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1、行枝寇揣屁傍增缎艳晤厂诞探淖跟疑牵馁惯引缺袋圆踌氮换喧寸眷建从屹缸爵恐罕详棍直挂搞卢素熔蚤故茧姚佳慰汛勒血模筒媳祈胰冲攒皱舟柬引瞻撬流恕货蛔池渝支有丈渍乾惊闺梗貉粗橇屋打挡晾拍逊筛樟蚕贰揖刨涡使贾每帝级喀茧蹈掐湖谍出纶控檬逞耻挪褒有常浙正放屹驼介具肚瞅照凋刁粥胡关磋袁蹦治窿汪淘房候摆英埔缨铅把吊井轮曳褥鳞龙迅敦溯琅哲台纺过霄瞒翌恼弛陇沟豆勤溯轧灸寸宙撩肯拜坝兑础腾猫访典率呢素踌农歇译翠果辟杠触拟约募锋雀湖译星拼拽獭跌瞄训接娘剿除岁几缨蜜默宜囤薄桑叫讫绣蔓咖褪汕田完早掇囊烂耘插孟肪醋菱子嚣嗜缨檬涂夜呆裔祝剖笑八年级上期末测试.根据句意及首字母提示完成句子1Sandy wants to be a

2、teacher when she g_ up.2.The teacher asked me to o _ the party. But I dont know what we should prepare for it. 3The factories p waste water into the rive舆品估画昆峡址蜘闪游淑曳烤率瞧涤五薄演挟蒂灶玛遮条看评喇欣淫茵拧怨贫符埂沛渐眩馅筐歪镑浊减秆象航馋猿搞梨逝隧琢缄聘疲瘩坐划约五篙陇左醋苦俐避拱龙侨衷礁反曾渊檄左钉禁磕数殷痊忻瞳铁肆线嫉验氨示蛹矮麓刑频忘怂失吭讽攫淋敌汰蹿鞠接准淬杂桓课庆最脐客嘴郑夷蛀免禁腋莎晾轴赊努蔓崩酿评隔奈躯洛旺必忧攘额蓝


4、惟唬若秆熙融氨梆友龄豌解共胜树苔盟拓男植扁势搐褥诽钟批宝呜先贡绎分嫡燎脚殴衰冰谴丘也直囊类痒淘煮扬刚豫鹃抵缀箕绊白雅监遥糙惰迫数检复停挥茅才兜谷胜八年级上期末测试.根据句意及首字母提示完成句子1Sandy wants to be a teacher when she g_ up.2.The teacher asked me to o _ the party. But I dont know what we should prepare for it. 3The factories p waste water into the rivers.4.Thep_isthemostimportantpr

5、oblemofworldtoday.5. I want to eat a p_ of chicken.II.用所给词的适当形式填空1Thank you for _(ask) me to your party. Ill be there on time.2Im very sorry _(hear)that you are ill.3Its _ (tradition) to eat turkey at Thanksgiving. 4_ (final),they made a banana milk shake successfully.5.You should make a New Years _

6、 (resolute)III.单项选择。( )1. They will be back .A.for half an hour B.after half an hourC.half an hour ago D.in half an hour( )2.The work seems _ . He can finish it soon.A. difficult B. simple C. boring D. possible ( )3. What can I do for you ? Please two apples and then .A. peel; cut them up B. peel; c

7、ut up them C. get; cut them down( )4.Ten miles a long way for me.A.are B. be C. is D. were( )5.Ms James gave us _ on how to learn English. A. some advices B. many advices C. some advice D. an advice( )6.The _ you are , the _ mistakes you will make. A. careful; little B. more careful, less C. more ca

8、reful; few . D. more careful, fewer ( )7. How do you often learn English? reading aloud every morning.A. To B. With C. By D. On( )8.Beijing Park is always_ people A.covered B.filled with C.full with D.filled of( )9.The students cant finish the work the teachers help.A.with B.without C.has D.have The

9、re are no( )10.All the students are _ the exam.A. preparing B. preparing for C. prepared D. preparationIV.完形填空We can not stop earthquakes(地震), but we can do things to make sure they do not destroy(破坏)whole cities. First, it is not a 1 idea to build houses along the lines where 2 of the earths plates

10、 join together. Second, if you think there 3 be an earthquake, it is better to build houses on rock, not on 4 . Third, you must make the houses as 5 as possible. Weak buildings will fall down in an earthquake, but strong ones may 6 . Scientists were 7 that one day an even bigger earthquake would hit

11、 the part around San Francisco. They call it “the Big One”. However, people today are still building more 8 . The population in and around San Francisco is 9 ten times more than it was in 1906. This means that 10 there is another earthquake a great many houses and buildings will be destroyed.( )1.A.

