On the use of e-commerce strategies to enhance the competitiveness of enterprises_4284.doc

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1、On the use of e-commerce strategies to enhance the competitiveness of enterprisesAbstract: The development of electronic commerce will gradually break the corporate sector boundaries, so that different companies face the same market, in the same playing field. The market will be a complex and changi

2、ng the competitive system. How to use e-commerce to enhance their competitive edge, is the enterprise survival and development. This paper will management methods, thinking and understanding, personnel training, business process reengineering in terms of restructuring and the use of e-commerce compa

3、nies improve their competitiveness to do some useful exploration and analysis. Keywords: e-commerce strategy for the competitiveness of enterprises                 0 Introduction        

4、;         E-commerce platform in the computer network, in accordance with certain communication standards and protocols to carry out business activities. It is not only an Internet online sales model, more importantly, the enterprises and between enterpri

5、ses, enterprises and consumers, consumers and consumers, enterprises and government administration to achieve the exchange of information between the data oriented process. E-commerce including the ability of various commercial entities and are involved in finance, taxation, education, society and o

6、ther levels of interaction between the Council and interaction. Although many businesses do not achieve full electronic transactions and business processes of network digitization, but along with information technology, the Internet, the level of development and continuous improvement of business ap

7、plications, e-commerce development will gradually break the business, industry boundaries, bringing people of different businesses, industries to participate to a business transaction activity, into the market as a complex, changing the competitive system.        &

8、#160;        An e-commerce features                 E-commerce from traditional business activities, but differs from traditional forms of commerce. It is the computer network and

9、traditional business, based on a breakthrough in space-time and geographical boundaries of the new business forms. Is generally believed that the characteristics of e-commerce should include a look at several aspects: The first is globalization, market positioning, through the Internet mechanism tha

10、t can quickly and easily expand the market and supply chain, to cover the world's upstream and downstream of potential customers and suppliers . At the same time open and transparent market prices and low barriers to entry, and all-weather operation, made the market booming, going strong. Second

11、, the individual needs of interactive management and rapid and effective response, coupled with swift transactions, making online shopping more attractive. Finally, the market transaction information storage, sorting, perfect for enterprise management decision-making provides a timely and reliable b

12、asis.                 2 e-commerce on the impact of the competitiveness of enterprises                 'Enterprise competitiveness'

13、is a series of special resources by enterprises formed by the combination of the occupation of the market, the ability to obtain long-term profits. It includes companies is generally believed that human capital, core technology, corporate reputation, marketing, technology management capabilities, th

14、e capacity of managers and operators the ability to manage financial leverage, corporate culture and so on. In a network environment, companies large and small, corporate image, reputation will be shown through the website or page, enterprises will be faced with the same open market, in the same pla

15、ying field conditions, and consumers and the distance distant, some language barriers can also be easily removed. Therefore, regardless of what type of e-commerce, will be produced on the competitiveness of enterprises can not be ignored impact.          

16、       First of all, e-commerce will change the competitive field. E-commerce to expand the field of competition of enterprises so that enterprises from the conventional advertising competition, promotions, product design and market segments such as the competition

17、 extended to the invisible virtual room for competition. At the same time e-commerce can be conducted within organizations and between organizations, so the enterprise e-commerce to enhance the rapid communication of internal information resources and enhanced cooperation between the industrial chai

18、n, to improve the cost structure between the upstream and downstream business, which makes e-commerce model The competition is no longer an individual enterprise and competition between individual enterprises, but the industry chain both within and between the industrial chain competition.  

19、60;              Second, e-commerce will change the competitive basis. E-commerce and network technology development, so that in the traditional sense of the business has undergone fundamental changes, thus changing the competitiv

20、e basis. In e-commerce under the condition of the network become a true world market for enterprise marketing management personnel through the network will allow the entire world market is in the fundus, easy and convenient clicks, visits will be able to get more business opportunities. At the same

21、time the network broke the constraints of time and space, so that enterprises with sales personnel, economic intelligence agents and a variety of advertisements can not get new customers and new markets. Application of E-commerce also saves the working capital of enterprises, network messaging produ

22、cts enable enterprises to significantly reduce costs and transaction costs, through the virtual site and virtual stores to save the hardware marketing establishments, personnel and marketing, maintenance, etc. store the huge investment, a comprehensive and significant savings in working capital of e

23、nterprises. In addition, enterprises can quickly understand the market supply and demand conditions, so that enterprises tend to be more accurate of the decision-making, which greatly reduce the scale of capital investment risk.             

24、;    Finally, e-commerce will change the corporate competition. The emergence of e-commerce, people can purchase directly from the network, wholesale and retail. Traditional forms of marketing will be network instead of traditional advertising staff also will gradually adapt to t

25、he new marketing environment change. Business-to-target market selection and positioning, will be more dependent on the Internet's information and make full use of the network. Business market research, product mix and distribution of a series of marketing and management activities will be a res

26、ult of e-business and change.                 3 the use of e-commerce strategies to enhance the competitiveness of enterprises                

27、60;Any company must be on the changing market environment to maintain a high degree of sensitivity, quickly adjust business strategy, planning to adapt to the economic environment, business model, enhance its competitiveness in order to survive and develop. No matter how successful a business in the

28、 past, the company's strength, how strong, not based on changing market and make corresponding countermeasures are not survive. As in the 20th century, 80 years to control the computer market of the companies are IBM and Digital Equipment, but by the 20th century 90 years, Digital has been Compa

