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1、.Part 1题目建议答案Name叫什么,中文名字含义,未来换吗My Chinese name is,my English name is You can call me Means a lot to me,it is of great sentimental value· My parents are farmers and they gave me this name because they wanted me to be a person who's not afraid of difficults and with lofty ambitions.我的名字是父亲为我

2、取的,意思是希望我能成为一个有远大志向不畏艰难的人。Besides,changing ones name needs a lotta paper work,I mean, you will be required to change your name on every file,it is just over-complicatedbesides,changing  names  needs a  lotta   paper  work Study or work上学:专业

3、,最喜欢学科(高中生),下课后干什么?after class.学习难不难?I ve  been  workingat  leasthave  a  passion  on ·· 过去时态best  way  of rejuvenatingexhilaratinghilariousawesomeamazingfantasticbrilliant ··· 很多学校取消了对

4、抗性强、有风险的体育活动,甚至有学校禁止学生下课去操场自由活动,可谓是无奈之至。所以我们下课只是聊聊天Many schools canceled confrontational strong and risk sport, or even prohibit ed students from school playground for free activities,so we just had a chitchat· Sign up for the school activities that speak to me.参加那些对胃口的学校活动。· I were involv

5、ed in school activities, but I spent most ofmy time at home.虽然参加学校的各种活动,但大多数时间也呆在家里。考官问:学习难不难?Well,the answer is yes,sometimes I had to push myself in case left behind ,it was kinda over-loaded,There would be times when I felt as if I was the only one on the planet suffering and struggling.However&#

6、183; 中小学生学业负担过重是长期以来中国基础教育中特有的问题。It has been a long-standing problem in fundamental education that students have an excessively heavy studying burden.上班:工作职责,有过培训吗,短期内换吗,原因,加班应该吗工作职责I am planning to, in  the  short  termin  the  long&#

7、160; run I am responsible forI am in charge of push "People who don't balance their lives, with time for others, time for themselves, for exercise and diversions often become progressively worse at their work and may even have a breakdown of some sort." So it's official, work

8、hard, play hard and make sure your time is working for you. “不能在工作与个人生活,与家人朋友,与健身娱乐取得平衡的人,通常会在他们的工作中变得越来越糟,甚至达到崩溃的地步。” 所以公认的观点是,努力地工作,疯狂地玩乐,让时间为你工作。换工作吗I dont Wanna be stuck on the career treadmill,you know, What it takes to move up in this business is not merely dogged determination to bring home a

9、n ever growing paycheck but an actual enjoyment of my work.People always say:If you still think that everything you do is meaningless, then you need to prepare for a job changebecause once you believe you're wasting your time, it won't be too long before your employer believes it, too.加班Long

10、 working hours are believed to be one form of stress, thus affecting ones health.As per the new study published in the European Heart Journal, people who regularly work overtime increase their risk of developing heart disease or suffering from heart attack by 60 percent employees who work overtime h

11、ave a great chance of suffering from anxiety and depressionlong working hours weaken ones mental abilities, and increase the risk of suffering from dementiathe study stated that people who work overtime do not get enough rest or sleep; they do not eat well, etc, thus adversely affecting brain functi

12、onsworking overtime even causes death by overworkHometown在哪儿,描述一下,特别的地方,近年变化,你能为家乡做什么,家乡有什么需要改进的问题medium-sized middle scaled city ·medium-sized citywhich  is  located  in   ·· 我的家乡变化太大,简直认不出来了。My home town has changed too muc

13、h for me to recognizewhere there is a high-rise buildings, traffic flow on the road.· There has been a lot of significant changes in my hometown in recent years.我的家乡近几年来履历了很多重大变化· There have been great changes in my hometown since 1998.自1998年以来,我的家乡发生了巨大的变化。(加分用法时态,现在完成时)He said 95% of mig

14、rant workers preferred to seek work in cities this year rather than go back to farmingVillagers are excited about the new road, not only because it will make travel to metropolis much easier, but because it will bring business and job opportunities解决家乡问题I am  capable  of

15、0;contribute  toI  would  make  a  contribution to to sponsoreducationalsystemspare  no  effort  tohelp  them  to  get access  to a profound education

