译林牛津版8A Unit 5 Wild animals Reading I 教学课件(共64张PPT).ppt

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1、New words:,delightful dlatfl adj. 令人愉快的 ordinary :dnriadj. 普通的 illustrated lstretd adj. 有插图的cautious k:s adj. 小心的 familiar fmli(r) adj. 熟悉的 enhance nh:ns vt. 加强propaganda prpgnd n. 宣传 promoteprmt vt. 促进biodiversitybadav:sti n. 生物多样性 boycott bkt vt. 联合抵制,My Book of Africa,这本书的作者是法国女孩儿蒂皮(Tippi)。,我是一个法

2、国小女孩,名字叫蒂皮。,I am a French girl and my name is Tippi.,我生在非洲,在野生动物堆里长大。,I was born in Africa and made friends with wildlife that lived around me.,我会跟动物说话,用眼睛跟它们交流。,I can speak to animals with my mind and through my eyes.,和小狮子穆法萨在一起。,I always stay with the Leon, Chamele.on,晚上我不做恶梦了。,Therefore, my night

3、mares stopped.,阿布,是我的大象哥哥。,Abu, the elephant is my brother.,大象不会踩着我。,My brother, the elephant wont step on me.,坐在鸵鸟背上真开心。,Sitting on the backs of ostrich is of great fun.,豹子很危险,但我照样跟它玩。,The leopard is very dangerous, but I still play with him.,绝不要害怕,但永远要小心。,Theres no need to be afraid, but I should

4、be cautious all the time.,变色龙说话,比火箭还快。,The speaking speed of Chameleon is faster than that of the rocket.,蛇并不那么可怕。,Actually, the snake is not that terrible.,我和狒狒难舍难分。,I cant live without baboons.,长颈鹿安详地朝我走来。,The giraffe walks toward me calmly.,我给斑马喂奶。,I feed the zebra.,豪猪可漂亮了!,Porcupines are very be

5、autiful!,我是猫鼬大家庭中的一员。,I am the member of mongoose family.,野生动物就像我家里人一样。,Wild animals are like my families.,动物也有爱,有感情。,There exists love and emotions among animals.,动物来自好人这一边。,Animals are good.,布须曼人教我射箭。Bushmen teach me archery.,我了解大自然,我从不迷路。,As I am familiar with the nature, I wont get lost.,非洲才是我的故

6、乡。,Africa is my hometown.,Wild animals live in their own home.Have their own life . BUT,I dont know why BUT I See!,They are in tears,What should we do?,加强野生动植物多样性保护的宣传力度 Enhance the propaganda of the biodiversity wildlife protection,No sale no killing,They are an indispensable part of ecosystem and

7、natural beauty. 它们(野生动物)是生态系统和自然美中不可缺少的一部分。Wildlife protection is to protect human himself保护野生动物就是保护人类自己,To create wildlife reserves建立野生动物保护区,Set the wild animal protection laws制定野生动物保护法,For us Start from ourselives, be kind to animals! Boycott fur! Plant more trees, protect the environment. We shou

8、ld help promote. we will see.,Set the wild animal protection laws制定野生动物保护法,For us Start from ourselves, be kind to animals! Boycott fur! Plant more trees, protect the environment. We should help promote. we will see.,We are the world.We are the one.,谢谢thankyou!,Ask and answer:1、What do you want to say toTippi?2、Do you have any pets? Say some stories about you and your animal friends.,


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