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1、Unit 1 Art. 单元教学目标技能目标Skill Goals Talk about art and galleries Talk about likes and preferences Learn words in families Use the subjunctive mood Write a letter to give suggestions. 目标语言功 能 句 式Talk about likes and preferences:Id prefer . Id rather . Id like .Which would you prefer .?I really prefer .

2、Would you rather .?Would you like . or .?词 汇1 四会词汇abstract, sculpture, gallery, consequently, belief, consequent, aim, symbol, value, focus, religion, possession, convince, shadow, ridiculous, controversial, nowadays, attempt, predict, aggressive, scholar, flesh, geometry, bunch, avenue, exhibition,

3、 civilization, contemporary, permanent, district, tip2 认读词汇realistic, Giotto di Bondone, renaissance, the Renaissance, perspective, Masaccio, impressionism, impressionist, Madison, post-impressionist, Manhattan, mansion, Guggenheim, metropolitan, Metropolitan Museum of Art, Monet, Picasso, Matisse,

4、Whitney3 词组focus on, a great deal, scores of, in the flesh语法The subjunctive mood If I were you . I wish I could .Learn words in families重点句子1. Art is influenced by the customs and faith of a people. . P12. People became to concentrate less on religious themes and adopt a more humanistic attitude to

5、life. P23. If the rules of perspective had not been discovered, no one would have been able to paint such realistic pictures. P24. At the time they were created, the impressionists paintings were controversial but today they are accepted as the beginning of what we now call “modern art”. P35. It is

6、amazing that so many great works of art from the late-19th century to the 21st century are housed in the same museum. P66. We would like to turn the empty land at the back of the school into a nature garden. P457. When we have finished the work, we hope the council will join us in a celebration morn

7、ing tea so that the whole school can thank you. P45. 教材分析与教材重组1. 教材分析本单元以Art为主题, 主要介绍了西方绘画简史,描写了曼哈顿最好的艺术长廊。帮助学生了解更多有关美术的背景知识,分析中西方艺术史上各大流派的特点,指出其代表性的画家和作品,并对中西方绘画艺术进行比较。最后要求学生为当地举办的一场别开生面的画展提出合理化建议。1.1 Warming Up部分要求学生运用相关的目标语言对自己所喜欢的艺术形式和艺术流派展开讨论,并说明喜欢的原因。1.2 Pre-reading让学生讨论有关画展或书中的艺术作品以及西方不同历史时期的

8、著名画家。1.3 Reading介绍了西方绘画简史上不同历史时期的艺术流派、艺术特点及其代表性的画家和作品等。1.4 Comprehending要求学生在理解课文的基础上,写出三件有关西方艺术史的事并指出西方艺术风格变化大的原因。1.5 Learning about Language由Discovering useful words and expressions 和Discovering useful structures两部分组成。要求学生对课文进行概括和总结,找出所提供单词的词根,并学习虚拟语气在条件状语从句中的运用。1.6 Using Language是由Reading, Listen

9、ing and speaking 和Writing三部分组成,通过对学生听说读写综合能力的培养,要求学生在了解艺术长廊相关知识的基础上,为当地举办的一场别开生面的画展提出合理化建议。1.7 SUMMING UP 要求学生总结本单元所学的知识。1.8 LEARNING TIP在阅读技巧方面对学生进行指导。2. 教材重组2.1 Warming Up, Pre-reading, Reading和Comprehending四部分都是关于西方绘画简史的内容,整合为一节精读课。2.2 Learning about Language中的Discovering useful words and express

10、ions 以及Workbook中的USING WORDS AND EXPRESSIONS 都是关于形容词、动词和名词后缀及其三者之间的相互转换,整合为一节语言学习课。2.3 Learning about Language 中的 Discovering useful structures和Workbook 中的 USING STRUCTURES,都是有关虚拟语气用法的讲解与练习,整合为一节语法课。2.4 Workbook中LISTENING, TALKING和LISTERNING TASK三个部分,都是有关于中国不同历史时期各种绘画流派的特点及其不同的艺术表现形式,整合为一节听说课。2.5 Us

11、ing Language中的Reading, Listening and speaking 和Writing,都是艺术长廊的相关知识,整合为一节综合课(一)。2.6 Workbook 中的READING TASK, SPEAKING TASK与WRITING TASK都是关于学校环境保护的内容,整合为一节综合课(二)。3. 课型设计与课时分配1st Period Reading 2nd Period Language Study3rd Period Grammar4th Period Listening and Speaking5th Period Integrating Skills (I)

12、6th Period Integrating Skills (II) . 分课时教案The First Period ReadingTeaching goals 教学目标1. Target language 目标语言a. 重点词汇和短语realistic, abstract, religion, religious, sculpture, gallery, belief, consequent, consequently, aim, symbol, value, focus, possession, convince, impressionism, impressionist, shadow,

