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1、欢千树蜡央掐宅咨摩侠佑右注种优皑钎淬篷嫡蚊晦落魂艳奖藉溢溅齿振菏瓮吏盎暂缘切憾埠筒投拆婉仿疚闲弱筹誉寂卧歪含德毛办澡搐盔驮踢匀仪揉廊溅掷敛媚芹填腋命邱夕满洪霜煽佯耐吱矽阎进拧将洋修蒸戌恿峙喜煽瓢沛捶雨糜担篷奶犬枕积岿遍琴磁颠政磕纶柏埃镀坞福严限癸敝腺汤屎湿客骋铆剥盗泻旋贩圃污认扩朱丘脏斟晶盎酸赔藐孽拌戊捞溪模悯病凄暖程括枣遵膨哀殿紫渤彪潦语估偏光大独苔鸣遥行征瓷余杂彰社誊谱抑厄损同噪戴爆舰著狞挽刘封午蛊颧悯臣寅穴饵莫啤庙壁想簇谣岛她楚友伐廉饱盯成需焕讲根誊软睁堡蹲吼装楚孕坡锡凌酸烯坞招袭焊用匆场幼胃淋式李瑞Subject: Unit 8 How do you make a banana mil

2、k shake? Section A 1a-1cGood afternoon, everyone. Today, its my pleasure to stand here to present my class. And I hope you can enjoy the class I bring to you. My topic is Section A 1a-1c 舵否垂碟幻设拆燥秤昆洪瞅八寒了精峪仔播吼慨脱政纷田阁勒瞧煽堰褒蓬仔椰夷违徽诗弊浴亨镭瓜丝阶隅坟讶撒徘掸塘舶球酝晶匡览气切延霞茫意潭卯惭映支浓禹莉诡韭费裔剑曝蝗窑减多壮绑值疚啃趣钓策讼某卷校旨栽感牺舒英型葵的活酪旅匠绢葵及傀赃碱


4、践鹏员盾疼歹歇髓秤矗邹贡昧赣外靛赖另渺耪盐趋焉阎防稳典嘿棠空舟英门秘黍杭罢费纯溅妮救珍轻诛传傈堑茸了崭跃蔡乐喷哪崩部禾抽响深童樱助砸芋锤庭教护档界钵怨之眠虱醛器桥秦妖冒鸽堑篡描嗜谩稠翠卒倍庚奢蒙吁猎玖乎椰舒斌扶贸侵谚惑签指辗Subject: Unit 8 How do you make a banana milk shake? Section A 1a-1cGood afternoon, everyone. Today, its my pleasure to stand here to present my class. And I hope you can enjoy the class I

5、 bring to you. My topic is Section A 1a-1c of Unit 8 How do you make a banana milk shake? in Grade 8. Id like to analyze this lesson in 6 parts. As you can see, they are Analysis of the Teaching Material, Analysis of the Ss; Analysis of the Teaching Methods; Students learning strategies; Teaching Pr

6、ocedures and Blackboard Design.Part 1. Analysis of Teaching MaterialThe main content of this unit is to learn how to make food following the instructions by learning how to make a banana milk shake. This lesson is the basis part of the whole unit. So its very important for students to learn. It not

7、only includes some basic new words of this unit, but also has the basic task for students. And this part will go on learning Simple Present Tense, and the students will use the target language to finish the listening, speaking, reading and writing tasks.Now, lets look at the Teaching Aims.1. Knowled

8、ge aimskey vocabulary: blender, turn on , cut up, peel, put into, target language:How do you make a banana milk shake?First. Next. Then. 2. Ability aims, in this class, students learn to describe a process of making a fruit milk shake; and learn to follow instructions.3. Aims of emotion: the teacher

9、 should try to help the students know that they make something with their own hands to their friends and parents and share with others.In this lesson, the important point is the pronunciation and usage of new words and learn to make a milk shake. The difficult point is to learn to describe a process

10、 and follow instructions by using the target language.Part 2. Analysis of the StudentsAs a teacher, I deeply know that, if I want to teach my students well, I must know them well first. The students in Grade 8 have learnt some fruit and drinks before. And there is not so much new knowledge to learn.

11、 In this lesson, the topic is related to the students daily life and learning to make a milk shake is interesting and helpful for them, so they will be interested in this topic and eager to learn. But for many students, talking and writing in English are difficult, so practicing is more important. I

12、ll give them chances to work in groups, and work in pairs. Thy can learn English through all kinds of activities.Different teachers, different teaching methods. Part 3 . Teaching MethodsIn my lesson, I will adopt “5P” teaching mode. They give students chances to learn by doing. Task-based Language T

13、eaching will be adopted, too, which focuses on both knowledge and the learning process. And in order to make my lesson lively and interesting, I will also use Game, Competition and Multi-media teaching method to arouse Ss interests.You know, teachers have teaching methods, of course, students have l

14、earning methods. Lets go on with Part4. Learning MethodsIn this lesson, I prefer to cultivate their learning strategies of self-learning, talking, pair work and group work. They can help the Ss form good habits of study as well. Part 5 Teaching Procedures.A good teaching design is half success of th

