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1、138Applied Prev Med. June 2013 Vol 19 No3文章编号:1673-785X(2O13)O3-O138-»4中图分类号:R 531.301 文献标识码:A广西不同区域流动人口感染疟疾结果比较郭传坤,黎 军,李锦辉,黄亚铭,毛 玮,林康明,韦树娇广西壮族自治区疾病预防控制中心(南宁530028)【摘要目的比较和分析广西壮族自治区3类不同区域流动人口感染疟疾结果.以确定哪类流动人群感染疟 次风険较商,为疟疾控制后期监测提供科学依据。方法 收集2001 -2011年广四109个县(市、区)疟轶疫悄资料 和流动人口监测资料.采用流行病学方法,对全区流动人口疟

2、疾发病情况、病例感染来源等进行描述和统计分析。 结果2001-2011年,广西共检査国际间流动返回人员4 189人次,省际间流动返冋人员216 570人次,省内县际间 流动人员122 046人次,3类不同区域流动返回人员疟原虫血检阳性率分别为11.053% (463/4 189). 0.378%8/216 570) 和0.069%(85/122 046);检衣来自国外人员1 530人次、省外人员98548人次,省内县际间人员203 921人次.3类外 来人员血检阳性率分别为2.026% (31/1 530). 0.201%( 198/98 548)和0.047% (96/20 392)。共检出

3、1 691例疟疾病 例,其中本地感染病例占10.70% (181/1 691),外省感染返回病例占60.08% (1016/1691),国外病例占29.21% (494/1 691)。结论广西疟疾发病持续控制在1/万以下,当前疟疾发病以境外输入性疟疾为主.恶性疟病例呈增多 趙势。到非洲和东南亚国家务工人员感染疟疾风险高,应加强对非洲和东南亚地区务工返回人员疟疾监测和竹理. 及时采血镜检.阳性者和可疑者及时规范治疗。关键词流动人口;输入性疟疾;监测;比较Comparison on result of malaria infection in migrant population in diffe

4、rent areas of Guangxi GUO Chuan-kun9 LI Jun. LI Jin-hui 9 et al. Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region Center lor Disease Prevention and Control, Nanning 530028, ChinaAbstract Objective To compare and analyze the monitoring result of malaria infection in migrant population in differentia areas of Guangxi

5、 Zhuang Autonomous Region from 2001 to 2011, so as to know the high risk factors of malaria infection and provide scientific basis for malaria surveillance at the later-stage of malaria control. Methods The data of malaria situation and migrant population in 109 counties in Guangxi from 2001 to 2011

6、 were collected and analyzed Results A total of 4 189, 216 570 and 122 046 slides of return population and 1 530, 98 548 and 203 921 blood smear slides of migrant population were examined and the average positive rates of blood examinations were 11.053% (463/4 189)、0.378% (818/216 570) and 0.069% (8

7、5/122 046) in returned persons from overseas, other provinces and migrant in Guangxi respectively, and the those of immigrants were 2.026%(31/1 530), 0.201% (198/98 548) and 0.047% (103/20 392), respectively. A total of 1 691 malaria cases were detected, indigenous cases was accounted for 10.70% , r

8、eturned emigrant patients with malaria from other province accounted for 60.08% (1 016/1 691) and imported malaria from other country accounted for 29.21 % (494/1 691). Conclusion The malaria incidence in Guangxi has been under 1/10 000 for many years The imported malaria case was dominated and ther

9、e is increasing falciparum malaria as well. The persons returned from Africa and Southeast Asia has a high risk of malaria infection; therefore, it is necessary to strengthen the monitoring of malaria for the migrant population from high malaria prevalent areas.Key words Migrant population; Imported malaria: Surveillance; Comparison138138广西是我国南方4大爲疟区之一。据估计,解作者简介:郭传坤(1954-)男,广西北流市人,主任医 师,主要从事疟疾和媒介控制。放初期的1952 1956年疟疾发病人数在12554 万,疟疾发病率在677 - 2 809/10万之间叫 主要媒 介有微小按蚊.嗜人按蚊、中华按蚊和日月潭按


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