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1、冠词的用法讲解及练习题冠词的用法 冠词是虚词,本身不能单独使用,也没有词义,它用在名词的前面,帮助指明名词的 含义。英语中的冠词有三种,一种是定冠词,另一种是不定冠词,还有一种是零冠词不定冠词 a( an )与数词 one 同源,是“一个 ”的意思。 a 用于辅音音素前, 一般读作 e, 而 an 则用于元音音素前,一般读做en 。不定冠词的用法 :1)表示 “一个”,意为 one ;指某人或某物,意为 a certain 。A Mr. Ling is waiting for you.2)代表一类人或物。A knife is a tool for cutting with.Mr. Smith

2、is an engineer.3)词组或成语。a little / a few / a lot / a type of / a pile / a great many / many a / as a rule / in a hurry / in a minute / in a word / in a short while / after a while / have a cold / have a try / keep an eye on / all of a sudden定冠词的用法定冠词 the 与指示代词 this, that 同源,有 “那(这)个 ”的意思,但较弱,可以和一个 名词

3、连用,来表示某个或某些特定的人或东西。1)特指双方都明白的人或物:Take the medicine. 把药吃了。2)上文提到过的人或事:He bought a house. I ' ve been to the house. 他买了幢房子。我去过那幢房子。3)指世上独一物二的事物: the sun ,the sky ,the moon ,the earth4)单数名词连用表示一类事物: 如: the dollar 美元; the fox 狐狸;或与形容词或分词连用,表示一类人: the rich 富 人; the living 生者。5)用在序数词和形容词最高级,及形容词only ,

4、very ,same 等前面:Where do you live ? I live on the second floor. 你住在哪?我住在二层。 That' s the very thing I ' ve been lookinJJf正是我要找的东西。6)与复数名词连用,指整个群体:They are the teachers of this school. 指全体教师)They are teachers of this school. (指部分教师)7)表示所有,相当于物主代词,用在表示身体部位的名词前:She caught me by the arm 她抓住了我的手臂。8

5、)用在某些由普通名词构成的国家名称、机关团体、阶级、等专有名词前:the People ' s Republic of China 中华人民共和国the United States 美国9)用在表示乐器的名词之前:She plays the piano. 她会弹钢琴。10)用在姓氏的复数名词之前,表示一家人:the Greens 格林一家人 (或格林夫妇)11)用在惯用语中:in the day , in the morning ( afternoon ,evening ),the day after tomorrow the day before yesterday , the ne

6、xt morning , in the sky (water,field ,country ) in the dark ,in the rain , in the distance ,in the middle ( of),in the end , on the whole , by the way , go to the theatre零冠词的用法1)国名,人名前通常不用定冠词:England ,Mary ;2)泛指的复数名词,表示一类人或事物时,可不用定冠词; They are teachers. 他们是教师。3)抽象名词表示一般概念时,通常不加冠词; Failure is the mot

7、her of success. 失败乃成功之母。4)物质名词表示一般概念时,通常不加冠词,当表示特定的意思时,需要加定冠词; Man cannot live without water. 人离开水就无法生存。5)在季节、月份、节日、假日、日期、星期等表示时间的名词之前,不加冠词; We go to school from Monday to Friday. 我们从星期一到星期五都上课。6)在称呼或表示官衔,职位的名词前不加冠词(Professor Liu ) ;The guards took the American to General Lee.士兵们把这个美国人送到李将军那里。7)在三餐、

8、球类运动和娱乐运动的名称前,不加冠词; 如: have breakfast , play chess8)当两个或两个以上名词并用时,常省去冠词;I can ' t write without pen or pencil. 没有钢笔和铅笔,我就写不了字。9)当 by 与火车等交通工具连用,表示一种方式时,中间无冠词; by bus , by train ;10)有些个体名词不用冠词;女口: school , college , prison , market , hospital , bed , table, class , town , church , court 等个体名词,直接置

9、于介词后,表示该名词的深层含义;go to hospital 去医院看病go to the hospital 去医院 (并不是去看病,而是有其他目的)11)不用冠词的序数词;a. 序数词前有物主代词b. 序数词作副词:He came first in the race.c. 在固定词组中:at ( the )first , first of all , from first to last冠词填空:在下列句中空白处填入适当冠词,不需用冠词处划X。2 This is useful book I've read it for h o u r3elephant is muchheavier

10、than horse 4_ doctor told him to take _medicine three timesday 5Let's go out for walk 6It's too hot Open _ door , please 7There is woman over there _ woman is Meimei's mother8 sun rises in _east 9_Changjiang River is_longest river in _ China 11Washington is capital of USA 14_old man is_t

11、eacher. He likes playing_basketball after _supper15 After I had quick breakfast , I hurried to school 17 They went to People's Park , but we both went to People'sCinema yesterday 20 Tomorrow is Christmas Day and my father and I went tochoose Christmas tree today II.选择填空。1 Does Jim have ruler

12、 ?Yes, he has Aan ;someBa;one Ca;Dany ;one2 There is old bike old bike is Mr Zhao'sAan ;The B the ; An Ca; The Dthe;The3 apple a day keeps the doctors aw ayAThe B A C An D Two4 How many books do you have ? I have book That's English bookAa;an Ba;one C one ; an Done;one5 At that time Tom was

