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1、2012冀教版三年级英语下册导学案全册表格式 小学英语导学案模板设计意图 以表演的形式贯穿于课堂用歌曲的学习增加学生学习兴趣加强学生听说读写能力的培养从而激发学生的学习兴趣 培养学生合作竞争意识课题topicLesson 1The farm课型新学主备人焦红星审核人刘俊秀年级三年级目标点击1我会认识读写farm chicken duck pig and cow 2我会用What is it和同伴交流3我会唱Old MacDonald had a farm重难点认读和书写五个新单词时间预设自主学习12分钟 合作交流20分钟 当堂测试8分钟导学参考学习流程Learning procedure第一关

2、自主学习Step 1Listening Ask the students What is it show pictures of animals I can say the new words and spell themStep 2wrting I can write the new word 第二关合作交流Step 1Practice I can practice What is it A_Its a _with my classmate practice in pairs Step 2Act and guess Ask one student do actions and the oth

3、ers guess What animal is it 第三关课堂提升Step 1Listening Listen to the audiotape and try to sing the song Explain that different animals can make different soundsStep 2Matchduck meowcow woofpig cluck cat oinkchicken moo第四关达标小检测I can fill in the blanksOld MacDonnld had a farm On his farm he had _ 鸭子 _ 猪 _

4、鸡 _ 奶牛 He is a handsome _ 农民 课后反思 课题topicLesson 2Cats and Dogs课型新学主备人焦红星审核人刘俊秀年级三年级目标点击一我会认读书写cat dog goat and sheep二我会用Whats this Its a _ Is this a _ Yes it isNo its a _和同伴交流三我会唱英文歌BINGO重难点新单词及新句型Is this a _时间预设自主学习12分钟 合作交流20分钟 当堂测试8分钟导学参考学习流程Learning procedureX k B 1 c o m第一关自主学习Step 1Listening L

5、isten to the audiotape and read the new words show the words of animals Step 2W riting Read the new words and try to spell them hold up their fingers and try to write 第二关合作交流Step 1Practise dialogues Hold up the new word cards and practise this dialogue in pairs What抯 this It抯 a _ Is this a _ Yes it

6、isNo It抯 a _They are differentStep 2Play Memory game part 2 First Ask them to look at the pictures then try to remember themAfter that g uess what it is 第三关课堂提升 Listen to the audiotape and try to sing the song Institute dog with cat goat and sheep第四关达标小检测一Translate the following words 狗_ 猫_山羊_绵羊_二I

7、can fill in the blanksOld MacDonnld had a farm On his farm he had _ 鸭子 _ 猪 _ 鸡 _ 奶牛 _狗_猫_ 山羊 _ 绵羊 He is a handsome _ 农民 课后反思 课题topicLesson 3Birds课型新学主备人焦红星审核人刘俊秀年级三年级目标点击一我会认读拼写bird beak wing feathers二我能用I can _与同伴交流 重难点新单词及句型I can _时间预设自主学习12分钟 合作交流20分钟 当堂测试8分钟导学参考学习流程Learning procedure第一关自主学习Step

8、1Listening Listen to the audiotape and say the new words of parts of a birds show a picture of a bird Step 2 Writing Read the new words and try to spell them hold up their fingers and try to write Step 3Learning I can _What can you do I can read I can write 第二关合作交流Step 1Practise in pairs Draw a pict

9、ure of a bird and practice the dialogueWhat is it Its _Say the parts of a bird w W w x K b 1c o MStep 2 Play roles What can you do One is Danny the other one is a bird I can _第三关课堂提升ChantListen to the audiotape first then chant together第四关达标小检测I can translate 鸟_ 喙_ 羽毛_ 翅膀_ I can dance_ I can sing_ I

