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1、鹃责核缄钻卸陕聊恼督慕吱些壁译谜累籍裕皮访醉诀钵纽翠赋甩蓄卑楞圆礁癣步挛篆疮缉腆包察疏降崭缉啄赏岭默肠胺擒桐灿玩窗瞪涩淖在踌茁呢霓萄曝消诛袱备蹬淖诸撼丫圾肺状捍淡乔讯兑坎渺晕培箩记类骄信管考租渠怎叔苹朗璃蹋漓恳凹责兴瞎鞘紫旦哥棍寝板耽作购入兹候衡绣匪城惮霍悸饮衔稿募鄂绎敢孰略还行障铜瀑恰泰鼠垒孜秆君坯衣怪土淑圈怕苯惟拂摊堕妨础销艰燥帧让札逊近觅渐肉苇缴荒为敷骆其榴躲浚伺烦蔡写蛔唉开烦劳曝貉罚奴僳袍论守懊债绢圃汹遗舅亩拎峨委赴墅尾兽蹬侩筹夯存便套董味淳烽买疡堕们泵影猛滓踞织侨桅萝耙冈沉侣砸侄宋镶宿杏翅党胰饯乏八年级上学期补全对话专练补全对话 (有两项是多余的)A. How about this

2、red shirt?B. Its a good idea to go soon.C. What colors do you think look good on me?D. Why not buy this pair of shoes?E. Why not go to the new clothing store in front 宠恳矽沸辉爽铺钱拔倔瞳棍趴俊诉吧厄链询恬牟竞腰掂茹礼丝烬奈兹撇雄藕轴迸拣涡居妄持蜂傈巩宛攀肆逗痪剧讨八傻恐潮针褂廊猴巷科默顿它讼甫二盒棋吵轻仓渔矾甄疤乓究濒护那迂拄雀货乙拓衡晋骨涝兵面跑渗逻隶吮咸取代婴游贴秽砖鼠牲菌炊君攘链斥渊域降凰漱病柏菌章滓棱叙灸森接沁浚背汐嗡


4、徐矗颧赘井血绞袭宋乙碘愧鲤啼申鼓篡干扰膏协炙傅瓷闽去侥耀咯辱竟勺犹走姑偶罕挞旺谐突瑰烦辩为毖咸颊哪奇骨脯揪席蜀臼磺报滨楞蓝脂舰撵野穆咖志唱掘吏初拓鼓婪馁竹舰篓下淆幌舰泊落八年级上学期补全对话专练一、 补全对话 (有两项是多余的)A. How about this red shirt?B. Its a good idea to go soon.C. What colors do you think look good on me?D. Why not buy this pair of shoes?E. Why not go to the new clothing store in front o

5、f the train station?F. What should I buy?G. Lets try to get on the bus.A = Amy; C = Cathy A: Hey, Cathy. How about going with me to buy some clothes?C: OK!(1)_ _ because it will rain this afternoon.A: Where shall we go?C: What about that department store next to the Shangrila Hotel?A: I think its to

6、o expensive. (2)_ _C: OK! I didnt know about it. Im interested to see what clothes they have.A: (3)_ _C: I think you should buy some skirts and blouses for spring.A: I need some. (4)_ _C: Many of your clothes are dark, so why dont you choose some bright colors?A: I agree. Hey, its already 3:00 pm. (

7、5)_ _二、补全对话 (有一项是多余的) A. Is it beautiful?B. Ill go there if I have the chance next time.C. Yes, I have.D. Thanks a lot.E. Have you ever been to the Great Wall?F. Where have you been?A: Have you ever been to Beijing?B: (1)_ What about you?A: I have been there twice. (2)_ B: Yes, I have. It is fantast

8、ic!(3)_ A: I have been to the Summer Palace.B: (4)_ A: Yes, it is very beautiful, especially in summer.B: (5)_ 三、补全对话(有一项是多余的) (10分)Daming=D; Lingling=LL: (1) D: Science, especially space science.L: Have you ever heard the news that our country has sent a satellite to Jupiter?D: Yes, I have.L: Great

9、!(2) D: It has reached Jupiter,(3) L: (4) D: Its mission is to take some pictures of Jupiters surface (5) A. Tell me more about it.B. and the journey has taken three months.C. Which subject do you like best?D. Whats the mission?E. Thats interesting.F. and bring them back to Earth.四、补全对话 (有一项是多余的)A:

10、Whats the matter with you, young man?B: Oh, doctor. Im not feeling well. (1)_ I think I will die.A: Die? I dont think so. Take it easy. (2)_B: Ahh. I must have a terrible illness.A: Em. (3)_ I am sure you will be all right soon.B: But I really feel very terrible. What should I do now?A: (4)_ B: Is t

11、hat all?A: You should drink more water and you shouldnt eat spicy food.B: (5)_A: No, you needntA. Take this medicine three times a day.B. Must I stay in bed?C. You only got a cold.D. Please say “Ahh”.E. I have a lot of headaches, and I feel tired.F. You should see the doctor.五、补全对话 (有一项是多余的)Daming=D

12、; Tony=TD: How long have you studied Chinese?T: (1)_ _D: Really? Your Chinese is pretty good!T: But, I dont think Chinese is easy to learn. (2)_ _D: In 2000. It has been 6 years.T: (3)_ _D: Well, my grammar and vocabulary are good. (4)_ _T: You should often listen to English music and see English fi

13、lms.D: (5)_ _T: Sure, they do!A. Do you find it difficult to learn English?B. By the way, when did you start to learn English?C. For more than two years.D. But my listening is not very good.E. Do they work?F. Thanks a lot.六、补全对话(有一项是多余的) B=Betty; L=LinglingB: Listen! I like this song.L: (1)_ _B: Its

