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1、.商务英语情景对话人物:秘书A(女:王发生) 老板B (何祖波) 夫妇(C-男:伊观玉),(D-女:李路刚) 职员(E-林蓓蓓),(F-詹清英) 经理G(黄红)(那天王发生要记得带早点啊!)A:(情景安排,秘书A看见老板还没有来,把她带来的早点偷偷拿出来吃,看见老板走过来,她赶紧把吃的东西塞到抽屉里,并起身)A: Good morning, Mr B,(老板很有气势的走过去,向左点头微笑)B: Good morning, Mrs A (突然像想起来什么似的,转过身来)B: oh, I almost forget. This afternoon 

2、you should not arrange any schedule with me, I want to go to 4S sale store have an inspection.说完正要走A:(很正经的说)oh, MrB, I have a few things to talk over with you B: By&

3、#160;all meansA: It's just the matter of the schedule, that is, if it is convenient for you right now.B: Why not? No better time than now.A:MrB, I should remind you o

4、f this things. This afternoon you have an appointment with Mr yi.B:oh, God bless me. he is one big clients of our company. (老板赶忙在胸前划十字架,表现出那个约会很重要似的,嘴里默念)B: Oh, if I miss that (说着表情陷入无限恐慌之中,突然间又像

5、想到什么东西一样振作了起来)MrsA, are there any meeting in this morning?A: there's not any meeting or appointment this morning.B:Ok, I go there right now场景转换只见一对夫妇(表现的很亲密)正在和两名职员站在那里讲着什么。D: have you got in anything imported cars?有

6、进口轿车卖吗?E: yes. Which kind do you like?有的,你喜欢什么车?C:We want to buy a car which has automatic transmission and air bags.我们想买带有自动变速和安全气囊的车。F:All models imported here have automatic transmission and air bags. What price are you planning?我们这里所有的进口车都带自动变速和安全气囊,你打算买多少钱的?C:I plan on spending about RMB 500,00

7、0 yuan .我打算买人民币50万元左右的车。E:well, I think “Honda “made in Japan is suitable for you. It has excellent safety feature, like the air bags and ABS brakes.我想日本产的“本田“对你比较合适。它拥有一流的安全性能,像安全气囊ABS刹。D:what are ABS brakes?什么是ABS刹?F:Anti-lock system. And its to keep you from skidding on the road. And the later mo

8、dels have them.就是防抱死系统,它能防止你在路上打滑。新一点的车子都有这种系统。C:oh, yes. How about the fuel?哦,好的。那耗油方面怎么样?E:Its efficient in fuel. It runs for 6 kilometers per liter in the city and 8 kilometers on the highway.它的耗油量很小,在城里每升能跑6公里,高速公路上能跑8公里。C: How about this, darling?亲爱的,你觉得怎么样?D:it looks nice. Honey.看起来不错。F: Madam

9、, let me introduce it for you. On the other hand, it has also an excellent stereo system and air-conditioner. Its got also a huge trunk, theres plenty of room for your baggage.女士,让我为您介绍一下,在另一方面,它还有一套很好的音响设备和空调,一个很大的车尾行李箱,有充分的放行李的地方。D:Oh, honey, its really nice car, inside and out. I like this kind v

10、ery much. I believe our son would like it.噢,亲爱的,这确实是辆不错的车,里外都很漂亮。我很喜欢这一款,我相信我们的儿子会喜欢的。C:en, I think so. Darling是啊,我也是这么想的,亲爱的。E:would you test-drive it, sir?你愿意试驾一下吗?C:yes, I well (later) .Good, its really very smooth and responsive . I really like it. But I dont like this color. Have you anything i

11、n light gray?好的。(稍后)很好,非常平稳又灵敏,我确实很喜欢。不过我不喜欢这个颜色,又浅灰色的吗?F: Excuse me?I should check it on the computer.对不起,请稍等片刻,我得查一下电脑。C: its okay, please.可以,请F: Thank you, please wait a minute.谢谢,请稍等片刻。(这时,经理看到这边好像出了点小问题,于是她走了过来)G: What can I do for you, sir? Im the manager of this store.先生有什么我能帮你的?我是这家店的经理。C:ye