16、 Public construction and  infrastructurethus attract more tourists move some plants which locate in city center to countysideshut  down  some  plantswhich   enacted enactset the standard emission 

17、;standardsWeather and season喜欢什么天气,家乡天气,家乡天气近年变化,中国四季特点Well,it dependsDistinct seasonsDrowsyThe Rainy Weatherconsider this  kindaweather is   drowsy and  frustratingit  is  my  kinda  thingI 

18、0;enjoy  taking  in  the rainscorching and sweltering5 degrees warmer which  means   thanks  to  global  warmingis  getting hotter  and  hotter32+30#1.891 Fahre

19、nheit degreesaverage temperature which  give  me  a  great  sense  of  romance  and  inner peacethe air  is  fresh  has not changedNothing is

20、0;changeless.LivingFlat还是house,将来想住在哪里?最喜欢哪个房间,邀请别人来家吗还是出去( HANG OUT),重装会怎么办,countryside,未来想住的房屋,谁做家务,想学习做家务吗noise,over-crowdedroot the tulip bulbs in potting soil to  make  my  room  much  more energetic 

21、 and  larger -than-lifemy  flat  is my  comfortable  zone bark  at  strangersdisturb  downtown市中心 ease the burdenoverflowing with vigour I  reall  enjoy the cozy atm

22、ospherein  my  department since  house  price  is  super  expensiveroot the tulip bulbs in potting soil to  make  my  room  much  more 

23、energetic  and  larger -than-lifeoverflowing with vigour only  those  people  who  are  extra-rich  that  can  afford  the  house  I had no 

24、idea what my room would be like before I came here but as soon as I arrived at the house and saw it I was ecstatic! It has wooden floors, wooden 

25、furniture and white walls. Compared to my old room, this one is much bigger, and yet I have less stuff to fill it with  perfect! window shoppingin-door be  resp

26、onsible  forin  charge  of  things  are  differentroommateat  the  weekendspotlessit is  exhilarating and awesomeKeeping healthy and fit如何保持健康,喜欢运动吗如何保持身材,为什么会很多人变胖,如何改善现状Give it a shotalthough  

27、they  are  temptingwe  should keep away from  especiallyfastfood,like  fried  chips,guarantee enough sleep time which  is  low  in  nutrition and vitamin  as  w

28、ell  as  minerals,but  high  in  fat  7.   Primary school小学在什么地方上的,最喜欢哪个学科,小学对人成长的影响reflectopen  my  mind  as  well  as  open  my  heart(图书馆。博物馆)is &#

29、160;a  place  of  passioninspirationstimulationhistory  is  heritage  and  reflectionhistory  is about  heritage  and  reflection 9.   Art喜欢艺术吗,城市应该建设艺术馆吗,为什么,艺术对生活影响have the

30、talent forart  tastyaesthetic have  the  talent  for appreciate  some  masterpieces improve  art  tastystand in  front  ofmasterpiece 10.   Dancing,音乐乐器,when people dance,is t

31、raditional dance popular?会跳舞吗,未来想学习吗,中国流行什么舞,跳舞的好处have the talent forlion  dancea  bunch  of  strong  guys play the part of lions in  the  forestpowerkingget  away  from  

32、;the  evilhold  a  belief  that  · 天坛公园里的老年人们可谓是民间艺术、武术与京剧的集大成者,他们学起来都是有板有眼;还有一些老年人跳非常时尚的舞蹈,例如印度舞、华尔兹等,有些则一起高唱现在已经很少听到的爱国歌曲。Crowds of other seniors bop to a trendy beat, try their hand at Indian dance, waltz or join a chorus of patriotic Communist so

33、ngs rarely heard any more.· 体育舞蹈是一项有益于人们身心健康的体育运动,得到广大青年和中老年人的喜爱,近年来在很多高校都开设体育舞蹈课程。Sport dancing is a sports which aid to enhance people's health, liked by the youth and the elderly, Recently, it is offered in many colleges and universitie.build  up  their  bod

34、y can increase your entire coordinationsince it involves muscle movements11.   Bag平时背包吗,什么类型的,你知道哪些包,包包应该有什么特性?丢过吗,品牌包什么看法 the most  shining  star  and  others fascination symbolize soc

