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1、圭谓一致如就迈就笆卮刖时间:2021.02. 03创作:欧阳体就迈一奴血刖也參“绑迈虜刖"“就迈一致產刖",即:褐语£叢适的纟询、代询(忘时不一宝经主语)蔻“人豹、人如'乜一氐。一、雀2弍殳体中:1. Q T列询语值谑的并列主语:"there be+勾型;or either.or;nor;neither.nor;whether.or;not.but;not only.but also" 孔Eg.(1) What he does or what he says does not concern me.他的&筠或盲羡与姦(2) Ne

2、ither you nor I am wrong. 如姦都漫縉。(3) Not you but your father is to blame.刁:昱你,而昱你的父參诫登奏备。(4) Not only you but (also) he is wrong.彳仪你緒了,他也鉛3。2. 应询装勺中,褐语可与后而第一个至语一纟攵。Eg.(l)In the distance was heard the clapping of hands and the shouts of the people.右逐紅,能眄忆姥掌和人们的碍喊寿。欧阳体创编 2021.02.03欧阳美创编 2021.02.03(2) T

3、here is (are) a pen and some books on the desk紗2式st体中:侖吋傩“竝适"細“童义"一班的岳刖;便语怙£, “no one”才昱主 语,褐语玉改成“agrees"。“另杵中"一殽殳砂'语:去一致刖。 &(t:英语就笆產刖慈语1. There be 旬型 There is a book and some pencils on the desk=There are some pencils and a book on the desk2. Neither.nor.Neither you

4、 nor he is right.=Neither he nor you are right.3. either.or.Either they or Jim is going to Shanghai next Saturday.=Either Jim or they are going to Shanghai next Saturday.4. not only.but also.Not only Ann but also her parents stay at home every Sunday.=Not only Ann's parents but also she stays at

5、 home eveiy Sunday.褐语动询彫協而i语一致代麦询汇:as well as;(together/along)withRather than;except;besides;but;including;in addition to;apart from 例孑:He rather than I is right.Nobody but two students is in the classroom.主褐一致一、老 主语后 而乡 with,as well as,but,exceptJike,rather than,no less than,besides,including等+2询或代

6、询僅用耐,谓语为 询与第一个i语傷游一纭.°1. The teacher,with 6 girls and 8 boys of her class,visiting amuseum when the earthquake struck.A.was B.were C.had been D.would be2. A library with five thousand booksto the nation as a gift.A.is offeredB.has offeredC.are offeredD.have offered3. E-mail,as well as telephone

7、,an important part in dailycommunicatio n.A.is playing B.have played C.are playing D.play4. Nobody but Janethe secret.A.know B.knows C.have known D.is known5. All but onehere just now.A.is B.was C.has been D.were二、老 either.or.;neither.nor.;not only.but also.等邃谑 并列主 语时,谓语动询$養迈恋的主语侮鬲一致。6. Either you o

8、r the headmasterthe prizes to these gifted studentsat the meeting.A.was handing out B.are to hand outC.are handing out D.is to hand out7. Not only I but also Jane and Marytired of having oneexamination after another.A.is B.are C.am D.be三、"the only one o玮連数2铜+宝语从旬",X f代询右宝 语从勾中仔主语时,宝语从勾的褐语动

9、询用单数衫式,扩'one of+衷数纟询+宝语从勾",£矣瓷代询右宝语从旬中仔主语时, 宝语从勾的褐语动询用豆数衫弍。8. He is the only one of the students whoa winner of scholarshipfor three yearsA.is B.are C.have been D.has been9.She is one of the few girls whoin the kindergarten.A.is well paid B.are well paidC.is paying well D.are paying we

10、ll国、老 news,means,maths,plastics,physics 等衣衫式£ 昱复数統 含,而杏瘙文上县单敌統含的纟询仔主语时,谓语为询用单数 衫式。lO.Every possible meansto prevent the pollution,but the sky isstill not clear.A.is used B.are used C.has been used D.have been usedh、省分救(石分炭)+of+纟询仔主语吋,褐语动询的数取块 孑of后而2询的数。11. of the land in that distrcitcovered wi

11、th trees and glass.A.Two fifth;isB.Two fifth;areC.Two fifths;isD.Two fifths;are兴、the number的数© )慈语仔主语时,褐语动询用单敌衫式;老a number of.(轩乡)链语仔主语时,謁语动铜用麦敌 够式。12. The number of people invitedfifty,but a number ofthemabsent for different reasons.A.were;was B.was;was C.was;was D.were;were七、比“疑向询+不宝式''倨徇仔主语时,谓语为词常用单数衫13. When and where to build the new factoryyet.A.is not decided B.are not decidedC.has not decided D.have not decided时间:2021.02.03创作:欧阳体


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