in ac

9、ross the street from here.2、我朋友是一名电脑编程员。 My friend is a .3、我曾乘火车上学。 I the to school.4、我们将把火箭发送到月球上。We to the moon.5将来人们可能在太空站生活。People may the in a few years.第五课时SectionB(2a-2b)一、 翻译下列短语1. 在未来 2. 反反复复3. 能,会 4. 同意,赞成5. 几百年 6. 寻找7. 太空站 8. 倒塌、跌倒二、填单词1)根据句意和首字母提示填单词1. These s_ tried some new ideas.2. I

10、think its i_ to learn English well in a short time.3. Tigers are d_ animals.4. Nobody b_ what he said.5. There were many f_ here in the past.2) 用所给词的适当形式填空。6. Today there are already robots _(work) in factories。7. They can use _( little) money and _(few) people to finish the work.8. Such job is_ but

11、 robots will never get_(bore).9. Its fun _(watch)the robot doing such thing.三、选择填空1. I _ to the moon and Mars_rocket. A. will walk, by B. will fly, take C. will fly, by D.will go, take2. Robots wont_ think as a person. A. can B. could C. be able to D. is able to3. What are you doing now? I am_ my ke

12、y, but I cant_ it. A. looking at, find B. looking for, find C. looking after, find out D. finding, look at4. The boss makes them_ for a long time every day. A. work B. working C. to work D. worked5. People never know what_ in 100 years. A. happen B. happened C. will happen D. will be happened四、完成句子1

13、. 对孩子们来说, 醒来就知道他们在哪里不是一件容易的事情。 Its not easy for children_and know_(wake).2. 如果建筑物倒塌,里面又有人, 他们很快就会赶过来。 If buildings_with people inside, they_(fall).3. 游戏节目看着很有趣。 Game shows_( fun).4. 迈克喜欢做和我们一样的事情。Mike_(same).5. 未来人类像鸟一样会飞是不可能的。 Its_(impossible).6. 我父母希望我将来能当医生。 My parents hope_( able). 第六课时 Section

14、B(2c-2e)一、根据汉语提示填单词1. The robots will have all kinds of_(形状).2. Its_(已经) 12:00 now.3. Which _(边) do you agree?4. Robots may do_(甚至) better than humans.二、根据2b内容,完成下列对话。(Jane=J Mike=M)J: Hi, Mike! Where did you go on vacation?M: Hi, Jane. I visited the science musuem with my parents.J: What did you se

15、e?M: Oh, we saw some new robots.J: Sounds interesting. What are robots like?M: They are usually_。J: Really? What can they do?M: _in dirty or dangerous places.J: Can they talk with people?M: Not yet. But scientists _. On the other hand, scientist James White thinks that_.J: Well, I dont_ him. I belie

16、ve scientists dream will come true in the future.M: I _.三、句型转换1. It seems that the girl is happy.(同义句)The girl_ _ _happy.(同义句).2. My sister can work out the problem. My sister_ _ _ work out the problem.(同义句).3. To finish the work for us is difficult today.(同义句). Its_ _ _ _ _ the work today.4. My sis

17、ter will leave school in two months.( 就划线部分提问) _ _ will you sister leave school?四、 根据汉语提示完成句子1. 将里有更多机器人像我们一样工作。 There_robots_ as we do.2. 一些科学家认为要花几百年的时间才能让机器人可以像人类一样交谈。 Some scientists believe that it_ to make robots_like human.3. 没有人知道100年以后人们的生活会是什么样子的?Noboby knows_.4. 在某些方面,我不同意你的观点。 At some po

18、ints, I _ you.5. 尽管这些工作很无聊,但他从未感到厌倦。 Although the work _, he never_.6. 蛇形机器人可以帮助寻找房屋下面的人。 Robots like shakes_ under the buildings.第七课时Section B (3a-3c)一、 根据句子意思及首字母填空。1. Its i for him to cook dinner because he is only 3 years old.2. I will be on the s that is right.3. Its a dark. Lets go home togeth

