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1、纸塑包装制品生产工艺指导Production process guidance of paper pulp packing products 制浆、供浆系统: Pulping and pulp supply system1 原浆板或废回收纸: 在制浆车间规划出专用的区域分类摆 放好原浆板或废回收纸,在进入摆放区的原料应先做好杂质、 粘胶纸、装订针、包装带的分拣工作,以防杂质混入纸浆后影 响成品的外观和结构力。Virgin pulp board or recycled waste paper: You need to prepare a special place to put the virg

2、in pulp board or recycle waste paper. Before you put the raw material in the area, please sort out impurities, adhesive paper, binding needing and packing belt from raw material to prevent impurities mixed with paper pulp effecting the appearance and structure.2 碎浆 :原料在进行破碎分解之前,先在磅秤上称好重量,然 后再通过人工投料或

3、原料输送带进给的方式逐一将原料投到 水力碎浆机的工作桶里, 加入适量的水混合, 然后起动碎浆机; 碎浆时间一般情况下为2030分钟,和原料的含水率、成份 以及水温有关。Pulping: Before pulping, you should weight, then put the raw material to barrel of hydrapulper by manual or conveyor, addsome water, then start the machine. Generally, the pulping time is 20-30min according to the mo

4、isture content of raw material and water temperature.3 放浆 :水力碎浆机制好的浆通过机器底部的放浆阀直接排 放到浓 /配浆池或由连接在放浆管上的浆料输送泵到浓浆池, 放浆过程中碎浆机一边运转一边打开进水阀适量的冲水; 对纸 浆分解度要求较高的场合, 还要在浆料输送泵的后一级增加纸 纤维疏解除砂磨浆机。Draw off paper pulp: After pulping, the paper pulp will flow to pool through the release valve in the bottom of the machi

5、ne, or flow to the pipe which connect to the pool. And during this process, should turn on the hydrapulper and open inlet valve to pour into some water. If you have a requirement about pulp decomposition degree, you can add one process of pulp fiber revocable sand pulping machine.4 浓/配浆 :从水力碎浆机或前一级浆

6、泵(包括磨浆)输送到 浓浆池中的浆料由安装在浓 / 配浆池上的浆料搅拌器充分搅 拌、加水混合均匀 ,这时浓 /配浆池中的浆料浓度应调为符合生 产要求的供浆浓度约为。这时可根据纸浆产品对防水防油防潮的要求加入适量的添加 剂,对有些添加剂有特殊工艺要求的可放入碎浆机中充分搅拌 混合。Thick/mixing pulp: After the pulp flows to the pool, add some water, there is pulp pond beater which installed on the pool to stir the paper pulp, adjust the pa

7、per pulp to the required concentration of can add some additives in the pool according to the requirement of water proof, oil proof and damp proof, and stir the paper pulp to mix it.5 供浆 :前一级配浆泵将配浆池中调好浓度、搅拌均匀、符合 生产工艺要求的浆通过配浆泵泵到供浆池中, 再由供浆泵输送 给生产线上的各成型设备, 成型设备的溢流浆通过溢流回浆管 路再回到供浆池。Paper pulp supply: Aft

8、er the pulp adjusted, the paper pulp will pumped to the pulp supply pool by pulp pump. Then pulp pump will supply the pulp to the forming machine. The overflow pulp of forming machine will return to the pulp supply pool through pipe. 产品成型系统 : Forming system1. 半自动餐盒成型机开机前应检查各运动部件的润滑油情况,机器内储气罐的排水阀、气源三

9、联体中油杯的油量 .Please check the lubricating situation of forming machine, check the oil mass of drain valve, gas triplets in compressed air pot before start the machine.2. 开机前检查模具的紧固情况 ,模具表面网面有没有纸浆或损坏 的情况 ,洗模和洗毛边的供水状况以及喷嘴有没有堵塞 .Check the fastening situation of mould, check whether there is pulp or damage

10、 on the wire mesh, check the water supply situation and spray nozzle is plug or not.3. 空气压缩系统工作后 ,检查到半自动餐盒成型机的气源压力是否稳定在56kg/cm2,然后起动半自动餐盒成型机。After air compressed system works, check whether the air source pressure of the forming machine is in 5 6kg/cm2 or not, then start the machine.4. 起动供浆系统后 ,观察进入

11、机器浆桶里的浆料浓度情况,同时打开浆桶底部的搅拌吹气手动阀 ,溢流情况是否正常 .Start pulp supply system and observe the concentration situation of pulp in the barrel. Meanwhile, open blow valve of bottom tank to check whether the overflow is normal.5. 上述环节确认正常后 ,既可转入生产 .After the above steps are normal, then you can start the production

12、.6. 每天下班后要将模具冲洗干净 ,以防吸附在模具网上的纸纤维 时间长积累多了后造成堵网现象 ;机器浆桶内的余浆在用不完 的情况下尽量排掉 ,然后冲洗干净 ,以免因气温高的时候在浆桶 内发酵腐烂 .Clean the mould before you stop the machine, to avoid the paper pulp stick on the wire mesh and it will cause plug net from day to day. Please draw off the rest of paper pulp and clean the barrel, to

