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1、高级休闲英语期末复习指导丁义河:请问杨老师怎样学习休闲英语?我是09刚刚入学的,对休闲英语摸不清头绪,从哪儿入手好呢?请杨老师多多指教多谢丁义河:我刚才看了武威老师和沈忆文老师的辅导,对这门课程有点眉目了。谢谢杨启宁:Welcome you to this course. Try to read firstHow to Study this Course on page ix in you textbook.刘梅:It is good to try to work in groups. It is good to try to work in groups.杨启宁:Quite right.刘厚

2、婷:怎么才能提高写作能力:老师写作很难啊怎么才能写好啊怎么才能提高写作能力:老师写作很难啊怎么才能写好啊杨启宁:Try to make it as your habit and keep writing in English everyday.王芸芸:如何练好口语,每天清晨须练习一个小时,朗读你学过的过没有学过的课文,不管你在说什么,只管读,足矣,时间长了,你会发现,不用怎么想,你就可以脱口而出流利的英语了。朱检平:Practice every day and you will find your spoken English is improving fastly.Crazy for Eng

3、lish,yes ,we can.杨启宁:Right, practice makes progress and perfect.马春燕:Unit3 Eating and DrinkingThe dishes of England and America are very difficult.I am afraid of exam of this subject.Do you have good method to learn it?杨启宁:Reading more.张静:陕西宝鸡电大英语专业09春本科张静。我已选课,将来向老师多请教杨启宁:welcome.孟蓝婷:How to relax af

4、ter work?工作压力很大,困难很多,还要学习考试真的很烦躁杨启宁:Arranging your timetable efficiently then things will get better.周可宝:Good morning. Prof. Yang. Thank you for your contribution to this course. Any latest directions?杨启宁:Thank you for coming, Mr Zhou.杨启宁:Welcome! We are going to discuss the questions you might have

5、 during your study of English at Leisure this morning.杨启宁:What we have learnt in this courseTo help you understand the teaching objectives and prepare for the final exam, we, in this morning, will study together mainly on what we have learnt during this semester.王艳恒:大家好!我是湖南电大邵阳分校的老师,借此机会向你们学习杨启宁:We

6、lcome. How many students you have got for this course?杨朝娟:老师好.杨启宁:How do you do? Welcome.The learning contentsThis semester, we have learnt the following topics:ShoppingGatherings and celebrationsEating and drinkingHome improvementEntertainment at homeTravelSportsTheatre, cinema and concertlearning

7、objectivesThere are almost the same steps in each chapter: warm up, activities and tasks.董素芹:形成性考核册当中的listening for pleasure如何做?杨启宁:You can find the answer from the brochure.曾仲贤:杨老师,早上好!很高兴又在这里见面!杨启宁:Nice to meet you here. How about your students? Do they enjoy this course?曾仲贤:Of course, yes. But th

8、ere's one problem.磁带不是随书附上的,只能到市校来转录,挺麻烦的。如果随书附上光盘就好了。不过现在也没关系了,不是很快就要换教材了吗?杨启宁:Thank you for the information. Can your students get the resources on-line?曾仲贤:Are there any such resources on-line? At lease we haven't got it now.杨启宁:Ms Zeng, have you tried the IP, the VOD and other materials

9、on-line?曾仲贤:Sorry, I haven't. I just ask them to come to our school and record it in technical centre as we haven't got it.张婉茹:我是周村电大的王媛媛.杨老师好:我是上学期学的高级休闲英语,感觉这门课与生活结合很好,但自学起来不容易。也许是词汇量以及生活面有限,也许是英语阅读面太窄。听老师说课程会越来越多,难度会增加许多。有没有什么好方法呢?杨启宁:Welcome, Ms Wang. What you have mentioned is quite rig

10、ht. Try to arrange the teaching materials efficiently, your students will be satisfied.杨启宁:Learning objectives & testingYou have gone through the steps carefully, you can easily pass the exam. Take the writing test as an example. There are writing tasks in unit 1, Shopping; unit 2, Gatherings an

11、d Celebrations; unit 3 Eating & Drinking; unit 4, Home Improvement and unit 6, Travel.Exercising this writing tasks thoroughly you will obtain rich experience.陈艳莉:各位老师上午好!杨启宁: Morning. Welcome.曾仲贤:考试的复习范围和依据?杨启宁:The eight units of this course will be the exam contents. This test designed ba