35、ial status,fashionable stick  to represent is forkeep an eyeart taste 12.   Computer and internet用电脑频率,干什么,网络如何改变生活13.   Relaxation,平时如何放松,所在地有什么放松场所,中国人一般如何放松it  depends  my moodsin  a  mood 动名词+ excellent way

36、 of rejuvenatingExhilaratingonline  games  are  extremely  popular,even  have  a  negative influence  on  the  academic  performance   eat out and have a chitchatintense 

37、 sportsis  related  to  are  really  into when  it  come  to  seniorsthey  prefer  to  choose some traditional ways to rejuvenate themselveslike  walking  

38、dogs  and  birds  in  a  park  or  practise  taichi pedicuresalon美容院as  popular  asbar  culture  14.   Driving and cars,public tansport,how to improve ?会开车吗,想买什么车,喜欢开还是坐,有长途驾驶

39、经验吗,你喜欢的交通方式time permittingit is  a  pity  ,shame交通法规将被严格执行。Traffic laws will be strictly enforced. running yellow lights ··tons  of  Jay-walkers· 奥克兰的阿明· 布朗特成为父亲时,便停止闯黄灯。· 交通

40、法规将被严格执行。·· Traffic laws will be strictly enforcedWhen Armin Brott of Oakland became a father, he stopped running yellow lights.··· 乱穿马路在中国的大城市是一种普遍现象,遵守交通规则才是一种折磨,因为呼啸来往的汽车并不想给行人让路。focus  oncontrol  the  direction Jaywalking is a way of life in

41、 major Chinese cities, where crossing roads legally can be a hair-raising battle of nerves with oncoming cars disinclined to give way to pedestrians.· 很明显,由于这些解决方案会在许多方面加剧交通堵塞的情况,因此需要细致的交通计划。It should be obvious that detailed traffic planning is needed, as these solutions may in many respects a

42、dd to the traffic congestion.· 在中国的大城市里,特别是北京,交通堵塞严重。traffic jams in the largest Chinese cities are serious,particularly Beijing· 实际上,交通堵塞严重到了一定程度,与其说这是一条拥挤的街道,还不如说这是一个停车场。In fact, the traffic jam is so heavy that it is more of a parking lot than a crowded streetEfficient travelling  

43、of transportation 15.   Museum喜欢去博物馆吗,多久一次?对儿童有什么好处?知道哪些类型,中国博物馆多吗,去的人多吗,该收费吗16 Flower喜欢花吗,中国人喜欢什么,花作为礼物吗,什么寓意,喜欢塑料花吗17.       Drawing会画画吗,有什么相关技巧吗,知道什么类型的画?18.       Cell phone用手机多吗,喜欢短信还是打电话,电话会被取代吗,你用手机都做些什么?19. Shopp

44、ing and online shopping                                             &#

45、160;            老年人和年轻人购物特点喜欢网购吗,网购的好处,网购未来的发展encourage frugality;提倡节俭an economical person;节俭的人· 节俭是美德。To practice thrift is a virtuethey are shopping more online these days, but they have yet to make a major purchase on their cellphon

46、es. For the mall, they came armed with clipped-out paper coupons.Their children are a different matter. Ranging from age 10 to 27, the offspring mostly ignore the holiday decor, and instead peer into their smartphones, comparing prices, looking for deals and seeking friends' advice about potenti

47、al purchases.他们的孩子则不同。他们的年龄在10到27岁之间,基本不怎么关注购物中心里的节假日装饰,而是看着自己的智能手机,在上面对比价格和寻找优惠,并询问朋友的建议。prefers to shop online and search for coupon codes rather than keep track of offers in the mail. He didn't buy anything at the mallalso would rather be anywhere but a physical storeRetailers including Wal-M

48、art Stores Inc. and Best Buy Co. are trying to target younger consumers this holiday season by offering some of their in-store deals onlineTechnology plays an increasing role in the generational shopping split. Millennials are 2½ times more likely to be early adopters of technology than older g

49、enerations, serving as a leading indicator for retailers that was an idea of what is likely to become mainstream, said Christine Barton, a partner at Boston Consulting Group. Millennials are more likely than older shoppers to check out brands on social networks (53% versus 37%) and use mobile device

