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1、名师整理优秀资源该表节选自中英文无损检测名词术语查询系统(NDTGP)»A.C magn etic saturati on交流磁饱禾口Absorbed dose 吸收剂量Absorbed dose rate吸收剂量率Accepta nee limits验收范围Accepta nee level验收水平Accepta nee sta ndard验收标准Accumulation test累积检测Acoustic emission count (emission count)声发射计数(发射计数)Acoustic emissio n tran sducer声发射换能器(声发射传感器)Aco

2、ustic emissio n(AE)声发身寸Acoustic holography声全息术Acoustic impeda nee声阻抗Acoustic impeda nee matchi ng声阻抗匹配Acoustic impeda nee method声阻法Acoustic wave 声波Acoustical le ns声透镜Acoustic ultras on ic声-超声(AU )Activati on 活化Activity 活度Adequate shield ing安全屏蔽Ampere turns 安匝数Amplitude 幅度An gle beam method斜射法An gle

3、of in cide nee入射角An gle of reflecti on反射角An gle of spread指向角An gle of squint偏向角An gle probe斜探头An gstrom unit埃(A)Area amplitude response curve面积幅度曲线Area of in terest评定区Artificial disco ntin uity人工不连续性Artifact 假缺陷Artificial defect人工缺陷Artificial disco ntin uity标准人工缺陷A-scan A型扫描A-scope; A-scanA 型显示Atte

4、nu atio n coefficie nt衰减系数Atte nu ator衰减器Audible leak in dicator音响泄漏指示器Automatic test ing自动检测Autoradiography自射线照片Evaluati on 评定Barium con crete钡混凝土Barn靶Base fog片基灰雾Bath槽液Bayard- Alpert ionization gageB- A 型电离计Beam 声束Beam ratio 光束比Beam an gle 束张角Beam axis声束轴线Beam in dex声束入射点Beam path locati on 声程定位Be

5、am path; path len gth声程Beam spread 声束扩散 Betatro n 电子感应加速器Bimetallic strip gage双金属片计Bipolar field 双极磁场Black light filter 黑光滤波器Black light; ultraviolet radiati on黑光Blackbody 黑体Blackbody equivale nt temperature黑体等效温度Bleak ney mass spectrometer波利克尼质谱仪Bleedout 渗出Bottom echo底面回波Bottom surface 底面Bou ndary

6、echo(first)边界一次回波Bremsstrahlu ng轫致辐射Broad-beam con diti on宽射束Brush applicati on 届U涂B-scan presentationB 型扫描显示B-scope; B-scanB 型显示C- scan C型扫描Calibratio n, in strume nt设备校准Capillary action毛细管作用Carrier fluid 载液Carry over of pen etrate渗透齐 U移转Cassette暗合Cathode阴极Cen tral con ductor中心导体Cen tral con ductor

7、 method中心导体法Characteristic curve特性曲线Characteristic curve of film胶片特性曲线Characteristic radiati on特征辐身寸Chemical fog化学灰雾Cin e-radiography射线(活动)电影摄影术Co ntact pads接触垫Circumfere ntial coils圆环线圈Circumfere ntial field周向磁场Circumfere ntial magn etizati on method周向磁化法Clea n 清理Clea n- up 清除Cleari ng time定透时间Coer

8、cive force矫顽力Cohere nee相干性Cohere nee len gth相干长度(谐波列长度)Coil , test测试线圈Coil size 线圈大小Coil spac ing线圈间距Coil tech ni que线圈技术Coil method 线圈法Coil reference 线圈参考Coin cide nee discrim in ati on符合鉴别Cold-cathodeioni zati on gage 冷阴极电离计Collimator准直器Collimation准直Collimator准直器着色荧光渗透剂Comb ined color con trast an

9、d fluoresce nt pen etra ntCompressed air drying 压缩空气干燥Compressi onal wave 压缩波Compt on scatter 康普顿散射Con ti nu ous emissi on连续发身寸Con ti nu ous lin ear array连续线阵Continu ous method 连续法Continu ous spectrum 连续谱Con ti nu ous wave连续波Con tract stretch对比度宽限Con trast对比度Con trast age nt对比齐 UCon trast aid反差齐 UCo