13、one-year-old baby A a B anC theD6 tiger is AThe ;a BA;the 7 We can't see Athe ;the Bthe ; 8 useful book it isA What anB How a9 One afternoon he found _ of handbag China CThe ;from sun at C a ;!C What a handbagD The ; the night D;D What There was“”XIs” on the cornerA a ;an ; the Ba;a; the C 10 ol

14、d lady with white meeting A 11AAn;an ;a BThe ; an Great Wall is A ;a B The ;theanan; anhair spokeDthe ;a;aEnglish well atClongest wall in the world CA;the DThe ;aThe ; aDThe ; the12 new bridge has been built over Huangpu RiverAThe ;a BA;CA;the DAn;the13 woman over there is popular teacher in our sch

15、oolAA;an BThe;aCThe ;the D A; the14 He used to be teacher but later he turned writer Da;Aa; a B a;theC; a15 They made him king AaBtheC anD 16 His father is English teacher He works in our schoolAaBanC the D 17 Is he American boy ?A anBaCone D 18 Does Tom often play football after school ?A; B; the C

16、the ; Da;day before yesterday19 They passed our school AanBoneCaD the20 Australia is English-speaking countryAaB anC the D 21 She has orange skirt _ skirt is niceAa; The Ban;The Can ;A D the ; The22This is apple It's big apple Aan ;a Ba;the Ca; an Dan ;the23 Look at horse over there AaB anC theD

17、 24 Don't play _ basketball here It's dangerousAaB anC D the25 There is old woman in the carAB theCaD an26. Beijing is beautiful city . It's capital of ChinaA. a; a B. the ; the C ./; the D. a; the27. Shanghai is in east of China .A. / B . an C . a D . the28 . rve bee n a stude nt there

18、for n early two andhalf yearsA . a B . an C . the D . /29. Bill isEnglish teacher . He likes playingfootball .A. a ; theB .an ; theC . a ; / D . an ;/30. The museumis quitefar . It will take you halfhour to get there bybus .A. an ;/B .an ; aC . a; / D . /;/初中英语冠词用法专项练习答案与详解2 . a ; an。第一个空的a是泛指,第二个空的

19、 an是指一小时”3 . An ; a。这两个空都是泛指,故都用不定冠词。4 . The ; the ; a。前两个空都是特指,故填 the;后一个空中的 a相当于every或each , three times a day意为一天三次”5. a。go out for a walk 意为 出去散步”6 . the 7 . a; The。前者泛指,后者特指。8. The ; the。第一个空用the表示太阳是世界上独一无二的物体;第二个空用the是因为在方位词 的前面一般用定冠词。9. The ; the, X第一空用the是因为在河流名称的前面用定冠词;第二空用the是因为在形容词最高级前面用

20、定冠词;第三空零”冠词是因为专有名词前一般不加冠词。11. the ; the。第一个the是特指美国的首都。第二个the是在由普通名词构成的专有名词前应加定冠词。14 . The a ; X; X在球类名称前不加冠词。泛指的三餐名称前不加冠词。15 . a。三餐名称前若有形容词,则可在形容词前加冠词,此处是泛指,故用a。17 . the ; the。普通名词构成的专有名词前应加the。18 . X; the。TV前不加冠词。早、午、晚"名词前加冠词。19 . The ; X X。第一空是特指。日期名词前不加冠词。20 X; aII.1. B。第一空是泛指;第二空的one是不定代词,

21、用以替代前面的ruler。2. A3. C。这是一句谚语,意思是一天吃一个苹果,用不着看医生。”4. C。one强调数量,用以回答“ Howmany. . ?"问句;第二个空是泛指,故用an。5. A。one虽以元音字母开头,但以辅音音素w开头,故填a。6. C。此句意为:这只老虎来自中国。”7. B。在太阳、月亮、地球”的前面一般都加定冠词 the ; at night在夜晚”,注意该短语中没有冠词。8 C9. A。“虽为辅音字母,但却以元音音素e开头,故填an。10 . D。第一个空填the,是特指那个 白发老太太”第二个空不填冠词,是因为在语言名称前面一 般不加冠词。Engli

22、sh后面如有language,就得说the English language 。在会议上"应为at the meeting,11. B。the Great Wall 长城。12 . C。第一个空是泛指,用 a;第二个空是河流名称,故用the。13 . B。第一个空:那边的那个妇女",是特指;第二个空是指那个妇女的身份、职业,是泛指。14 . D。第一个空是泛指;第二个空用零冠词”是因为turn后面的名词前一般都不加冠词。15 . D。表示某人的职位时可用零冠词”16 . B17 . A 18 . Ao after school 放学以后。19 . D。the day before yesterday 前天。20. B21 . B。第一空泛指,第二空特指。22 . A。两个空都是泛指。23 . C 24 . C 25 . D 26 . D 27 . D。in the east of 在某地区(内)的东部。28 . A。two and a half years 也可说成 two years and a half ,意思都是 两年半"。29 D 30 A。half an hour半小时,by bus乘公共汽车。


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