新人教版七年级英语上册unit9 Section B 2b—SelfCheck.ppt

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1、Section B 第二课时,Unit 9My favorite subject is science.,Learning Targets,1.能够正确拼写本课时7个重点单词和短语。2. 学会描述各个学科3. 学会表达对不同学科的看法4. 能够复述2b短文并能默写。,New words,1. useful adj. 有用的;有益的2. lesson n. 课;一节课3. hour n. 小时4. from prep. (表示开始的时间)从开始5. finish v. 完成;做好6. Mrs. (用于女子的姓氏或姓名前)太太;夫人7. from. to. 从到,Have a check,1. 有

2、用的;有益的2. 课;一节课3. 小时4. (表示开始的时间)从开始5. 完成;做好6. (用于女子的姓氏或姓名前)太太;夫人7. 从到,Fast reading快速阅读P 53 2b内容,回答下列问题,将答案写在练习本上。,Underline the subjects that Yu Mei likes.Circle the subjects she doesnt like.When does Yu Mei have math on Friday? 4. Whats Yu Meis favorite subject?5. How many hours does Yu Mei have an

3、art lesson?,At 8:00,Chinese.,Two.,Dear Jenny,I am very busy on Friday. At 8:00 I have math.It is not fun. The teacher says it is useful, but I think it is difficult. Then at 9:00 I have science. It is difficult but interesting. At 10:00 I have history. After that, I have P.E. at 11:00. It is easyand

4、 fun. Lunch is from 12:00 to 1:00, and after,2b Read the following letter.,That we have Chinese. It is my favorite subject.Our Chinese teacher, Mrs. Wang, is great fun.My classes finish at 1:50, but after that I have anart lesson for two hours. It is really relaxing!How about you? When are your clas

5、ses? What is your favorite subject?Your friend,Yu Mei,Careful reading仔细阅读2b内容,划出下列重点句子和短语。,1.八点钟,我上数学课。它很无趣。2. 然后九点钟,我上科学课,它虽然难但是很有趣。3. 午餐时从12点到1点,然后上语文课。4. 我们语文老师是个有意思的人。5. 我1点50下课,但是在那之后我还要上两个小时 的美术课。6. 你什么时候上课?,1. At 8:00 I have math. It is not fun.2 Then at 9:00 I have science, but I think it is

6、 difficult but interesting.3. Lunch is from 12:00 to 1:00,and after that we have Chinese.4. My classes finish at 1:50, but after that I have an art lesson for two hours.5. When are your classes?,Team workRead the article one by one,要求:1.小组合作朗读课文。 每人一句。2.组长组织、监控并帮助其他同学完成。,Try to do【全力以赴】 复述2b短文要求:1.

7、分层达标:A,B能熟练背诵短文, C可先看提示词在复述。2. 自我挑战:鼓励C层同学盲背。,8:00 math fun useful difficult 9:00 science difficult interesting 10:00 history 11:00 P.E. easy fun 12:00-1:00 lunch 1:50 After that art relaxing,关键词可帮助,同学复述期间,请你默写课文。,2c Complete Yu Meis schedule with the information in 2b.,math,science,history,P.E.,Chi

8、nese,lunch,art,3a Number these parts of an E-mail (1-3),2,3,1,3b Fill the schedule blow for your classes on Friday.,8:00 to 8:50 math9:00 to 9:50 Chinese 10:00 to 10:50 music11:00 to 11:50 English,14:00 to 14:50history15:00 to 15:50 computer16:00 to 16:50 P.E.,3c Write an e-mail message to a friend

9、about your Friday.(请看课本P65),英文书信的格式: 称呼(Dear,)顶格写;正文;结束语; 署名 (Yours) Dear., Yours, ,Self Check 1. Add more words in each box.,relaxingcool easyusefuldifficultboring,Chinese sciencemath P.E.art geographyhistory music,Tuesday WednesdayThursday Friday SaturdaySunday,2. Complete the questions with what,

10、 when, who or why. Then answer the questions.,What,My favorite subject is English/ Chinese/ Math,Why,Because its ,Who,My music teacher is / is my music teacher.,When,I have a math class at / on/ Its at / on ,一、根据汉语意思完成句子,1. 我喜欢科学, 它有点难, 但是很有趣。 I like _. Its _, but its _.2. 午饭后我上音乐课。 _ lunch, I _musi

11、c.,science,difficult,fun,After,have,Exercises,3. 我们所有的课程4:30结束。 All our _ finish _ 4:30.4. 我喜欢和我的小狗Nike玩。 I like to _ _ my dog Nike.5. 我什么学科都不喜欢, 就喜欢历史。 I _ _ any subject.I only like _.,classes,at,play with,dont like,history,二、单项选择,1. After class, I have gymnastics _ two hours. A. on B. at C. for D.

12、 in2. Im _ you are right. A. sure B. sorry C. think D. know3. We have math _ Friday. Its difficult _ interesting. A. on, or B. on, and C. in, or D. in, and,C,A,B,4. Whats _ favourite movie? A. he B. she C. hes D. Ginas5. The game _ at 4:00 p. m. A.finish B.finishes C.finishs D.to finish6. -_ do you

13、like biology? -Its fun. A.What B.When C.Why D.How much,D,B,C,7. I think math is _. A. real difficult B. really difficult C. real busy D. really tired8. _? Its Monday. A.What day is it today B.Whats the time C.Whats the date today D.Is it Monday today9. What _ does he like best? Football. A. food B.

14、subject C. color D. sport,B,A,D,1. Who (is/ are) your music teacher? 2. Why does she (like/ likes) English?3. Because they (is/ are) boring. 4. Why (do/ does) they like math?5. Whats (you/ your) favorite subject?,三、从括号中选择一个词完成句子,1. mothers, color, your, what, favorite, is, (?)2. music, lunch, after, have, I, (.)3. does, why, like, she, art, (?),What is your mothers favorite color?,After lunch I have music.,Why does she like art?,四、连词成句,


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