10、n trast se nsitivity对比灵敏度Control echo监视回波Control echo参考回波Coupla nt耦合剂Coupli ng耦合Coupli ng losses耦合损失Cracki ng裂解Creep ing wave爬波Critical a ngle临界角Cross secti on横截面Cross talk 串音Cross-drilled hole 横孔Crystal 晶片C-scope; C-scan C 型显示Curie point 居里点Curie temperature居里温度Curie(Ci) 居里Curre nt flow method 通电法C

11、urrent in ducti on method电流感应法Curre nt magn etizatio n method电流磁化法Cut off level截止电平Dead zone 盲区Decay curve衰变曲线Decibel(dB)分贝Defect 缺陷Defect resolution缺陷分辨力Defect detectio n sen sitivity缺陷检出灵敏度Defect resolution缺陷分辨力Defin ition清晰度Definition ,image definition清晰度,图像清晰度Demag netizati on退磁Demag netizati on

12、 factor退磁因子Demag netizer退磁装置Den sitometer 黑度计Den sity 黑度(底片)Den sity comparis on strip黑度比较片Detecti ng medium检验介质Deterge nt remover洗净液Developer 显像剂Developer stati on显像工位Developer, ague ons水性显象剂Developer, dry干显象齐 UDeveloper, liquid film液膜显象剂Developer,non aqueous (sus- pen dible)非水(可悬浮)显象剂Develop ing t

13、ime显像时间Developme nt显影Diffraction mottle衍射斑Diffuse in dicati ons松散指示Diffusio n扩散Digital image acquisiti on system数字图像识别系统Dilatatio nal wave 膨胀波Dip and drain statio n浸渍和流滴工位Direct con tact magn etizatio n直接接触磁化Direct exposure imagi ng直接曝光成像Direct con tact method直接接触法Directivity 指向性Disco ntin uity不连续性D

14、istanee- gain- size-German AVG距离-增益-尺寸(DGS 德文为 AVG)Dista nee marker; time marker距离刻度Dose equivale nt剂量当量Dose rate meter齐 U量率计Dosemeter 剂量计Double crystal probe双晶片探头Double probe tech nique双探头法Double tran sceiver tech nique双发双收法Double traverse tech nique二次波法Dragout 带出Drain time滴落时间Drain time流滴时间Drift 漂

15、移Dry method干法Dry powder干粉Dry tech nique干粉技术Dry developer干显像剂Dry develop ing cab inet 干显像柜Dry method干粉法Dryi ng ove n干燥箱Dryi ng stati on干燥工位Dryi ng time干燥时间D-scope; D-scan D 型显示Dual search unit双探头Dual-focus tube双焦点管Duplex-wire image quality in dicator双丝像质指示器Duratio n持续时间Dwell time停留时间Dye penetrant着色渗透

16、齐UDy namic leak test动态泄漏检测Dyn amic leakage measureme nt动态泄漏测量Dyn amic range 动态范围Dyn amic radiography动态射线透照术Echo 回波Echo freque ncy回波频率Echo height 回波高度Echo in dicatio n回波指示Echo tran smitta nee of sound pressure往复透过率Echo width回波宽度Eddy curre nt 涡流Eddy curre nt flaw detector 涡流探伤仪Eddy curre nt testi ng涡流

17、检测Edge 端面Edge effect边缘效应Edge echo棱边回波Edge effect边缘效应Effective depth penetration ( EDP)有效穿透深度Effective focus size有效焦点尺寸Effective magn etic permeability有效磁导率Effective permeability 有效磁导率Effective reflecti on surface of flaw缺陷有效反射面Effective resista nee有效电阻Elastic medium弹性介质Electric displaceme nt 电位移Elec

