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1、高二年级第二学期第一次月考英语试题第一部分:听力部分第一节听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1.When will the man pick up the woman?A.At 7:20.B.At 7:40.C.At 8:15.2.What does the man suggest doing?A.Taking the subway.B.Driving to the airport.C.Finding a cheap parking pla

2、ce.3.Where is Mimi probably?A.At home.B.At school.C.In a hospital.4.What is the conversation mainly about?A.The weather.B.A plan for tomorrow.C.The traffic.5.What will the woman probably do next?A.Help the old man.B.Ask the old man the time.C.Mend her watch.第二节听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选

3、项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听下面一段对话,回答第6和第7两个小题。6.Where are the speakers?A.At home.B.In a bar.C.In a bakery.7.What does the man want to make?A.Bread.B.Pizza.C.Sandwich.听下面一段对话,回答第8和第9两个小题。8.What are the speakers mainly talking about?A.Their happy ch

4、ildhood.B.The change of the town.C.The life in the countryside.9.How do the speakers feel?A.Confused.B.Excited.C.Disappointed.听下面一段对话,回答第10至第12三个小题。10.What animals did the mans friends have?A.Horses.B.Pigs.C.Sheep.11.When did the man become a vegetarian?A.At the age of 10.B.At the age of 12.C.At the

5、 age of 20.12.How did the mans parents react to his decision?A.They disagreed with him about it.B.They gradually accepted the fact.C.They totally supported him.听下面一段对话,回答第13至第16四个小题。13.What is the woman worried about?A.How to get to the Students Union.B.How to spend her university life.C.How to find

6、 a map of the university.14.How long are the computer rooms open on weekdays?A.8 hours.B.9 hours.C.11 hours.15.Where is the Students Union?A.On the right of the Science Block.B.Opposite the Chemistry labs.C.Beside Lab B.16.What does the man suggest the woman do?A.Get familiar with the university.B.C

7、ome to see him on Thursday.C.Remember his telephone number.听下面一段独白,回答第17至第20四个小题。17.Who organizes the Winter Festival?A.The government.B.A team of volunteers.C.The businessmen around the town.18.How long are the opening hours every day?A.4 hours.B.6 hours.C.10 hours.19.What is special about the art

8、exhibition?A.It will be held in a school.B.There are three opening nights.C.The painters are local students.20.What will be held in the Main Exhibition Hall?A.A music talent show.B.An art exhibition.C.A fancy dress party.第二部分 阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选

9、出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。ASmart Cameras to Help You Take Better PhotosGoogle ClipsOne of the latest to launch (发布) is Google Clips. It is designed to be put somewhere in a room to take pictures by itself. It can also be attached to an object or a persons clothing.Google says machine learning helps the came

10、ra choose the best times and situations for taking pictures and videos. Interested buyers can join a waiting list to be informed when it is on the market.GoPro HeroGoPro also uses machine learning to power its QuikStories characteristic. This tool takes existing photos and videos and automatically (

11、自动地) creates a finished video piece, complete with music and effects.Snap SpectaclesMessaging app Snapchat sells a pair of sunglasses with a built-in camera that can record short videos with the push of a button. Snap Inc. says the product, called Spectacles, is designed to “catch the moment, withou

12、t taking you out of it.”The glasses can record short video clips that can be shared with Snapchat users. Snap Inc. has started selling its Spectacles sunglasses online in the United States.Apple iPhone XApples new iPhone X is being launched with its new Face ID system that it says will unlock the ph

13、one just by having the user look at it. This replaces the Touch ID on previous ones that used a fingerprint to unlock the phone.Apple says the system works by projecting more than 30,000 dots on the face to create a kind of map. Apple says its facial recognition is even secure enough to allow paymen

14、ts through its Apple Pay service.21. What is the special function of Google Clips?A. It can play videos by itself.B. It can take pictures automatically.C. It can change photos into videos.D. It can provide music and effects.22. Which of the following can now be bought on the Internet?A. Google Clips

15、 B. GoPro HeroC. Snap Spectacles D. Apple iPhone X23. How is Apple iPhone X unlocked?A. By a fingerprint. B. By facial recognition.C. By pushing a button. D. By making a map.BSome people can stay up all night and still get work done the next day. Im not one of them. After a night without enough slee

