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1、Example on using commercial softwareFlow around a circular cylinderY.F.LinTwo Dimensional problemsFlow around a circular cylinderProblem DescriptionAir flows across a cylinder with the uniform velocity 0.003m/s in the wind tunnel. The length of the wind tunnel (fluid domain) has 25m long and 10 m he

2、ight. The diameter of cylinder is 1m.OutletAssumption and Boundary Conditions:1. 2 dimensional problems2. Steady state condition3. The uniform flow velocity4. No Heat transfer5. Neglect the gravitational force6. Constant air densityPre-processing stageIn this stage, we implement the “ICEM CFEy to pe

3、rform the pre-processing work. The basic steps as follow:1. Establish geometry model2. Block the parts3. Generation the O grid4. Mesh the model and check quality of mesh5. Extrude the mesh6. Reset the BC ' s (boundary conditions)7. Output to CFX5.7.1Creating Geometry1. Open ICEM CFD公Double Click

4、 the “ICEM CFD' Icon , afterwards, you can see the interface of thKEM CFD.Open Project :Set the name with “cylinder_2d , and Click Save”2. Creating Geometry:A. Points6为哂叫 Mesh Blocking Edit M日的 Ourput Past-processingand then click button Explicit CoordinatesClick button“Create PointSet the point

5、s in Cartesian coordinate syste(X, Y, Z) with (X=0, Y=0, Z=0 ) respectively.Click Apply " button and see the screen: a point is createdA tree widget can be seen at left of the screen (A) and (B)酶 Geometry 一源 Subsets 一滤 Poinh-ba PDIMTSEb-|-b3 PartsThe same method creates other points: X=0; Y=0.5

6、, -0.5X=-5; Y=5, -5X=20; Y=5, -5Y=0; X=0.5,-0.5B. Draw line (curve)First of all see the tree widget, openModel>Geo-55metry>Points by right buttonModelGeometry1SubsetPon%artsI白Show LargeShow Dorrr)anlSelect Show Point Names and you can see the name of each point like the figure showed.Point Nam

7、esShow Point InfoBlank FortsR ename PoiritNow you can create curvesGeometry M聆h Blocks | Ed Mesh | Output Post-procs«ina0好 * X 制 H XTc比Modi加Cuv日Click button Create/Modify Curve ”Click button “ Create Curve.Note: the left corner of the black screenSelect locations with left button, middle=done,

8、right=cancelSelect points by using left button of the mouse.Change the name of thwart with INLET ”:Create/Modify Curvep#t TnletNaue INLET,OI14TS. 0£,OINTS. 051foiMTS_ 06Select PONITS.05 and POINTS.06 with left button (A),And draw a line with middle button "done'(B) and the INLET part i

9、s created in the tree widget.电 Model_l b Geometry 盟 S ubsetsPoints位 CurvesElbd Parb-ta INLET一诧-0 MTEThe same steps draw the curves name dOUTLET, SIDEA, SIDEB ” with the POINTS.07 andPOINTS.08, POINTS.06 and POINTS.07, POINTS.05 and POINTS.08 respectively.We will see the line and the tree widgetDraw

10、the cylinder fa ModelzJGeomeby一褊 Sublet?-bd Portstd CurvesEh 2 Pails2 INLET 一fed OUTLE -bd POINTS -bd SIDEA -bdClick button Circle or arc from Center point and 2 points on plane(A).ASet thePart with name “CYLINDERClick button<1and select pointsPOINTS.00,POINTS.01, POINTS.03 " with left butto

11、n respectively4iirrs osJOI N re (14PJ1NTS 02 imts oaijrrs.ciDraw the cylinder by middle button (B).See tree widget:I a ModelEh-ti Geonre 叼一酶 Subsets bd Points bd CurvesPaits-fed CYLINDER-ta INLET-nun -T-foa POINTSfaa SIDEA一钻山二二Use buttonto fit the window.Close Points彳6 fUM0-i-f如叫房生甲交白 一飞国号声kxmjixz 独

12、W 0N*M RriJ堡”亡ModelB b GeoMetfjJ演 Subset-fed Foink" Curve EH-hS PartsShow LargeShoM Dormante6ae6 B&b b b b 6二二二crurz INLE | OUT I POIN;5 IDE,, SIDE17 She付 Point MamesShow Point InfoBlank PointsRerafine Poirit$* 1fUz* E科iIM| |m Et画Set the body and material.Geometry Mesh Blackirg Ell Mtsh Out