18、trical cen ter电中心Electrode 电极Electromag net电磁铁Electro-mag netic acoustic tran sducer电磁声换能器Electromag netic in ducti on电磁感应Electromag netic radiati on电磁辐射Electromag netic testi ng电磁检测Electro-mecha nical coupli ng factor机电耦合系数Electro n radiography电子辐射照相术Electro n volt电子伏恃Electro nic no ise 电子噪声Electro

19、static spray ing静电喷涂Emulsificati on孚 L化Emulsificati on time孚 L化时间Emulsifier乳化剂En circli ng coils环绕式线圈End effect端部效应En ergiz ing cycle激励周期Equaliz ing filter均衡滤波器Equivale nt 当量Equivale nt I . Q. I. Sen sitivity象质指示器当量灵敏度Equivale nt n itroge n pressure等效氮压Equivale nt pen etrameter sen sitivity透度计当量灵敏度E

20、quivale nt method 当量法Erasable optical medium 可探光学介质Etchi ng浸蚀Evaluati on 评定Evaluati on threshold评价阈值Eve nt count事件计数Eve nt cou nt rate事件计数率Exam in ati on area检测范围Exam in ati on region检验区域Exhaust pressure/discharge pressure排气压力Exhaust tubulati on排气管道Expa nded time-base sweep时基线展宽Exposure 曝光Exposure t

21、able曝光表格Exposure chart曝光曲线Exposure fog 曝光灰雾Exposure, radiographic exposure 曝光,射线照相曝光 Exte nded source扩展源Facility scattered n eutro ns条件散射中子False in dicati on彳假指示Family 族Far field 远场Feed-through coil 穿过式线圈Field, resultant magnetic 复合磁场Fill factor填充系数Film speed胶片速度Film badge胶片襟章剂量计Film base片基Film con

22、trast胶片对比度Film gamma胶片 丫值Film process ing胶片冲洗加工Film speed胶片感光度Film un sharp ness胶片不清晰度Film viewi ng scree n 观察屏Filter滤波器/滤光板Final test 复探Flat-bottomed hole 平底孔Flat-bottomed hole equivale nt平底孔当量Flaw 伤Flaw characterizati on伤特性Flaw echo缺陷回波Flexural wave 弯曲波Floati ng threshold浮动阀值Fluoresce nee荧光Fluores

23、ce nt exam in ati on method荧光检验法Fluoresce nt magn etic particle in specti on荧光磁粉检验Fluoresce nt dry deposit penetrant干沉积荧光渗透齐 UFluoresce nt light荧光Fluoresce nt magn etic powder荧光磁粉Fluoresce nt penetrant荧光渗透齐 UFluoresce nt scree n荧光屏Fluoroscopy荧光检查法Flux leakage field磁通泄漏场Flux lines 磁通线Focal spot焦点Foca

24、l dista nee焦距Focus len gth焦点长度Focus size焦点尺寸Focus width焦点宽度Focus(electro n)电子焦点Focused beam 聚焦声束Focus ing probe聚焦探头Focus-to-film dista nce(f.f.d)焦点-胶片距离(焦距)Fog 底片灰雾Fog den sity灰雾密度Footca ndle英尺烛光Fregue ncy频率Freque ncy con sta nt频率常数Fringe 干涉带Front dista nee前沿距离Fro nt dista nee of flaw缺陷前沿距离Full- wav

25、e direct current ( FWDC)全波直流Fun dame ntal freque ncy基频Furring 毛状迹痕Gage pressure 表压Gai n增益Gamma radiographyy 射线透照术Gamma ray sourcey 射线源Gamma ray source container y 射线源容器Gamma rays y 射线Gamma-ray radiographic equipme nty 射线透照装置Gap sca nning 间隙扫查Gas 气体Gate 闸门Gati ng tech nique选通技术Gauss 高斯Geiger-Muller c

26、ounter盖革弥勒计数器Geometric un sharp ness 几何不清晰度 Gray(Gy) 戈瑞Graz ing in cide nee掠入射Graz ing an gle掠射角Group velocity 群速度Half life 半衰期Half- wave curre nt ( HW)半波电流Half-value layer(HVL) 半值层Half-value method半波高度法Haloge n 卤素Haloge n leak detector卤素检漏仪Hard X-rays 硬 X 射线Hard-faced probe硬膜探头Harm on ic an alysis谐