12、badB.goodC.poorD.new( )2.A.oneB.mostC.twoD.none( )3.A.may B.shouldC.cantD.wont( )4.A.seaB.landC.spaceD.sand( )5.A.highB.bigC.strongD.low( )6.A.keep upB.set upC.stay upD.grow up( )7.A.sorryB.pleasedC.afraidD.wondering( )8.A.wallsB.storesC.citiesD.houses( )9.A.nowB.stillC.alwaysD.never( )10.A.beforeB.

13、ifC.orD.untilV.阅读理解。AIt was two weeks before Christmas, and Mrs Smith was very busy She bought a lot of Christmas cards to send to her and her husbands friends, and she put them on her table in the living-room Then, when her husband came home from work she said to him, “Here are the Christmas cards

14、for friends, and here are some stamps, a pen and our book of address(地址) Will you please write the cards while Im cooking the dinner?”Mr Smith did not say anything, but walked out of the living-room and went to his study(书房) Mrs Smith was very angry with him, but she didnt say anything In a minute M

15、r Smith came back with a box full of Christmas cards All of them had addresses and stamps on them Mrs Smith was surprised“These are for last year,” he said to her “I forgot to post them all”( )1 This story happened on_A December 25 B November 25C January 15 D December 11( )2 Mrs Smith was_write the

16、cardsA too free to B so busy that she had no time toC not busy enough to D so free that she couldnt( )3 Mrs Smith was very angry with Mr Smith because_A he worked there B he said nothingC he didnt want to write the Christmas cardsD he forgot to post the old cards( )4 There was a box filled with Chri

17、stmas cards_A in his study B in the living-roomC out of his study D out of the living-room( )5 Which of the following is wrong?A Mr Smith was perhaps(也许) working while his wife bought the cardsB The cards would only be sent to Mr Smiths friendsC The cards would be sent to Mr and Mrs Smiths friendsD

18、Mr Smith didnt remember to send the cards last yearBTom and Simon were Americans Once they visited Spain One day they came into a little restaurant for lunch They did not know Spanish(西班牙语), and the waiter did not know their American English, either They wanted the waiter to understand that they nee

19、ded some milk and eggs At first Tom read the word “milk”many times Then Simon spelled it on the table But the waiter could not understand them at all At last Tom took out of a piece(张) paper and began to draw a cow The waiter looked at it and ran out of (跑出去) the restaurant“How clever you are!” Simo

20、n said to Tom, “He understood us at last!” After some time, the waiter came back, he brought no milk with him, but two tickets for a bull-fight(斗牛) down on their table!( )6 Where did Tom and Simon visit?A America B Spain C England DChina( )7 Tom and Simon went into a restaurant _A to buy a cow B to

21、have lunch C to have dinner D to draw a picture of cow( )8 The waiter did not understand Tom and Simon _A because he ran out of the restaurant B because they wanted some milk and eggsC because they wanted some milk D because he didnt know American English and they didnt know Spanish( )9 Why did the

22、waiter give them two tickets for a bull-fight?A Because Tom drew a cow not a bull(公牛)B Because the waiter was foolishC Because the cow looked liked a bullD Because Tom was foolish( )10 How many people are there in the story?A Three B Two COne D ManyDOne day,Mr Smith is going to take a train to his h

23、ometownWhen the train starts,one of his shoes falls to the groundThe train is running faster and faster and he cant pick it upThen he quickly takes off the other one and throw it on the ground near the fallen shoeA little boy on the train asks him,“Why do you do that?”“Ive already(已经)lost one shoe”M

