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1、,PersonalityMatters性格决定命运,PersonalityMatters性格决定命运,Tell us something about yourself,What do you know about yourself?Do you feel satisfied with yourself? Why?,PersonalityMatters性格决定命运,Why Study Personality Types?,People can be really hard to deal with. But theres often a reason behind every behavior.

2、 Whether youre trying to come to terms with your own personality type or youre looking for ways to cope with bursts of aggression or passivity of your beloved person, youll find invaluable information about personality and how the different personality types are developed.,PersonalityMatters性格决定命运,2

3、. What do you know about blood types?,1. What is your blood type?,PersonalityMatters性格决定命运,Personality Traits by Blood Type,PersonalityMatters性格决定命运,Type O,Type Os are outgoing, and very social. They are initiators, although they dont always finish what they start. Creative and popular, they love to

4、 be the center of attention and appear very self-confident.,胡军 Blood Type:O,PersonalityMatters性格决定命运,Type A,While outwardly calm, they have such high standards (perfectionists) that they tend to be balls of nerves (extremely worried or frightened) on the inside. Type As are the most artistic of the

5、blood groups. They can be shy, are conscientious, trustworthy, and sensitive.,练束梅 Blood Type:A,恰同学少年(Young We Were, as Schoolmates)(陶斯咏),PersonalityMatters性格决定命运,Type B,Goal oriented and strong minded, type Bs will start a task and continue it until completed, and completed well. Type Bs are the ind

6、ividualists of the blood group categories and find their own way in life.,李念 Blood Type:B,蜗居 Dwelling narrowness,PersonalityMatters性格决定命运,Type AB,Type ABs are the split personalities of the blood groups. They can be both outgoing and shy, confident and timid. While responsible, too much responsibili

7、ty will cause a problem. They are trustworthy and like to help others.,左小青Blood Type:AB,上海,上海(Shanghai, Shanghai)(韩如冰),PersonalityMatters性格决定命运,The Four Humors,Choleric(胆汁质),Sanguine (多血质),Phlegmatic (黏液质),Melancholy (忧郁质),PersonalityMatters性格决定命运,In Greek, Medieval, and Renaissance thought, the tra

8、ditional 4 elements form the basis for a theory of medicine and later psychological typology known as the 4 humors. They constituted the western equivalent of the Chinese 5 states of change (金-metal、木-wood、水-water、火-fire、土-earth). Each of the humors was associated with particular physical and mental

9、 characteristics, and could, moreover, be combined for more complex personality types: (e.g. choleric-sanguine, etc). The result is a system that provides a quite elaborate classification of types of personality.,PersonalityMatters性格决定命运,Similar to the theory of yin-yang, the theory of five elements

10、 - wood, fire, earth, metal and water -was an ancient philosophical concept used to explain the composition and phenomena of the physical universe. In traditional Chinese medicine the theory of five elements is used to interpret the relationship between the physiology and pathology of the human body

11、 and the natural environment. According to the theory, the five elements are in constant move and change, and the interdependence and mutual restraint of the five elements explain the complex connection between material objects as well as the unity between the human body and the natural world.,The T

12、heory of Five Elements,PersonalityMatters性格决定命运,1. Extrovert 2. Amiable 3. Analytical 4. Pragmatic,has a messy deskleaves projects 75% completed then gets distracted by new “more exciting” projectscommunicates their ideas with enthusiasm and charmmakes instant decisionshates “paperwork” and the “dul

13、l routines” of life, such as filling in order forms, checking bank statements, etc.,Extrovert:,The 4 Quadrant Model,PersonalityMatters性格决定命运,Amiable,is the “peacemaker” in the officeis always striving for a “win-win” in everything in lifenot terribly ambitious and striving, but is very happy to supp

14、ort and encourage others who arecannot say No very easily and so are probably on every committee going,PersonalityMatters性格决定命运,Analytical,adores punctualityloves playing with spreadsheets, charts and projectionswill never make a decision on the spotwill buy a car based on fuel economy, servicing co

15、sts, resell value, depreciation and other factors, never “because its a lovely shade of blue”.,PersonalityMatters性格决定命运,Pragmatic,a “take charge” persontheir view is the way things will probably get donethey listen to others points of view out of courtesy or intellectual curiosity, but will still do