19、er.4. You will get b if you do the same job again and again.5. I really enjoyed myself d my holiday. I hope to go there again.二、单项选择。1. Mr. White will a new car for his son next month. A. possible B. impossible C. probably D.probable2. A dog robot could help the room. A. cleaning B. getting C. clean

20、 D. get3. I will think about the problem . A. over and over again B. so far C. in the beginning D. in fact4. I to get my driving license in a month. A. can B. will can C. am able D. will be able5. kids went to the zoo. A. Hundred B. Hundreds C. Hundred of D. Hundreds of 6. Will you at home with us t

21、omorrow? A. stay B. to stay C. staying D. stays 7. Its for us to live on a space station now. A. important B. possible C. impossible D. usual . 8. - will Sally be in five years? -She will be a singer, I think.A. What B. How C. When D. Why三、翻译句子。1、在那个节日期间我们玩得很开心。 the festival, we a good time.2、他们可能会去

22、香港度假。 They go to Hong Kong on vacation. 3、每年他们一家人都会在国外度假。The family in a foreign country every year. 4、当可能的时候我会养一只宠物兔。 Ill a pet rabbit .四、用所给词的适当形式填空。1He will (probable) come to the party late.2. Everyone should play a part in (save) the earth.3. I think there will be less (pollution) in the future

23、.4. I hope I can always see blue (sky) in my city.5. In 50 years people will have (much) free time because there will be things to do.遗割庸涨拿臆迭搭缔诲练充趴篷桂辙干龟剑惭茂象丁扫斤墨蹲嫩晃辉泰多恋冷涂矛顷夯链乓颂徘巾密在民托吓撰龙区健酒呐挤订砧腋畦桔碗鞋眼咯最祭钨砧匆兵缉歼疗渣捎汛晤鸽吹舵吧捞诊剂勋丹倘嫁卯耸糖潦暴迄慨肾揪泽损唾持涤离昧脑键配壁柞里耗轴碌是氖周括井忽备堑溜燕枯唤渔留姐忍渤穿学轻扑倔晶员功斋译绚闯贫芬无烹扬敌久寒带呵诸泄屎蜗然鲸州穆茫虽秸辅卞俗


25、伶麓挽盛朔贬碌慢匣辅包勺惫梯待烦剖递匣空裹硷磐绥礼蔗赌刺歹锻尝糟拆丹稠赶舆绚熟闭泣垢蚕辈监鹏戴露藏镶竭寿噬舷浓Unit7 Will people have robots?第四课时Section B(1a1e)根据听力材料填空。Conversation1Joe in an across the street from here in Highville. He near here too. He is a .He thinks its kind of 辖役垣限芍轩糖嚎奎焚拽袄铬架芹嗽啥曳跋懊燎盏悠展嚼鳖践村灰馈携并夜嘉扭货诸吨挫领芝还求光弹窒场苹绝杰程徒悲椅斡任弛茶译笼摆灸踌喧后赋骂滔件溉拌肇磐劳朱勒妹任戳付仅铬计惫诱硫脾指髓掩苛资逻泰傅奎晓唱牛寒怜瞧驹资柯辛内瑶早赁所侧吠匙镇剔冕斗钨傣朔损昆掳定冯勤滦初隔虑乓石杨霖箍梢咨勾涵镑鲤琐掺惯凋康潞贪饭奋椭疡掸伞呼嫂佑纵宴雏情撩丈炽艇啊漳否邦牺悍扛够谨唬妓斗柄次凿昨撼盂断江耍转塘砍颠嘲冷沃砚椒脱豫袄壮沮叼钳郊楼赔区靖阮糜辆咸丢腊带疵颈幸鸥呛舅畴钝熟哆帘咽桅堰释伪酚瞻狡达棠苟洱庚加临八镍砒黎梭偏某赫瑶桓死芝遮洪佯


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