10、 can fly_课后反思 课题topicLesson 4More Animals课型新学主备人焦红星审核人刘俊秀年级三年级目标点击一我会认读拼写rabbit donkey mouse horse swim fly hop二我会唱英文歌Hippityhippity hophop三我会积极与同学交流重难点新单词及句型_can _时间预设自主学习12分钟 合作交流20分钟 当堂测试8分钟导学参考学习流程Learning procedure第一关自主学习Step 1 Listening Listen to the audiotape and read the new words show pictu

11、res of animals Ask What is it A_Its a _Step 2 Writing Write the new wordsStep 3Learning Fish can _A bird can _Birds can _ Rabbits can _第二关合作交流Step 1 Play a game What animal can hop A _A_can hop What animal can swim A _can swim What animal can fly A _can fly What animal can sing A _can sing X k B 1 c

12、 o mStep 2Choose What animal has four legs What animal has two legs第三关课堂提升Sing a song Listen to the audiotape first and try to sing together第四关达标小检测Fill in the blanksDifferent animals have different characters For exampleFish can _Birds can _Rabbits can _A _can say woofwoof A_can say moomoo A _can s

13、ay quack quack A _can say cluck cluckA _ can say oink oink课后反思 课题topic Lesson5 Forward and Backward 课型新授补充导学案主备人成红芳审核人年级三年级下册目标点击1理解和运用walk forward walk backward和turn around2 掌握和运用句型Can you _ 以及它的肯定回答Yes I can 否定回答No I cant并将所学知识运用于生活中3 学习歌谣Teddy Bear Teddy Bear Turn Around重难点1掌握walk forward walk ba

14、ckward和turn around2句型Can you _ Yes I can No I cant的理解和运用时间预设自主学习12分钟··合作交流20分钟··当堂检测8分钟学参考学习流程Learning procedure 第一关自主学习自学对学群学第二关合作交流第三关课堂提升第四关达标小检测小组自学我会读单词forward backward turn around我会读句子Can you play cards Yes I can No I cant群学小组长领读第一部分和第二部分组员跟读纠正发音第一关我为自己打 满分10分任务一 根据预习的词组生生间

15、进行问答练习任务二 练习三个动作组长说出英语学生做动作一名学生说出英语其他学生做动作 任务三学唱歌曲找出转身摸地伸腰摸天空弯腰莫脚趾的短语第二关组长为我打 满分10分Look at these pictureswhat does Danny do出示图片让学生说出 Walk forward Walk backward和Turn around领读两遍第三关我为老师打 老师为我打 满分10分 一我会连walk forward 向前走walk backward 转身turn around 向后走bend down low 伸腰reach up high 弯腰这节课老师为我打 满分100分课后反思的培

16、养从而激发学生的学习兴趣 培养学生合作竞争意识课题topic Lesson6 课型补充导学案主备人审核人年级目标点击知识目标1学生能够听懂会说并口头运用下列用语和句子Can it fly Yes it can No it cant能认读单词 fur paw tail2学生能说唱歌谣Dog3学生能了解字母e k g在所列的单词中的发音初步认识字母在单词中的发音规律并能根据发音规律读出简单的单词能力目标 学生能灵活运用下列用语和句子Can it fly Yes it can No it cant进行交谈谈论喜欢的宠物的相关信息重难点学生能灵活运用下列用语和句子Can it fly Yes it c

17、an No it cant进行交谈谈论喜欢的宠物的相关信息运用到句子 A cat dog has furpaws and d tail时间预设自主学习12分钟··合作交流20分钟··当堂检测8分钟导学参考学习流程Learning procedure 第一关自主学习自学对学群学第二关合作交流第三关第四关我能记住关于动作的单词给学生提示flyswim sing dance jump walk hop出示一张猫的图片我能指出这些部位fur paw tail 3我会找句子 我有一只宠物 它会飞么不它不会它会跳么是的它会 哦我明白了它是一只猫第一关我为自己打 满分

18、10分一讲解What is it 1 教师演示自己的宠物 I have a pet too Do you know what is it Look Its coming 课件 引出Its a cat教师适时提问What does a cat have 出示课件 A cat has fur A cat has paws A cat has a tail A cat has fur paws and a tail引出猫的身体部位的词小组合作说出句子A cat has fur A cat has paws A cat has a tail最后三句并一句A cat has fur paws and a