12、sed on the test outline of course. And all the testing parts will remain the same as last term.曾仲贤:It is difficult for me to tell my students as it is too general, not very specific.杨启宁:回复: 有关考试的情况Try to get something from today's topics.曾仲贤:I see! Thank you.杨启宁:The listening testThe term exam p

13、aper will cover the 8 chapters. (The exam content)The exam has three sections : listening test (40 points) ; reading test (40 points) and writing test (20 points). You are required to complete the test in 90 minutes.The exam time for this course will be from 11to 12:30 am on July 11, 2009.The listen

14、ing testThe listening test includes three parts: A short conversation (10 points); An extended conversation (10 points); Monologue (20 points).Please try to get familiar with the listening test BEFORE the exam. Try to practice several times until you are quite confident with the listening test. Reme

15、mber to read first and listen second when you are conducting the listening test, it's important to read the questions first and then listen to the tape, and answer the questions by listening.The reading testThere are two passages in this section. The reading materials might be part from the cour

16、sebook and part from other materials. The first part of the reading test will be True/False questions. The second will be multiple choice questions.How to prepare the reading test?The most important thing is you have to control your reading speed, you can not ready it through one word by one word. W

17、e recommend you to read the questions first and then looking for the answers from the reading passages. Pay attention to the topic sentence in each paragraph.The writing testThe writing test asks you to write a an essay (150 words), the topic is from the course book.How do you cope with the writing

18、task?Please note, all our writing tasks are from the coursebook, one will success if he/she has done all writing exercises in the coursebook. Yes, there are writing tasks in unit 1, Shopping; unit 2, Gatherings and Celebrations; unit 3 Eating & Drinking; unit 4, Home Improvement and unit 6, Trav

19、el.You also need to control your time, for there is only half an hour for the writing test. Moreover, control your writing length: 150 words.Reading exercisesComplaintComplaining about faulty goods or bad services is never easy. Most people dislike making a fuss. But something you have bought is fau

20、lty or does not do what was claimed for it, you are not asking for a favor to get it put right. Its the shopkeepers responsibility to take the complaint seriously and to replace or repair a faulty article or put right poor service, because he is the person with whom you have entered into an agreemen

21、t. The manufacture may have a part to play but that comes later.Complaints should be made to be a responsible person. Go back to the shop where you bought the goods, taking with you any receipt you may have. Ask to see a boss in a large store. In a small store the assistant may also be the owner so

22、you can complain direct. In a chain store ask to see the manager. If you phone, ask the name of the person who handles your enquiry, otherwise you may never find out who dealt with the complaint later.Even the bravest person finds it difficult to stand up in a group of people to complain, so if you

23、do not want to do it in person, write a letter. Stick to the facts and keep a copy of what you write. At this stage you should give any receipt numbers, but you should not need to give receipts or other papers to prove you bought the article. If you are not satisfied with the answer you get, or if y

24、ou do not get a reply, write to the managing director of the firm , shop, or organization. Be sure to keep copies of your own letters and any you receive.If your complaint is a just one, the shopkeeper may offer to replace or repair the faulty article. You may find this an attractive solution. In ce

25、rtain cases you may have the right to refuse the goods and ask for your money back but this is only where you have hardly used the goods and have acted at once. Even when you cannot refuse the goods you may be able to get some money back as well. And if you have suffered some special loss, if for ex

26、ample a new washing machine tears your clothes, you might receive money to replace them. If the shopkeeper offers you a credit note to be used to buy goods in the same shops but you would be used to buy goods in the same shops but you would rather have money. Say so. If you accept a credit note reme

27、mber that later you will not be able to ask for your money. If the shopkeeper refuses to give you money, ask for advice from your Citizens Advice Bureau before you accept a credit note. In some cases the shopkeeper does not have to give you your money back-if, for example, the changes an articles si

28、mply because you dont like it or it does not fit. He does not have to take back the goods in these circumstances.1). The shopper may make a complaint because _.A. he dislikes causing a fussB. it doesnt do what is claimed for itC. the article bought is not up to standardD. he was at fault in buying t