13、putFMpoce就ing【星遂乡溪XX解州XClick button Create Body ”?Create BodyPari FLUIDName FLUIDCt cate Body冲工工场tMaterial PointLocationAt specified point Cenlraid of 2 mints2 screen llocalions |OKOpen the bodies and you can s(Choose button “ Material Point and select"Selected surfaces in the By Topology "

14、; menu.Change the name of the part with “ FLUID”; open theShow Point Name of the tree widget and use select POINTS.06 and POINTS.08.The same way change the part name with “CYLINDER and selectPOINTS.01 and POINTS.02.Close Show Point Name and open the tree widget:Eb- fa Model5 & Geom&try,-蟆 Su

15、bsets径 Pk?int?镜 Curves髓 Bcdep_I 诧 Paits Bodydkpgy options£d CYLIFnfed FLUIDfad INLETfed ( U-Lz f打YUNDER. FLUIDAt last, open the >Save Geometry As Give it the name with cylinder_2d “ Click save”.Now we begin to block the model.G ewnetry Mesh 86ckiri口 Edit M居h Output PqMp口=髀imqClick buttonCrea

16、te Block;,See the first on,choose the part with “FLUID”,from the pull down menu select “FLUID”And set theInitialize Blocks type with "2D PlanarClick “Apply 'button.We will see that the colors of figure are changed. From(A) to (B)See the tree widgetModel>BlockingModel Geometiy 一决-bd Point

17、stid Curves漪 BodiesThen create some assistant points with button “CreatePoint 工令 S El lacking fed Subsets一泌 Vertices-bd Edjes 演 Faces 洲 Blocks 海 Pre'Mesh0- / TocologyEF 心 FatsY=0X=-0.45,-0.4,-0.35,-0.3,-0.25,-0.2,-0.15,-0.1,-0.5, 0.5, 0.1, 0.15, 0.2, 0.25, 0.3, 0.35, 0.4, 0.45) X=0Y=-0.45,-0.4,-

18、0.35,-0.3,-0.25,-0.2,-0.15,-0.1,-0.5, 0.5, 0.1, 0.15, 0.2, 0.25, 0.3, 0.35, 0.4, 0.45)-bd CYLINI-3 FLUID运 INLETfed OU7LE-faa POINTSfed SIDE口bdIVHHFNNow begin to block the regionGeometry Mesh Blocking Edit Mah Output Past-processincClick button“Split BlockThen select buttonSplit BlockSplit Block®

19、;Split BlockSee the split method, select “ Prescribed point ” Use the put down menu to select the Prescribed point,Use the button firstly select the Edge “INLET” and secondly select the Point “ POINTS.03”.We will see the block line in the vertical direction of the INLET .Block Select, Al Vliibla Sel

20、ectedE西已|笈Split MethodSplit Method |Screen selectZoom the fiure.The same way we draw other block lines.From the “ POINTS.01 to POINTS.04See the tree widgetSelect the “ Blocking and select Model>Blocking : Index ControlIndex Control(using right button of the mouse)t: El.一u iIndex Conlroll-fed ESet

21、 Line VidthI nit output blocksModelGeometty 艇 S uLseUS3 PamhCurvesM BodesBlocks-褊 Pre-MeshWe can see at the right corner of the screenin.Stlaet eorn&r?LLLp土土 土Rle5etQuery E dgeDonewe set I min=2 and see the figureBy using buttonandThe same way we set max =3 , J min=2 , J max=3M qAlt El三W三三一,I国 B

22、T FHhs±1±1CloneAnd the screen shown thatain from “POINTS.00, POINTS.09 to POINTS.44The same way block aA叵-b-q-Dzil-xzilm 口0口 一 F 具-p £4 3 - TJ 09u? 4 ,u 3 # J-3 A-B 厂厂厂厂; :iT-L.-rl”:ITLM-L:'4 iEFEfJ-After block.Blocking MaterialAdd Blocks to PartSee the tree widget: Model>Parts