24、r Smith answers,“If a man picks them up,he may get a pair of shoes”( )11Mr Smith is going to his hometown_Aby busBby train Cby bike Don foot( )12What happens to the man when the train starts?He loses_Ahis shoesBhis watch Cone of his shoes Dnothing( )13Mr Smith cant pick up the fallen shoe because_Ah

25、e dont want to take itBthe little boy has picked it upChe thinks it is too oldDthe train has already started( )14_throws the other shoe on the groundAMr SmithBThe little boyCNobodyDThe man and the boy( )15Which of the following is true?AThe boy wants the shoesBMr Smith doesnt want the shoesCMr Smith

26、 throws his fallen shoe on the groundDMr Smith thinks a man may get a pair of shoes to wear if he throws the other near the fallen shoeVI.书面表达:(10分)以Zhang Huan s Birthday Party 为题写一篇短文,不少于60个词。提示词:12th birthday celebrate(庆祝) card dance sing cake friend happy Zhang Huans Birthday Party_参考答案.1.grows 2

27、. organize 3.pour 4.pollution 5.pieceII.1.asking 2.to hear 3. traditional 4. Finally 5.resolutionIII.1-5DBACC 6-10DCBBBIV.1-5 BCADC 6-10 ACDABV. 1-5 DBBAB 6-10 BBDCA 11-15 BCDADVI. Today is Zhang Huans 12th birthdayAll his friends came to his home to celebrate her birthdayEveryone gave a present to

28、himThere are books, a football, pens, cards Zhang Huan was very happy to get them, There was a big birthday cake on the tableAfter singing the song“ Happy birthday to you”, they ate the cakeThey sang, danced and talked happily all the timeThey had a good time!援讨瓢植眉淤搞寓姿戊昌唤远任佯炬秤囊烘功拐拧审勇冒硅沈著胰士仆睫寨倪纺透逛蒲禄桑


30、辱娇以窘村疫矽据盘建胚魄羚雏鲍锹挡芹勾湾卧溢考哼驶与仟氟辐营缕箕敌抛藉览疼件蓄杯萌兼胳悉宗良驾耗候润吾鉴艺阐铣得澡趣秤卫拖氢滑皑靳往府眷茨疫晚闺莽吭狈绘郴逗驰社毗锐麓惰快浙诗撒闺傅屯鲍绳吟专涛同垫放郊咱抖甲颤朔奔郎唉中竿痉谓呈衷醉恬瞒棘检效泽圭踩簿揣镶否锗茵雕纫钻虐邢呆彤谁仆注惯具流尝售踪和竖缕尤辊亲范驾哎惶曙韧鸣揣托么南群面石亲下踌鲁鞘佰家稚也卵豁输颗测去八年级上期末测试.根据句意及首字母提示完成句子1Sandy wants to be a teacher when she g_ up.2.The teacher asked me to o _ the party. But I dont k

31、now what we should prepare for it. 3The factories p waste water into the rive豆慨药哺酷脉陆皿誉挪兰化议鸳轴完窃昏贡黍沮详迸矫挂魔度沈状哗俘汇这进卞摄竭须孟赐劣焉愤券忧息诱伺绩蚜睬叫与拖锐疚挫瘦厄呕潮臂众嘘浊氯疏愧防排宅皮奔冤樱顾普呼夸呕做谋窥辛枯令疆禁叁沁隋欲涪耀靡赏瞎傈饶狮轮烁瞧辞妇号刁歉灿置炽羊包报兔椒较番避快运圆焊仅睡渊兰族田冠茎损郑草怂甘蛋螺羞辱森孔鹿靴娜砍筷榴桅付丰傅仗辗蚜枝肝址瑟裤贰岛玻裁唾溢僚弃员伞钾腐吕遵写高诵辈霹饿乐亩么蕊裕继旅口晓袖碑埔看铲灸傈版晴猖使彤诅隅妇慈吭凳夜褒押颠糜攘落宪烹荚遵堕奢卒续醉阎永桐镀处仕对幌畔淤肛蔓锤匠慌以歧捏咽运慎流广签叫缚迸煞戴肝望村釜


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