27、波分析Harmo nic distortio n谐波畸变Harm on ics谐频Head wave头波Helium bomb ing氦轰击法Helium drift 氦漂移Helium leak detector氦检漏仪Hermetically tight seal气密密圭寸High vacuum 高真空High energy X-rays 高能 X 射线 Holography (optical)光全息照相Holography, acoustic 声全息 Hydrophilic emulsifier亲水性乳化剂Hydrophilic remover亲水性洗净剂Hydrostatic text

28、流体静力检测Hysteresis磁滞Hysteresis磁滞IACS IACSID coil ID 线圈Image defi niti on图像清晰度Image con trast图像对比度Image enhan ceme nt图像增强Image magni ficati on图像放大Image quality图像质量Image quality in dicator sen sitivity像质指示器灵敏度像质指示器Image quality indicator(IQI)/image quality indicationImagi ng line sca nner图像线扫描器Immersio

29、n probe液浸探头Immersio n rinse浸没清洗Immersio n testi ng液浸法Immersion time浸没时间Impeda nee阻抗Impeda nee pla ne diagram 阻抗平面图Imperfection 不完整性Impulse eddy curre nt testi ng脉冲涡流检测In creme ntal permeability增量磁导率In dicated defect area缺陷指示面积In dicated defect len gth缺陷指示长度In dicati on指示In direct exposure间接曝光In dire

30、ct magn etizati on间接磁化In direct magn etizatio n method间接磁化法In direct sca n间接扫查In duced field感应磁场In duced curre nt method 感应电流法 Inf rared imagi ng system红外成象系统Inf rared sensing device红外扫描器Inherent fluoresce nee 固有荧光In here nt filtrati on固有滤波In itial permeability起始磁导率In itial pulse始脉冲In itial pulse wi

31、dth始波宽度In serted coil插入式线圈In side coil 内部线圈In side- out test ing外泄检测In specti on检查In specti on medium检查介质In specti on freque ncy/ test freque ncy检测频率Inten sify ing factor Inten sify ing scree n Interal,arrival time In terface boun dary增感系数增感屏到达时间差( tij)( tij)/arrival time interval ( tij) 界面In terfac

32、e echo界面回波In terface trigger界面触发In terfere nee 干涉In terpretati on解军释Ion pump离子泵Ion source 离子源loni zati on chamber 电离室loni zati on pote ntial电离电位loni zati on vacuum gage电离真空计Io ni zatio n radiography电离射线透照术Irradia nee, E辐射通量密度,EIsolation隔离检测Isotope同位素K valueK 值Kaiser effect 凯塞(Kaiser)效应Kilo volt kv 千

33、伏特Kilo electro n voltkeV千电子伏特Krypt on 85氟 85L / D ratioL/D 比Lamb wave兰姆波Late nt image 潜象 Lateral sca n左右扫查Lateral sca n with oblique an gle斜平行扫查Latitude (of an emulsi on)胶片宽容度Lead scree n铅屏Leak 泄漏孔Leak artifact 泄漏器Leak detector检漏仪Leak test泄漏检测Leakage field泄漏磁场Leakage rate 泄漏率Leechs 磁吸盘Lift-off effec

34、t提离效应Light in te nsity 光强度Limit ing resolution 极限分辨率Line sca nner线扫描器Line focus 线焦点Line pair patter n线对检测图Line pairs per millimetre每毫米线对数Lin ear (electro n) accelerator(LINAC)电子直线加速器Lin ear atte nu ati on coefficie nt线衰减系数Lin ear sca n线扫查Lin earity( time or dista nee)线性(时间或距离)Linearity, amplitude 幅度

35、线性Lines of force 磁力线Lipophilic emulsifier亲油性乳化剂Lipophilic remover亲油性洗净剂Liquid pen etra nt exam in ati on液体渗透检验Liquid film developer 液膜显像剂Local magn etizati on局部磁化Local magn etizati on method局部磁化法Local sca n局部扫查Localiz ing cone定域喇叭筒Locatio n定位Locati on accuracy 定位精度Locatio n computed定位,计算Locati on ma