29、he article2). What agreement does the shopkeeper make with the customer?A. To take his complaint seriouslyB. To sell him the goodC. To replace or repair a faulty articleD. To put right poor service3). When complaining in person, you should¬_.A. get a receipt for what you buyB. speak to someone

30、in authorityC. talk direct to the assistantD. ask to see the boss4). When complaining on the telephone, _.A. you should speak direct to the ownerB. you must ask for the managerC. you may never find out who dealt with the matterD. you should find out with whom you discuss the matter5). If you write a

31、 letter to complain, _.A. it is important to keep a record of what you sayB. it is necessary to send receiptsC. say how you feel about the matterD. ask what receipt numbers you should give曾仲贤:Thank you for giving us such kind of exercise and practice. We like it.杨启宁:You are welcome.杨启宁:More reading

32、exercisesShopping for ClothesShopping for clothes is not the same experience for a man as it is for a woman. A man goes shopping because he needs something. His purpose is settled and decided. He knows what he wants and he just finds it and buys it, but cares little about the price. All men simply w

33、alk into a shop and ask the assistant for what they want. If the shop has it, the salesman quickly takes it out, and the business of trying it on follows at once. If all is well, the deal can be and is often completed in less than five minutes, with hardly any chat and to everyone's satisfaction

34、.For a man, small problems may begin when the shop does not have what he wants, or does not have exactly what he wants. In that case, the salesman tries to sell the customer something else-he offers the nearest he can to the thing asked for. He would say, "I know this jacket is not the style yo

35、u want, Sir, but would you like to try it on for your size? It happens to be the color you mentioned." Fewmen have patience with this treatment, and the usual answer is, “This is the right color and may be the right size, but I should be wasting my time and yours by trying it on.”Now how does a

36、 woman go about buying clothes? In almost every respect she does so quite differently. Her shopping is not often based on need. She has never fully made up her mind what she wants, and she is only "having a look round". She is always open to what the salesman tells her, even to what her fr

37、iends tell her. She will try on any number of things. What is most important in her mind is the thought of finding something that everyone thinks suits her. Besides, most women have an excellent sense of value when they buy clothes. They are always ready for the unexpected bargain. Faced with a room

38、ful of dresses, a woman may easily spend an hour going from one counter to another before selecting the dresses she wants to try on. It takes time, but surely it is enjoyable to women shoppers. Most dress shops provide chairs for the waiting husbands.1). When a man is buying clothes, _A. he buys che

39、ap things does not care about the quality.B. he chooses things that others recommend.C. he does not mind how much he has to pay for the right thingsD. he buys good quality things, so long as they are not too expensive2). According to the passage, a good salesman is one who_A. treats his customers sh

40、arply.B. always has just what you want.C. does not waste his time on difficult customers.D. tries to sell something a customer does not particularly want.3). What does the passage tell us about women shoppers for clothes?A. They welcome suggestions from anyone.B. They rarely consider buying cheap cl

41、othes.C. They often buy things without giving the matter proper thought.D. They listen to advice but never take it.4). In most cases women shoppers are supposed to_A. waste money on goods of poor quality.B. buy only the best clothes.C. be much more careful than men.D. think of the price of clothes a

42、nd nothing else.5). What is the most obvious difference between men and women shoppers?A. The fact that men do not try clothes on in a shop.B. Women bargain for their clothes, but men do not.C. Women stand in a shop, but men sit down.D. the time they take to buy clothes.曾仲贤:Thank you, Ms Yang. I'

43、;ve got a lot because of having joined this on-line discussion. Thank you for it.杨启宁:You are welcome, Ms Zeng. Thank you for joining us.曾仲贤:My pleasure.杨启宁:WRITING exercises1.Guide to a Description of Home-based EntertainmentThe main points of the description1) Listing out some kinds of Chinese home

44、-based entertainment2) Drawing a diagram on the basis of your investigation. (Cf. Course Book p.203)3) Using the expressions of numbers and percentages, as “all, nearly all, quite a lot, not many, few, no, 85 percent, etc.”4) Making comparisons, either comparative or superlative form.5) Summarising, from specific, or detailed information to general idea.杨启宁:Time flies.Time really flies! Thank you all for joining us this morning! Ms Zeng from Chongqing, Mr Zhou, Ms Chen from Hunan, Ms Zhang from Shandong and Ms Dong from Anhui, Thank you!郭文静:老师好


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