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1、芒理探圳巴斯旦科技发展有限公司Report No.BCG-20130802Total Pages7Test Report测试报告Product产品名称:B-北京优科利尔(客供产品)Type产品料号:/Test Category 测试类别:Reliability Test可靠性测试Qty of the Samples 样品数量:1 SetsTest Time: 2013.8.32013.8.5Approved by:陈兴玉Checked by : 彭应军Prepared by:陈迎宾测试报告只对样品负责Generally, The test report is only responsible

2、for samples F-0426-A删哺巴科技发展有超司Test ReportPageReport No.1 of 7BCG-20130802 Test Description描述:Product Name产品名称B-北京优科利尔(客供产品)Part Number产品料号/Product Type产品类型/Applicant 申请人叠层母排研发部Number of Samples 样品数量1pcs/modelTest Lead-time 测试时间2013. ambient temperature and humidity测试环境21C /RH50% In it

3、ial test测试前样品检查All the samples are visually and structally normal before test Test item and reference sta ndard测试项目及2参考标准(see following)Test item测试项目Test Spec.测试标准电性能测试局部放电测试GB/T _7354-2003耐压测试GB/T _7354-2003绝缘测试GB/T _7354-2003 Test Results Summary 测试结果 :The results are Passed at specified test cond

4、itions 按照测试条件进行测试,测试结果满足要求.Generally, The test report is only responsible for samples测试报告只对样品负责F-0426-A32删巴斯酬技发展有舷司Test ReportPageReport No.2 of 7BCG-20130802Test item测试项目:局部放电测试1. Test Purpose ( 试验目的)确认样品局部绝缘层是否存在气隙,油隙,杂质等隐形缺陷和故障,确保母排的使用寿命。2. Test Co nditio n. Method ( 试验条件和方法)2.1对仪器进行校准,校准电容为20Pc.

5、校准完后,取下校准仪器.轨有婕为等于或大于15叽的交说电压®应),在叭之后达到此值然后维挣该电压 lnun(G时间内据察局部放电。在lming)后迪压在肌之内降至1.1%然后维賊电压30毗),在凋后対之内曲岀局 部放电电视3. Request (评判要求)最大放电量不超过10pG4. Test Result ( 试验结果)(please detail the descripti on of product appeara nee, dime nsion and performa nee,请详纟田描述试验后产品的外观,尺寸和性能状况)产品测试电压为1800V及 1800V以下时,最大放

6、电量不超过10Pc5. Test Con clusi on (结果判断)Pass(通过)Gen erally, The test report is only respon sible for samples测试报告只对样品负责f-0227-A探圳巴斯円科技发展有限公司TestTest item :局部放电测试Appe ndix PhotosNo.DescriptionReportPageReport No.3 of 7BCG-20130802testi ng prepare 测试准备during testing测试中test result 测试结果Photo测试报告只对样品负责General

7、ly, The test report is only responsible for samplesF-0227-A£1酬巴斯巴科技发展有磁司TestReportPageReport No.4 of 7BCG-20130802 Test Procedure 测试程序Test item ( 测试项目):Withstand voltage耐压测试I. Test Purpose ( 试验目的)测试邻近两块铜排之间耐压是否正常。2. Test Con ditio n,Method (试验条件和方法)2.1设置测试参数5000VDC漏电流小于5mA /1分钟.2.2 把规定的电压接到每一对铜

8、排之间进行测试.See the appe ndix photo. 请参看附件.3. Request (评判要求)3.1耐压测试,要求5000VDC , 60秒测试时间下,漏电流小于5毫安.4. Test Result (试验结果)请详细描述试验后(please detail the description of product appearanee, dimension and performanee, 产品的外观,尺寸和性能状况)耐压正常,铜排之间无破裂,损坏,弯曲,脱落,变色或其它不良现象。See the appe ndix photo. 请参看附件.5.Test Con clusio n

9、 (结果判断)Pass(通过)测试报告只对样品负责Generally, The test report is only responsible for samplesF-0227-AJS圳巴北巴科技发展有限公司EbusbarTest ReportTest item 1: Dielectric withsta nd voltage 5000VDCAppen dix Photo-1No.Descriptio nPhotoPage5 of 7Report No.BCG-20130802set up设置测试参数during testing测试中test result测试结果测试报告只对样品负责Gene

10、rally, The test report is only responsible for samplesF-0227-ATest item测试项目:In sulati on resista nee test深圳巴斯巴料技发展冇限公司 iEi>us£»rewTest ReportPageReport No.6 of 7BCG-2013080:绝缘电阻测试I.Test Purpose ( 试验目的)验证铜排之间的绝缘电阻是否符合产品要求。2.Test Con ditio n, Method (试验条件和方法)2.1设置测试参数1000VDC绝缘电阻值大于20MQ。2.

11、2把规定的电压接到每一对铜排之间进行测试.3. Request (评判要求)绝缘电阻值要满足要求,测试过程中无任何击穿和火花产生.4. Test Result (试验结果)请详细描述试验后(please detail the descripti on of product appeara nee, dime nsion and performa nee.测试中没有任何击穿和火花发生”绝缘电阻满足要求.5. Test Con clusio n (结果判断)Pass (通过) Test in strume nt/Equipme ntNo.Desig nati on仪器名称Type型号Equipme

12、 nt ID仪器编号Calibrati on Due Date校准有效期Remark备注绝缘耐压测试机GY-5000V8A11990452013-10-18棵圳巴斯巴科技发展有限公司测试报告只对样品负责Test item测试项目:In sulation Resista nee Test绝缘电阻测试Test ReportPageReport No.7 of 7BCG-20130802测试报告只对样品负责Appen dix PhotosNo.Descripti onsample prepare 样品准备during testing 测试中test result 测试结果PhotoGenerally, The test report is only responsible for samples F-0000-A测试报告只对样品负责


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