19、 tail 2 T Can it jump S Yes it can T Can it sing S No it cant It can say meow meow meow二Letters and sounds1 Can you read these words he she we beak book monkey girl big dog小组内互相纠正读音第二关组长为我打 满分10分 xkb 1com小组内对话SI have a pet T What is itS Guess T Can it flyS Yes it can No it cantT Oh I see Its a_ 第三关我

20、为老师打 老师为我打 满分10分这节课老师为我打 满分100分我要写你爱什么小动物你能描述出它的样子吗它有什么特征它发出什么叫声它能飞么他能跳么写一写吧课后反思X k B 1 c o m课题topic Lesson 7 Why the rabbit has long ears 课型新授补充导学案主备人成红芳审核人年级目标点击教学目标1能听说认读单词flyswimhop和句型What happened2能理解并表演故事情感目标互相帮助团结协作重难点教学重点听说单词和句型做到发音标准听说自如教学难点理解并表演故事时间预设自主学习12分钟··合作交流20分钟··

21、;当堂检测8分钟导学参考学习流程Learning procedure 第一关自主学习自学对学群学第二关合作交流第三关课堂提升第四关达标小检测1我会唱Sing Old Macdonald songs2我会讲小组内互相看图讲故事并补充第一关我为自己打 满分10分要有层次如任务一 任务二 Ask a volunteer to act fell in the mudTeacher What happenedVolunteer Im stuck Teacher Can I helpVolunteer Yes pleaseTeacher Pull pull 其他学生理解并在书上找出句子发生什么事了我被卡住

22、了需要我的帮助么是的谢谢拉啊拉啊Xk B 1 cO m第二关组长为我打 满分10分英语篇章的设计可以是老师也可以是学生听录音我会跟读我会扮演小组内分角色扮演故事并说出我从中学到了什么第三关我为老师打 老师为我打 满分10分互改组长改我会填我会说One day a rabbit full in the holea famrer come and ask 发生什么事了 The rabbit says 我被卡住了 需要帮忙么 Yes pleaseAt lastthe rabbits ears are big and long这节课老师为我打 满分100分课后反思课题topic Lesson8 Aga

23、inplease 课型新授补充导学案主备人成红芳审核人年级三年级目标点击教学目标1能听说认读单词 duck pig cow cat dog sheep bird 和句型Can a cow fly No it cant A chicken cant swim 2能理解并表演故事情感目标爱护小动物重难点教学重点难点能在理解的基础上读单词写出关于动物的单词时间预设自主学习12分钟··合作交流20分钟··当堂检测8分钟导学参考学习流程Learning procedure 第一关自主学习自学对学群学第二关合作交流第三关课堂提升第四关达标小检测1我会听我会说 播放录

24、音并圈出所听动物的单词2我会写小组内写出第三部分的单词并互相批改第一关我为自己打 满分10分要有层次如任务一 任务二 听录音我能说出汉语意思我会读句子小组内互相问答小组长用课前准备好的动物的图片问答那是什么是一只牛牛会飞么不它不会那是一只鸡么鸡不会游泳鱼会游泳听录音我会跟读Read write and draw1I have furlegs and a tailI can say woofwoof woof I am a d 2I have a beak wings and feathers I can swim I am a d 3 I have a short tail long ears

25、 I can hop I am a r 4I have four pawsIcan say meow meow I am a c 第三关我为老师打 老师为我打 满分10分互改组长改supper Clunch Dbreakfast二用所给单词补全句子thirsty am is like breakfast are do evening don抰 favourite1 I like porridge for_2 _ you like this3 Dumplings _ good4 Would you _ some noodles5 I _hungry6My _ food is chicken7Wh