16、p, I feel bad-tempered. I have trouble remembering things. And all I want to do is go to bed.How do you feel after youve stayed up late to finish schoolwork or the day after an overnight party? Scientists now say that your answers to these questions may depend on your genes. New research suggests th

17、at a gene called “period 3” influences how well you function without sleep. The “period 3” gene comes in two forms: short and long. Everyone has two copies of the gene. So, you may have two longs, two shorts, or one of each. Your particular combination depends on what your parents passed on to you.S

18、cientists from the University of Surrey in England studied 24 people who had either two short or two long copies of “period 3”. Study participants (参与者) had to stay awake for 40 hours straight. Then, they took tests that measured how quickly they pushed a button when numbers flashed (闪过) on a screen

19、 and how well they could remember lists of numbers.Results showed that the people with the short form of “period 3” performed much better on these tests than the people with the long form did. In both groups, people performed worst in the early morning. After the first round of experiments, particip

20、ants were finally allowed to sleep. People in the group that performed well on the tests (those with the short form of “period 3”) took about 18 minutes to nod off.While people with the long “period 3” gene fell asleep in just 8 minutes. They also spent more time on deep sleep. That suggests that pe

21、ople with the long form of the gene need more and deeper sleep to keep their brains working in top form.I think I must have the long form of “period 3”. What about you?24. The purpose of this passage might be _ A. to tell the result of a research on sleepy gene.B. to tell us the importance of plenty

22、 of sleep.C. to inform the harm of lacking sleep. D. to announce the sleeping rules of humans.25.What kind of people need less sleep according to the research? A. Those with two long copies of the gene.B. Those with two short copies of the gene.C. Those with one short and one long copy of the gene.D

23、. Those with three short copies of the gene.26. If one lacks enough sleep, one should avoid doing important or dangerous things _.A. at noon B. at night C. at dawn D. in the afternoon27. Why did the writer think he or she had the long form of “period 3”? A. Because the writer could remain energetic

24、without enough sleep. B. Because the writer could do things correctly at dawn. C. Because the writer needed more sleep to keep energetic.D. Because the writer recovered quickly after sleep.COne of the most efficient ways to achieve peace and speed up economies (经济) is to provide girls with better ed

25、ucation and more rights. Today, girls lack of access (进入) to basic education is getting more serious when it comes to the use of digital (数码的) technology, leaving them far behind boys. And because the world is even more digital, those who lack basic internet skills will find it increasingly more dif

26、ficult to take part in the formal economy, to get a quality education, and to have their voices heard.Since 2013 the global gender gap (性别差异) in male and female access to the Internet has actually increased from 11 to 12 percent. Worse yet, women and girls living in the poorest countries are 31 perc

27、ent less likely than men and boys to have access to the Internet. In developing countries, some 200 million fewer women than men own a mobile phone, the most common means of internet access there. This digital divide is increasing, and should it continue at the present pace, it is projected that ove

28、r 75 percent of women and girls will lack internet access and digital skills.There are many causes of the digital gender gap. They include girls exclusion (排斥) from basic education, from specific technology education and high costs of mobile phones and internet access.Indeed, one of the so-called re

29、asons why girls may be discouraged from learning how to access and use digital technology is also a groundless one: that girls are simply not good at using technology.Without the help of the government, most of the benefits of technological change will be enjoyed only by men, exacerbating gender ine

30、quality.28. What does the passage mainly tell us?A. Women suffer a lot from the poor economy.B. Digital technology is greatly beneficial to men.C. The digital gender gap needs to be closed.D. Girls are lacking in basic education.29. How is Paragraph 2 organized?A. By giving reasons. B. By giving num

31、bers.C. By following time order. D. By giving examples.30. What is the writers attitude to the idea that girls are simply not good at using technology?A. Positive. B. Negative.C. Acceptable. D. Unconcerned.31. What does the underlined word “exacerbating” in Paragraph 5 mean?A. worsening B. causingC.