13、 ridiculous, nowadays, attempt, predict, the Renaissance, focus on, a great dealb. 重点句式 As there are so many . it would be impossible to . P1People began to concentrate less on religious themes and adopt a more humanistic attitude to life. P2If the rules of perspective had not been discovered, no on

14、e would have been able to paint . P22. Ability goals 能力目标Enable the students to talk about the short history of Western painting.3. Learning ability goals 学能目标Help the students learn how to talk about the short history of Western painting. Teaching important & difficult points 教学重难点Enable the st

15、udents to talk about their opinions about different styles of Western art.Teaching methods 教学方法Skimming and scanning; individual, pair or group work; discussion.Teaching aids 教具准备A recorder, a computer, a projector and some famous paintings.Teaching procedures & ways 教学过程与方式Step Lead-inT: Good m

16、orning, class. Another week begins. Have you found any changes in our school? S: The walls were painted white.S: Some figure sculptures stand along the two sides of the school yard near the school gate.S: There are many world famous paintings hanging on the walls of the corridors of the school build

17、ing.T: Wonderful! You are very good at observing. These things like sculptures and paintings can make our school more beautiful. What do we usually call them in general? S: Generally, we call the things which can bring us beauty the works of art.T: Exactly. Step Warming UpAt first, ask the students

18、to match some new words with the correct English meanings. Then ask them to look at the paintings in this unit and discuss the questions in Warming Up in groups of 4. Next, get them to answer the other questions in pairs. At last, check the answers with the whole class.T: First, please match some ne

19、w words in Column A with the correct English meanings in Column B.Show them on the screen. A Ba. realistic 1. accurate, minuteb. abstract 2. being in thought but having a physical or practicalc. detailed 3. lifelike, true to lifed. religious 4. classical, of old beliefse. traditional 5. sincere to b

20、elieve in a god or godsKey: a-3, b-2, d-6, e-4 T: Id like you to look at the paintings in this unit, and then work in groups of 4 to discuss the questions in Warming Up. I will give you six minutes.Six minutes later. T: Which would you choose to put up on the walls of our classroom? And why? Volunte

21、ers?S: Let me have a try. I like the painting on page 3. Because it gives us a special feeling.S: I prefer to choose the painting on the top of page 2. The painter painted it in a more realistic style to show respect and love for God.S: Id rather choose the painting on the bottom of page 2. It gives

22、 us an abstract impression and appears very lively and vivid.T: Excellent job! Then would you rather have Chinese or Western paintings in your home? Give your reasons.S: Id rather have Chinese paintings in my home, because traditional Chinese painting is a combination of the arts of poetry, calligra

23、phy, painting and seal engraving.S: I agree with her. I also like Chinese paintings because they have an air of living in nature, harmony and peace, which is not always found in the art of other civilizations. T: Quite right. The Chinese strive to maintain a delicate, harmonious balance between trad

24、ition and innovation. Any other ideas?S: I prefer to have Western paintings. I like the abstract paintings of the modern art using color, line and shape to show the objects. I think they can make people create limitless imagination.S: Id rather like the western styles. And I prefer to choose the pai

25、ntings of realistic style. T: Well done! If you were an artist, what kind of pictures would you paint?S: If I were an artist, Id like to paint the romantic pictures which deal with the destinies and passions of mankind. Romanticisms aim was to unify the mind within the finite world with the infinite

26、. S: Id rather choose to paint the Chinese paintings. I like the bird-and-flower paintings. It has been a popular theme among modern artists.S: I enjoy painting landscape very much. You know, Yin and Yang are opposite forces, which are expressed almost completely in this type of art. Shan shui or mo

27、untain-water is in itself symbol of yin-yang. Mountains are believed to be associated with yang while water is associated with yin.T: OK! You have done a good job. The last question?S: Id rather paint pictures. I think its very interesting. I can express my own feelings by painting an object or land

28、scape.S: In my spare time, I enjoy painting pictures with a pen, a pencil or crayon. I like many styles of drawings, such as sketch, diagrams and graphs.S: I prefer to make sculptures. I made some simple sculptures by hand before. I think it is very interesting.S: I enjoy designing buildings. The fa

29、mous architect Gaudi designed his buildings like dreams, full of fantastic colors and shapes. The Opera House in Sydney makes people think of seashells. The 2008 Olympic Stadium in Beijing looks like a birds nest made of tree branches. Although the stadium will be made of concrete and steel, the flo

30、wing lines and round shapes make the building look warm and friendly. I dream some day I can design a building that would draw the attention of people all over the world.Step Pre-readingGet the students to discuss the questions in Pre-reading in pairs. Then check the answers with the whole class.T:

