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1、CCTVNEW专访华东林业产权交易所 德班大会正式开幕,世界各国围绕气候变化问题进行着激烈而复杂的谈判过程。作为经济迅猛发展同时也是最大的发展中国家,中国的二氧化碳排放总量一跃超过美国成为世界第一。因此,中国应对气候变化,节能减排上的举措受到国际社会的广泛关注。 最近,中国以华东林业产权交易所为载体,启动了林业碳汇交易试点,主要用于抵消企业自身的二氧化碳排放量。国内许多企业参与并认购了首批碳汇指标,与此同时该项目也吸引了许多国外投资者的目光。但是自愿者市场的可持续发展仍是个未知数。 为此CCTVnews制作了绿色报告,特别报道。以下是新闻内容。 在国内,林业碳汇交易仍处于早期阶段。然而,就在启

2、动仪式几个星期之后,第一批海外投资者闻讯而至。 来自中石油伦敦公司的碳排放交易员Garth Edward说:现在绝大部分的碳排放交易都发生在欧洲,但是我们也对中国的碳市场发展非常感兴趣。 华东林业产权交易所是当前国内唯一的林业碳汇交易平台。简单的说,林业碳汇是指通过造林、再造林和森林管理,减少毁林等活动,吸收或减少大气中的二氧化碳并与政策、管理和碳贸易相结合的过程、活动和机制。 现在大约有50余家中国企业参与碳汇交易,从投资领域到高耗能企业都有。目前,所有的碳汇购买都基于自愿者市场,对于这些首批参与者来说,这是个绝佳的机会响应政府减排号召,彰显企业社会责任。 华东林业产权交易所的董事长沈国华说

3、:“现在可以用比较低的价格来获取碳汇,但是一旦将来变成强制性市场,那么这个价格就要高了。所以企业为了将来的发展,未雨绸缪,可以从现在开始布局。” 然而,这并不像听起来这么容易。仍旧有许多问题等待确认。什么样的林地才能作为碳汇林?谁来确定碳汇林吸收的温室气体排放量?怎样获得国际买家的认可? 浙江省林业厅厅长楼国华说:“这是个重大的问题。现在我们的标准是中国绿色碳汇基金会参考国际标准制定的。但是我们势必要建立自己的规章制度。” 除了企业来询问碳信用额以外,还有许多林地所有者也相当关注,他们想知道,自己有一片林地,是不是就可以当做碳汇林进行交易。但是截至目前为止,第二笔交易仍在计划中,因为他们的理解

4、都错了。事实上,林业碳汇交易试点成立的初衷是为了增加森林覆盖,减少温室气体排放。与此同时,先行者和投资者在尝试建立一个市场化的林业碳汇交易平台,使得林业碳汇可以自由流通。尽管各界对林业碳汇看法不一,但是无论如何,碳市场开始在中国扎根了。 播出时间:CCTVnews 2011年11月28日,中午12:00新闻一小时直播,12:34分开始。网址链接: 华东林业产权交易所董事长沈国华向中石油伦敦公司的碳排放交易员Garth Edward介绍交易大厅 英文稿 China has recently launched a pilot program in forestry carbon trading t

5、o offset carbon emissions. Many home enterprises are taking part and the program is getting recognition from overseas stakeholders. But the voluntary projects sustainability is still unknown. Forestry carbon trade brings inspiration Trading emissions for forestry credits is now in their early stages

6、 in China. Just a few weeks after the launch of the program the first overseas enquiry arrived. “Until now ,a lot of emissions trading is taking place in Europe,but we are very interested in the developments that now begins in China”, Garth Edward,Senior Environmental Trade from Petrochina London sa

7、id. Huadong Forestry Exchange is currently the only trial center to facilitate forest based carbon trade in China. The concept, in simple words, is to create extra forestry carbon absorption in an attempt to balance off the greenhouse emissions produced by human activities. About 50 Chinese companie

8、s, ranging from the investment sector to high energy consumption are in the trading process. At present, all the purchases are voluntary. But to many pioneer participants, the opportunities are greater than sharing their corporate social responsibility, and saving the environment. Shen Guohua, chair

9、man of Huadong Forestry Exchange, said, As the trade itself is still quite new, forestry carbon sink can now be bought at a relatively low market price, but in the future with more environmental policies coming out, it could become much more expensive. So early buyers have made a good decisions. But

10、 still, its not as easy as it sounds. What kind of land can be used to produce forest carbon sink? Who is to determine the amount of greenhouse emissions planted forests can absorb?And also how to obtain environmental recognition from international watchers? Lou Guohua, director-general of Zhejiang

11、Forestry Department, said, These are serious considerations. Right now our standards are set by China Green Carbon Foundation and are on track with international practices. But we have to yet further specify the regulations and policies. Aside from companies asking for carbon credits, many forest ow

12、ners have also approached the Exchange, in the hope of doing business with their green assets. But no deal was struck for them, as the enquirers all came with the wrong perceptions. Its obvious the new program is to increase forestry coverage and reduce green house gas emission.At the same time ,so many pioneers and investors are willing to develop a new business idea.Anyhow,it works.4 / 4文档可自由编辑打印


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