32、 reducing D. improvingDIt might be something that you miss unless its pointed out to you. Next time you go to a public bathroom, take a look before you sit down on the toilet seat. You wont see a circle shape, but something designed not connected in the front part: a U.This is an open-front toilet s

33、eat, and thanks to the American Standard National Plumbing (水管装置) Technology, its the go-to for most public restrooms. This technology was created in 1955 and further developed by the Uniform Plumbing Technology in 1973, according to Mental Floss.As to the plumbing rules which fit water seats, the f

34、irst two requirements are as follows: Toilet seats shall be of smooth, non-absorbed material. All Toilet seats, except those within apartment units, shall be either of the open front type or have an automatic seat cover.This part of the rules also clears up why you wont meet fur toilet seats in truc

35、k stop bathrooms. The reason for both of these rules comes down to health. With an open front, theres less surface area that can make incidental touch with your private regions. But what about the toilet seat covers you can use? Unfortunately, those dont offer as much protection against bacteria as

36、you think they do.They were also designed with women in mind, according to Lynne Simick, the senior vice president of technology development at IAPMO. The open front of the seat is fairly good for women.Now that you know why the public toilet seat is shaped the way it is, learn which one is the clea

37、nest you can use.32. What do we know about the toilet seat from the first paragraph?A. Its round. B. Its expensive. C. Its complex. D. Its specialized.33. What is the advantage to use the toilet seat with an open front?A. It has an automatic seat cover.B. It is made from non-absorbed material.C. It

38、is very comfortable to sit on.D. It can protect you from bacteria.34. Which of the following is the best choice according to the text?A. B. C. D. 35. What does the text mainly talk about?A. How U-shaped toilet seats came into being.B. Why public toilet seats are shaped like a U.C. What materials are

39、 used in public toilet seats.D. Where U-shaped toilet seats are used.第二节 (共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分) 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。Tips for Using Google Maps When You TravelTraveling somewhere new can bring exciting adventures. But it can also bring unwelcome surprises. That may be in the tools yo

40、u use before and during your trip. With the right technology, you can make the most of your time on the road. 36 . While people most commonly use Google Maps for directions from one place to another, it offers many other kinds of travel tools. Today, we bring you several tips for using Google Maps.

41、1. Plan a road trip routeWhen you are traveling on a road trip, you do not have to plan each part of the trip separately with Google Maps. 37 . To plan a road trip, open Google Maps. Search for your first destination, and then click on the arrow to get directions. Then, click on the plus + sign to a

42、dd more destinations to your trip.2. Save your maps for offline use 38 . Or you may not want to pay international charges for using your phone in other countries. The good news is that you can still use Google Maps even without the Internet. You can download a map from Google Maps to your phone. To

43、do this, open the Google Maps app on your phone and search for the area you want to save. Click on the address at the bottom of the screen, then choose Download.3. Use Google Maps for a walk or bike rideWhile Google Maps may first give users directions to a place by car, it also offers biking or wal

44、king directions. 39 . The results also tell you the elevation change of the route, so you know how much energy you will have to use by choosing to walk or ride a bicycle.4. Save money on gasIf you are planning a car trip in North America, Google Maps can show you the lowest gas prices in the United

45、States and Canada. Search for “gas stations” on the Google Maps app and you will see a list of nearby stations with gas prices. 40 . Therefore, Google Maps is really a great convenience to tourists.A. When you are traveling, you may not always have access to the Internet.B. Google Maps has many tech

46、 tools that help make traveling easier.C. You can get those directions by clicking the walking or bicycle icon.D. By using this tool, you can plan your trip to avoid the busiest times of the places you want to visit.E. They will also be marked on the map so that you can see the closest ones to you.F

47、. The apps and maps are of great help when people are going to a store or supermarket.G. You can search for all of the parts of the trip in order to plan your route more efficiently.第三部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分40分)第一节:完形填空(共20小题,每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从36-55各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。The day before Fathers Day, Mrs. Berry asked her students to make a card for their fathers. She passed out paper and pieces of cloth.Elizabeth looked for a while at the blue cloth and began to cut it. Then she 41 her paper in half and began writing. When Elizabeth finally looked at the message


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