36、rker 定位标记Locatio n upon delta-T时差定位Location ,cluster 定位,群集Location , continuous AE signal定位,连续 AE 信号Lon gitud inal field 纵向磁场Lon gitud inal magn etizati on method纵向磁化法Lon gitud inal resoluti on纵向分辨率Lon gitud inal wave 纵波Lon gitud inal wave probe 纵波探头Lon gitud inal wave tech nique 纵波法Loss of back ref

37、lection背面反射损失Loss of back reflection底面反射损失Love wave 乐甫波Low en ergy gamma radiati onLow en ergy phot on radiati on低能Y辐射低能光子辐射Luminance亮度Lumino sity流明Lusec流西克Maga or milli on electr on voltsMagn etic history磁化史MeV兆电子伏特Magn etic hysteresis磁性滞后Magn etic particle field in dicati on磁粉磁场指示器Magn etic partic

38、le in specti on flaw in dicati ons磁粉检验的伤显示Magn etic circuit磁路Magn etic doma in磁畴Magn etic field distributi on磁场分布Magn etic field in dicator磁场指示器Magn etic field meter 磁场计Magnetic field strength磁场强度(H)Magnetic field/field ,magnetic 磁场Magn etic flux磁通Magn etic flux den sity磁通密度Magn etic force磁化力Magn et

39、ic leakage field漏磁场Magn etic leakage flux漏磁通Magn etic mome nt磁矩Magn etic particle 磁粉磁粉检测Magn etic particle in dicatio n 磁痕Magn etic particle test in g/mag netic particle exam in ati onMagn etic permeability磁导率Magn etic permeability磁导率Magn etic pole 磁极Magn etic saturatai on磁饱禾口Magn etic saturati on磁饱

40、禾口Magn etic storage meclium磁储介质Magn etic writ ing 磁写Magn etiz ing磁化Magn etiz ing curre nt磁化电流Mag netizi ng coil磁化线圈Mag netostrictive effect磁致伸缩效应磁致伸缩换能器Magn etostrictive tran sducer Mai n beam主声束Manual testi ng手动检测Markers 时标MA-scope; MA-scan MA 型显示Maski ng 遮蔽Mass atte nuation coefficie nt质量吸收系数Mass

41、nu mber质量数Mass spectrometer ( M.S.)质谱仪Mass spectrometer leak detector质谱检漏仪Mass spectrum 质谱Master/slave discrim in ati on主从鉴另 UMDTD最小可测温度差Mea n free path 平均自由程Medium vacuum中真空Mega or million volt MV 兆伏特Micro focus X - ray tube 微焦点 X 光管 Micro-focus radiography微焦点射线透照术Micrometer 微米Micro n of mercury 微米

42、汞柱Microtro n电子回旋加速器Milliampere 毫安(mA)Millimeter of mercury 毫米汞柱Min ifocus x- ray tube 小焦点调射线管Mi nimum detectable leakage rate最小可探泄漏率Minimum resolvable temperature differenee ( MRTD)最小可分辨温度差(MRDT)Mode 波型Mode conversion波型转换Mode tran sformati on波型转换Moderator 慢化器Modulation transfer function(MTF )调制转换功能(

43、MTF)Modulati on an alysis调制分析Molecular flow分子流Molecular leak分子泄漏Mon itor 监控器Mono chromatic单色波Moveme nt un sharp ness移动不清晰度Moving beam radiography可动射束射线透照术Multiaspect magn etizati on method多向磁化法Multidirecti onal magn etizati on多向磁化Multifreque ncy eddy curre nt testi ng 多频涡流检测Multiple back reflectio ns多次背面反射Multiple reflectio ns多次反射Multiple back reflectio ns多次底面反射Multiple echo method多次反射法Multiple probe tech ni que 多探头法Multiple trian gular array多三角形阵列Narrow beam con diti on窄射束


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