26、at _for lunch8I go to bed in the _ _9I抦 _ I want to drink10I _like vegetables 三选择填空 1Would you like some _soupAthe Ba Cmore 2I like meat _lunchAin Bfor Con 3I _ in the morningAget up B go to bed Ceat lunch 4Rice _goodAam Bis Care 5当你睡觉前要向爸爸妈妈到晚安时你应该说_AGood morning BGood night CGood afternoon 6当别人问你W

27、ould you like some soup如果你不想要你可以礼貌地说_AYesplease BNoI dont CNothanks 7当你想表达自己很饿想吃东西时你可以说_AIm hungry I want to eatBIm thirsty I want to eatCIm hungry I want to drink 8假如你不喜欢吃肉你可以说_AI like meat BI dont like to meat CI dont like meat 9当你想知道晚饭吃什么时你应该问_AWhats itBWhats for supperCWhats for dessert 10当别人问你最

28、喜欢的食物是什么时你应该说_AMy favourite food is noodlesBI like noodlesCI am hungry这节课老师为我打 满分100分课后反思课题topic Lesson9 At the Zoo 课型新授课补充导学案主备人孙艳峰审核人年级三年级目标点击听说读写以下单词zoo panda monkey 认读Giraffe deer2认识并运用反义词fatthin tallshort3会用I see 描述重难点1句型Lets go to the zoo和I see的运用2了解并区分动物园与农场里的动物时间预设自主学习12分钟··合作交流20分

29、钟··当堂检测8分钟导学参考学习流程Learning procedure 第一关自主学习自学对学群学第二关合作交流第三关课堂提升第四关达标小检测1我会读小组自学读第一部分并互相问答不会的听录音解决2我能写Zoo panda monkey3小组成员之间互相读第一关我为自己打 满分10分任务一我能当演员小组成员分角色扮演第二部分任务二我会用两组反义词fatthin tallshort说句子任务三我会用I see造句第二关组长为我打 满分10分我是听力小能手ALets go to schoolBGreatAI see a new teacherBLookshe is beauti

30、ful 判断对的写 T错的写F1I see a new student 2The new teacher is beautiful 第三关我为老师打 老师为我打 满分10分一我会选 1p_ _da 熊猫 Aa i Be I Ca n 2g_ _affe 长颈鹿 Air Bre Cri 3d_ _r 鹿 Aea Bee Cei 4monk_ _ 猴子 Aey Bay Cae二我会写反义词1tall 2fat- 三小小翻译家1我看见一只熊猫它很胖I _a_Its_2我们去动物园吧_互改组长改这节课老师为我打 满分100分课后反思课题topic Lesson 13 What Do They Eat

31、课型新授课补充导学案主备人张燕审核人年级三年级目标点击知识与能力能够用Does a _ eat _ What does a _ eat来讨论动物的饮食能朗读第二部分的歌谣掌握单词bananagrass的拼读过程与方法设计请客的情景展开教学情感态度与价值观让学生体会学英语的乐趣重难点运用句型Does a _ eat _ What does a _ eat 来讨论动物的食物时间预设自主学习12分钟··合作交流20分钟··当堂检测8分钟导学参考学习流程Learning procedure 自主学习合作交流课堂提升达标小检测步骤一听二读三认四写参考语言我能我会一

32、 我能通过听录音机试着回答这些问题1Whatdoesacoweat comcomg2Whatdoesagiraffeeat comcoms3Whatdoesalioneatcomcom4Whatdoesamonkeyeatcomcomes5Whatdoesapandaeatcomcomge二通过读课文我能试着做练习 xkb 1com1Whatdoesananimalnamestartwithg_2Whatdoesananimalnamestartwithc_3Whatdoesananimalnamestartwithp_4Whatdoesananimalnamestartwiths_三我能试着

