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1、学习-好资料CPRCardio (heart) Pulmonary (IUng) ReSUSCitatiOn (revive, revitalize)I. Check the SCene for Safety .3. Kneel on the right Side of the PerSon. Determine unresponsiveness.TaP the shoulder and shout “ Are you okay ? ”4. Check for breathing . About 5 SeCOndS (Look down towards the PerSOn ' Che

2、St to See if it is moving. LiSten With your ear , for any airflow through the mouth or no se. Feel With your Cheek if there is any air Coming out of the mouth.)5. Activate the EMSS .6. Position the PerSOn SUPine Logroll the PerSon so there ' no twisting of the SPine . MUSt be on a hard , flat SU

3、rfaCe .PIaCe the PerS On 'arms alon gside the body .7. Loosening tight collar and belt.8. Check for CarOtid pulse . LeSS than 10 SeCOndS . 2 fin gers / Cm IateraI the throat. Also CheCk for ViSibIe Sig ns of CirCUIati on(breathing, COUghing, moving ).9. Circulation . If PerSOn has no pulse J beg

4、in With the CheSt COmPreSSiOnS . LOCate breastbone & Interlock two hands .Place heel of Onehand OnCen ter of CheSt betwee n the n ipples ( breastb one: jun Cti On Of the middle 1/3 and lower 1/3)Be SUre to keep your fin gers UP off the CheSt wall .KeeP your arms Straight and shoulders over your

5、han ds. VertiCaI force PrOdUCed by the UPPer Part of the body.PUSh hard, PUSh fast. DePth : more than 5 Cm /2 inches. Frequency: over 100 times/min.Make a rhythm and CoUnt out loud .(Try : 1 and, 2 and, 3 and, 4 and, 5 and, 6 an d, '''30 and )After 30 COmPreSSiOnS (better in 18 SeCOndS)

6、, follow With 2 rescue breaths .10. Clear and open the Airway.USe your two fin gers to Clear any thi ng that bloCk ing the PerS On 'airway .Head-tilt & Chin-Iift .OR Jaw-thrust . (USe for PerSOn who may got neck injury.) GraSP the lower jaw On both SideS of the head, lift it UPWard and outwa

7、rd.II. Breathing.PinCh the PerS On ' nose With your fin gertips & Start mouth to mouth breathi ng.PlaCe your mouth over the PerS On 'mouth and exhale.GiVe two full breaths ( 1 SeCOnd for each) . BetWeen each breath allow lungs to relax as the PerSOn exhales .KeeP an eye On his Chest. Try

8、 not to over-inflate the PerSOn 'slungs.Breath frequency: 810 times2mins . 400600 ml/time (for adult )12. One CPR cycle :30 COmPreSSiOnS + 2 breaths , should be PerfOrmed 5 times .Time Shif for Breathi ng to COmPreSSi On should be Iimited in5 seconds.13. After 5 CyCIeS (about 2 minutes )of CPR,

9、recheck circulation .If no CirCUIati On , Con ti nue CPR and recheck CirCUIati On every 2 minu tes.14.Still PUISeS are absent , COntinUe CPR cycle Until help arrives. The whole PrOCeSS at least 30 minutes.15. Do the following if the PerSOn has SignS of circulation:a. CheCk for breath ingb. POSitiOn the PerSOnin recovery POSitiOn if the PerSOn 'breathing .更多精品文档学习 好资料c. Monitor breathing and circulation .d. Record the process.16. Do the following if the person has signs of circulation but breathing is absent:a. Give 1 rescue breath every 5 seconds .b. Monitor circulation .更多精品文档


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