50、s to read reviews, research products and compare prices while shopping (50% versus 21%), according to a recent BCG/Barkley report.科技在两代人的这种购物习惯分化中起到了越来越重要的作用。波士顿咨询集团(Boston Consulting Group)合伙人克里斯汀巴尔顿(Christine Barton)说,新千年一代接受新科技的速度是上一代人的2.5倍,对于零售商而言这是判断未来购物主要趋势的一个重要信号。波士顿咨询公司与巴克莱银行(Barkley)最近合作的一份

51、报告称,新千年一代比上一代人更有可能在社交网络上查看品牌信息(比例分别为53%和37%),也更愿意在购物时使用移动服务查看产品评论、研究产品以及对比价格(比例分别为50%和21%)。20.      Boat你做过船吗?做过什么样的船?你的感觉怎么样?21 睡眠时间,午睡吗,老人seniors和年轻人睡眠比较,睡觉时间,睡前准备,一天睡几个小时好,睡很少好不好?· 当我住在这里的时候,我开始意识到午睡是极其重要的,特别是在炎炎夏日。午睡,naps,siestaWhile living here I've come to rea

52、lize that the siesta is essential to life, especially during the summerNaps are not always a bad thing.· 建立预先睡眠仪式,如洗个热水澡或阅读几分钟。Establish a pre-sleep ritual such as a warm bath or a few minutes of reading.· 老年人睡眠睡眠时间减少,睡眠效率降低,睡眠障碍多,催眠药物使用多为特点。The dyssomnia characteristics of the aged includ

53、ed bedtime reduction, sleep efficacy degrading, sleep disorders increasing and more sleeping drug use1. Stick to a Schedule:One of the best ways to get the best rest at night is to create a firm schedule for going to sleep and waking up. If possible, select a time to go to bed when you naturally beg

54、in to feel sleepy. 2. Use Naps Wisely:Naps are not always a bad thing. In fact, they can even improve the sleep you get at night since they prevent you from altering the sleep cycle you've developed. TLimit your naps to around 30 minutes to prevent insomnia later on.3. Avoid Certain Foods and Dr

55、inks at Night:To get better rest while you sleep, avoid eating large meals at least two hours before going to bed. If you do need to eat or drink near bedtime, try items which can naturally promote sleep like milk, eggs, avocados, bananas, tuna and oats.4. Make Your Bedroom More Sleep-Friendly:A gre

56、at way to get better sleep is to do everything possible to make your bedroom more conducive to sleep. If you're sensitive to light while sleeping, get thick drapes to cover your windows or use an eye cover. 5. Create a Relaxing Bedtime Routine:Doing something calming before bed can help you wind

57、 down after a long day and get ready to fall asleep. Try reading a book, having a cup of caffeine-free tea, listening to soothing music or taking a hot bath before heading to bed for the night. Eventually, this will become just as much of your sleep cycle as your set times for going to sleep and wak

58、ing up.6. Get Some Exercise:Exercising regularly can help you stick to your sleep schedule and fall asleep better. For most people, a morning or early afternoon exercise routine seems to work best because they feel more energized after working out. As an added bonus, the exercise should help lower s

59、tress and promote relaxation, which can also help you sleep better at night.22 concentration(专心重要吗),什么时候集中注意力,什么时候不能集中注意力,不能集中注意力肿么办?deep  breath The Pomodoro Technique is a simple way to stay focused while you work. In a nutshell, you choose a task, focus on doing only that for 25 minutes

60、, and then take a 5-minute break. The interval during which you work is called a "pomodoro", which means "tomato" in Italian. That's because the guy who came up with the method used a kitchen timer shaped like a tomato. Oh, and every four pomodoros you take a longer break.番茄工作法是一个用来在工作期间保持专注的简单可行的方法。概括地说,选定一个工作任务,然后在 25分钟这样一个时间段内,专注只做这一项任务,25分钟结束以后停下工作,休息5分钟。这样做事的一个周期,叫做一个“pomodoro”,意大利语“番茄”的意思。来源嘛,是因为发明这个方法的家伙以前用的那个形状像一个番茄厨房定时器,顺便说一下,如果你已经连续进行了四个番茄时间,那么开始下一个番茄时间前可以超过5分钟,多休息一会儿。


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