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1、教学内容 :M1 Unit 1 I want a hot dog, please(. 1)教学目标 :1.what doyouwant ? I wantahotdog,please.2.How much is it ?It s thirteen dollars and twenty-five cents.3.能用英语来表达如何点餐及询问价钱。教学重点 : 中西方在价格表达上的异同教学难点 : 1 美元 =100 美分教学过程:Step1 Warm up1.Greetings2.Free talk3.Game: Do as I say, not as I do.Step2 Presentatio

2、n1.Show some pictures of food to the students.2.Stick them on the board after read.3.Then the teacher touches the stomach and says:“ I m hungry and thirsty andthirsty, now. I want som e noodles cake /cola/hamburger” and write the new wordson the board.4. TalkT: I want a hot dog .Are you hungry? What

3、 do you want?5. Then do this activity in pairs. Step3New Teaching1. (Talk) T: Now, we are all hungry .Let s go to a fast food restaurant. Ss: That s great!2. Now, look at the screen and look at these questions, then answer播.放( CAI ,生动直观呈现课文内容,理解后回答以下问题 )a. Where are Daming, Simon and Simonb. Is a ho

4、t dog really a dog?c. What does Simon want to eat? s dad?e. What does Simon s dad want to eat?f. How much is the meal?3. Study in their groups.4. Find out new words and sentences, and then write them on the board.5.Explain“ dollar and cent” . “ 1 dollar is 100 cents.”6.Practice them with your partne

5、r.课后反思:教学内容 :M1 Unit 1 I want a hot dog, please(. 2)教学目标 :1、能灵活运用重点句型, 并清楚其运用的场合和语言: What do you want?/Iwant a hot dog,please./How much is it?/It is thirteen dollars and twenty-five cents.2. 通过会话表演、小组比赛、游戏等活动多角度激发学生自主探究学习的积极性,培养学生学习英语的兴趣。3. 使学生能利用所学的知识与别人合作、交流获得成功的喜悦。教学重点 : 中西方在价格表达上的异同教学难点 : 使学生懂得如

6、何在西式快餐店用英语点餐教学过程:Step1、活动把讲台布置成快餐店的柜台, 邀请自愿者站到讲台后扮演服务员,再邀请几名学生上前扮演顾客, 表演点餐的过程。 为了鼓励下面的学生积极参与,教师可以提出问题: “What does he/she want?请全”班同学抢答。Step2、 Summary哪位同学能讲讲如何在西式快餐店用英语点餐呢?例:A: What do you want to eat?B: I want some chicken and rice.A: What do you want to drink?B: I want a cola. How much is it?A: 13

7、dollars.两人一组练习对话。Step3、 Homework(1)熟读课文,并完成活动手册的练习。(2)同桌之间相互练习SB part 2 的对话。Step4、课堂练习:What do you want?I want a hot dog, please.How much is it?It s thirteen dollars and twenty-five cents.(hamburger、cola、 dollar、cent、 enjoy)课后反思:教学内容 : M1 Unit 2 What do you want to eat?( 1)教学目标 :1、能识读运用单词chicken, or

8、ange juice, tea.2. 能口头运用 How much is it?这类语句询问物品价格, 并能口头运用 It s ten yuan.这类语句回答。3. 在交流中体验学习英语的乐趣,培养学生大胆开口说英语的能力,提高学生学习英语的积极性。教学重点 : 句型 What do you want to eat? What do you want to drink?教学难点 : 掌握和熟练运用本模块所学语言知识谈论点餐和就餐的情况教学过程:Step1、 Warming up1. Greetings2. 汇报家庭作业中的调查,小组表演上节课的对话。(设计意图:复习上节所学内容,为学习新知做好

9、铺垫 )。Step2、 Presentation1、Learn the text(1) Lead in上节课我们了解了在美国快餐店点餐用餐的全过程,现在我们要跟随Lingling 和 Lingling 's dad 一起学习怎样用英语在中国快餐店就餐的,瞧他们正在一家快餐店里点餐,我们先来听听吧。(2) Look and listen for "What do you want ." Listen to the tape.教师可以通过肢体语言来讲解“eat和” “drink ”.(3) Listen and answer播放第二遍录音,学生带着问题听录音并寻找答案。

10、What does Lingling want to eat and drink?What does Linglings dad want to eat and drink?录音播放完毕后,学生进行口头表述,教师及时纠正答案。(4) Listen and repeat.“模仿秀 ”看看哪个同学模仿的最好。播放第三次录音。 每个句子后停顿后, 要求学生进行指读和跟读。 并把以下句子进行板书:What do you want to eat/drink?I want听完后集体或小组或个人进行模仿朗读Step3 Practice指导完成练习册P3 4,5,6题课后反思:教学内容 : M1 Unit 2

11、 What do you want to eat?( 2)教学目标 :1、能掌握运用句型What do you want to eat drink? I want a hamburger,please.进行对话交流。2、能口头运用 How much is it?这类语句询问物品价格, 并能口头运用 It s tenyuan.这类语句回答。3、在交流中体验学习英语的乐趣,培养学生大胆开口说英语的能力,提高学生学习英语的积极性。教学重点:句型What do you want to eat?What do you want to drink?教学难点:掌握和熟练运用本模块所学语言知识谈论点餐和就餐的

12、情况教学过程:Step1、 Practice1、引导学生看 SB 第二单元活动 2 Look the menu 中的菜单,要求学生能识别单词: chicken, orange juice, tea并能书写单词: rice, tea。然后教师扮演服务员来询问个别学生: “What do you want to eat/drink?鼓励学”生根据自己的喜好来点餐 , 小组内练习点餐。2、引导学生看 SB 第二单元活动 3 中的对话,并进一步引导学生运用 How much is it?这类语句询问物品价格,并能口头运用 It s ten yuan这类.语句回答。小组内练习Step2 、Develop

13、ment1Make a Chinese fast food restaurant 学生自制菜单,自取店名来开一家中国快餐店,学生来扮演服务员和顾客进行以小组为单位的情景短剧的表演。(设计意图 :通过 Make a Chinese fast food restaurant情景练习活动促使学生在实践中运用所学英语,增强对所学英语的体验,培养学生的合作精神。)2学了这些后我们知道了在中国快餐店吃饭点餐的一些日常用语,下面有一位非常热情的老板在招呼客人,让我们一起去看看。学习SB 第二单元活动4中的歌曲,播放录音,先请学生听歌词朗读。 播放歌曲,先让学生整体欣赏歌曲,并确定学生在理解歌词时,是否有疑问。再次播放歌曲,每句后停顿,让学生跟唱。最后集体演唱。


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