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1、新目标七年级上册英语Unit 7 Section B (3a-Self Check)练习题及答案一Parti根据首字母或汉语提示完成单词l.That shop s school things.Ydu can buy an eraser there.1.1 need go to a store to b some finit.3 .They have shoes at veiy good (价格).4 .Can you (看见)the words on the blackboard?1.1 don't know the (男孩).6. I want to(买)a new schoolba

2、g for school.7. My fiiends and I(都)like the sports shoes.8. I can see two(男 孩)in the classroom.9. Those red(衣服)are for my daughter.10. His friend(卖)vegetables in the store.Part!用 is, are, it's 或 they*re 填空。1 - -How much that green bag?一$25.2 一How much these red shoes?$45.3 一How much this tape pl

3、ayer?一$150.4 一How muchthe ice-cream?$5.5 一How much those bananas?一 ten yuan.Part3用下列句子中画线单词的对应词或反义词完成句子1. Do you like new books or ones?2. These bananas are ten yuan.pears are six yuan.3. He sells some finit.Aiid she some apples.4. Vegetables are healthy fbod.But eating too much jui± food (垃圾食

4、品)iS r.5. Tours father is short. But his brother Ls.Part4选词填空clothes, price, stores, sale, All1. There are many in the street. You can buy what you wantfrom there.2. ,the boys are here. No one is away(离开).3. 一Wliafs the of the tape?一Six dollars.4. 一Frank! Put your away(收起来).Doni put them on thebed.-

5、OK Im coming.4. How much is the(short/shiit)?5. The balls are ou r.1 want to buy a soccer ball. Its only $10.Part5用适当的介词填空。1. How much is this pair sports shoes?2. The gieen sweater is small.Wliat this white one?3. Tliey have pens, pencils and notebooks good prices.4. Tlie blue and the white shirts

6、are sale.5. 一Do you have shorts blue?一Sony, we only have black ones.6. Do you need a sweater school?7. 一How much are the socks?一Only five dollars tluee pairs.8. We have T-shills all colors only $5.9. Come Huaxiiig Clothes Store now.10. 一What can I do you?一Yes, please.I want a hat.Part6选词填空。1 - How m

7、uch(is/are)the black trousers?2 Tlie biown jacket(is/are)$20.3 Tliat pair of red shoes(is/are)on sale.5. Tliis nice hat(look/looks)big fbr you.6. Look at the nice socks.(TheyTe/It's)only $3.7. (HowAVliat)color(is/are)her green sweater?8. I really love the red socks.ril take(it/them).Part7按要求完成下列

8、句子,每空一词。1. These socks are two dollars.(对画线部分提问) these socks?2. How much is the rice?(改为同义句)the rice?3. Sixtytwo and thiityeight is one hundred.(对画线部分提问) sixty-hvo and thiity-eight?4. Tliat shirt is 20 dollars.(用 shoits 作主语改写句子) shorts 20 dollars.5. . How much is this computer ?(改为复数句)How much?参考答案P

9、aitl1. sells 2.buy 3 .prices 4. see 5 .boyl.buy 2.all 3.boys 4.clothes 5.sellsPait2l.is; It!s 2.are; They're 3.is; It's 4.is; It's 5.are; They'rePart31. old 2.Those 3.buys 4. uiiliealthy 5.tallPart41.5 tores 2.All 3.price 4. clothes 5.salePart51.6 f 2.about 3.at 4.on 5.in6.for 7.fbr 8.iii; for 9.to lO.fbrPart6l.are 2.is 3.is 4.shirt 5.looks 6.Theyfre 7.Wliat; is 8.themPart71 .How much are 2.What's the price of 3.What is 4.Those; are5 are these computers


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