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1、福师大英美文学选读20秋在线作业一答卷When workers are organized in trade unions, employers find it hard to lay them _.A.offB.asideC.outD.downThe chairman of the board _ on me the unpleasant job of dismissing good workers the firm can no longer afford to employ.A.compelledB.posedC.pressedD.temptedModern sonar makes it

2、 possible to _ an underwater submarine.A.communicateB.sinkC.searchD.locateIt may be necessary to stop _ in the learning process and go back to the difficult points in the lessons.A.at caseB.at lengthC.at intervalsD.at a distance_ the success of the product depends on its good quality.A.ObjectivelyB.

3、UltimatelyC.AbsolutelyD.RelativelyShe hit the chair and _ the coffee.A.spoiledB.pouredC.spilledD.splashed_, Mr. Wells is scarcely in sympathy with the working class.A.Although he is a socialistB.Even if he is a socialistC.Being a socialistD.Since he is a socialistEquipment not _ official safety stan

4、dards has all been removed from the workshop.A.conforming toB.consistent withC.predominant overD.providing forHe knows the regulations, and if he refuses to _ with them he must take the consequence.A.accordB.assistC.confirmD.complyHis contribution to the program was _ because 99 percent of the work

5、was completed by his colleagues.A.invisibleB.negligibleC.appreciableD.considerableEach inpidual is requested to state the _ on which his judgments are based.A.requirementsB.measuresC.legislationsD.criteriaTo speed up the _ of letters, the Post Office introduced automatic sorting.A.treatmentB.transmi

6、ssionC.departureD.deliveryHe is planning another tour abroad, yet his passport will _ at the end of this month.A.expireB.exceedC.terminateD.ceaseMr. Smith had an unusual _ : he was first an office clerk, then a sailor, and ended up as a school teacher.A.professionB.occupationC.positionD.careerThe st

7、udents showed _ when solving the difficult maths problems.A.validityB.purityC.ingenuityD.reliabilityRadio reception wasnt very good because of a disturbance in the atmosphere; the announcers voice sounded very _.A.disputedB.discardedC.dismissedD.distortedChildren who stay away from school do _ for d

8、ifferent reasons.A.themB./C.itD.theirsA system of strict discipline has a _ effect on conduct.A.automaticB.deliberateC.beneficialD.customaryI dont know if the story is true, but Ill try to _ it.A.verifyB.reinforceC.identifyD.conformThe meaning of this poem is very _; I really do not understand it.A.

9、conspicuousB.intelligibleC.obscureD.dimThe Timber rattlesnake is now on the endangered species list, and is extinct in two eastern states in which it once _.A.thrivedB.swelledC.prosperedD.flourishedThe chairman was blamed for letting his secretary _ too much work last week.A.take awayB.take outC.tak

10、e toD.take onTo his great joy he discovered that his ear was becoming _.A.sensationalB.sensitiveC.sentimentalD.sensibleFor three-quarters of its span on Earth, life evolved almost _ as microorganisms.A.preciselyB.instantlyC.initiallyD.exclusivelyThe bank refused to _ him any money, so he had to post

11、pone buying a house.A.loanB.borrowC.leaseD.creditBecause fuel supplies are finite and many people are wasteful, we will have to install _ solar heating device in our home.A.some type ofB.some types of aC.some type of aD.some types ofI have looked all over the office for my jar of glue. It seemed to

12、have _.A.vapouredB.vanishedC.vibratedD.reducedSome people believe that since oil is scarce, the _ of the motor industry is uncertain.A.estimateB.terminalC.fateD.benefitThe more a nations companies _factories abroad, the smaller that countrys recorded exports will be.A.lieB.locateC.spotD.standAt firs

13、t, the _ of color pictures over a long distance seemed impossible, but, with the painstaking efforts and at great expense, it became a reality.A.transactionB.transmissionC.transformationD.transitionI saw them bending with great _ over the machines.A.concentrationB.endeavorC.toleranceD.absorptionFore

14、ign disinvestment and the _ of South Africa from world capital markets after 1985 further weakened its economy.A.displacementB.eliminationC.exclusionD.exceptionA square is a flat area having four sides, any adjacent two sides of which _ a right angle.A.makeB.advocateC.adjoinD.shapeAs he failed to wi

15、n the first prize in the badminton match, he had to _ the second.A.settle inB.settle forC.settle upD.settle withThe meeting was put off because we _ a meeting without John.A.objected havingB.were objected to havingC.objected to haveD.objected to havingMr.Smith asked his secretary to _ a new paragrap

16、h in the annual report she was typing.A.invadeB.installC.insertD.injectIf you know what the trouble is, why dont you help them to _ the situation?A.simplifyB.modifyC.verifyD.rectifyThe defense lawyer was questioning the old man who was one of the _ of the murder committed last month.A.witnessesB.aud

17、iencesC.viewersD.observersI cant _ what has happened to the vegetables, for they were freshly picked this morning.A.figure outB.draw outC.look outD.work outYou dont have to install this radio in your new car. Its an _ extra.A.excessiveB.optionalC.additionalD.arbitraryIf you explained the situation t

18、o your solicitor, he _ able to advise you much better than I can.A.would beB.will have beenC.wasD.wereSome day software will translate both written and spoken language so well that the need for any common second language could _.A.descendB.declineC.deteriorateD.depressJames has just arrived, but I d

19、idnt know he _ until yesterday.A.will comeB.was comingC.had been comingD.cameI know he failed his last test, but really hes _ stupid.A.something butB.anything butC.nothing butD.not butThe local people were joyfully surprised to find the price of vegetables no longer _ according to the weather.A.alte

20、redB.convertedC.fluctuatedD.modifiedThese overseas students show great _ for learning a new language.A.faithB.authorityC.enthusiasmD.conventionThe party will _their leader very determinedly.A.adhere toB.coincide withC.cling toD.depend onPreliminary estimation puts the figure at around $110 billion,

21、_ the $160 billion the President is struggling to get through the Congress.A.in proportion toB.in reply toC.in relation toD.in contrast toIt was no _ that his car was seen near the bank at the time of the robbery.A.coincidenceB.conventionC.certaintyD.complicationThe portion of the total income of Ch

22、inas railways which comes from carrying cargo is _ 80 percent.A.consequentlyB.roughlyC.comparativelyD.incidentally 参考答案:A参考答案:C参考答案:D参考答案:C参考答案:B参考答案:C参考答案:A参考答案:A参考答案:D参考答案:B参考答案:D参考答案:D参考答案:A参考答案:D参考答案:C参考答案:D参考答案:D参考答案:C参考答案:A参考答案:C参考答案:A参考答案:D参考答案:B参考答案:D参考答案:A参考答案:A参考答案:B参考答案:C参考答案:B参考答案:B参考答案:B参考答案:C参考答案:A参考答案:B参考答案:D参考答案:C参考答案:D参考答案:A参考答案:A参考答案:B参考答案:A参考答案:B参考答案:B参考答案:B参考答案:C参考答案:C参考答案:C参考答案:D参考答案:A参考答案:B


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