23、>VORFN :using the right button select Add to PartClick buttonI'JarneAdd to PartVORFhUsingselect blocking regions and we can seeBlocks |ApplpCancelSelect blocks号0$ * ®Blocking M2teriaL Add to P*rfl品双51胴底词潦常同量藏舄刊飘飘黄潟霞司 II就目蹲踞丽河旃丽痴融丽前题的厨融翘画画 肉曜理13理痣噩密置露器通'森丽鼠浪'需公蜀 国值期诵经叵回演重'

24、4;修麴国四画豆富出忑豆! 璃胆殂小叫总的的姮匐网灯剪虱圆风 阴科&辞强强"融通超厩后S3鬲闻却就就霞典 日港同SIRS碣的就荡国国莪属敏窝战就潟重得 屈®制酊1同引皿湘凰剧虱凰凰凰亚网 初值GISifiD湛醐我痴阳叵前瓯河就If密州画理 团国SI谓5S(S凝反弱'弱冗5?熏熏I图廊喔直宜锢延较因法笈坦国皿1国更般篁区! 窗囱劭理西现回通瓯画面图痴旧剧画党到抽甄 闷图"EI SV腾I?I35T 解洋嵬破那U?聒5?爵覆 闸网EI51走过牖誉阪S3意更庭3m敲衮霸霞国 的瑞魔H码冉力螯!同闷内独同豹?1面耳的冽圆0 E1值鼎谓而同同曲版展网唳窿就冥陇

25、厩就塞滉0 RI叮SJ5I58河同德网同两触愆国剧就朝您现醺。 日对自II51IHTI却酊间品划毓却SI0ETDS1冽酬 向国血H皿何可近瑟固笈叟直II时固£讨回包。 修国理罂理国疆延忆区密国团近而翦图日电圜!Zoom the block regions (A).Res一 鹏 萧收93良V 一肝IT君寿旧FflFE,而肝后, 和 Mpff信rlfT,IFKlff1胜 wMw,wffl薛B Hmslm用mflfflBm3wffmffs Mfffl詹fl ssSelect the blocks in the cylinder or attached the cylinder (B)(C)

26、.Using the middle button to set it OK, and you can see blow (D).BE?n时用 .reG"ffiffffn口南fffxB!甚点除出 RpLIwRHffffCTERRB 门HMUDDDDnMUDDDDnD DnDcmlfldln口门口 门口 口门口 口门口 1门门口口0门fflmnRMnn Dccno OKME RsnnonnRrpcDrnwffB RVCOCDDBDDDDDDnB- RncDnDccnpnDcnnnnn. DnLmu口D口口nrr口口nc 口田nnnncnnnnnnnnnnnnn cnpnncprrrrrr

27、rrrpnn DnnDDDCnrnonnnnnnr LHnwrl涓nLHrTnnnnnLn* nrRROncnrnnRrnnnDn ccccccccccrccrpcccn nnDccocncnDcnrcns.- nnpnnnnnrcrnnrrrrcDr ffcn nnrccrnrncrnnrrs fflconnnnnonnnnDrnnrs s. rrrDrrrprrcrrrrs BnwnnnnnnnnnonnnnaHBn-i解ffl序BJKjrrxIBH'ffEM wffrw七pmEMEffp# svsssss -xrr餐疗不35AssociateClick buttonG aonie

28、try Mesh Eflocking Edit Mesh Output Post-procsssingSelect the associate edge to curveAssociate Edge toEdit AssociationsE*eW ICurve($)PpjeGt vertcesOK毡blockingAssociationsAssociate EdgeCurvebuttonUsing the<1choose the edge and curveChoosing edge:Select curves:Middle button:Set O gridGaornetry Mesh

29、 Blocking Edit Mash Output PostprocessingClick buttonSplit BlockClickci x XI 7 Around WocklslSelect theOgird Block ”buttonSee the tree widgetOpen Model>Parts>VORFNin or attached the cylinder (B)(C)(D).ID "« 1口,ME出相虏,m我由口吊 ,商,范III,帚叫门南抬w fl 啰累嗝酬网嗝 口, iih-看E ihi imp阿,不期好不朝再融 口),用扃*扃网,*