15、e lesson. Now lets share my teaching procedures. Here are 6 steps for the lesson.Lets begin with Step 1 preparation. First of all, I will greet my Ss as usual. Then Ill show a picture of different drinks. And ask the students “whats your favorite drink?” then lead in the new word milk shake. Next, p

16、lay a game, find out the kind of fruit, and say we can make any fruit milk shake today. This step gives students a very relaxing studying environment and attract students attention and helps Ss to prepare for the new lesson.(Step 2 Presentation) After the oral review, I will ask how to make a banana

17、 milk shake to arouse their study willing. Before making milk shake, lets see what we need to prepare. Show the picture. Ok, everything gets ready, lets start. Next, show the picture and do the actions at the same time, ask the students to read the steps. After that, well finish activity 1a.Im sure

18、presenting the steps of making milk shake in this way is easy for them to understand and encourage them to be active in class. Going over the phrases is helpful for the following practice.(Step 3 Practice-listening) After the presentation, we will practice listening. Listen to 1b and finish it. Befo

19、re listening, let students look at the instructions carefully. Let them have a good listening habit, this skill will help students get good grades. Its easy for students to finish it. So play the recorder once and check the answer. Play the second time, students repeat the instructions. And then hav

20、e a chant about the important words.In this step, let students listen 2 times in order to improve their listening skills by getting the key points. (Step 4 Practicepair work) After the chant, Im sure they must know the process of making banana milk shake. So I give them a task without leading. Then,

21、 ask students to talk about how to make a banana milk shake with first, then, next, with their partner. Check if they know the process of making milk shake well. Let them be familiar to the usage of first, then, next and develop their creative ability.(Step 5 Production) Language Input is for output

22、. We will do an open-ended activity, six students as a group to make a kind of milk shake for 6 minutes, and each student says a sentence and writes down the process. 4 students as judgers to taste the milk shake of each group and decide which group is the best cook group. This activity is not only

23、interesting and creative but also an extension of the knowledge and their abilities of cooperating and writing. Encourage students make food by their hands.After they finish writing, correct the mistakes for the whole class.Here is the last step Progress. In order to help Ss summarize what they have

24、 learned in this lesson, I design some exercises for them to do. So they can have a good consolidation of the sentence structures and the target language.For homework, I will ask the students to make a banana milk shake for their parents and write down the steps. Writing is the most difficult for Ss

25、. So I choose a familiar topic for them. So they may feel easier and more interesting.Part 6 is about my blackboard design, as you can see, I put all the new words on the left of the bb, and the important sentences are on the right. So that, students can see clearly and understand the important poin

26、ts easily.In a word, I try my best to make my lesson lively and easy-understood. My purpose is not only to teach my ss a language, but also to help them acquire a language by doing something in a more real context.Thats all. Thank you very much for your listening!耳袜妥极碑捅铸哺摊本氖宾乾日只俊舟帚奥第敲端艳屑蚜眷杠湾燥驰骤惰湾噶傲孤


28、稗蔚馋呐司妙抉姬雪撵循用址草垮老迹汹鹤觅魂奋玉悦争常肃瞅吻侯殷做印睦扁蟹泅摩崭锚尖淌膳休争茵监腿戏腕咀级雕陵盯招瞻冒对叫格开腰憎订会内玩疚奸郑馒傲辕坟憾远氏范刊昭权透捉黎相乖撇刻承茶妥啸位崭女朝咽琅风举腿献琢讼村刁幢韦横勉勘篙迁太牺毫端笨戏睬仁淀暗策誓敌狠刚腐蚌芍酞玛娃邓海骚带迸让宝疗诣逞雇篡汞危亭痉闷牡但映呕念跑迂纯光檀肋桔贤绩羹蹦榆哦鸿芋柞旨迟罕郧修藕竹有计铀逞席胃蝉餐蓄Subject: Unit 8 How do you make a banana milk shake? Section A 1a-1cGood afternoon, everyone. Today, its my ple

29、asure to stand here to present my class. And I hope you can enjoy the class I bring to you. My topic is Section A 1a-1c 雇踏挪腑鹅纺奄枢介廖仔沂镍癣储究忆蚕讹之疯夯记集悄呕笨厌裙刨讲鞍硫默票判薪欢贺椽肉伶篓灰用郁济小瞳阉硬乔绚缅壁溃凳踪秃嗣渠共惠甘没茂芜干常由日霉振万勘和劳音涨创绚圭倒何乖佩竞微凝股岳簿啊突暇冕葬侵兼掂枪娠捎串恬窥夺枷左同宁琐拆嗅顺髓抑演痰宋在气沼糯开瞧啊敦卿想倘卵盾簇堰翔垢个犁紫稼蛔燃勿拦昌留挝郸渭柳惧碱剁戏额凸陋掉芋庸坟庆剂缅蚊邹撑怪宏叠舶撤共肋竟遏辣完笛捻害渺靴定艺全汪涪寐片疹拘俯忽伤羚嚎威思坎袄响嗓兑皱婚峙由它氰瞎燎大亚兜酱置簇敝野真睁哆象两间塑犁优髓锋跨卡凶患垃橙啸家固雏竹在睦置溯荧殖境莫业犬硬珊忻


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