16、 things “my way” not interested in how “exciting” a project might be, only interested in how much money it will cost/make and how soon it can be implemented,It doesnt matter if a cat is black or white, so long as it catches mice. Poverty is not socialism. To be rich is glorious.,PersonalityMatters性格

17、决定命运,How Our Personality Affects the Success or Failure of Our Life ?,Our personality is the totality (整体;全部) of our character attributes and behavioral traits. Our personality differentiates us from our spouse, friends, neighbors, classmates, workmates, and many others. The type of personality we d

18、evelop through the stages of life can adversely or positively affect our current life situation or future plans.,PersonalityMatters性格决定命运,Ones positive and negative individual attributes can easily determine the success or failure in his personal relationships, academic pursuits, and work goals.,Per

19、sonalityMatters性格决定命运,These are important to us because normally we need to demonstrate many of these in our daily lives for success. If we do not, then the negative features of our individual characteristic can hinder us in a manner unacceptable or unpleasant to our family and friends.,Ambition Con

20、fidenceEnergy IntelligenceThrift WisdomOptimism HealthCaution Good organization,Positive Characteristics of Individual Attributes:,PersonalityMatters性格决定命运,Negative Individual Characteristics:,Unmotivated InsecurePassive InattentiveWasteful ImmaturePessimistic WeakImpulsive Disorganized,PersonalityM

21、atters性格决定命运,1. Always Dream Big: We are to believe that what we dream of will come through and is possible. Then we must work to achieve them, and see and reap the results of our effort. We must first dream big, not small.,Some of the features of the successful people include:,PersonalityMatters性格决

22、定命运,Steve Jobs (1955 2011),Innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower.,“Your time is limited, so dont waste it living someone elses life. Dont be trapped by dogma - which is living with the results of other peoples thinking. Dont let the noise of others opinions drown out your own inne

23、r voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.”,PersonalityMatters性格决定命运,2. Have a Passion: Successful people are passionate about all that they do, so do likewise.,PersonalityMa

24、tters性格决定命运,3. Do not do things by halves, go all the way in style and do what you love.,PersonalityMatters性格决定命运,4. Have a Clear Vision and Focus: Always keep in mind what you want everyday of your life and achieve it with joy and fun.,PersonalityMatters性格决定命运,5. Positive Beliefs: Positive beliefs

25、will help to bring success. Do not give in to opposing beliefs that will hinder you from your success.,PersonalityMatters性格决定命运,6. Bounce Back from Failures: This can be a learning experience that will bring you closer to your goals. Some other successful characteristics of successful people include

26、, being a quick decision-maker, a risk taker, and an inspiration to others.,PersonalityMatters性格决定命运,Therefore, our personality can positively or adversely affect our lives and success. Good positive attributes can certainly help us achieve our goals in life. The negative factors in our personality

27、will hinder us from a better relationship and lifes success.,PersonalityMatters性格决定命运,留学(英美澳法加新六国)租房,留学公寓在线隶属于同维思创网络科技(北京)有限责任公司。公司总部位于国家级大学科技园 - 中国人民大学文化科技园。 提供免费的海外学生公寓在线预订服务,不收取任何手续费或中介费。留学生直接向海外学生公寓支付费用, 无任何中间环节。,PersonalityMatters性格决定命运,留学(英美澳法加新六国)租房,最低价格:不论在任何城市,确保为您提供最佳价格。无需支付任何预定中介费用:提供免费的海

28、外学生公寓在线预订服务,不收取任何费用。预订安全可靠:学生公寓在线预订系统安全可靠,您的支付信息和个人信息都被加密。我们以最高的标准来保护您的隐私。公众媒体: 企业新闻 Facebook 人人网 Twitter 新浪微博微信公众平台联系我们:中国: 400-078-3006, 邮编: 100872, 北京市海淀区,中关村大街甲59号, 人民大学文化大厦1206A室英国: +44(0)114-2753836, 110 Provincial House, Solly Street,Sheffield, S1 4BA, UK,PersonalityMatters性格决定命运,留学(英美澳法加新六国)租房,公众媒体: 企业新闻 Facebook 人人网 Twitter 新浪微博微信公众平台联系我们:中国: 400-078-3006, 邮编: 100872, 北京市海淀区,中关村大街甲59号, 人民大学文化大厦1206A室英国: +44(0)114-2753836, 110 Provincial House, Solly Street,Sheffield, S1 4BA, UK,


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