30、f甫用,菊而门 |门中岳mnwHagr-Hn» rm ERI周 Hl'fflh HHiwwr mnirn 前rtH 看拓 HWRI 闲间 RifflnnaiEnEisK7ii'BSBffsnn再m嗝出m昭昭, m 足 m non, bi BB HMIM 1席 Uli 5 逅 ffilWWMIHfflW d wwwm一不m IT mmsiM,帚帛in原hfmfhhr同事为国血if 口口 门口门电匚,面 inOBMMMMrisi IV眶以TTBM, LJiJ LJIpen 口口。 oocalI,mm用量陆二口 门i;厂一p

31、p巾 iHWWitnnnonnnnnrnn; SllW 口 n 门 门门 口 门门口。n 门 门 nnnonnncnnnn inninnnnnrnn*nncnt.irjn:LB-JOr lL r I' JFJUE.,口nnoonon ffnonori nopnnQClwUsing middle button to click “Apply "(E)Close “VORFN from the tree widget (F)Dim3Max± 艮 +J 4j22<a1 i句 +± pi' ±Click the “Reset(G)to se

32、lect Curve(s):Using buttonMesh the edgesG eometryBlocking Edit Me£h Output Pofit-processingClick buttonSet Curve Mesh SizeChoose Method with “ Element count 'Set the Number with 100 and click Apply.See the tree: close thdModel>Geometry>points , and theModel>Blocking>edgesUsing r

33、ight button to select Model>Geometry>Curves : Curve Node Spacing (by using right button)The same way set the INLET ” and OUTLET ” with number 100, the SIDEA ” and SIDEB ” with number 250.SeooictryBlocking Edit M髓h Output PaslproGesingClick buttonPre-Mesh ParamsChooseBlocking >Pre-Mesh Param

34、sClick Yes.Click buttonUpdate Sizes”and keep default,Then click ApplySee tree openModel>Blocking>Pre_Mesh: Project faces (by using right button)And we will see a menuMui h uuir?Hly uul J date - recompute?Now we will see the mesh of the model.Zoom it see the local partClose Geomery>Points an

35、d curves, and Blocking>Edges .Then open>Load from BlockingOpen >Save Mesh As : and setthe name with “cylinder_2dOpen >Save Blocking As : -Save block with the name “ cylinder_2dCheck the quality of the meshd.Output Past-processingG ecMretrjf M eshBio ekingE d it M xhDisplay Mesh QualityCl

36、ick buttonClick ApplyWe can see no negatives mesh.Extrude meshGeometryBlocking Edit Mesh OutputPost-processing通'鼬a鱼工送静胡M尉hClick button“ Extrude MeshUse-to select Elements:Click button“Select items in a part出and a menu appears:Select part氏I歹 CdJNDEFiFOUTLETP5IDEB“ FLUIDFPOINTS0MLET5SIDEAClick “Al

37、l a nd “AcceptMethod 2Put the left button and drag it to select all the region$A)(C). Click middle button to accept (B)Give the New volume part name “FLUID2D' ,new side part name "SIDE”, new top par name ”TOP And set the Spacing type>spacing with "0.1,'then ApplyEKtrude MethIqp

38、pait nameFwtrurk* mi»thEteimentsNew Ylunirx!: git r>0moN例 p* pait nameMethod EKirude 必 element nccimalFKlruriR Ry Flf?mpnf NormiilN umbel of Icytss 11Spacing type<* F般虹I-FincticnSpacing |D.TiSo the mesh change a heigh0.1 in the Z direction (D)iS- l| 鼻«-"-F 0 i-i E* *-P 'T-TB

39、ox ZoomClick button Shaded Full Display ”*(E)(F)Check the quaMy of the extrude meshICEM CFD Application Computer Simulation of Flow around a circular cylinder See the tree widget:b Model簧 G sameM SubsetsM PointsMeshBlocking Pats一依 Curves 漪 Bodies-faft CYLINDERFLUIDtiS健 FLUID2D一优 INLEThd CUTLET-fad POINTS-be SDE-bd 5IDEA-Cd SIDE-健 TOF髓河RFNClose top TOP"(B)ModelM Geomehv1崎 Subsets 油 Ponts &6 Curves: 翰 BodiesEl- ,6 Mesh0G Blgckri3 占P3rt?-b6 CYJNCER 6a FLUIDVORFNTOPBi FLUID2D bA IN


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