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1、STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURE标准操作程序 MEETING ROOM RENTAL租用会议室服务Task Number: 任务编号:SOP-RMS(F).8.010Department:部门: Business Center商务中心Date Issued: 颁布日期:June 20062006年6月Guest Expectation: 客人期望:I am expecting professional service from professional people in the Business Center. I want to have my meeting wi

2、th my important clients as I would in my own office. 我希望在商务中心可以有专业的员工为我提供专业的服务,就像在我的办公室和我重要的客人开会一样 Time to Train: 培训时间:30 minutes 30分钟Why is this task important for you and our guests?为什么这项任务对于你及酒店非常重要? Answers: 答案:1. We must provide efficient, accurate and courteous service to our guest.我们必需给我们的客人提

3、供优质的、准确的、周到的服务。2. We must understand what our guests need and want.我们必需明确什么是客人需要和想要的。3. We must maximize guest satisfaction 我们必需最大限度的满足客人的需要。4. Improve hotel business.提高酒店的营业收入。5. Improve GSTS score.提高“客人满意度”分数。 6. Demonstrate our professionalism.证明我们的专业技能。WHAT/ STEPS做什么/步骤HOW/ STANDARDS怎么做/标准TRAINI

4、NG QUESTIONS问题Taking Reservation1) Stand up & Greeting起立并欢迎客人“Good morning. Afternoon. evening Mr. / Ms. XXX how may I assist you?” Ensure to call guests name.“XXX先生/小姐,早上好/下午好/晚上好,请问有什么可以帮到您吗?”要保证叫出客人的名字Why do we have to stand up when we greet guests?为什么给客人问好的时候要起立呢?Why is calling guests name s

5、o important to you and guests?为什么对你和客人来讲叫出客人的名字这么重要呢?2) Verification检查Verify what date, what time, and how long they need to use the meeting rooms.与客人确定会议的日期,时间,和租用会议室的时间For the houseguests verify the guests name and room number, for the outside guests write down the name of the meeting, the name of

6、 the organizer, and the contact number.如果是住店客人,要和客人确定客人的名字和房间号码。如果是店外客人,要写明用会议室的客人名字,负责人的名字以及联系人Why do I have to verify following information?为什么我们要确认我们问客人的信息?3)Charges information计算费用Advise guest of the cost.告知客人租用会议室价格Why is it important to advise the guest about the cost?为什么告知客人租用会议室价格很重要?4) Ask

7、for assistance from the F&B and the Engineering. 寻求餐饮部和工程部的帮助As per guests request, fill out the event requisition form and distribute to related department, mainly F&B and the Engineering.根据每个客人的需求,填写事件申请表格,最后分发给各个部门,主要是餐饮部和工程部Why do we have to fill the “Event Requisition Form”?为什么我们要填写事件申请

8、表?What kind of assistance we may expect to receive from the F&B and the Engineering?我们需要餐饮部和工程部哪些帮助?Before the Meeting1) Preparation准备Prepare and ensure the meeting room is ready as per guests request.按照客人的需要准备并确认会议室1. Folder: Each folder set up A4 write paper, pen and pencil inside that it bott

9、om alone the line of table. 文件夹: 每个文件夹必需把A4白纸,笔和铅笔都沿着桌子的边上摆放好2. Candy: two cups sweet should be put on the center line of table. 糖包:将两个糖包都放在桌子中线上3. Bottle of water: each person set up two bottle of water that there into a bottler of cold water and set up a glass beside it. 瓶装水:每个人面前都有两瓶水,一瓶是冷水,旁边是玻璃

10、杯4. Prepare the extra write paper and pencils in the cabinet. 在柜子旁边准备备用的白纸和铅笔What are the important parts you need to ensure?你要确认的最重要的信息是什么?Which departments can assist you for the preparation?在准备阶段,哪个部门可以帮到你?2)Greeting & welcome guest 问候和欢迎客人“Good morning. Afternoon. evening Mr. / Ms. XXX, let

11、me show you the meeting room.” Ensure to call guests name.“XXX先生/小姐,早上好/下午好/晚上好,请让我带您到我们的会议室。”要保证叫出客人的名字Why should you greet and welcome the guest?你为什么要问候和欢迎客人呢?Why is calling guests name so important to you and guests?对于你来说?为什么交出客人的名字很重要呢?3) Check with the guest until the meeting is completed 直到客人结

12、束会议前确认客人的名字“Mr. / Ms. XXX, please let me know anytime if there is anything else we can assist you in further.”“XXX先生/小姐,如果稍后您需要任何帮助,请直接与我联系”Ensure the guest requires any further service until the end of the meeting ensuring the guest succeeds on the meeting.直到客人结束会议为止,保证客人的任何需要,以确定客人圆满地结束会议Why do we

13、 need to keep checking with the guest for the further assistance?为什么我们要关注客人需要更多的帮助呢?After the Meeting1) Billing & Obtain the guests signature账目费用和请客人的签名确认Prepare the Business Center miscellaneous voucher to bill the charges.准备好商务中心的杂项收费单并填写费用Present the voucher to the guest for signature将杂项收费单给客

14、人签名What is the miscellaneous voucher for?杂项收费单是为什么而设的?Why should I obtain the guests signature?为什么要获取客人的签名确认呢?2)Distribute the miscellaneous voucher 将杂项收费单分类Give the 1st copy to the guest, the 2nd copy to be attached with the daily report, and the 3rd copy should be kept in the miscellaneous voucher

15、 booklet.将杂项收费单一式三联的第一联给客人,第二联存到每日报表内,第三联放在杂项三联单的文件夹内Why do we have 3 copies for the miscellaneous voucher?为什么我们有一式三联的杂项收费单呢?3) Thank the guest and bid farewell感谢客人并欢送客人Thank the guest for using the meeting room Ask for guest feedback by saying, “How was your meeting Mr. /Mrs. XXX, is there anything

16、 else I may assist in further?感谢客人使用我们的会议室。为了收集客人的反馈可以说,“XXX先生/小姐,您的会议怎么样?有什么可以帮助您吗?”While you are saying this, keep eye contact, smile and express sincerity.当你说这些话时,眼睛关注对方,微笑以表示真诚。Escort the guest to the entrance and bid farewell护送客人到大门并表示告别Why do we thank the guest for using the meeting room?为什么我们

17、要感谢客人使用我们的会议室呢?Why do we have to keep eye contact when bidding farewell to a guest?为什么和客人告别的时候要眼睛关注对方呢?4)Posting & the daily report 入账并整理每日报表Post the charges accordingly and print out the copy of bill for file.根据杂项收费单入账并打印账单归档。How do you do the posting and the filing?如何入账归档?Summary questions:问题汇

18、总1. What information you have to verify when you receive the reservation?当你收到预订时需要确认什么?2. What information must be told to the guest? 你需要告知客人什么信息?3. In which occasion I can get assistance from F&B and Engineering?在什么情况下我需要餐饮部和工程部的帮助?4. What do you have to check during the meeting?在开会时你需要检查什么?5.

19、Explain what the miscellaneous voucher is for. & what kind of information you need to fill in?解释杂项收费单的用途?和你需要在杂项收费单上面填写什么信息?6. What do you have to know when you post the amount?当你入账时你必须要知道什么?7. Why do you have to copy of the bill?为什么你要把杂项收费单的底联存放好?Now ask the trainee to practice the task from start to end to test competency.现在请邀请你的员工从头至尾独立操作一次并检验他们的掌握程度。6 / 6文档可自由编辑打印


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