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1、PEP人教版四年级英语上册期中测试卷四年级上册期中测试卷 姓名: 得分: 一、听录音,选出所听到的单词(5分) ( )1. A. math B. Chinese C. English ( )2. A. window B. door C. board ( )3. A. twenty B. thirty C. fifty ( )4. A. thin B. strong C. quiet ( )5. A. music B. science C. sport 二( 听音选择。(5分) ( )1. Lets clean the _. A. window B. board ( ) 2. Look, you

2、 can see 20_ . A. chairs B. picture ( )3. What colour is it ? Its_. A. white B. red ( )4. He has _black hair. A. short B. strong ( )5. Wheres my seat? Its _. A. near the door B. in the classroom 三、听录音,判断所听句子与所给句子是否一致,一致的写(T),不一致的写(F)(5分) ( )1. Whats this in English? ( )2.Im class four. ( )3. Shes be

3、autiful. ( ) 4. Lets play a game. ( )5. She likes music. 四、听录音,选择正确回答画?。(5分) 1.( )5 yuan. ( ) 5 2.( ) Red ( ) No 3. ( ) Thank you ( ) Sure,here you are. 4. ( ) Bye ( )Good morning. 5. ( ) It;s a desk ( ) It;s near the desk. 笔试部分,共80分。 五、单项选择。( 10分) ( )1、I have ,English book. A 、a B 、an C 、two ( )2、H

4、ow many ,do you have, A、 pencils B 、pencil C 、pen ( )3、I have a sister.,name is Lili. A 、His B、 She C、 Her ( )4、,is my seat, A、 What B、 Where C 、How ( )5、,is she,She is Amy. A、 What B 、where C、 Who ( )6、,colour is it, A、 What B、 Where C、 Who ( )7、,is this book,Fifty yuan A、 How many B、 How much C、 H

5、ow about ( )8、Let,clean the window. A 、I B、 me C、 we ( )9、What is ,name,His name is ZhangPeng. A、 her B、 his C、 he ( )10、,in it, A、 Which is B、 Where is C、 What is 六、把下列单词分类。(20分) thirteen ruler Chinese pencil forty-three twenty-four science math sharpener English 科 目:, 数 字:, 学习用品:, 五、 从B栏中找出与A栏中问句相

6、应的答语。(20分) ( )1.Who is the girl? a. Its yellow. ( )2.May I have a look? b. She is my friend. ( )3.Whats one plus one? c. His name is Tom. ( )4.Where is my pen? d. I have ten. ( )5.What colour is your bag? e. Sure. ( )6.Whats his name? f. Im fine, thank you. 圆心角:顶点在圆心的角叫做圆心角.( )7.How many pens do you

7、 have? g. Its a book. (3)二次函数的图象:是一条顶点在y轴上且与y轴对称的抛物线,二次函数的图象中,a的符号决定抛物线的开口方向,|a|决定抛物线的开口程度大小,c决定抛物线的顶点位置,即抛物线位置的高低。( )8.Are you eleven? h. No, Im ten. (2)圆周角定理:圆周角的度数等于它所对弧上的的圆心角度数的一半.( )9.Whats this in English? i. Its in your desk. 二、学生基本情况分析:( )10.How are you? j. Its two. 五、 选词填空并与句子的汉语意思相连接。(20分)

8、 (2)扇形定义:一条弧和经过这条弧的端点的两条半径所组成的图形叫做扇形.green schoolbag paiting classroom twenty-two sports window thirty-two white pencil-case 1.( ) Lets clean the _! A. 墙是白色的。 2.( ) The wall is _. B. 我有32本书。 圆由两个条件唯一确定:一是圆心(即定点),二是半径(即定长)。3.( ) I have _books. C.我们一起打扫教室吧 九年级数学下册知识点归纳4. ( )My _is heavy. D.我的朋友喜欢体育运动。

9、 5. ( )My friend likes _. E.我的铅笔盒很重。 九、阅读下列短文,并根据短文内容判断句子的正和误,正确的写“T”,错五、教学目标:误的写“F”。(10分) 2、加强基础知识的教学,使学生切实掌握好这些基础知识。特别是加强计算教学。计算是本册教材的重点,一方面引导学生探索并理解基本的计算方法,另一方面也通过相应的练习,帮助学生形成必要的计算技能,同时注意教材之间的衔接,对内容进行有机的整合,提高解决实际问题的能力。I have a friend.Her name is WangChen.She is ten.She is a girl from ShangHai.She

10、 is beatiful.She has big eyes,a small nose,a small mouth and long black hair.Her favourte suject is English.She likes Chinese ,math ,singing and dancing,too.WangChen and I are in Class Three.we are good friends. ( )1、WangChen is a boy. ( )2、She is twelve. ( )3、She is from ShangHai. 5.方位角:从某点的指北方向按顺时针转到目标方向的水平角,叫做方位角。如图3,OA、OB、OC的方位角分别为45、135、225。( )4、She has a big mouth. ( )5、She likes English very much.


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