13、prevent the pulp fermentation decay in the tank.三、循环水系统 : Circulating water system:1. 半自动餐盒成型机成型模具上真空脱水出来的白水通过真空 管道流入负压 /排水罐中 ,由安装在排水罐上的液位传感器控制 排水电磁阀而开关系统中相应的气动阀和单向止回阀的工作, 从而将系统中的循环白水排放到回水池中存储, 以供制浆系统 碎浆、调浆用 .When the forming machine produces products, extract the vacuum from forming mould, the wate

14、r of paper pulp will be squeezed and the water will flow to vacuum subnormal pressure container / water discharge container. Start liquid level sensor control drainage solenoid valve of water discharge container, pneumatic valve of switch system and check valve, to make the water discharge into wate

15、r recycle pool for pulping, pulp adjusting.2. 制浆系统中各环节上的调浆稀释用水由循环回水池上的水泵 供给 ,这样就保证了循环水的重复利用 .The water which used for pulping is from the water recycle pool by pump, it ensures the circulating water reuse.3. 循环水的更换时间因气温、原料和生产情况等因素而不确定 , 一般1530个生产日,更换循环水时应完全抽干净循环回水池 中的水 ,将池内沉淀物全部冲洗干净 .The time of Cha

16、nging the circulating water is according to the temperature, raw material and production, generally, you need to change the water in 15-30days, extract the water and clean the water cycle pool.四、真空泵供水系统 : Vacuum water supply system1. 方法一 :水环式真空泵工作过程中要不断的用水, 对一般生产 量不太大, 每天只有一班进行生产的, 可以考虑用一台真空泵 专用供水泵抽

17、循环回水池中的循环水供真空泵使用。Method 1: You should constantly use water during the water ring vacuum pump working, if the production is small, just use one shift of workers, you can consider using one set of pump which special for vacuum to pump the circulating water for circulating water supply pump using.2. 方法

18、二: 水环式真空泵工作过程中要不断的用水 ,对于水的纯 净度有一定要求 ,供水压力在 200hpa 就能满足要求 ,所以整个 真空泵用水采用清水罐独立供水 .视真空泵功率大小和循环水 温、水量看是否需要配置冷却塔散热系统。 具体接驳时在真空 清水罐的出口处设有手动阀 ,每天上班前打开阀门 ,下班后关闭 , 以防长时间有水浸着锈蚀真空泵 .气温在零度以下的地方还要 注意做好防冻措施 .Method 2: You need to add water constantly during machine working period, and water purity should be requir

19、ed. The water supply press should be 200hpa to satisfy the requirement. So it adopts clean water tank to supply water separately in whole vacuum pump, and to check whether needs cooling tower cooling system according the power of vacuum pump and circulating water temperature and water level. After c

20、onnection, there is a manual valve in the exit of vacuum clean water tank, open the valve before work and close after work to prevent water rusts vacuum pump, and you need to make anti-freezing measures when the temperature is below zero degree.五、空气压缩系统 :Compressed air system1. 螺杆式空气压缩机、 储气罐和压缩空气组成的

21、空气压缩系统是 为整个成型系统提供干净稳定的气源 ,日常维保做的好基本上 是无故障的 .Air compressed system is composed of screw air compressor, compressed air pot and compressed air, which provide clean and stable air source for all forming system. And there is no malfunction if you make daily maintenance.2. 每天下班后放尽储气罐里的压缩空气 ,打开储气罐底部的放水 阀排

22、完储气罐中的冷凝水 .Releaseall the compressed air of compressed air pot and open water drain valve of pot bottom to release all condensate water.3. 在室温较高或空气相对湿度较大的季节 ,一定要开压缩空气冷干机冷凝压缩空气中的水份 ,防止高温高压含有一定水份的压 缩空气进入到设备中损坏气动元件 ,在低温干燥的冬季视具体 情况可不开冷干机 ,关闭冷干机进出口阀门 ,打开冷干机直接阀 门即可.If the room temperature is high or air r

23、elative humidity is high, you should open compressed air dryer to compress the moisture of air to prevent the compressed air enter into machine to destroy the pneumatic elements in the high temperature and high pressure. In low temperature of winter, you can stop the compressed air dryer according t

24、o the situation, close inlet and outlet valves and open direct valve of compressed air dryer.六、制供浆、供水、真空系统注意事项 :Matters needing attention1. 制浆、供浆、供水系统中所有浆泵水泵的进浆阀门上班前打开 , 下班后一定要关闭 ;In pulping, pulp supply and water supply system, all slurry valves of pulp pump and water pump should be open before wor

25、k and close after work.2. 每个浆泵及管道的低位均设有排水或排浆阀门 ,要求每天下班 后将浆泵和管道中的积浆、积水排放干净 ,以防长时间不开机 发生堵塞 .There are water discharge and pulp discharge valves in every pulp pump and pipe, you should release the deposition pulp and water of pump and pipe to prevent plug in case of stop machine in a long time.3. 各控制柜中的主电源开关下班后要求全部断开 .You should cut off all the main switch of control cabinet after work.4. 保持所有机器设备外观干净、工作场所地面的整洁无积水,定期进行设备的维护保养 .Keep the appearance of all machines clean, no stagnant water in the ground of workshop, and make maintenance of machine in regular time.


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