29、q's merger, PC machine market by IBM. Compaq. Dell. Gateway, the common partition, which IBM and the Digital because of the two companies are not aware of drastic changes in the market failed to change the company's business strategy. A few years later, Compaq's and Dell's competitio

30、n to Compaq's ended in failure. At present the rapid development of the Internet, the market opportunity is rapidly closing, how to change the traditional business model, the use of e-commerce to enhance the competitiveness of enterprises is related to the corporate life and death, related to th

31、e company's future and development.                 3.1 emancipating the mind and change their ideas. In terms of ideological understanding of the market and establish a new concept and space-time concept, to establi

32、sh 'e-commerce is the only way to improve the competitiveness of enterprises' concept. Establishment of information technology, knowledge management concepts, increase information technology equipment investment, operation and management of enterprises in information collection, processing,

33、storage, transmission and distribution of information technology. Second, to establish the competitiveness of enterprises to improve knowledge is a key element of the concept of full understanding of knowledge production and economic growth, internal relations and accept a new theory of economic gro

34、wth, increasing returns theory that knowledge can improve the return on investment and high return again the accumulation of knowledge can generate positive feedback amplification effect; third to establish human-oriented management concept, with the large-scale production have been gradually replac

35、ed by a flexible network, such knowledge as the core, structural system information into the production and operation greater emphasis on culture and the management team, the participation of intellectuals, human-oriented concepts are indispensable, but they should also know that the implementation

36、of e-commerce is much more than the establishment of a business web site, the creation of web site is just a fundamental component, it is necessary, but are not essential. 'E' is essentially 'business' rather than 'e', otherwise, on its head. Fourth, we should change the trad

37、itional narrow concept of investing in production, corporate recognition of intangible assets of enterprises and its application in high-tech companies the dominant position of the assets. The implementation of e-commerce strategy is a long-term and systematic project, we must use a long-term perspe

38、ctive to look at it. Early stage of implementation, because a lot of basic research, a loss is normal. Enterprises can not be fooled by short-term behavior, but missed the opportunity to enhance competitiveness.               

39、0; 3.2 reposition the company management. Enterprises to implement e-commerce, is related to all aspects of complex systems engineering. Therefore, we must first take into consideration and make a comprehensive and rational planning. Enterprises should realize the hard and soft management integ

40、ration, and gradually transition to the soft management. Hard management refers to institutions, organizations, planning, control, technical, economic management; soft management refers to stimulate cultural construction workers sense of honor, responsibility and sense of achievement, in order to ac

41、hieve employee self-management, self-control, self-motivation. In the incentive mechanism, we should weaken the control of the process will be performance evaluation as an important means of staff appraisal, while giving employees greater flexibility in time and space free, enhanced personalization

42、management, relaxation economy forced the management to give full play staff's enthusiasm and creativity.                 3.3 to enhance enterprise information technology hardware construction. Within the enterprise

43、infrastructure should be based on the government to speed up the pace of building enterprise information, establish and improve the enterprise management information system, especially in marketing information systems, to expand e-commerce business at the same time to comply with the relevant countr

44、ies and relevant departments to formulate laws and regulations, technical standards and safety regulations. In concept, organization, financial and technical conditions permit, a small scale took the lead in a high degree of standardization, trading volume, wholesale more times, customer flow of goo

45、ds or services, increased investment in information equipment and conduct e-commerce activities, and use it as a breakthrough e-commerce driven business activities. Reposted elsewhere Yu Free papers Download Center :/              

46、0;  3.4 The emphasis on training of personnel. Enterprises should implement e-commerce, human resources are the most important wealth and strategic resources, enterprise must be equipped with the appropriate personnel, including system development, maintenance personnel, professional opera

47、tors a variety of information, including technical personnel and business management personnel. Companies should decide on the capital from the traditional to the personnel decisions on changes in the enterprise's competitive positioning for the talent competition, and to take practical measures

48、 to ensure that talented people to the corporate resources to good use. Enterprises can use a good mechanism to absorb a number of network employing technical personnel to play their central role in the development of electronic commerce; enterprises can also use the good cause future and generous m

49、aterial benefits, sincere human spirit to retain talent, so that they can for enterprises to improve competitiveness, contribute their own talents; In addition, enterprises should attach great importance to the training of existing staff, so that all employees and establish the use of e-business con

50、cept to improve the competitiveness of enterprises, and to master certain professional skills, e-commerce was able to Enterprise truly implement.                 3.5 E-business rules for restructuring and reengineering b

51、usiness processes. In e-business development process, the various functional departments within the enterprise, between enterprises and external vendors, customers, corporate business flow, capital flow, information flow between the mode of operation will be the nature of changes occurring, you can

52、say and value-added business value consisting of all activities related to the value chain will be changed dramatically. Thus, only conduct business process reengineering in order to adapt to new changes. Through the Business Process Reengineering, on the one hand enable the organizational structure

53、 and workflow is designed to accommodate e-commerce requirements of rapid, accurate, safe and orderly flow requirements; the other hand, can reach internal operating processes in parallel, standardization, and standardization. On this basis, determine the implementation of e-commerce enterprise'

54、s overall development strategy.                 3.6 to open up international markets and expanding competition in the enterprise market space. Field of foreign trade is a challenge and an opportunity, albeit in an extremely competitive field, but its business environment was more favorable comparison of various laws and regulations, norms, be able to acquire new customers and the marketplace. Thus, SME


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