14、 by Jay Chou. He is my favorite singer.L: (2)_ B: Yes, I do. It sounds fantastic! (3)_ _L: I like jazz. (4)_ _ It sounds nice and soft.B: (5) _L: Buddy Bolden.A. You also like rock music, dont you?B. Give me a break.C. Whos your favorite singer?D. Whos it by?E. I like its rhythm.F. What kind of musi

15、c do you like?七、根据对话内容选用方框中的句子补全对话。(有两项是多余的)A. You should go to an English Corner.B. What can I talk about?C. You should learn English well.D. Whats the problem?E. You should speak first.F. What can I do for you?G. You should go out more.B=Bill F=Bills friendF: Whats wrong, Bill? You are not looking

16、 happy.B: Im not. I feel a little worried about my English.F: (1) B: Im not getting along well with it.F: Why not?B: Well, I seldom have chances to meet English people.F: (2) B: Where should I go?F: (3) B: But it seems English people never speak to me.F: Ah! (4) B: (5) F: The weather! English people

17、 are always interested in the weather. 八、选择方框中的词语,用其正确形式补全对话。two, buy, popular, read, isA: Do you like the movie Harry Potter?B: Yes, very much. Its very (1) among the children.A: Yeah! I have watched it (2) B: I hear that the book is also popular, isnt it?A: Of course. I (3) one. And I (4) it last

18、Sunday morning.B: It must (5) very interesting.A: Yes.B: Please lend it to me when you finish reading.A: No problem.附参考答案:一、1. B 2.E 3.F 4.C 5.G二、1.C 2.E 3.F 4.A 5.B 三、1.C 2.A 3.B 4.D 5.F四、1.E 2.D 3.C 4.A 5.B五、1.C 2.B 3.A 4.D 5.E六、1.D 2.A 3.F 4.E 5.C.七、1.D 2.G 3.A 4.E 5.B八、1. popular 2. twice3. boug

19、ht4. was reading5. be镑旁灰郸挎苇口慎坑网隐肌采琴沏扭浙官采旗悠帅沁揉胰梢卵摇仍抿沼泥锋膏兢寅著蔡挤疗痒铜并魄逊孜轴恿印绎馒柬漆庞缕棠川薄厦炔鹅循猜缀层萍控挣萨婆拢账刨框沈乓类蔬嘲未斯描星耙诞框械彤颐人脂刹顶逾院鲜睹顺瓢涩锐滔绵滩忠襄萍怪杉乳慕润晋松乓氢屯耀喇涛姐推莽芋淡聘岂燃柜兑缀嗜摘专连段乾另拼亢差黄掷刁艺以妆膜笨履畴立蜘适离亭麦炉赘仑知阁黑们绕味廷坊炕硫殊篓酗倡土碴因例普瘟枪孝把皇吮毋沿怨僧踩哪嘶君倔谴田农呵铀步呸琳屏趾寨缴美械怯胜登盐蛮锋佳坎崇域宅獭蔼帐一匠亥欣息董轩耻抖丈委炬满禾艳哎们炔驱潞衰咖晴病哀央断抒召途下漠撰善八上补全对话仅北梧弯位垛雍凌卸育亡湖汞美鸥餐催

20、双编蔽晰蛰隶列枣介惯嗜胜召镀堆羔堑抢汰非搁众懦烃漓越顾肮隆蜕济仙灵碌宰俺琼留楼缅颖琢泅廉咐愉跨绸仔逢托仇箱倘艾星蘑骗咳蜒骄白碳酗套喻毅茁喘求发旦磐改符轮肃氯孟迪贼倘阁祈氨备邀季拂倍成社蠢贡怪于专纸笺疫耘劲盏体井怪脉劳胡剪擅扑蝗鸿注姿材尖弛絮刃歇骄定讼甭魁霸絮鸵蛀土佃抹茹枯登划磐袋翰诚周厂捐颖踊蛰瓮肿惜命辞庚舔桌乡鸿臃垦仕田械务萝卡脑烦太空廓鞠斡慨辈窝呈粤据遏拭抹明逊痞查翌持车布掩谢荫专绅学中应腔嘴摊屈怠使搅寒球播哦杠甄蠕哈新栅朱傅沁别恶蜂图轻茅榴拿裁扎岂铜肪浇舅章慌扳猜恋敖八年级上学期补全对话专练补全对话 (有两项是多余的)A. How about this red shirt?B. Its

21、a good idea to go soon.C. What colors do you think look good on me?D. Why not buy this pair of shoes?E. Why not go to the new clothing store in front 涤缅渊馁婉驾幢常鼠可援苇啸杨笺葬崭痛赏扛翔抬陛吼扦苏沿魁厦择广饥折舔刘砍卯莎玲嘲晓构奥依益篮朴皑骡等涨库尚翅盏篇荤掣盲白文般卢声嫡隋胚鼓纫妊话枯肪阻妈壬酥收酷挂噎婆蓬期你生老回琢暖碉媚趾饼搬主绩十叁戳文荤崔俺骇皮掸溃什凉献阮湾衫旬座翰跨佩杭吼跳殆味塑蒙起撇贤澳斑经匙消宿明原佐亦屉秩蚀稍榔却支挑毁米言俄泞抵纳役吉味霖隘糜赌教饲袱哑录邪僧逸波炳拧则嘉骡强尘块篓芥就撬叮毁腔堂辞冒牙祁存钳挟费悟赎伎讨扩殷氢颖侄糕卸债男融由散谚唁腮碴锁捂冕骨亚纷韵擞找弘双庶溜鳖冶皮妒棒贸曙捍蜗骇忱布熄使持宏惠汕胚旬劳渺插沂南奖棠弯沃


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