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1、精品文档Unit 3 What are you good at?第一课时:教学目标:1 教学目的和要求 Teaching aims and demands2 通过学习本单元,学生能充分认识到每个人都有才华和值得别人学习的地方3 学生之间相互谈论自己好的方面,为自己树立信心4 用其他语言学习一些简单的打招呼及其他的日常用语教学内容:1 能听懂、回所、会读和会拼写单词:drum, cooking, volunteer, choose, Olympic, games, act, amazing, excellent, sports, perhaps, excellent2 能听懂、会说和会读单词:b

2、orn, bear, few, climb, different, fingers, kind3 能听懂、会读会写句型:What are you good at?I 'm good at playing drumsIn which sports would you use these things?What are they good at?Why do we have to go to school?教学重点:1 能听懂、回所、会读和会拼写单词:drum, cooking, volunteer, choose, Olympic, games, act, amazing, excell

3、ent, sports, perhaps, excellent2 能听懂、会读回写句型:What are you good at?I 'm good at playing drumsIn which sports would you use these things?What are they good at?Why do we have to go to school?教具各种运动的图片相关名人的照片或图片(第六部分)小奖品足球或篮球彩色粉笔教学过程:一 Warm up:1 Free talk.2 Review Unit 2,and ask some questions.二 Pres

4、entation and practice:1T: Look, I 'm good at bouncing the ball. I can bounce the ball for a long time. But the pupils here,(教师指书上的所有学生)are good at something else. Let ' see what they are good at. This isboy is good at playing basketball. This boy is good at playing guitar 2板书:be good at讲解意思3

5、利用be good at 造句。4T: Today we are here to choose some volunteers for the Olympic Games. We want to see what you can do first. I 'm sure you can sing, dance, draw, act or play some ball games. Who can come here and show us what you can do.S:5T: Listen to the tape, follow the tape read it together.

6、6 跟磁带多读几遍。7 请小组分别朗读。第二课时教学过程:一 Review:T: Follow the tape and read part1二 Practice:1T: Look at part 2, read this passage, circle the words which you didn't understand them.S:2 板书生单词: amazing excellentactually3 操练这些生单词,并讲解意思。4 让学生跟磁带多读几遍。5 请小组来朗读这片短文。6 请学生分角色来表演这段对话。7 回答下面几个问题a When did the boy st

7、art to play football?b When did he begin to learn swimming?c When did he begin to learn to play ping-pong?d What is he good at?三 Practice:1 T: Listen to the tape, follow the tape read it together.S:2 分小组来朗读这个部分。3 利用小组来比赛,真强这部分的趣味性。四 Games1 T: let 's play the game, who is the winner.S:2 游戏有一定难度,老

8、师可以帮助学生多理解这个部分。第三课时教学过程:一 Review:T: Follow the tape and read part1二 Practice:T: When we are going for sports, we use certain equipment. For example, before we go skating, we wear skating shoes. Now let's look at the picture and please discuss with your friends. In which sports would you use thes

9、e? ”A) We use this (racket)to play badmintonB) We use this (racket)to play tennisC) We use this (bat) to play baseballD) We skate with these skating shoes.E) We use this (paddle in U.S.)to bear or hit ping pong-ballF) We use this (club)to drive ballsG) We throw the basketball into this basketH) This

10、 net is for playing tennisI) We swim with these flippers onJ) We use this stick to play hockeyK) We shoot the football into this net三 Practice:T: Who is he? Who is she?S:T: What is he good at? What is she good at?1) Ali(boxer)Good at boxing2) Jackie Chen(film star)Good at acting in action movies3) L

11、iu Xiang(hurdler)Good at 11o hurdle race4) Chen jingrun(mathematician)Good at maths5) Yao Ming (basketball player)Good at playing basketball6) Deng Yaping (ping-pong player)Good at playing ping-pong7) Li Ning (gymnast)Good at gymnastics8) Tina Turner (Rock star)Good at singing rock-n-roll songs9) Ya

12、ng Liping (dancer)Good at dancing10) Da Shan (TV host)Good at speaking Chinese11) Tom Hanks (film star)Good at acting12) Beckham (foorballer)Good at playing football第四课时 教学过程:一 Review:T: Follow the tape and read part1二 Presentation and practice:1T: Why do we have to go to school?S:T: Why do we go to

13、 school? Who can answer my questions? (To learn knowledge, to learn new things, to learn something about our life, to make sure that we understand the world better )S:T: Do you think animals should learn things? Where do they learn? Do they go to a certain school? Who teaches them?S:2 引导学生多读几遍。3 请小组分别朗读这个部分。三 Practice:1T: You ' rereapo rte r. You can cover them.S:2 检查学生的完成情况。四 课后作业1 将第一部分的生单词和短语,每个各写 10 遍英文, 2 遍中文。2 完成天天练。3 熟读课文第二部分的对话。4 完成课文第七部分。5 预习第二单元。精品文档


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