12、s, I want this car in light gray.是的,我想要这款车,草绿色的。G: Im Sorry, we havent what you want .but the home-made ones have the light gray. The brand is “Honda” too. The quality is super fine. Its not poorer than the imported ones. Its a great improvement upon the old home-made ones. And the price is less mor

13、e 100,000 yuan than the imported. Also, its easy to maintain.很抱歉。我们没有你所想要的这种颜色。但是国产的同样的“本田”车有这种颜色的。其质量相当好,不比进口的差,比原先的国产货改进了许多。另外价格比进口的还要便宜十几万,又便于维修。C:How do you feel, darling?你觉得怎么样?D:In fact, the home-made ones are really nice.其实国产的也确实很好。 (经理和这对夫妇正说着,经理用眼睛一瞥,看到了老板走了过来,她对那对夫妇说)G: Im sorry, sir抱歉,先生。

14、(她把头转过去面向老板)G: Good morning, Mr B早上好,B先生B:Good morning, Mrs G, I come here to realize the operation condition of our store recently .早上好,G先生,我来这里是想了解我们店最近的情况。G: Ok, let me show you around of our store, Mr B.让我带你四处看看吧,B 先生(这时,正当经理招呼职员过来招待这对夫妇,她要陪老板视察的时候,老板已经开始跟那对夫妇打招呼了)B: Glad to see you couple here很

15、高兴在这里见到你们夫妇。C: Glad to see you, Mr B, We want to buy a car as a birthday gift for our son.很高兴见到你,B先生,我们到这来是想要买一辆车作为生日礼物给我们的儿子的。B:Oh, which kind of car do you like best?噢,那你们喜欢那一款?C:My wife and I thought that “Honda” in light gray he will be like.我妻子和我觉得本田的那款浅绿色的我们的儿子可能会喜欢。(老板转过脸来问经理)B:Ok, Mrs G, we

16、have any “Honda” in light gray in our garage?G女士,我们的车行里还有多少浅绿色本田的存货?G:Report to Boss, only the home-made ones have the light gray.报告老板,只有国产本田又浅绿色。(就在这时,老板接到一个电话,老板示意经理过去跟那对夫妇交谈)B:Excuse me, I should connect a telephone, now lets managers to help you handle it.抱歉,我得接一下电话,现在让经理来帮你们处理一下。C:Of course,ple

17、ase.当然,请便(那对夫妇对经理说)C:Ok, I think Ill take the “Honda” car home-made. And the color is acceptable, too. Do I get a rebate, if I buy now?好吧,我想还是买国产的“本田”吧。这颜色我也正中意。如果现在就买,能打折吗?G:Yes, you are one of the big clients in our company. Thats at least about 10,000 yuan .当然,您是我们公司大客户之一。至少可打一万元左右的折扣。C:Ok, can I

18、 pay by check for such a large purchase.这么一大笔的钱,我能用支票付吗?G:Yes, you can .who do I make the check payable to?可以。支票上付款人写谁?C:Its my name. my name is yi guan yu .写我的名字。我的名字是伊观玉。G:Would you spell your family name, please?可以拼写一下你的姓名吗?C:Certainly. Y-i.伊G:Y-I . Good. And your ID card number?伊,好。身份证号码呢?C:Here

19、 it is. My ID card.给你。我的身份证。G:This is the receipt and the keys for you. Please check it. Also, the cars introduction is put in the trunk and there are some tools and a spare tyre in it. If you have a trouble, please call me.这是你的发票和车钥匙,请查收。还有,车的说明书放在行李箱里,里面还有一些工具和一个备用轮胎。如果有什么问题,请打电话告诉我们。C: Ok, thank

20、you!好的,谢谢!(这时经理打完电话回来)B:Manage all right, Mr YI?处理的怎么样了?伊先生?C:Yes, here's service attitude is very good, we are very satisfied. Im looking forward to the commercial negotiation with your company this afternoon.是的,这里的服务态度很好,我们都很满意,我很期待今天下午将要和你们公司举行的商务洽谈。(说完,伊先生伸出手要和老板握手,老板见势也伸手握)B:Thank you for your compliment, I also hope this cooperate . Welcome to come again.谢谢你的夸奖,我对合作这件事也很期盼,欢迎您的下次观临。:


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