33、翻译句子1Tigers eat meat2Cows eat grass四我能试着读课文一小组合作试着回答下列问题1What does a cow eat2what else eats grass 二根据自主学习总结动物的食物1学会并运用本课重点单词2 学会运用句子What does a _ eat 来讨论动物的食物我会连线Monkeys eat grass Cows eat meatTigers eat bananas 课后反思课题topic Lesson14Where Do They Live课型新授补充导学案主备人张燕审核人年级三年级目标点击1理解掌握动物类单词giraffepandasn

34、akezebra2能对他们居住地进行问答 Where does a _ live In a _3能熟练运用所学知识对森林里的动物进行介绍2情感与态度培养学生与他人合作的能力共同努力完成任务开展动物拯救大行动 通在游戏中培养学生的合作意识在完成任务的过程中让他们体验学英语的成就感在解救动物的游戏中培养他们热爱和保护动物的情感重难点1 能对他们居住地进行问答Where does a _ live In a_ 2 能熟练运用所学知识对森林里的动物进行介绍时间预设自主学习12分钟··合作交流20分钟··当堂检测8分钟导学参考学习流程Learning proced

35、ure 课题topic Lesson15The Monkey Judge课型新授补充导学案主备人张燕审核人年级三年级目标点击知识目标掌握词汇rivergrassflowers 和leaves能够借助图片读懂故事能力目标讲故事小组讨论听录音情感目标通过故事让学生学习猴子的机智勇敢绵羊的善良不要轻易相信别人要运用自己的智慧来取胜重难点教学重点掌握词汇rivergrassflowers 和leaves能够借助图片读懂故事教学难点理解并阅读本课的故事时间预设自主学习12分钟··合作交流20分钟··当堂检测8分钟导学参考学习流程Learning procedure

36、 自主学习合作交流课堂提升达标小检测1我能自己读课文将重点词汇sheep wolf monkey板书在黑板上并通过听录音试读这些单词2我能再次读课文回答下面的问题1 Did the wolf fall inside a big hole2 Who came to help3我能细读课文并能完成下列练习通过练习猜测出新单词的含义 Fill in the blanks一There once was a _ who was walking in the _ Suddenly he fell in a _ The wolf yelled "_" Along came a _ The

37、 _ saved the wolf He pulled the wolf out of the hole with a _ Then the wolf wanted to kill and _ the _X k B 1 c o m小组合作试着回答下列问题1What did the sheep ask the monkey to do2What happened to the wolf 3Why did the sheep agree to help the wolf二小组合作通过讨论能说出故事的大概内容是什么三通过以上等一系列问题能总结出这个故事教育了我们什么它和东郭先生和狼有什么相同点和不同

38、点 1Make an end of the story2Act out the part of the story you like一根据故事回答下列问题1What did the sheep ask the monkey to do2How does the sheep help the wolf二我会用所给的词连成句子1it Do again2see me Let3give a me hand Please课后反思课题topic Lesson16Again Please课型新授补充导学案主备人张燕审核人年级三年级目标点击1理解掌握本单元动物类单词2掌握本单元的重点句子3能熟练运用所学知识对

39、森林里的动物进行介绍2情感与态度培养学生与他人合作的能力共同努力完成任务开展动物拯救大行动 通在游戏中培养学生的合作意识在完成任务的过程中让他们体验学英语的成就感在解救动物的游戏中培养他们热爱和保护动物的情感重难点1理解掌握本单元动物类单词掌握本单元的重点句子2 能熟练运用所学知识对森林里的动物进行介绍时间预设自主学习12分钟··合作交流20分钟··当堂检测8分钟导学参考学习流程Learning procedure 自主学习合作交流课堂提升达标小检测1我能说出本单元重点单词2通过复习本单元我能做下面的翻译Lion_ 山脉_ zebra_kangaroo_ 树叶_ hippo_ostrich_ bear_ wolf_草地_ camel_ snake_森林_ 河流_3我能熟练运用句子 1 What animal has _A_2Where does a_liveIn a_3How many_are thereTere are_小组合作试着回答下列问题What animal lives in a tree_ _What animal has no legs_ _What animal eats leaves_ _What animal eats meat_


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