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1、.腺病毒包装、扩增、纯化、滴度测定及感染一、 包装1. 包装细胞详情见AD-293 Cells.pdf,AdEasy Adenoviral Vector System.pdf(P31-P32)2. 细胞转染方法一、详情见Adeno-X Expression System 1 User Manual.pdf(P28-P29)C0508磷酸钙法细胞转染试剂盒.pdf3. 病毒收集详情见AdEasy Adenoviral Vector System.pdf(P34)二、 扩增详情见Adeno-X Expression System 1 User Manual.pdf(P29-P30)三、 纯化(i)

2、 病毒上清(接一、包装 3.病毒收集).(ii) Add 51 ml of a 50% PEG 6000 solution.(iii) Add 21.7 ml of a 4 M NaCl stock solution.(iv) Add 23.3 ml of PBS. This will result in a final volume of 300 ml. The final PEG 6000 concentration will be 8.5% and thefinal NaCl concentration will be B0.3 M.(v) Distribute the sample a

3、s 150-ml aliquots in two 250-ml polypropylene wide-mouthed bottles.(vi) Store the bottles at 4 1C for 1.5 h. Mix contents every 2030 min.(vii) Centrifuge bottles at 7,000g for 10 min at 4 1C using a Beckman fixed-angel JLA-10.500 rotor.(viii) After centrifugation, a white pellet should be visible.(i

4、x) Carefully decant the supernatant and add 1.2 ml of 50 mM Tris-HCl, pH 7.4, per bottle. Resuspend the pellets byvigorously pipetting liquid up and down.(x) Vortex the bottles vigorously for 2030 s to further resuspend the pellets.(xi) Transfer the vector suspension into screw-cap microfuge tubes i

5、n aliquots of 100 ml.(xii) Snap-freeze the tubes in crushed dry ice and store at -80 。C.a.按照10ml的病毒上清加入2.5ml的50%PEG6000混合;b. 加入1.064ml的4M的NaCl混匀;c. 加入1.142ml的PBS混匀;d. 4°C下,孵育1.5h,每20-30min颠倒混匀;e. 4°C下,7000g离心10min。f.小心移除上清,切勿触动白色沉淀,如果白色沉淀出现松动,可以在7000 g下短暂离心;g. 加入原病毒上清1/200 to 1/100 体积的PBS重

6、悬沉淀病毒粒子;h. 立即对浓缩纯化的病毒粒子进行滴度测定,并分装后(50-100ul/管)冻存于-80°C超低温冰箱中;上述所需试剂配制方法见Production, concentration and titration of pseudotyped HIV-1-based lentiviral vectors.pdf(P3)四、 滴度测定病毒滴度测定-针对有绿色荧光蛋白标记的病毒.doc病毒滴度测定-针对没有绿色荧光蛋白标记的病毒.doc五、 感染详情见Adeno-X Expression System 1 User Manual.pdf(P31)a. 感染前24小时,把细胞传代至35 mm平皿中,加入完全培养基至终体积3ml,培养过夜,感染时,细胞密度为8090%;b. 把冻存于-80°C的病毒取出并在室温下冻融;c. 用新的完全培养基更换培养液,并加入冻融的病毒粒子(MOI为50-100)和polybrene(4 g/ml),培养液终体积为3ml;d. 感染8-24h后,用新3-4ml新完全培养基更换感染培养液;e. 感染48小时后收取细胞进行QPCR检测,感染72小时后收取细胞进行WB检测;;


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