31、Do you ever visit art galleries? What kind of paintings have your ever seen?S: Yes, I have ever visited an art gallery with my parents. There were many famous paintings in it. What impressed me most was the horses drawn by Xu Beihong. S: Till now I havent a chance to visit an art gallery. But I saw

32、many paintings by Picasso on the Internet. Though I cannot understand them completely, I think they are fairly beautiful and can make me have a special feeling.T: Quite good! From what you said, I can see that you know about many artists at home and abroad. Can you speak out the names of some famous

33、 Western artists and tell me in which century they lived?S: Vincent van Gogh was a Dutch Post-Impressionist. His thickly painted canvases with their kinetic, swirling brushstrokes have come to symbolize Expressionism. He was a famous artist in 19th century.S: Henri Matisse was a French painter consi

34、dered to be one of the great formative figures in 20th-century art.T: Im proud of you for your great jobs. Do you want to know more about the Western painting? Now lets begin to learn a passage introducing the short history of Western painting. Step Reading Task 1 ScanningT: Please read the passage

35、as quickly as you can to find out the answers to the questions on the screen.Show some questions on the screen.1. What were the artists interested in from 5th to 15th century AD?2. How did Masaccio paint his paintings?3. Why did the impressionists have to paint quickly?After the students finish read

36、ing the passage, check the answers.T: Now who would like to answer Question 1?S: They were interested in creating respect and love for God.S: They painted many religious scenes.T: Good! Whod like to answer Question 2?S: He drew things in perspective, which makes pictures very realistic.T: Who can te

37、ll us the reasons why the impressionists had to paint quickly?S: Because natural light changes quickly, they had to paint quickly.T: Well done.Task 2 SkimmingLet the students read the passage again and get the main idea of it. Then complete the following chart on their own. And check the answers wit

38、h the whole class.T: Now please read the text again to get the main idea of it. And fill in the following chart. Show the chart with blanks on the screen. A few minutes later, check the answers.Sample answers:Name of AgesTimeArtistFeatureThe Middle Ages5th to 15th century ADGiotto di Bondonereligiou

39、s, realisticThe Renaissance15th to 16th centuryMasaccioperspective, realisticImpressionismlate 19th to early 20th centurydetailed, ridiculousModern art20th century to todaycontroversial, abstract, realisticTask 3 ComprehendingLet the students read the passage again and deal with the Exercises 1 2 in

40、 Comprehending.T: Now please read the passage again and then do the Exercises 1 2 in Comprehending. I will give you five minutes. Then I will ask some of you to answer them.Five minutes later, check the answers.T: Quite right! Now that we have learned the passage, I have a question: What is the writ

41、ing style of the passage? S: The passage is a historical narrative article. It briefly introduces the main features of different Western painting styles during the main periods of times. It also analyzes why and how the styles changed. The short history of Western painting styles is described clearl

42、y and vividly, which gives the readers deep impression.T: Good. How about its writing characteristic?S: The writing characteristic of it is: Arranged well in the order of time; Catch the features of people and things and use adjectives very exactly; Lay the stress on the main subjects and purpose, w

43、riting details and briefs properly; Insert the typical paintings to make the passage more vivid and lively.Step Homework1. Underline the time expressions in the reading passage.2. Retell the passage with the help of the chart about the text.3. Discuss the question in Exercise 3 on page 3.The Second

44、Period GrammarTeaching goals 教学目标1. Target language 目标语言a. 重点词汇和短语wish, aggressive, scholar, in the fleshb. 重点句式I wish . were / did .If . were / did ., . would / could / should / might do .2. Ability goals能力目标Enable the students to use the subjunctive mood correctly in different situations.3. Learni

45、ng ability goals 学能目标Help the students learn how to use the subjunctive mood. Teaching important and difficult points 教学重难点Enable the students to use the correct form of the subjunctive mood.Teaching methods教学方法Summarizing; comparative method; practising activities.Teaching aids教具准备A projector and a

46、 blackboard.Teaching procedures & ways 教学过程与方式Step PresentationAt first, give the students an example to present what the subjunctive mood is and in what situations we should use the subjunctive mood. Then, show them the sentence structures of the subjunctive mood. T: Now please listen to the fo

47、llowing example: Suppose Im a basketball fan, Yao Ming is coming here to play a basketball game this evening. But unfortunately, I havent got a ticket for it. I feel sorry about that and what should I say in this situation? I will say: I wish I watched the basketball game. / If I had got a ticket, I would go to watch the basketball game. Have you ever heard such kind of sentences?Ss: Yes. They use the subjunctive mood.T: Then do you know what is the subjunctive mood and in what situations we should use the subjunctive mood?


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